Poor XiXi works

Chapter 427: Lanchi discovered that it could still be optimi


placed his hand on the doorknob and pressed down slightly. The warehouse door, which had been previously unopenable, swung open with a groan.A stale, slightly damp air wafted through the room as Lynch...Chapter 428: Rance Discovered That It Could Still Be Optimized

The people in the transmission hall of Level -5 in Herlom Prison paused for a moment to communicate before setting off on their journey.

Having confirmed the next destination, they followed Antanas, leaving the exit teleportation hall for now. They walked along the roads of the prison's fifth level towards Sinola's special cell.

A suggested route to the cells of the Sinolar, where the heretical runes were kept, was displayed before them, guided by the crimson text on the wristbands.

Now they can clearly see which cell in layer -5 of the prison holds the imprisoned Sinora, the lawbreaker of the Great Demon Clan.

Sinora's cell was not far from the exit teleportation hall, and with the information officer Antanas, who had a magical barrier covering him, leading the way, they could also avoid Antanas' phantoms more safely.

"When we meet Sinola later, you stand at the door and don't get close. If she shows hostility towards you, just leave immediately. I'll stand in front of you."

Antanas led the way, saying to the great poet.

She practically treats Talia's daughter as her own goddaughter, and would protect her even without a formal agreement.

"No problem."

Ran nodded.

He couldn't explain the problem with the poet of "The Great Love Poem" for now.

>Only after returning to school can I show Antanas the fact that his real self and the great love poet are summoned beings.

"Oh, if only you were a boy."

Antanas suddenly sighed.

"Why do you say that"

Lancer looked at Antanas with puzzlement.

He was indeed male, but Antanas didn't believe it.

Do you know why the heretic Sinnoh likes to close her eyes

Antanas looked at Lance and Huberlyan and asked.


Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Ranch and Huberley stared at each other for a few seconds, both shaking their heads in confusion. The Ice Snow Witch never mentioned this at all.

However, the depiction of Sinōra in the painting that Ranch previously created does indeed have her eyes closed.

It turns out she wasn't tired, it's just that she doesn't like opening her eyes in her normal state.

"Please, Miss Athanas, would you tell us"

Huperlan said.

"Guess first."

Antanas lowered his voice, as if he had been wanting to tell the two of them something for a long time.


Huperian discovered that Antanas seemed to be a particularly gossipy demon, knowing far more than even the Snow Queen.

It's no wonder Antanas and Talia get along so well. Antanas probably loves to chatter away, and Talia just enjoys listening. That's much more fulfilling than Talia usually spending her time alone on a lounger watching the world go by.

"Generally speaking, monsters are the ones who like to squint their eyes."

Hubert sighed, thinking that she had seen this kind of scene in many fairytales and novels.

"Or perhaps Sinnoh's eyes hold a power, the pupil technique. Once opened, it could usher in a new stage, making him incredibly powerful."

Huperblyan tried to guess.


Antanas shook his head after listening.

"Sinola is actually quite bad at dealing with males. Every time she sees a handsome male enemy, she can't bring herself to attack, so over time, she chose to close her eyes. Even though it lowers her combat effectiveness, it's better than being distracted and hesitant during battle."


There is no good evaluation of Hubble.

Your old demon realm is truly a shining constellation of stars.

"You and Talia are so alike. If you were a boy, you would be very handsome. Besides, your temperament is even better than Talia's. You could definitely stir up Sinola's heart."

Antanas pondered for a moment, observing the face of the great poet, then added.

"Well then."

Lance responded to Antanas calmly, taking it as just a piece of goblin lore he wasn't interested in elaborating on.

Since being mistaken for a great poet by Antanas and unable to explain himself, Lynch started to feel that Talya's face had some side effects.

Now he realized that Talia's face indeed had negative combat value.

Maybe it would be better if he came himself to talk to the Demon Clan.

The Demon King's Army can actually be further optimized.


Huperlyan stared at the black-haired, green-eyed great poet of love with confusion, recalling Lanchi's original appearance.

She had never really had a concept of whether men were handsome or not. Because everyone always said her father was the most handsome, she thought all other men were pretty much the same.

But one always hears people's comments about Ranchi, Ranchi shouldn't be inferior to the Duke of Myga.

"Why are you looking at me"

Lanche looked at Huberlian with a hint of question in his eyes.

"It's nothing."

Huberly hastily averted her gaze.

"Don't worry, I'll make a deal with the Sinora of Breaches. Just wait for me and Antanas outside your cell."

Lancher was confident, regardless of how he looked at the moment.

The prison roads they traversed were a labyrinthine maze, and even after arriving here, there was no sign of any other guards on duty. Each cell door was secured with heavy metal locks, and the walls flanking them were made of enchanted steel, their exteriors covered in thick runes that pulsed rhythmically, like breathing, brightening and fading in an endless cycle.

Following the map on his wristband, Antanas led them through a series of corridors until they found Cyno's cell.

This cell door is no different from the others.

But at this moment, they already knew that the interior space of the cell must be vastly different from ordinary prisoner cells, with absolute reinforcement, impossible to break through by force.

After paying the duty point at the door, accompanied by the sound of metal twisting, the complex sealing mechanism on the side of the door began to unlock layer by layer, and a mist emanated from inside outward.

Until it was fully opened, a translucent barrier remained in its original place, isolating all sounds from within the cell.

Antanas and the Great Poet are also ready to enter this cell.

"Be careful later, don't get into any trouble."

Huperlyan released the small arm of the great poet, saying goodbye to him.

Although a Great Love poet is an immortal being, if Lan Chi were to be killed in this state, he would truly experience death once. No one knows whether the mental and emotional toll of being under Lan Chi's will could cause him spiritual damage.

Compared to Antanas, a stable-natured demon lord, Xinola is a completely different being. She can be truly cruel.

"Don't worry."

Ranch gazed at her, grinning, gradually shifting his focus and attention from Protos Royal Academy to Helmrom Prison.

For him, it was almost like a blink of an eye. He came to his senses and found himself being led to the target cell.

Hubberly stared at Ranch's just-returned eyes, bright and alert, and for some reason, he felt a little dumbfounded.

Those familiar eyes, besides being clear, in that fleeting moment just now, Huberlian seemed to see a demonic emerald gaze.

The great love poet is indeed the Devil's Eye, but it should be blue.

Looking closely at Lance, she noticed that it was indeed a human pupil. She couldn't understand why she had a moment of illusion just now.

This feeling, even the headmaster of Purgatory Corridor Academy who wielded lightning and brilliance back then, had never experienced it.

Currently added chapters / Total chapters: 22/36

(The End)

[ ] truth. And he was indeed telling the truth.It seems Ranchi has always thought she was pretty and striking.But no matter what, Talya's anger hadn't subsided in the slightest."Miss Tata, because we're...