Poor XiXi works

Chapter Thirteen: Lan Qi Set Out on His Journey


ch the capital, while also continuing to protect me I'll pay you the original agreed-upon reward."What are you going to the capital forTalya frowned upon hearing this.For years, she has almost always...Chapter 13: Lan Qi set off on his journey.

After Lance finished explaining all the details of this deal. {Google Search}

> "Starting tomorrow, I'll teach you how to make cards."

Talya didn't hesitate much, accepting Lance's proposal.

"Okay, I'll also prepare your identity at the manor for you by tomorrow. Which kind of identity do you want, maid or housekeeper..."

"It's settled."

Before Lanchi could finish his question, Tallia interrupted him with a cold voice.

Lan Qi nodded forcefully, not daring to anger her.

Although he thought his reaction might be a little cowardly, and was sure that Talia wouldn't easily harm him now, as a spirit, there was an absolute difference between him and Talia. Up close, Ranch still felt a little scared.

In this world's demonology research books, it is written: "Demons kill humans without reason and without guilt."

If they just had a strange idea, they would go for it.

Although Talya now appears to move and act just like a human, she is essentially hiding her violent and cruel nature in an attempt to integrate into human society.

Even though my actions could be considered playing with fire, there's no need to unnecessarily provoke this she-tiger and set myself up for disaster.

Yes, if one were a kind little kitten, then Talya would indeed be very much like a tigress. Even if the tiger promised not to harm the kitten, the kitten would still tremble with fear when staying beside it.

Thinking and thinking, a faint smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of Lan Chi's mouth.

However, this caused Talia to furrow her brow.

She again felt that this human boy was thinking some really messed-up things.

But she had no evidence at all.

It's just a nameless intuition.

Then, please take good care of yourself, Teacher Tata.

Lanche's voice was much clearer, and he still had an innocent smile on his face.

This title seemed to make Talia a little uncomfortable, as usual, she ignored Lance.

But this time, she didn't deny it and tacitly admitted to their master-apprentice relationship.


One and a half months later.

As summer is drawing to a close and autumn is just around the corner, sunlight, accompanied by the sound of dewdrops falling, awakens the earth on this morning.

The glow of dawn, like feathers of pale gold, gently swept across the dark gray platform and cold metal tracks, giving them a touch of softness.

Nwantina's border city-state's mana rail station, bustling with pedestrians.

Those passing through on a hurried journey part ways here, or perhaps converge, embarking on a new chapter.

The casual conversations of fellow travelers waiting for the train, farewells exchanged between loved ones, and announcements about arrivals and departures broadcast over the loudspeaker all blend together to form the most distinctive melody of this space.

On one side of the platform, Hans the butler picked up the suitcase in his hand and handed it to Lance, who received it steadily.

"Thank you, Hans."

Lance smiled and said.

"Take care of yourself, Young Master Lance."

The butler's voice was still low, but with a hint of gentleness in its depths.

Noe went to other provinces again, so only Hans came to see him off in place of his father.

Two weeks before the start of school, Lance and Talia had arrived at the station. Today, they were departing from the Nanantina border region, heading for the heart of the Kingdom of Heston, to its capital city, Ecrete.

Taking the maglev train to the Kingdom takes more than a day.

After they arrive at the capital city, three days of rest will be followed by the entrance exam.

"Young Master Lance, safe travels!"

The maid couldn't hide the concern on her face, but her words were filled with sorrow.

"You better not come back for a while. If Noel discovers that you stole the ancient artifact from the house, he won't let you off easy..."

Logically speaking.

Even all the things Ranch had done in town before added up to nothing more than a cause for Noel's sorrow.

But if Noah were to find out that Lynch had destroyed the family heirloom, [The Book of Compassion], he would be furious.

Over these past two months, Lance's cheerful and easygoing nature has caused a change in the people of the household. They have gradually become more friendly towards him, and his conversations with Francin, the maidservant who was closest to him from the beginning, are no longer filled with hesitation.

It's okay, it's okay.

Lan Qi's smile remained calm and composed, as if it could reassure everyone who cared about him.

If his old man, Noah, saw what he and Talia had made with the [Psalm of Compassion], a magical card using that very book, he would surely be stunned into falling out of his chair.

I won't blame him.

Butler Hans chuckled nonchalantly, shaking his head as he listened to the conversation between Lanci and the maid, Francina. He had a pretty good idea why Lanci seemed so confident.

He immediately looked past Lance to Talia, who was now completely dressed in a different outfit.

Her coat was tailored to fit her body, and beneath the collar of her dress, a silk scarf was neatly tied, making her appear elegant and serious.

Taliya, having shed her squalid beggar's garb, shone with the brilliance of a newly polished jewel.

"Miss Tata, please help the young master."

Hans spoke sincerely.

When Hans first tracked down Talia through Lance's paintings, he was utterly astonished. The foolish young master had fallen for such a powerful and dangerous woman.

But seeing the young master getting along so harmoniously and peacefully with her, Hans also gradually let go of his worries.


Tallia didn't respond, but nodded slightly.

Although she looks about the same age as Lance, her calm and cold demeanor makes her seem much more mature than him.

Since she has been paid, she will strictly execute the terms of the transaction, even if the housekeeper does not ask her to.

Whether it's protecting Longhorns from being killed, or being Longhorns' teacher.

In this brief silence, in the distance, a blurry outline appeared at the end of the tracks, accompanied by the sound of a whistle.

Soon, the vibrations on the track grew stronger, accompanied by a low rumbling sound. The shape of the train became increasingly clear, and the sunlight glinted off its metallic body.

The lights at the front of the train gradually grew brighter, piercing through the layers of morning mist in the air, guiding the steel behemoth towards its destination.

Lance took out his ticket and looked at it, making a mental note of where he and Talia were supposed to meet.

Just at this moment of farewell.

Butler Hans suddenly seemed to remember something, a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth as he spoke:

But then again, it was a shame that Miss Tata hadn't been able to see the portrait in the young master's room before we left...


However, before the joker's caretaker could finish saying "It's a real pity," Lance hastily coughed twice to interrupt him.

Lan Chi was certain that although the butler didn't intend to harm him, he definitely wasn't up to any good!

What painting

Taliya, suddenly mentioned by name, looked at Lance and asked.

Lanche's heart pounded, but his expression remained calm and composed. He replied slowly and deliberately:

"...a portrait of a poor, pitiful old woman. It was one of my early works, but Hans and Francine seemed to like it very much..."

Just then, a train with alternating shades of deep gray and reddish-brown roared into the platform, its brakes and the screech of wheels against tracks merging to drown out Lance's words.

The train gradually slowed down until it came to a complete stop.

Since it had nothing to do with her, Talia stopped paying attention to the topic and shifted her gaze away from Lance.

Warm light spilled from the car windows, illuminating the faces of the passengers inside. The car door opened slowly, and a cool breeze drifted out of the vehicle, hitting them head-on.

And passengers waiting on the platform also made their way to the train doors.

Amidst the bustling crowd, Lance let out a sigh of relief. He had managed to get away with it thanks to his quick wit. Next time he came back, he absolutely had to hide the painting and make sure Talia never discovered that the poor old woman in it was her.

Then I'm off.

Ranci smiled and waved goodbye to the butler and maids, then turned and stepped back into the train carriage.

(The End)

[ ]allenger makes a mistake or fails, there will be no situations where death is inevitable and there is no solution.Ranch's emerald eyes scanned the classroom, faint lights flickering in his pupils.Alth...