Full Moon works

Chapter 1097 Another City


st like before, she's still a single mom. 。"Let's talk about it later." 。" Joe Xiang said a few simple and impatient words, then hung up the phone. " 。However, how should Qin Jingwen understand such...Qin Jingwen's words, the first half sounded pretty good, but the second half was still something best left unsaid. 。She didn't expect that one of her opinions would make both the driver in front and Sun Xu burst out laughing. 。But they didn't dare to laugh out loud, probably because of Qiao Shunchen's majesty. 。Sun Xu, what do you think of my words Am I right 。Qin Jingwen’s way of escalating things was actually just a way to pressure Qiao Shunchen into helping her. 。"General Qin...no...Madam..." 。Sun Xu was struggling to find the right way to address him. 。He was pondering what kind of appellation could bring them closer, making Qiao Shunchen happier, and thus preventing himself from being affected. 。"Sister-in-law, Sister-in-law..." 。Please don't make things difficult for me, this issue could be fatal. I'm so young, please let me off the hook. 。“Sun Xu certainly wouldn't dare to answer directly, but his response didn't deny anything either. ” 。"Just because you call me 'Miss' and 'sister-in-law', I let you off the hook." 。Qin Jingwen was laughing on one side and hadn't had time to answer Sun Xu when Qiao Shunchen impatiently solved the problem. 。The reason why she didn't explode on the spot was because Sun Xu countered Qin Jingwen's address, especially that "Sister-in-law". It sounded so kind and comfortable, it was simply a feast for the ears to the soul. 。"Sister-in-law, you shouldn't make things difficult for me either. " 。I still need to focus on driving and don't have the energy to think about your question. 。At this time, the driver also became quick-witted, afraid that Qin Jingwen would turn her anger towards him. He quickly spoke up to appease her. 。"Yeah, you focus on driving. Your sister-in-law has me to deal with." 。The more he heard it, the more the ever-evolving title sounded pleasing to his ears. 。Although these two scoundrels have betrayed him, using this cunning method to acknowledge him as a heartless person. 。But hearing those "Miss" and "Madam," he was over the moon. So, their mistake today was specially dealt with. 。"Come on, how can I help" Qiao Shunchen asked Qin Jingwen openly. If he disagreed to help, Qin Jingwen might come up with another way to force him 。There's nothing special about it, just help her find a good doctor and hospital, and lend a helping hand if she has any difficulties in life. 。These are all easy things for you, no effort at all and it's a great kindness. 。The Ye family will thank you. 。Qin Jingwen spoke the entire sentence with a smile, it seemed like she had a way to deal with Qiao Shunchen. 。As long as she could think faster than Qiao Shunchen, he would willingly do things he didn't want to do. 。"I don't need any thanks, I was forced by you." 。There's no way around it, I just happened to meet such a kind-hearted woman. 。" Qiao Shunchen teased, then hugged Qin Jingwen. 。Although he reluctantly agreed to Qin Jingwen, seeing her radiant smile made him have no complaints. 。He is not a heartless person, nor is he cold-blooded. 。Every year, he donates a significant portion of his wealth to charity. He and the company are also always there to donate in times of disaster. 。But facing someone as wicked as Ye Wen, it's really hard for him to show his kindness. 。If it weren't for Qin Jingwen, he would never have helped Ye Wen. 。A group of people arrived at the hospital. The driver waited outside, while Sun Xu and Qiao Shunchen went to the ward together. 。From the moment he got out of the car to walking into the ward, Qiao Shunchen kept Qin Jingwen's hand in his, as if danger could appear at any time, as if any mentally ill person could rush out and harm Qin Jingwen. 。“Mr. Joe” 。Ye Wen stared in surprise at the few people who walked into the ward. She hadn't expected to have a chance to see Qiao Shunchen and them again. 。 "General Qin, Shunchen you're here!" Mama Ye quickly got up and warmly greeted them. 。It was Joe Shunchen who called her in the morning. Joe Shunchen just inquired about Ye Wen's condition, which made her very happy. Unexpectedly, Joe Shunchen actually came over in person. 。"Auntie, we're here to see Ye Wen and have a small matter to ask her." 。" Qin Jingwen didn't beat around the bush, being more direct might be better for Ye Wen to accept. 。"If there's anything troublesome, don't hesitate to ask. If there's anything we can do to help, we will definitely do our best." 。Without your and Shunchen's understanding, our Ye Wen might not have recovered to this extent. 。“General Qin, Shunchen, you two sit here. " 。Ye Wen, you happen to be getting out of bed and moving around. 。" Ye Ma ma invited Qin Jing, Wen and Qiao Shun Chen politely into the room to sit down for a bit. Ye Wen also got out of bed and came over " 。He/She looks much better than before, both in complexion and spirits. 。"Ye Wen, I came here today to confirm what I said to you on the phone seven years before my accident..." 。I hope you can answer me honestly, because this is very important to me. 。"Joe Shunchen started with cold and harsh words. He knew Ye Wen might not accept it, but he had already done everything to the extreme." 。Upon seeing Ye Wen, he was filled with hatred and couldn't bring himself to attack her. It was already a display of his mercy. 。"At that time you said...you probably forgot about what happened before, let me start from the beginning..." 。Yè Wén spoke in a soft, low voice, without a hint of spirit. 。Yè Wén was so nervous she didn't know what to say. She thought it would be best to start from the beginning, that way, Qiáo Shùn Chén could understand more clearly. 。Joe Shunchen's visit today surprised and delighted her, but she also felt a mixture of apologies and nervousness. 。Qiao Shunchen's coming is considered a chance for her to recognize herself and reform. 。When you first started pursuing me, I thought you were just infatuated with me. 。Later on, little by little, you always told me about things from abroad, but I didn't know much about foreign countries. 。"From the very beginning, you pursued me as that woman because it's true I was in that city at the time of the incident, but just a city, not a specific location. 。Recalling the past events, Ye Wen started to feel suppressed, but she knew that if she wanted to truly get better, she had to face everything and let go. 。Ye Wen continued to speak 。"You've never been straight with me about this woman, maybe you have your own doubts, maybe there are a lot of things in your memory that don't match up with mine. " 。"Until you called me after your accident and told me I wasn't the girl you were looking for, that you didn't like me " 。At that time, I knew I couldn't keep deceiving myself any longer. 。When Ye Wen thought about the past, she felt deeply regretful. She regretted that she hadn't let go back then, otherwise, none of this would have happened. 。I understood it psychologically, but I was very resentful at the time, and complained that you misled me emotionally. 。Later, when you got angry with me, you said I was the liar. You said that I clearly knew it wasn't you who was being looked for and yet didn't make it clear all this time. 。When it came to this, Ye Wen smiled wryly. Back then, they didn't know who was fooling whom. All they knew was that they had a huge argument and didn't reach any conclusion. 。To sum it up, that's all about the girl. 。“ Joe Shun-chen couldn't quite hear him, so he reminded him coldly. 。But he had to admit, after Ye Wen said these things, fragmented images appeared in his memory. 。But sadly, all these scenes are of me with Ye Wen. I can't find any trace of that girl at all. 。"We were having a really bad argument on the phone, and I don't remember exactly what happened. 。I only remember you saying that this girl was found in XX city, not the scene of the crime in A city. 。“ This was the only sentence Ye Wen remembered, only because this city and her later home were the same city. ” 。"XX City" Qiao Shunchen stared at Ye Wen in disbelief. 。He was also somewhat surprised, as he had never been in contact with this girl from XX city before. 。He has been there many times, including last time when he went with Qin Jingwen and their child to participate in a competition. 。 。"I'm very certain about this, you don't have to question it" 。" I don't need to lie to you about my current situation. Don't look in city A, try city XX instead." 。Although Yè Wén didn't have the courage to look directly into Qiao Shùn Chén's eyes, she heard from his tone that he was doubtful of what she said. 。She once again gave her attitude, although she had told many lies before, this time she dared to swear that what she said was true. 。"Is there anything else" Joseph continued to ask, but his heart was surging with emotion. 。He had been searching for so many years, but now someone told him he was looking in the wrong place. This made all his efforts over the years seem worthless. 。That is to say, all his efforts were in vain, he has to start from scratch. 。"No, I only remember this one. " 。I'll think about it, and I'll tell you if it comes to mind. 。Ye Wen was so nervous and angry at the time that she didn't remember much, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to remember it later. 。But from now on she was going to speak responsibly, and could not deceive anyone anymore. 。"Let me know as soon as you remember." 。"Just as Qiao Shunchen was about to get up and leave, Qin Jingwen spoke. " 。"Yè Wén, do you need a better hospital or doctor" 。If you need, we can help. 。Is there anything else in life that is difficult If so, please tell us and we will do our best to help. 。"Qin Jingwen saw Qiao Shunchen was about to leave, so she quickly said it out loud. 。"No, I'm fine." 。Qin Jingwen's concern left Ye Wen speechless. She had hurt Qin Jingwen more than once, and the trouble she caused was far more than just a little bit. 。Qin Jingwen could come to the hospital to see her, and she could even help her without holding a grudge. 。She owes Qin Jingwen an apology. She is sorry to Qin Jingwen. 。"Oh... that's good " 。If you need to contact us at any time, please do so. 。Qin Jingwen could see that Ye Wen wasn't telling the whole truth, perhaps she was too embarrassed to ask for their help. 。Since Qin Jingwen found it embarrassing, she wouldn't force herself anymore. 。Take care of your health and don't overthink things. 。We'll be going now. 。"Qin Jingwen finished speaking and, hand in hand with Qiao Shunchen, walked out together. 。"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to you..." 。Yeh Wen's voice suddenly came from behind Qin Jingwen, sounding strong and powerful, yet also sincere and genuine. 。"Wenwen, I'm sorry, Shunchen, I'm sorry " 。I was a jerk in the past. I shouldn't have hurt you and shouldn't have messed up your relationships so badly. 。Yeh Wen instantly burst into tears, yet the tears of regret made her heart feel increasingly at ease. 。"Actually, I had realized long ago that my greed was impossible, but I just couldn't bear to give up." 。Unwilling to be used by Su Qin, unwilling to be cheated of money by Jonny, and most unwilling to just give up Shunchen. 。" She choked back tears and spoke with difficulty. " 。But she still insisted on apologizing and explaining her mistakes. 。For so long, her heart has been suppressed, always shrouded in darkness. 。ak down because of this. 。I don't want Qin Jingyi and her family's children to be constantly overshadowed by the facts. 。Qin Lan could understand Qiao Liang's loneliness, because she was also lonely,...