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Chapter Seventeen: He Hanchuan wouldn't let her leave s


to have you head over to the He Group now." The bodyguard glanced at the message on his phone and said to Xiang Wan."One moment you want me to go talk, the next you want to monitor my phone, and then..."Don't get your clothes dirty." Xiang Wan took off her blazer and handed it to him.

She cleaned the toilet and vomit, her body was dirty.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Xiang Yu's eyes turned red, and he grabbed his suit jacket roughly, throwing it over her. "If you say that kind of crap again, I'll get mad!"

Towards the end, she felt the temperature of her clothes and smiled, no longer pushing away.

"Don't you ever be a cleaner again!" Xiangyu took out his wallet, pulled out a bank card, and shoved it into her hand. "Take this first, spend it. If it's not enough, just tell me!"

"No, I'm fine being a cleaner." Xiang Wan pushed the bank card back.

Xiang Yu didn't take the card. He looked at her, feeling both heartache and sadness, "Wan Wan, are you angry with me for not helping you two years ago, so you don't want to spend my money I..."

"No, don't think about it." Xiangwan interrupted him, her eyes filled with bitterness. "If my parents knew you gave me money, they'd definitely be angry. My dad's heart isn't good."

Xiang Yu clenched his fist, loosened it, then clenched it again. Finally, he took the bank card back. "Okay, you don't have to take the card. I'll find you a good job. How about that"

"No need, brother," Huanghuang's voice was low, "I'm at the Dream Hall, can't leave."

He Hanchuan wouldn't let her leave so easily.

Xiang Yu's face turned ashen. After a moment, he gritted his teeth and his temples throbbed, "Did He Hanchuan force you to work as a janitor"

向晚 nodded her head.

"This bastard!" Xiang Yu loosened his tie, a touch of bloodshot creeping into his eyes, "He wasn't satisfied with putting you in jail for two years, what else does he want I'm going to find him!"

Having said that, he was about to leave.

"Brother—" Xiang Wan forcefully grabbed him, her face weary. "You can't beat him, stop struggling."

"What can I do Let me just watch him hurt you" He clenched his fist against his chest, each word squeezed out from his throat, "Then what the hell kind of a person would I be"

Here, the noise was too loud. Zhou Miao, not feeling at ease, walked over and stood beside Xiang Wan.

"Think about your two children, don't be impulsive when doing things." Zhou Miao said this, and Wan hesitated to say more. "It's getting late, I'll go back first."

After she finished speaking, she pulled Zhou Miao away.

"Wanwan!" Xiang Yu shouted after her, his eyes filled with entanglement and guilt.

向晚 stopped in her tracks, but did not turn around.

"Sorry…" Xiang Yu clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white from the force.

"It's my fault for loving the wrong person. It has nothing to do with you." Xiang Wan's voice suddenly dropped, tinged with hoarseness, "Mom and Dad... have they... asked me"

Towards Yu's eyes were full of guilt, he opened his mouth several times, but remained silent.

"Brother, good...evening... remember, don't act rashly." Xiang Wan forced down the bitterness in her eyes, jogging towards the taxi parked on the side of the road and getting in.

Her parents, they still haven't forgiven her.

But she didn't even have the right to blame them. She could only blame herself for falling in love with the wrong person and trusting the untrustworthy.

Zhou Miao sat down beside her, with a lot of questions she wanted to ask, but in the end, she only handed her a tissue. "Wipe it away, don't let people think I bullied you."

When they returned to their dormitory, the lights were already off.

"The two of you are running around all night, don't you have any conscience You're keeping people awake!" Lin Tiantian said in a sarcastic tone. "Forget it, I didn't ask anything. One is a murderer, and the other is a prostitute. What kind of quality do I expect from you!"

"Lin Tiantian, ask yourself what your conscience says," Zhou Miao said angrily, her face red. "Who's the one who calls every day until one or two in the morning, preventing others from sleeping!"

And what does "miss" mean

She and Lin Tiantian were both receptionists at the club, and they didn't do anything that was out of line!

"How about you, how often do you make phone calls I didn't make any today, I want to get some sleep early." Lin Tiantian rolled her eyes.

Zhou Miao pointed at her, her finger trembling, "When we came in, you were still playing on your phone!"

"I was so engrossed in playing on my phone that I got sleepy. I was just about to put it down and go to sleep when you guys came back, making such a racket." Lin Tiantian snorted, "My demands aren't unreasonable. Just apologize for what you did and bow at a 90-degree angle. Is that so difficult"

Zhou Miao was so angry at her shameless audacity that she couldn't speak.


Please remember the first publication domain of this book: . Penquge mobile reading address:veering the bike between a Range Rover and an Audi.Before either car owner could react, he was already weaving a serpentine path, twenty meters away.For a moment, brakes screeched and screams filled t...