Full Moon works

Chapter 1090: Refusing a Transfer


n the bed, as if she was about to go to work.Such an environment made Qiao Shunchen's coldness deepen abruptly.Qin Jingwen sighed, it seemed no matter where she went, she couldn't escape Qiao Shunchen...Qin Jingwen's answer let Chi Chuan breathe a sigh of relief, so Qin Jingwen wouldn't leave his sight. 。I cannot possess her, but being able to see her is also a comfort to my soul. 。 "Okay, I will convey your meaning to the higher-ups." 。" "…"" "Kerdan is also looking for you, why don't you go take a look" 。Chi Chuan really wanted to invite Qin Jingwen for lunch, but after thinking it over, he felt it was inappropriate. 。He can no longer perform in front of Qin Jingwen, and it is even more inappropriate to go out for a meal alone. 。Therefore, he pulled Qin Jingwen aside so that he wouldn't lose control and blurt out the invitation. 。"Well, then I'll go to Kou Dan there." 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking easily, then turned around directly. 。He took a step forward and then turned back. 。“Chi Ju, let's chat privately.” 。You can shift your attention, perhaps you'll see different colors. 。For example, Christian Louboutin 。"Qin Jingwen kindly reminded, as for whether Zhi Chuan takes it to heart is his own business. 。Qin Jingwen left with a smile, but Chi Chuan couldn't smile. 。He knew very well Qin Jingwen's kindness, but this also proved that Qin Jingwen had never developed any feelings for him. 。Koudan, Koudan is his junior sister. 。And she has a secret crush, it seems that Qin Jingwen's so-called colors don't belong to him either. 。Qin Jingwen went straight to Kou Dan's office. With their current relationship, Qin Jingwen no longer needed to knock. 。 Fortunately, there was no one in Kou Dan's office. Otherwise, Qin Jingwen felt she was too casual. 。"Yes, you haven't had treatment for a while now. I wanted to see how you're doing." 。"

Kou Dan said and then put down the work in her hands, starting to seriously observe Qin Jingwen

Never mind Qin Jingwen's inner state, just looking at her outward appearance, she is much better than before. 。The complexion is rosy, the skin delicate and lustrous, most importantly, the upward curve of the corners of the mouth feels authentic. 。And there were the eyes, those bright orbs that shone with much more cheer than before. The previous dullness had completely vanished. 。One can tell a person's inner self just by looking at their outward appearance, because everything they project outwardly comes from within. A joyful heart cannot be concealed. 。"How is it Have you figured anything out" For Qin Jingwen, who was starting to get anxious as Kodan scrutinized her up and down for a long time without coming to a conclusion, she began urging him. 。"Well, it seems you've found a better psychiatrist than I am." 。"

Kodo gave his own conclusion >>> 。It seems that love is truly a powerful remedy, able to heal even psychological barriers. 。"No, I haven't seen a psychiatrist." 。Then how could the intelligent Qin Jingwen not know who the psychologist that Kou Dan was referring to was She just wanted to play along with Kou Dan's joke at this moment. 。"Stop being so naive, Qiao Shunchen wouldn't be in this good of a state if he wasn't your psychologist." 。"Next time, I'll adjust the treatment plan. For now, you just need to receive the matched treatment." 。Congratulations! You will soon be a healthy person, both in body and mind. 。Kou Dan didn't want to joke with Qin Jingwen, after all, a person spoiled by love was making fun of her, a single dog like this, it was simply blatant dog food. 。She's not eating this dog food, she's afraid it'll make her heart ache. 。"Alright, I'll take your congratulations for now, and I hope Officer Ke will be lenient during your treatment." 。Qin Jingwen's joke fell flat, no one played along. She lost interest playing by herself. 。"To get to the point, I also have something I want to ask you." 。Of course it's a private matter, not company business. 。Joe Shun Chen may have experienced some painful things in the past, and his psychology might be left with shadows. 。Now he's in a lot of pain, but he refuses to face it or try to solve it. 。You're saying this isn't a psychological disorder Qin Jingwen's straightforward reply was Qiao Shunchen. She didn't elaborate too much, after all, it was Qiao Shunchen's private matter. 。But she still hoped that CouDan could give her some advice. 。"It must be a psychological illness. What was his personality like before he went through this"Kou Dan had to ask some relevant questions, otherwise she couldn't give a professional answer. 。He was only 12 years old when he went through that experience. Before that, he had always been optimistic and cheerful with a very outgoing personality. 。Since something happened, he changed, becoming like this now. 。That's a blow to the spirit, especially at age 12 when they are most vulnerable and sensitive. 。"I can provide free consultations if you believe in me " 。Although Qin Jingwen still couldn't say what had affected Qiao Shunchen, Kou Dan had already preliminarily determined that Qiao Shunchen's change was due to psychological trauma. 。“Sigh... It's not a matter of believing or not anymore, it's that Qiao Shunchen doesn't think he's sick. He refuses any treatment.” 。"Kou Dan's advice made Qin Jingwen worried. Although she was mentally prepared, being diagnosed by the doctor meant that Qiao Shuchen was really a patient." 。Then you have to persuade him. Even if I went to your house, she would still be on guard against me, just like you hid from me before. 。"

Kou Dan is a psychiatrist, but her patients refuse to talk to her. She has no way around it. " 。Only Qin Jingwen could persuade Qiao Shunchen, and after successfully doing so, she administered an intervention treatment. 。"Okay, I'll try again." 。"Qin Jingwen said helplessly, she didn't even know what method she could use to persuade Qiao Shunchen. " 。Here's the translation: "Let me give you a way" Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。Just when Qin Jingwen didn't know what to do, Kou Dan offered help. 。What's the solution Tell me quickly. 。Qin Jingwen urged 。Threaten him, if he doesn't accept treatment, you won't either. 。I think Qiao Shunchen cares about you and would definitely not want you to stop treatment. 。Though it wasn't a very good solution, Kou Dan felt it would work. 。Because she knew very well that Qiao Shunchen cared deeply for Qin Jingwen, he certainly wouldn't bear to see her give up treatment. 。"Alright, I'll give this a try. 。Qin Jingwen's mood was not high because she thought there wouldn't be too good of a result. 。But this is also the best of a bad lot, it's better to try than have a stiff conversation. 。After returning home that evening, Qin Jingwen did not mention the matter. 。After dinner, the two went to the studio to start working. 。After working for a while, Qin Jingwen got tired and stopped what she was doing. 。She got up and stretched, then walked over to Joe Shunchen's side. 。"I'm coming to spy on you working, be careful I steal your trade secrets" 。Qin Jingwen started her plan with a joke, as if to make this kind of anger more acceptable. 。"I'm not afraid you'll steal business secrets, if you really want to, with your abilities, I can't stop you." 。Joe Shun-chen also had to continue his work, responding to Qin Jingwen. 。The beauty was right there, clearly coming on to him, but he didn't have the self-control to just sit back and ignore it. 。 “You're smart” 。Let me tell you something happy. 。

Make sure to control your emotions and avoid getting too excited.

"Qin Jingwen first found something happy to lighten the mood, then she could threaten freely. 。"Is there something so happy to tell me" 。Joe Shunchen was both excited and cooperative with Qin Jingwen. He reached out and gently held her, then let her sit comfortably on his lap. 。Before Qin Jingwen could speak, Qiao Shunchen couldn't help but complain. 。You're too thin, eat more to gain some weight, and your physique will be better. 。" Well...people said it was good news, but gaining weight isn't exactly joyful, is it " 。"Don't interrupt me, listen to me. 。"Qin Jingwen was venting her frustration, but in front of Qiao Shunchen, it was just her acting cute and being coquettish. 。Okay, listen to what you have to say 。"I have a new order. " 。This time, Qin Jingwen didn't give Qiao Shunchen a chance to interrupt her and spoke directly. 。If Qiao Shunchen interrupts her, he's just messing up her plans. 。"A new order The police station Where are they sending you" Joe Shun-Chen asked several questions, seeming a little skeptical about such a transfer. 。 "National Public Security Bureau" 。"When Qin Jingwen said this, she herself felt a little lost." 。Although she did not agree to the transfer, it was an honor for her to be considered. 。"The National Public Security Bureau has been promoted to ..." 。"

Qiao Shunchen's eyes lit up with joy. This was indeed something to be happy about. " 。“Yes, it was raised” 。"No, we don't want such an increase." 。Although he's happy, Qiao Shunchen won't accept this job transfer. 。Once Qin Jingwen entered the Ministry of Public Security, she belonged to the state. It would be difficult for Qiao Shunchen to even see her. 。He wouldn't allow such things to happen, and he certainly didn't want Qin Jingwen to be too hard on herself. 。"You and I think the same, I don't want to accept this job either." 。Qin Jingwen smiled mischievously, finding amusement in Qiao Shunchen's nervousness. 。"Done right, we don't want such an uptick" 。If this kind of thing happens again, just refuse it. Let's just focus on doing our current work well. 。Joseph Chun was still shaken. If Qin Jingwen agreed to the promotion, he knew his opposition would be pointless. 。"But I haven't replied to my superiors yet, if you agree to one thing for me, I will refuse..." 。" Qin Jingwen suddenly thought of using this to threaten Qiao Shunchen. If he didn't agree, she would use the method Kou Dan taught her. This way, with double insurance, the chances of success would be a little higher. " 。"A trade, you say Lay your terms on me." 。 Qiao Shunchen never expected Qin Jingwen to have such a trick. 。But he wasn't worried, as long as Qin Jingwen refused this job, he could do anything. 。"Go see Keodan, go see Keodan, and I will refuse this job" 。As soon as Qin Jingwen uttered the word "kǒudān", Qiao Shunchen knew exactly what had happened. 。Qin Jingwen knows that he still hopes he will see a psychologist. 。Joe Shunchen's expression changed, but he recovered quickly. 。Okay, I promise you 。But I will be on a business trip abroad tomorrow. When I get back, you can accompany me to see Kudan. 。" Qiao Shunchen agreed, he did need to go on a business trip, and at the same time was using this as an excuse to delay things "

"You said it, what you say must be done" 。Qin Jingwen had already sensed that Qiao Shunchen was stalling for time, but this opportunity to stall could be given to him, but there might not be another such opportunity next time. 。"Okay, actions speak louder than words. " 。At this point, Qiao Shunchen had to agree to Qin Jingwen. Compared to her going to work at the National Public Security Bureau, Qiao Shunchen was more willing to accept psychological treatment. 。"I believe you'll keep your word, and I also believe I will." 。Qin Jing's warm, bright eyes conveyed a dangerous signal to Qiao Shunchen. 。"You threaten me" Joe Shunchen received the danger signal, but at this time he was arrogant and wanted to retaliate against the threat. 。That's your idea, I didn't say that. 。“

Qin Jingwen withdrew her gaze and smiled like a mischievous child

At this moment, she took the lead and wasn't afraid of Qiao Shunchen anymore. 。However, the next second, something she didn't expect happened. 。Are you with Qiao Liang" After receiving an affirmative answer, Lu Zhiming immediately thought of this possibility. Otherwise, Qin Lan wouldn't have concealed Qin Jingwen and wouldn't have returned to...