Poor XiXi works

Chapter 251: The Huperlan Thief Doesn't Want to Meet th


ghter.Standing at the door, Lanchi could see a shelf of oak cabinets beside her, filled with sealed food containers. Underneath the transparent lids, there were all sorts of pastries—cream puffs, quic...Chapter 252: A Huyberlian Thief Doesn't Want to Meet Lanchi Police

Hubbell listened intently to the Snow Queen's story, nodding thoughtfully.

"Why me"

If there's a chance of success, Huberlyan will naturally do their best to help.

In her view, this task was extremely daunting, far exceeding the limits of what a vacation student like her could handle on a North Continent research project.

The elites of the Atheria Kingdom, even if they disguise themselves, find it difficult to conceal their true nature once they act. Even infiltrating the Protoss Empire wouldn't allow them to unleash their full potential. Moreover, that prison has an ancient artifact from the demon realm that can detect one's rank. If a seventh or eighth-order mage tries to sneak in, they will be immediately discovered. After all, there are only so many seventh and eighth-order mages in the Northern Continent, and they are all well-known figures.

In the Protoss capital, a large number of demonic relics, though even the imperial people cannot decipher them to this day, have become more adept at utilizing the demonic legacy than the demons themselves.

Of course, there was one prerequisite for this plan to come into being: Huberlian was the last princess of the Demon Race.

Even if others had the opportunity to save a high-ranking demon, it wouldn't hold much strategic significance.

What exactly should I do

Hubberly was fairly sure that the Ice Queen had put a great deal of thought into this plan and would provide her with support and assistance.

But most of her successes so far have been closely tied to Lance. She doesn't know how far she could go on her own.

"I will have our associates in the Protoss Empire help you establish a new identity, and then we will send you to the northwestern province of the Protoss Empire. You will first adapt to your new life as a wealthy merchant's daughter for a while. Then, they will arrange for you to transfer to the Imperial Knights Academy and study in the third year of the combat program."

The Snow Witch opened another file box, taking out information about the Imperial Knights Academy, and handed it to Huberlyan across from her.

"This school…"

Huperlyan looked at her information, murmuring in confusion.

In the Empire Knights Academy, a challenging internship for third-year students is to work as guards in a dangerous prison.

The Snow Queen leaned forward slightly, extending her hand to flip two pages for Huberlian. She pointed to an elective course in the Combat Arts III section,

This is also the simplest and most unsuspicious way to get into that prison.

For ambitious young people of great strength, the imperial capital, this dangerous prison full of remnants of demonic creatures, is also a place of training. Within its walls, there are not only dangers from prisoners but also for guards who need strong ability and survival skills as well.

If one can fulfill their duties and work tasks while ascending deeper into the perilous depths of the prison, successfully completing the trials will undoubtedly make them a valued pillar of the Empire.

On the other hand, if it fails halfway, it can only be attributed to being too arrogant or lacking in ability.

"Are there any loopholes in this prison"

This prison was built by demons a thousand years ago. Its rules and logic are more akin to those of demons than humans, but under the strict control of the Empire, no one with demonic blood is allowed inside. Even trying to disguise oneself would be impossible.

At this point, the Snow Witch looked at Huberlian. She believed Huberlian already understood.

Hubleyan possesses a unique camouflage magic, an ancient legacy of the Far Ancient Demon race that transcends this era. It allows her to circumvent all detection measures of the current Protoss Empire. To decipher it, only bloodline power-level investigative epic spells would stand a chance.

The deeper one's demonic heart, the more they might thrive in that prison. Often, those who graduate from the Imperial Knight Academy with top marks in that course become the most terrifying heroes of Imperial darkness.


"You're Ifathia's daughter, I believe you'll be fine. After all, I've heard about what you did in the Shadow World at the Convocation."

> "……"

No, that wasn't me.

Hubert wiped away his tears.

But now if she reported it, it would all be pinned on Lance. She couldn't do that to him, she couldn't betray her friend like that.

"If there's hope of rescuing that great demon lord, give it your best shot. With her help, moving within the prison would be much easier, and I'd also create opportunities for you to return. But if there's no hope, don't risk it. Withdraw normally from the prison, abandon the course, and just return to the kingdom of Ethereal."

The Snow Queen sensed Hubrian's lack of confidence and softened her voice.

"I'll give it a try..."

Huberlia apologized to Lanchi, explaining that she couldn't help him with the quest for the inscribed stones right now. She had to prioritize the larger issues in the northern continent first.

If he stood a chance of successfully rescuing the great demon lord, it would ease considerable pressure from both the Estherlan kingdom and the Church of Fate.

Three months later, there will be a ridiculous vote in the Imperial City to decide which Cardinal of the Resurrecting Church will be the Emperor's right hand man.

The Snow Queen couldn't help but let out a sarcastic sneer as she said this. She had long since been disgusted by the Empire's atrocities,

The Protoss Empire would certainly not entrust three archons to remain in their own heart. Therefore, on that day, most of the high-ranking forces would be concentrated in the Imperial City.

"Could I possibly attempt a prison break that day Wouldn't that be the most dangerous thing"

Hughberley also saw that news.

That day, not only the Protoss Empire, but probably the entire Northern Continent, all the countries involved in this war would focus on the movements in the capital!

Even if the internal disputes and distribution issues among the three cardinals within the Empire are resolved, the Empire might declare a historic war.

"Firstly, there's no way to forcefully break out of this prison. Even if you could successfully rescue the demon lord, it would have to be a stealthy operation. That day would actually be the safest, because everyone's attention would be on the imperial city's election. The outskirts prison has always been considered unlikely to be attacked, so on such important days, some of the external guard forces will be moved to the imperial city center."

In addition, under normal circumstances, the Empire's eight-tier powerhouses are stationed all over the place. Even if the Demon Lords were secretly taken out of prison, by the time the Empire reacted and set up a blockade heading northwest, it wouldn't be easy to break through.

However, only on voting day, it was a once-in-a-millennium opportunity for the Empire's most powerful figures to congregate in the Imperial City. As long as one could secretly bring out the demon race and escape a certain distance, even if the Empire reacted, the demon race, with Hyperion's pursuit, would be much easier than a breakout battle.

The Snow Queen assured Hubrian that Etherean would do everything they could to help, and once they made it to the northwestern province of Protosian Empire, their rescue mission would be successful.


Hubert gasped when he heard this.

She suddenly discovered a problem.

Of the cardinals who will be elected on that day, three months hence, there was one who held a special place in Lanci's affections—

The Silent Pope, Askshan.

If Lance successfully reached the Protoss Empire and contacted the Resurrection Church as planned, and then began to develop wildly...

Next time they meet, she and Lance will be on opposite sides of the law!

This guy as a policeman, it's not about who he helps, he'll definitely make both sides suffer!

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