Poor XiXi works

Chapter Ninety-Five: The Meeting of the Dragon and Phoenix


t that the main building of the Magic Engineering Academy he was looking for was nearby, but he didn't know how to find the old literature building of the Magic Engineering Academy in the vast garden...Chapter 96: Meeting of the Latent Dragon and Phoenix Chicks

The Gothic Revival style building of the Ecterra Institute, located on the edge of the Mechanist Academy, is one of the hallmarks of the campus.

MoGong Yuan Old Humanities Building. {Google Search}

This brick building, with its classical bas-reliefs inlaid on the facade, was once a workshop where master artificers displayed their ingenuity. After being renovated several decades ago, it now serves as a public dormitory providing Artificer Academy technology and services to students from other academies.

When he first enrolled, Lance visited here to pick up his student ID card, but he didn't go to the higher floors.

One layer is the public magic engineering technology service center.

The second floor is the new-style Magic Engineering Technology Creativity Workshop belonging to Professor Paulao, the head of the Magic Engineering Research Department.

The third layer is the Student Management Committee.

Today's wind is very boisterous.

After their only morning class ended, Lance and Huberlyan walked directly along the school path to the old Humanities Building and climbed the stairs to the third floor.

Just stepping out of the stairwell, a spacious and bright corridor came into view.

Several delicate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow throughout the hallway. The reddish-brown wood carvings on the walls were adorned with gilded floral patterns, giving Lanche and Huberlian the feeling that this place was both dignified and eerily quiet.

They walked on the plush carpet that stretched all the way to the Student Council room door at the end of the hallway. They could glance out from a row of huge windows and see the academy grounds: the green lawns, rows of trees, and students strolling about here and there.

Finally, the two of them walked to the deepest part, in front of this crimson double door.

"Huberian, are you ready"


With Hubley's nod, Lance lightly tapped on the door.

Please come in.

Soon, a gentle and calm male voice came from behind the door.

Lanci pushed open the heavy mahogany door, and a wave of air filled with the scent of coffee and candles washed over him. Before him lay a spacious hall spanning hundreds of square meters, yet within it there were only three people.

Behind the desk facing the gate, sat a handsome man. He was straight-backed with sparkling eyes, exuding an air of a learned scholar.

The dark wood table before him was smooth as glass, and behind it, a gigantic window half-curtained in deep red hung like a theatrical curtain, shimmering in the sunlight.

A woman with a gentle expression stood beside the long table, also looking at Lance and his companion with a hint of confusion. She was holding a stack of papers in her arms, as if she were about to take them to the meeting room on the right and place them on the tall bookcase along the wall.

And the left side of the meeting room should be a relaxation area, equipped with a tea table and two luxurious leather sofas on either side, matching the color of the table and chairs.

A man with gray and white hair, wearing small sunglasses, is sitting on a very comfortable sofa.

I would like to ask you both, have you encountered any problems at school

The student council president, seated in the main chair, looked towards the two visitors with a friendly and confident smile.

He seemed to recognize Ranch and Hubarian, the two freshmen who had caused quite a stir as soon as they arrived.

But the chairman didn't treat them as special people, he just asked them as he normally would.

"Hello, we would like to ask if the Student Union is still recruiting members"

Lance felt very comfortable with the chairman's attitude.

It's not just that he held no animosity towards Huberlyan.

He looked at himself with calm eyes, not the strange feeling other students gave him when they saw him.

As Vivian said, the chairman is a man of vision.

The chairman nodded, understanding the two people's intentions. He immediately stood up from his seat and gestured for them to sit together in the rest area for a detailed discussion.

Soon, the Chairman sat down next to the gray-haired young man, while Lance and Huberlian sat on the opposite sofa.

The woman by the bookcase, after putting down the files in her hand, came over with a tray and porcelain cup, pouring each person a cup of coffee.

"I am Monaster, the president of the Student Council. This is Asana, our vice-president."

Monaster thanked the woman pouring coffee and introduced Lynch and Huberly to each other.

He is Frey, a new student from Knight's Academy who has just joined the Student Council.

He then spread his palm and pointed to the young man with gray-white hair sitting on the sofa.

Ranch and Hubleyan exchanged glances. They both had a slight recollection of this fellow named Fray.

The second round of the entrance examination is a joint exam for the Knight Academy and the Sage Academy, and it is only in the third round that they are separated.

And the oddity of this Knight Academy passed through the second round entrance exam faster than Ranchi——

Compared to having the couple arrested by law enforcement, Lance chose to directly default on his loans and withstand the harsh blizzard with his physical strength.

Originally, Lanchi and Huberlian wondered which team had recruited Frey away. Unexpectedly, he had joined the student council.

"Actually, the Student Council is currently facing a severe shortage of personnel. With the graduation of the previous student council members, only Frey has joined under the recommendation of the Knight Academy Dean. We were originally considering that many matters this term might need me and Vice President Asuna to personally address after finishing the handover work with the school. Unexpectedly, the two of them arrived at this time."

President Monaster sipped his coffee lightly, a look of weariness on his face. He set the porcelain cup down slowly, retracted his fingers, and then smiled at the two people before him.

It seems that just the fact that the two of them arrived here to express their intentions eased a lot of pressure he felt at work.

Lanche nodded, it seems the chairman is willing to accept them both.

"I have heard of your abilities. If you do not mind the possible hard work and troublesome affairs of the student council, I would be very happy to invite Mr. Lanchi Wilfort and Ms. Huberlyan Alansar to join."


Moment of stillness.

A gentle breeze blew in through the window, causing the curtains to sway gently. It brought with it the fresh air from outside, lightly brushing over the table, the sofa, and the pages of books. In this quiet moment of the room, it created a soft rustling sound.

President Monaster and Vice President Asna were both very friendly. Frey didn't know what they were thinking, but their eyes looked at him just like they would any ordinary person.

Lanche and Huberlian looked at each other one last time, both nodding.

"I am very willing to join the student council."

I am too.

> "Then welcome the two of you! Just leave the school application procedures with me, the president. Also, there's a secretary in the student council who's a second-year from the Chainlink Institute, but she's usually busy with the newspaper and only comes here occasionally. You might get to meet her sometime."

The two people nodded solemnly.

But looking at the president's serious eyes, it seemed like there was some trouble he wanted to entrust them with right now.

"Actually, the student council has a pressing task right now. I was hesitant to let Frey go alone, so I planned to accompany him after finishing my backlog of work. However, if the three of you collaborate, I can rest assured and focus on my duties."

[ ]re trust in each other.After he finished speaking, any sounds within Lanchi Prison suddenly disappeared.…"Adam stood behind the bars, gazing at the supplies on the ground, lost in thought.Wouldn't it...