<p>Old Man&apo works

Chapter 126 He Desperately Searched for That Woman


this, defenseless.How could this be! How could you just sleep peacefully beside that manThat's Shen Xiujian!The slap was especially crisp. At that moment, the more disappointed I was in myself, the ha...Another wave of car horns sounded behind them. Shen Yi, Shen Er, and the others, a total of six cars, lined up in a row and stopped at the banquet hall entrance.

A man strode over, stopped in front of Shen Yi, and suddenly!

"Slap!" It landed with a heavy smack.

"Where is he!" a cold voice rang out.

Shen Yi was puzzled: "Boss, what kind of person"

"Jian Tong, I told you to keep an eye on him! Where is he!" A cold gaze fell upon Shen Yi. The moment Shen Yi heard the words "Jian Tong," his heart skipped a beat and his face instantly paled: "Boss, I..."

"You haven't executed my orders well. You didn't take Jian Tong seriously, and you didn't even send anyone to keep an eye on her today! Is that so, or not"

"Boss…" Shen Yi's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. He just didn't take Jian Tong seriously, what was there to be impressed by that woman She had killed Xia Wei Ming and still insulted the dead.

On Shen Xiu's beautiful face, there was a coldness. He pointed at Shen Yi's nose and said, "I have no time to deal with you now." After speaking, he immediately ordered Shen Er beside him: "Dispatch manpower, recall all the manpower in S city. Find them for me!"

Shen Er was flustered and uneasy. He hadn't seen Boss like this in many years, so he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Shen Xiuqin glanced at the banquet hall before him. Suddenly, he remembered, many years ago, that woman standing by the pool platform, loudly confessing her love to him.

The light in his eyes flickered and vanished. He turned around, quickly got into his car, "Su Meng, you stay here. If you find her, notify me." He glanced at the others, "You guys too, whoever finds Jian Tong, notify me immediately."

Then he thought of something, "Send two people to keep watch at her dormitory building and the company building. As soon as she appears, report it immediately."

After he finished speaking, he slammed on the gas pedal, and the car sped off, leaving only two trails of exhaust!

Hi there!

On the driver's seat, the man's handsome face wore frostiness along with concealed anxiety.

He didn't know why he felt anxious after learning that the woman had disappeared.

He didn't know why Su Meng said this woman might commit suicide, and he felt anxious.

He doesn't even know!

But, you have to find her!

This is Shen Xiujian's belief at this moment!

The car traveled between overpasses in City S, passing through various stretches of road. Shen Xiuqin was oblivious to the fact that he was doing something incredibly foolish in the eyes of others—he was trying to find a needle in a haystack! He was attempting to locate one person among the vast sea of people.

But he, that's exactly what he did!

The Bluetooth headset in his ear, every few minutes, would bring a call to Su Meng, Shen Yi, Shen Er... and the rest of his underlings: "Have you found him"

"See her"

Has she gone home

"What about the company"

Every phone call made sent chills down the spines of Shen Xiujin's subordinates!

Time passes by minute by minute, and in a blink of an eye, it's 11:30 PM. In another half hour, it will be the next day.


The man in the driver's seat, a fleeting image flashed through his mind!

He suddenly slammed on the brakes, turned sharply, and sped off in another direction!

The car seemed to have arrived at its destination, and the tall legs stepped out of the door.

The man got out of the car and slammed the door.

Take small steps towards the door.

She... she's really here.

At the corner gate, the woman sat listlessly against the iron gate behind her. The man stood before her, his long legs stretching out.

Jian Tong slowly lifted her head and saw that familiar face.

"Are you here to see me make a fool of myself" the rough voice asked, lightly. She didn't want to know why, at this time, in this place, this man would suddenly appear here. She didn't want to know any of it... she was already very tired tonight.

"Su Meng said you're gone." A low voice replied.

His unspoken meaning was: I'm looking for you.

But Jian Tong at this moment, didn't care at all, wouldn't care, and wouldn't even notice the subtle meaning in these words.

He stood before her, bowing his head and gazing at her silently for a long time.

At least, a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, a resolute glint flashed in his eyes, as if he had made an extremely important decision.

The man suddenly bent down and reached out to her.

"Slap," Jian Tong forcefully swatted away the elongated hand: "Don't touch me." She didn't feel like performing tonight.

And at this moment, the man's gaze shifted inch by inch to the palm that had been hit. He wasn't angry or embarrassed, but instead, he simply squatted down in front of this woman: "When we were kids, one day, you, me, and Xia Wei Ming skipped school and came to this amusement park to play."

Weiming was scared and dragged out by you. I didn't want to listen to the old deadbeat math teacher that day, so I just went along with your suggestion.

The three of us skipped school and came to this amusement park. We rode almost every ride except for the Ferris wheel. Wei-Ming wanted to go on it, but you didn't want to, so you wouldn't let me go either.

I remember you said to me quite domineeringly at the time: 'Shen Xiujin would never take a Ferris wheel before falling in love with Jian Tong.'

Jian Tong was deeply moved. She opened her mouth and continued Shen Xiuqin's words: "I remember your answer back then. You told me very firmly: 'Shen Xiuqin will never fall in love with Jian Tong.' " She clenched her fists tightly...All her misfortunes started from falling in love with Shen Xiuqin!

She stared at the man before her, it was this face, this person, she had lost so much!

First comes the heart, then identity and past experiences, as well as freedom and dignity. Then...Then in a life that was suffocatingly dark and foul-smelling, a bright and clear gaze finally appeared, one that focused on her without a hint of contempt, mockery or ridicule... But today, it's gone.

She had just sat there, thinking for a long time, wondering why everything she possessed was being taken away from her, piece by piece. The reason...was right here—Shen Xiujian.

A flash of pain crossed the man's eyes, he didn't like the way this woman was looking at him right now… "Crunch" He clenched his jaw and reached out to her again,

This time, he pressed the small hand that was slapping his palm with unparalleled firmness. With a clever move, he reached out and pulled, bringing both hand and person into his arms together. With a smooth motion, he hugged her across his waist. Shen Xiujin stood up, his long legs stepping forward:

"Come with me."

Little Tong struggled: "Let me go, let me go!" She was afraid of this person, but at this moment, she didn't want to see him even more!

"Shh..." He shoved the woman in his arms into the passenger seat, pinning her shoulders down with a hard grip. A long finger stood erect on her lips: "You need to get some sleep now."

A fleeting pang of heartache flashed through the man's heart, hidden so deeply that he himself didn't notice it.

"My own body, I make the call. I don't want to sleep, I don't want to rest." She whined, with so much happening today, she didn't feel like acting anymore!

The man ignored him, walked around to the driver's seat, and said, "I said you need a rest, you need a rest. Be good, bad children will be punished."

His voice, somewhat cold, but if you savor it carefully, you can read the heartache he hides in his words.

However, none of them noticed, neither Jian Tong nor Shen Xiujin himself.er even considered that the baby girl you saw on the delivery bed after giving birth, was switched at birth"Boom!A thunderous roar shook the air! Mrs. Jian was instantly struck dumb with shock.Jian Zh...