King of All Forms

King of All Forms

author:<<Tian Can Tu
state:in the series
update:(2024-08-28 09:23:37)

The two people on stage were both about fifteen or sixteen years old. The young man on the right was tall and handsome with a striking face, bright eyes beneath his eyebrows, and an excellent physique and temperament. Not to mention anything else, just this top-notch appearance alone made some girls in the audience's eyes sparkle with admiration, their gazes filled with autumnal waves, tinged with shyness.,...But before the young man named Li Luo stood another, a burly youth whose features were rough and coarse. His dark skin set him apart sharply from Li Luo, making them seem like a human and a bear standing side by side.,She has become a legend of Nanfeng Academy, with countless students who came after her looking up to her. Now, she is famous throughout the entire country of Daxia.。

author:<<Tian Can Tu Straight to the bottom