Leaves rustling in t works

Chapter 122: Not to Protect You


you just want to see me miserable, to see me suffer, to see me worse than dead! I'm miserable for you to see, and you're not happy about it!""Hé Hánchuān's pupils reflected her ferocious visage. His...向晚 was slightly stunned, and she looked up at the owner of her hand

He held her head in his hands, while his own head collided with the seat in front of him, leaving a large, prominent red mark on his forehead. It seemed he had hit it quite hard. 。“I was just holding onto the seat to avoid being hit, I wasn't protecting you, don't overthink it.” 。He glanced at her with a slight tilt of his head, then retracted his hand. His palm was slightly cupped, his fingertips lightly touching and stroking a few times. He could still faintly feel the warmth radiating from her body. 。In the front row, Ren Xiaoya is crossing her arms with one finger pointing at Zhong Yuxuan, complaining that his driving skills are amazing, while the latter points helplessly at the car in front of her and explains to her. 。No one noticed the strangeness between the two people in the back row. 。Even if He Hanchuan didn't say that, Xiang Wan wouldn't think much of it. She retracted her gaze, gave a light "oh" in response, and fell silent. 。He Hanchuan looked ahead carelessly, but his spine was straight. 。At this moment, she only uttered a soft "oh" in response. His brow furrowed slightly, his back slumped, and he leaned against the seat. He couldn't explain why, but there was a feeling of restlessness in his heart. 。The accident earlier wasn't very serious, and the drivers came to an agreement privately in a short amount of time. Traffic quickly resumed flowing. 。Then Xiaoya complained to Yu Xuan about a few clients, but then she lowered her head and started playing mobile games, becoming silent. The car fell into an instant quiet. 。Silence made the already oppressive atmosphere even more oppressive. 。Towards Evening's body was pressed tightly against the car window, feeling uncomfortable from head to toe. She just felt like time was dragging on. 。...until her neck was stiff, the car stopped. 。She reached behind her neck and pinched it, seeing in front of her was a food street. 。There are quite a few good shops on this street. Spicy crayfish, grilled fish, Sichuan cuisine, Japanese food, and even a noodle shop. Which one should we go to” Zhong Yuxuan turned his head and asked Ren Xiaoya, his eyes full of affection. 。Ren Xiaoya's mouth was watering, her eyes shining. "Can we eat it all"Zhong Yuxuan tapped her forehead playfully and turned to ask Xiang Wan, "Since today is an apology for Miss Xiang, let Miss Xiang choose what to have." 。" Spicy crayfish 。The car was without lights. Xiang Wan, in the fading light, glanced at He Hanchuan's injured leg. In the dim illumination, a playful smirk curled up on her lips as she picked out a restaurant that would be the least suitable for a patient to eat at. 。Zhong Yuxuan let out a snort, playfully glanced at the two people in the back row, parked the car, and walked towards the shop with several others. 。As dusk settles in, the night life hasn't quite begun, and there aren't many people on the food street yet. 。But when a few people entered the shop, they were unfortunately told by the shopkeeper that all the private rooms were full. If they didn't want to wait, they could eat in the main hall. 。Ren Xiao Ya was an impulsive person and agreed directly, pointing to a four-person table in the middle of the hall, "Let's sit there!" Xiang Wan was used to eating in private rooms or corners. Seeing where she pointed, she pursed her lips but didn't say anything. 。"It's uncomfortable to sit in the middle, I prefer the southeast corner." 。"He glanced at her and walked straight to the table of six in the southeast corner." 。Zhong Yuxuan didn't mind, so he just walked behind him directly. 。Ren Xiaoya was so angry she stomped her feet and snorted twice, reluctantly following towards the direction of Moona's call, and sat down. 。"...Before, Han Chuan told me that Xiang Miss likes spicy crayfish, I didn't quite believe it..." 。“When ordering, Zhong Yu smiled and said, “It’s really true.” 。"

Xiang Wan hesitated for a moment, subconsciously glanced at He Hanchuan, then retracted her gaze, lowered her head and continued to look at the menu, without saying a word. 。He Hanchuan twitched his lips, "I'm used to remembering what people around me like to eat." 。You like to eat French cuisine, my mom prefers sweet and sour dishes..." He paused, adding a little too deliberately, "Qingran prefers light flavors. 。Having said that, he cast a meaningful glance at Ruowei. 。This sentence was directed at Zhong Yuxuan, but Xiangwan knew that these words were meant for her. 。It's just that she wasn't special to him. 。She sneered, pulled at the corner of her lips, and looked up to say to the waiter, "Twelve garlic butter scallops, extra garlic please. Thank you." 。" He doesn't like garlic, he can't even stand the smell of it. " 。Upon hearing this, He Hanchuan's expression remained as usual. However, Zhong Yuxuan couldn't help but glance at Xiang Wan a few times, his expression looking somewhat strange. 。"A-Wan, twelve of these can you finish" Ren Xiaoya was astonished. 。 向晚 smiled faintly and said, "If you can't finish it, just take the leftovers home." 。After a few people finished ordering, a rather disdainful female voice came from the door, "What kind of good food can this kind of small shop make Can hygiene even pass" It was Song Qiao's voice. 。Then Jiang Qingran's soft voice came, "Sister-in-law, you like eating spicy crayfish, right This shop has good reviews. Try it first. If you don't like it, we can go somewhere else to eat." 。“ It's right where Yua made it, you can see the doorway just by looking up. 。The two security guards at the door, who were originally maintaining their professional smiles, had a hard time keeping them up when they heard Song Qiao's words. 。Song Qiao first walked into Xiang Wan's line of sight, then Jiang Qingran sitting in the wheelchair, and Jiang Qi Feng standing behind the wheelchair. 。The waiter tried to explain to Song Qiao that their dishes were tasty and the hygiene was good, but the latter stretched out a finger to wipe the nearest table, his disdain becoming even more apparent. 。“If you think this place is small, go to a bigger restaurant! What are you insulting this place for” Ren Xiaoya slammed her hand on the table and stood up, shouting, "You didn't spend a single penny and consider yourself God Can you have some shame" This sentence immediately caught the attention of the three people. Song Qiao's face changed color, wanting to say something, but Jiang Qingran took the lead, “Miss Ren, I think there's been a misunderstanding. My sister-in-law is just very particular about cleanliness and didn't mean any disrespect to this establishment." 。"

Ren Xiaoya blackened her face and remained silent>>> 。Jiang Qi Feng's gaze swept over the crowd and landed on Xiang Wan, his expression a mixture of wistfulness and complexity. 。And when she saw He Hanchuan beside her, there was a hint of anger and disgust in her expression. 。Ignoring his gaze completely, A-Wan poured herself a cup of the sour plum soup the shop had given them as a gift. She took a delicate sip, tasting nothing but bitterness that spread through her very soul. 。"My sister-in-law is very straightforward and might come across as blunt. I apologize on her behalf to both of you, and hope for your understanding." 。Jiang Qingran looked at the two waiters and said sincerely: 。She is beautiful and gentle, and her attitude is also proper. The two waiters hurriedly said it's okay and explained, "The private room is already full. If you want to eat in a private room, you have to wait for about an hour." 。If you are dining in the lobby, you can order now. 。"

Song Qiao's face was not looking good, but she didn't say anything more. " 。Seeing this, A-Wan snickered darkly. If it weren't for the car accident two years ago, she probably would have felt favorably towards Jiang Qingran just like these two waiters. 。“We’re friends with those gentlemen and ladies, so let’s sit next to them.” 。“Jiang Qingran smiled at the two waiters and said softly,” 。Please remember the website where this book was first published: . 。Mobile Reading URL of Biquge:ach other, how much they trusted one another!……Today is the weekend, and with that, A-wan also signed such an important contract for the company. The whole person seemed to have a huge stone lifted of...