Leaves rustling in t works

Chapter 362 It's Not Easy Anyway


nervously and asked slowly, “You've thrown away your phones, now can you tell me where you're taking me”"When we get there, Miss Xiang will know naturally." the bald man in the driver's seat said.Sipp...The doctor and nurse wheeled Xiang Jian Guo out. He lay on the gurney with his eyes closed, looking weak and frail, a far cry from the confident CEO of the Xiang Group he once was.

"How is he" Xiang Wan asked.

The doctor said, “We’ve already replaced his heart. He needs to stay in the hospital for another week to see if there are any serious rejection issues. If it’s not severe, he can go home, but he still needs to take some anti-rejection medication.”

"Thank you for your help." Xiang Wan slightly relaxed her breath.

This time Dad got a new heart, so he shouldn't get sick anymore.

"You're welcome, that's our job." The doctor sighed. "You should be thanking the donor, he was working construction and fell to his death. They didn't even offer compensation from the site... His dad's a farmer, it's tough on him anyway."

"Could you give me your contact information" Her father didn't have to worry about his heart anymore, but the other person was gone...

The doctor shook his head. "I don't have his contact information either, but he's currently on a bed outside ward 1423. You can go take a look."

After thanking repeatedly, A-Wa went out with Lina Lu to buy a bouquet of flowers and together they went to ward 1423.

The corridor was filled with beds, and the people lying on them had vacant looks in their eyes. They were alive, yet they seemed as if they were dead.

Many were accompanied by family members, yet their expressions were somber. Some stood alone, without a single person by their side.

On the left side of the door to ward 1423, there was a bed with a large bloodstain on the sheet. A dark-skinned farmer sat on it.

He wore work clothes covered in dirt and blood. His thin face was etched with tear tracks.

Waking up to flowers. Towards him, she walked, a prepared speech of gratitude already rehearsed on her way. Yet, at this moment, not a single word came out.

It was the peasant workers who saw her, wiping the tears from their faces and speaking first, "Benefactor, we meet again! What brings you here"

Lin Na Lu looked at Xiang Wan.

Towards Evening thought for a while before remembering that after her last birthday gift materialized, she had donated it to farmworkers. She had once met one of them at the hospital, and the person had even knelt down to thank her.

"... Was it your son who passed away"

The migrant worker wiped his eyes, choking back tears: "My youngest son! He just got into college. This winter break, he wanted to come back and work with me on the construction site, earn some tuition!"

"I tried to dissuade him, but he wouldn't listen. I just brought him here…Here comes…Who knew the scaffolding at the construction site wasn't secure He fell down, and they took him to the hospital…they…couldn't afford…to treat him…he…died…"

He covered his face with his hands, calloused and blackened with dirt, and wept bitterly.

向晚 looked at her, feeling a pang of sympathy. "My condolences," she said.

The peasant worker cried for a long time before finally stopping, “People can't come back to life once they die, I know that. It’s just this thing, I really don’t know how to tell his mother! He was fine when he left... and then...”

He choked back sobs, unable to speak.

Lin NaLu opened her bag and took out a few tissues, handing them to him.

When his emotions had calmed down somewhat, A-wei consoled him with a few words before finally saying, "Your son's donated heart was given to my father. Thank you."

She bowed deeply at a ninety-degree angle, expressing her sincere gratitude.

The old man quickly helped her up, "No need to thank me, no need to thank me! This is karma, you know You helped me last time, and now my son helped your father. It's all even..."

Though he said it that way, his voice trembled as he went on, "This damn boss, in order to save money, bought low-quality scaffolding. This... this isn't treating people's lives like they matter!"

"Alright, just give me your phone number and I'll find a lawyer for you to sue that construction site boss." Xiangwan said.

The old man, upon hearing this, was overwhelmed with gratitude and knelt on the ground, kowtowing repeatedly.

Xiang Wan and Lin Nana quickly helped him up.

"This isn't a big deal, please don't say that." Lin Nalù said, "Your son really put us through a lot this time, even if we were to say thank you, it should be us thanking you."

The old man sighed, “When my youngest son died, he said he wanted to donate all his organs... donate...”

He was emotionally broken, almost speechless.

"My condolences," Xiang Wan took out a bank card, "I'll send you the bank card password by text message in a while. This money is enough for you and your spouse, so please don't go back to work."

The old man saw the bank card and immediately got angry, "I'm doing good deeds, not selling child corpses! What do you want money from me for"

"Uncle, please don't misunderstand. My sister also thinks your work is hard, that's why she gave you the money. There's absolutely nothing else to it." Lin Nalulu explained while giving Xiangwan a wink, signaling her to put the bank card away.

Instead of taking it herself,向晚 passed the bank card to the old man. "I didn't say you sold your child," she said, "but raising a family in the countryside costs a lot of money these days. You said he's your youngest son, so surely you have other sons"

"I don't need this money to buy a wife for my son! If you insist on giving me money, I'll be truly angry!" the old man said angrily.

Linda furrowed her brow and glanced at Xiang Wan, she could only put the bank card away.

"You get me a lawyer, have him fight for my youngest son, that would be the best way to repay her kindness!" The old man's anger vanished from his face as he saw her put away the bank card, replaced by sorrow.

向晚 wrote down the old man's phone number and arranged a place for him to stay before returning to Xiang Jian Guo's ward with Lin Na Lu.

"Get out! I don't want to see you!" Xiang Jianguo was sitting on the bed drinking water when he saw Xiang Wan enter, his face instantly turned cold.

Lin Nalulu persuaded: "Dad, no one wants Mom and Dad to die, and besides, this matter can't be blamed on Wanwan!"

"Get out! Did you hear me" Xiang Jianguo gasped for breath, slamming the cup towards Xiang Wan.

Towards Evening tilted her head, dodging out of the way, her expression bland. "Mom's already gone, and you haven't changed one bit. No matter what happens, you still habitually push the blame onto others."

The cup shattered on the ground with a loud crash.

Xiang Jianguo was so angry his face turned red, and he trembled as he stood up, reaching for a vase nearby to smash it.

"Put the vase down, I'll walk myself." Xiangwan didn't look back at him, turning away, "Except for your death, I won't see you again."

Jian Guo watched her retreating figure, his emotions shifting from anger to bewilderment and finally settling into a deep well of pain and regret.

He threw the vase onto the bed and collapsed on the floor, feeling utterly drained.

Everything he did was just to prove to Jingyun that she hadn't made a mistake choosing him!

But now she's gone, and no matter how much he does, or how well he does it, what difference does it make It can't change anything. She died hating him for this!

"Dad…" Lin Nalu frowned, walked over to help him.

Toward Jian Guo, she shook off his hand, tiredly saying, "Don't worry about me, you should go too. I want to be alone."

"Then you get some rest." Lin NaLu sighed, opened the door and left.


Remember the book's first release domain: . Penqu Ge mobile reading address:some small and medium-sized enterprises, it's astonishing for a multinational conglomerate.Because the development of large corporations has become mature, it is difficult to advance further.It was pr...