Leaves rustling in t works

Chapter 682 She Seemed to Want to Commit Suicide


tant to go against Liu's repeated instructions, and finally followed him.In the emergency room waiting area, there were chairs. After Lu Yanci arrived, he sat down, but He Hanchuan remained standing....There's an illusion that Menglan is enjoying the coolness brought by the breeze, but after a while, she whispers softly, "Liangliang, don't be afraid, sister is here…"

As she spoke, she rose onto her tiptoes, leaning her body out the window!

Feng Mu's pupils shook slightly, his heart turning ice cold. In that instant, anger, shock, and fear—everything that could shatter reason—erupted from within him. He ran desperately forward.

"No!" He rushed forward, forcefully pulling Menglan into his embrace.

Feng Mu's whole body was trembling with cold until he felt the warmth of Meng Lan's body, and only then did he feel a slight sense of reality. His breathing rose and fell rapidly.

"You want to scare me to death" he growled, his voice slightly harsh.

The dream orchid in his arms trembled like a startled bird, and Feng Mu's heart was filled with self-blame. He buried his head in Meng Lan's neck, his voice choked with emotion.

"You scared me to death."

But Menglan didn't hear his words, looking into his eyes, filled with confusion, "What are you pulling me for"

Jian Feng stared blankly at her, speechless. Meng Lan, however, curled the corner of her lips and revealed a warm smile. She stretched out her hand and pointed out the window.

"Let go of me quickly! Liangliang is calling for me. He said he wants to eat the corn cakes I made, and I need to go get him."

" ... Feng Mu's sharp eyes fixed on her, his eyes flashing with excitement. "

Seeing that he still refused to let go, Menglan was at a loss. She anxiously spoke up, "Please let me go. Liangliang has been calling for me for a long time, and he's getting angry. I have to go find him..."

She pushed with all her might, trying to push Feng Mu's body towards the window. When she couldn't budge him, she lowered her head and opened her red lips, biting down hard!

In this moment.

Feng Mu's heart felt as if it were being grasped by giant hands, the pain so intense he could barely breathe.

His over six-foot frame trembled uncontrollably, as if he could collapse at any moment. He pulled her into his embrace with a desperate intensity, tears streaming down his cheeks.

He panicked, his heart filled with terror. He yelled in a low voice, "Wang Ling, doctor!"

In a short while, the door was pushed open, and Wang Ling led doctors from all departments into the room.

As soon as Menglan saw the group of white-coated doctors in front of her, fear flashed across her face. She opened her mouth with visible reluctance,

"What are you doing, stay away from me, I don't want a shot, if I get a shot, I can't go find Liangliang, it will infect him."

As she spoke, she tightly clutched Feng Mu's clothes and hid discreetly behind him.

Seeing her so carefully nestled in his arms, Feng Mu's heart softened. He instinctively stepped in front of her, wanting to protect her.

"Feng Mu, are you crazy!" Wang Ling glared at her, her voice low and menacing. "Can't you see she's not right Get her out of here immediately!"

Feng Mu was stunned for a moment, then, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, he let Wang Ling bring the doctor step by step closer, pulling Meng Lan out from behind him.

"Oh, what are you doing to me Please don't give me a shot." Menglan cried helplessly, looking up with tearful eyes.

"Don't worry, we won't give you a shot. We just want to talk to you." Wang Ling pulled Meng Lan onto the sofa and sat beside her, smiling warmly. "From now on, I'll be your best friend, okay"

"Friend" Menglan sadly shook her head. "I don't have any friends."

Why is there no one to talk to People living in this world always have one or two confidants they can confide in.

"I used to have them, but now I don't. Feng Mu doesn't let anyone get close to me, and you shouldn't befriend me either, or you'll be in trouble too." Meng Lan cried for a while then laughed again.

Wang Ling tightly pursed her lips, a flash of anger ignited in her eyes. My God, she couldn't even imagine what Menglan had gone through in her lifetime.

He even... didn't even know what to ask anymore!

The ward fell silent all of a sudden.

And Feng Mu's face was dark, as if water could drip from it, but there was no remorse on his face!

"So, starting now, I'm your best friend. You just saw your brother, right They didn't see it, but I did. He must have been smiling at you."

"That's right!" Mentioning her younger brother, Menglan's eyes suddenly lit up as she looked at Wang Ling. "Really You saw him too"

"Well, so let's discuss this, what did you see, okay"

Dreamland eagerly nodded, reaching out to point towards the window. She smiled and reminded, "Liangliang is standing right there. He just came back from school and is waving at me, saying he wants to eat the corn cakes I made."

By the way, he's been in a bad mood lately. I saw him having a little disagreement with his classmates the other day, and he confided in me for a long time about his troubles.

As soon as she spoke, Wang Ling's face turned dark. Everyone followed Meng Lan's finger to where it was pointing. There was only a window and a thriving old locust tree in full bloom.

There's... not even a single person in sight!

In order to soothe Menglan's condition first, Wang Ling discussed with the doctors from various departments and injected her with some sedatives.

Soon, Menglan fell into a deep sleep.


Closing the hospital room door, Feng Mu and Wang Ling exchanged a knowing glance before walking to the stairwell for a smoke.

Wang Ling took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled one out, and offered it to Feng Mu, "Want one"

Feng Mu didn't refuse, he borrowed a spark from him and lit the cigarette in his hand.

He crouched halfway in the corridor, silently smoking for a while. The smoke swirling around him accentuated the three-dimensionality of his handsome face.

"Just say what you have to say, I can take it."

Wang Ling patted his shoulder, opening his mouth with sympathy, "Judging from what just happened, Menglan's mental split is caused by depression. If I'm not wrong, she probably hasn't dreamed of her younger brother for a long time."

She missed her brother very much, but after the trauma she had experienced, she didn't dare to express her longing.

Therefore, many things are repressed in her heart. Over time, this repression leads to hallucinations, filling the void within her.

Although this might temporarily make her feel better, in the long run, she'll end up killing herself!


This word is too heavy.

Feng Mu couldn't bear it anymore. His breath suddenly turned cold, and a large amount of smoke was sucked into his throat, making him cough uncontrollably.

His gaze was long and distant, ironically, he actually believed Menglan had gotten better, that she truly let go of her brother's death.

But now, it seems rather ridiculous.

Liu Liang was her entire support, the whole foundation of her heart. What a pain that must have been.


Please remember the first publication domain of this book: biqiuge8. . The mobile version reading URL of Biquge: m.biqiuge8.1, unconditionally obey Feng Mu's words.During your stay, you must cook at least one meal for Fengmu every day. Otherwise, it will be considered a breach of contract!I'd love to, but I can't translate...