Leaves rustling in t works

Chapter 493 Extra: Lu Yancen I


ad"His handsome and delicate features were so close, their breaths intertwined, he could see the fine hairs on each other's faces.>There was no trace of romance or tenderness, only the sharpest satire...Wan Wan has liked He Zong for such a long time, but now she's been sent in by him, and she must be feeling so heartbroken. 。" Mr. He and Late's parents aren't good people, only her brother is somewhat decent, but he doesn't have much weight when he speaks at home. " 。"This car accident doesn't look like Wanwan intended to kill anyone. Are they all out of their minds" "Wanwan is such a poor child, she just got out of prison and now He Zong forced her to go to that kind of place." 。She developed a lot of health issues while in prison, suffering from both pulmonary edema and leg injuries. It's truly heartbreaking. 。Over the years, Lu Yancen had heard a lot about Xiang Wan from his aunt. He had only seen her photos, but he knew almost everything about her. 。He knew she was young and reckless, living life on her own terms. He also knew that after prison, she had become more introverted and quiet, humbler than anyone else. 。That feeling is hard to describe. He's a stranger, according to his aunt, but it feels like an old friend he's always known. 。The plane is about to land, please fasten your seatbelts. 。An announcer's voice boomed, followed by a string of corresponding English. 。After the plane landed, Lu Yancen picked up his suitcase and got into his friend's car. 。As soon as he got in the car, his aunt's phone call came, "Little Cen, are you here" "Yeah," 。"Wan Wan's leg can't be delayed, you don't go home first, go to the hospital, she's there now!" His aunt who used to love him the most, is now asking him to go to the hospital for someone else instead of going back. 。Lu Yancen was a little jealous, but also found it amusing. His aunt truly cared about this Miss Xiang. 。He responded with a "yes," hung up the phone, and told his friend, "I'm not going home, take me to the hospital instead." 。"With a suitcase to the hospital When did you become so dedicated to your work" his friend joked. 。Lu Yancen smiled and shook his head, repeating what his aunt had said. 。"Oh, Miss Xiang is truly pitiful." 。The last time I went to the club, I also saw her kneeling at the entrance of the club. 。She has leg problems, and kneeling for so long is really cruel. 。"

It is said that it was because Jiang Shao was punished to kneel. It is said that Jiang Shao used to be a admirer of Miss, but I don't know if she didn't agree with him, he became angry and now deliberately came to take revenge on her " 。“ A friend casually said a few words. 。Lu Yancen didn't respond, he just frowned. 。It's probably because his aunt keeps telling him how good Miss Xiang is, and now hearing about her situation, he feels a bit uncomfortable. 。Especially those like General He and Young Master Jiang, who act arrogantly powerful, left him with a very bad impression. 。It is said that Jiang Shao has a good character, and now it's not much different. 。The car stopped in front of the hospital. Lu Yancen got out and said, "Put your luggage there first, I'll get it back tonight." 。"It's okay. " 。"My friend, not reassured, added a final caution, “President He is also there; the He family is not to be trifled with. Don't be too outspoken.” 。"Lu Yancen casually replied with a sound, went to the headmaster's office to see his mother, and then went to see Xiang Wan, whom he had heard about thousands of times." 。It's not quite what he imagined. 。He thought that even though she had become more reserved and modest now, she should still have some of the mannerisms of a lady from a prominent family. 。But what surprised me was that her eyes were empty and lifeless, her face showing no emotion, not even a hint of the vivacity one would expect from someone in their twenties. She seemed more like a weary old woman than a young person. 。Despair, no anger, like a soulless corpse. 。Even the legendary CEO He was there, with an outstanding appearance and temperament, but Lu Yancen found him unpleasant to look at. 。He brushed her off with a few casual words and told Xiang Wan that he would help her with her leg. 。

Unexpectedly, I was rejected.

He was curious why, but he didn't ask. 。It wasn't until days later, in their interactions, that he vaguely surmised she wasn't refusing treatment out of unwillingness to heal her leg, but rather out of fear that He Hanchuan would break it again. 。Lu Yancen had never encountered such a thing before, and it was hard to imagine what kind of suffering someone could endure that would lead them to extinguish all hope, simply out of fear of further pain. 。He was very concerned about her treatment, not just because his aunt had told him to be, but also because he sympathized with her situation: that feeling of wanting to die but not being able to, put himself in her shoes, and he wasn't sure he could have done any better. 。"Did you hear, Miss Xiang is back in the ICU. Apparently, she was locked on the balcony and her pulmonary edema recurred." 。"

It's pitiful, she tried to commit suicide after getting into a car accident before, and she didn't even succeed. " 。Perhaps this time, dying is also a kind of luck. 。On his way to work, Lu Yancen heard two young nurses gossiping. 。The last sentence is cruel, yet it's also a reflection of Xiangwan's true situation: death might not be a release for her. 。But, she was rescued once again. 。He couldn't tell, whether Heaven letting her live each time was out of mercy or some other purpose. 。When Lu Yancen went to see Xiang Wan, he saw He Hanchuan in a sorry state. The latter looked terrible, but he didn't feel the slightest sympathy, only a sense of satisfaction. 。W向晚 wanted to be free, and it wasn't a matter of life or death. If Hé Hànchuan died, she could still be free. 。He said a few words to Xiang Wan, but He Hanchuan was very wary of him, as if he were guarding against a rival in love after being jealous. 。He, however, felt a sense of bewilderment and amusement. 。Why would He Hanchuan be jealous Does he like Xiang Wan But if you like someone, why torture her like this, making her life and death uncertainLu Yancen couldn't understand, nor did he want to. He just tried, within his capabilities, to help Xiang Wan as much as possible. During this time, He Hanchuan came to find him, saying that no matter what the cost, he must cure Xiang Wan's leg. 。Actually, curing Xiang Wan's leg wouldn't be difficult, but he just didn't want to make He Hanchuan so comfortable. 。He dislikes He Hanchuan, very much. He intentionally stated several conditions, and to his surprise, He Hanchuan agreed to all of them. 。This man, whom he had no good feelings for, didn't seem to be the same as he had imagined. 。Lu Yancen no longer targeted He Hanchuan, he just focused on treating Xiang Wan. 。She comes once a week, and she recovers much faster than any of his previous patients. 。Every time she came for treatment, He Hanchuan was also there. 。Once he started flirting with Hoshino's pants, He Hanchuan's gaze was always fixed on him like a nail, his hostility was very heavy. 。To put it another way, doctors often touch patients' bodies, and he has never crossed any boundaries with Xiangwan. After spending some time together, they are at most good friends. He genuinely doesn't know where He Hanchuan's hostility comes from. 。Lu Yancen wasn't in the mood to investigate these things either. He only discovered that there were many interesting points about Xiangwan during their interactions, and they also had very similar values. 。However, at first he didn't have any particular thoughts about it. Every time he met with A-wai, he treated her as both a good friend and a patient. 。Please remember the website where this book was first published: . 。Here's the translation:

Mobile Reading URL of Biquge:wn on the hospital bed, sipping her soup in small mouthfuls." 。He Ge Hanchuan took her coldness and disgust into his eyes, his gaze dimmed a little, his mouth was slightly dry. 。Zhou Miao came back af...