Full Moon works

Chapter 1132: Kou Dan's Confession >


person, Qiao Dexiang asked about the name 。Other doctors are very skilled, but my aunt is just an ordinary doctor. 。My aunt's name is Qin Lan. 。"Aunt worked when she was young, but later she went to...Since Kou Dan didn't know what to be thankful for, Qin Jingwen listed them one by one and then gave a plan of thanks. 。But before she could finish, Kou Dan stopped her. 。"Alright, alright, enough with the thanks. I don't have all day to run around with you." 。I need to say something about Tao Chen. He has also done a lot for us, and what I can do pales in comparison to his help. 。As for Joe Shun, I'm doing this because of you. You've done so much for the police station, so consider this a small token of my appreciation. 。Compared to what Qin Jingwen had put in, Kou Dan's contribution was really nothing. If we were talking about gratitude, she should be the one thanking Qin Jingwen. 。"By the way, it's been a while since you've had treatment. No time Or something else"Kodan ended the topic of thanks. They were all such good friends, there was no need for all that thanking back and forth. 。"Tao Chen and Qiao Shunchen are enough to keep you busy, I'm keeping you on your toes with no personal time at all. 。I am doing well now. I will continue after they finish their treatment. 。Qin Jingwen is afraid that Kou Dan will sacrifice her own time to serve them. She has already caused a lot of trouble for Kou Dan, and she doesn't want to rush her own affairs. 。"I'm not busy, I have time right now." 。It's better to strike than to choose a date, start now. 。" Then, Kou Dan put down her coffee and stood up. She was ready to give Qin Jing another round of treatment. " 。"You're not busy, I am. The late meeting will end soon, and I have something to ask him." 。Qin Jingwen pulled Koudan and let her sit down. 。"My affairs are not urgent, and they will not affect my life " 。Even if you help me, just cure Tao Chen and Qiao Shunchen's illnesses as soon as possible. 。Qin Jing spoke softly, "Compared to herself, Qiao Shunchen and Tao Chen were more important." 。Okay 。"

Kodan agreed, but then fell silent. 。Her silence Qin Jingwen didn't know why, he just watched her mood suddenly not high. 。"What's wrong Having trouble" 。"Wenwen, you know about me going to Qiao's to treat Qiao Shunchen alone" 。" The tone of Koudan's words wasn't a question, but a statement of fact. "。Qin Jingwen hadn't expected Kou Dan's silence to be because of this, nor had she expected her to bring it up, so she was speechless for a moment. 。That day, Chi Ju casually mentioned to me that you came to the police station looking for me, and he also told you I went to Qiao's. 。That day when you called me, I still lied to you. Actually, at that time, I was in Joe Shunchen's office. 。"You're a smart person, putting all this together you should know we hid your treatment from you this time." 。"

Koudan could not bear it any longer and had to tell Qin Jingwen. 。Qin Jingwen could know through these clues that they were hiding the treatment, and she could also confirm through some clues that Qin Jingwen knew about this. 。"It's nothing, I just know..." 。Actually, I called you that day to ask about Qiao Shunchen's treatment results. You lied to me, and I knew right away that Qiao Shunchen had asked you to hide it. 。“

Qin Jingwen could only face it. Everyone being honest with each other would probably be better” 。“Well, I promised her not to tell you” 。But you already know I'm wrong if I don't say anything. 。"Finally, Kou Dan said all the words she had been holding in her heart for days. In doing so, much of her guilt towards Qin Jing Wen lessened. " 。There's no right or wrong here, if I promised someone something, I have to do it. 。"Don't overthink it, I won't ask any further about this. 。That day after I called you, I also called Qiao Shunchen. His secretary said he wouldn't answer any calls or see anyone, so I knew he was hiding something from me. 。"If he wants to keep it a secret, let him. I'll pretend I don't know about this treatment and that you two conspired to deceive me. I'll just pretend it never happened." 。At this point, Qin Jingwen just had to open her mouth and ask, and Ke Dan would definitely tell her the treatment details. 。But Qin Jingwen didn't want to embarrass Kou Dan, nor did she want to know the details of the matter. 。Knowing this would only increase the conductor's worries, and she would just end up thinking more about it. In the end, it would just make her more upset herself. 。"You don't want to know what we said" Kou Dan asked, confirming whether she had just heard correctly. 。"I want to know, but I don't want to ruin his intentions if he doesn't want me to. " 。He has his reasons for wanting to keep it from me, and I understand that it might be difficult for him. 。Qin Jingwen just let things take their course, didn't disrupt Qiao Shunchen's thoughts, and it also allowed herself to relax a bit. 。"Koudan, to be honest, I already have a pretty good idea of what he's hiding from me, so there's no need for me to know more." 。Some things are painful in the process, and the outcome is also painful. 。Since it's all pain, I'd rather skip the process and just endure the pain of the end result. 。"That's the best choice, minimizing harm as much as possible." 。Qin Jingwen has suffered enough pain, any less would be better. 。If the ending is reversed and turns out to be optimistic, then the process she omitted could be considered a gift of happiness. 。“Okay, I respect your opinion.” 。"

Kou Dan now admired Qin Jingwen's rationality even more, admiring her extraordinary >>> 。Few women can achieve such a level, and even fewer can be so carefree. 。The topic had just ended, and the two people involved were still reeling from the situation. Before either of them could recover, Chi Chuan's assistant called Qin Jingwen over. 。Qin Jing, gentle and composed, said goodbye to Kou Dan and then went to Chi Chuan's office. 。"Do you have something to find me" Chi Chuan didn't even give Qin Jingwen time to greet him. Seeing her push the door open, he immediately asked. 。Knowing Qin Jingwen had been waiting for a while, the assistant didn't want to waste another second of her time. 。"It's a bit of a private matter, the car accident I told you about before." 。I would like to know if there have been any updates recently. 。Qin Jingwen also directly stated her purpose, because she saw Chi Chuan was also in a very busy state, and perhaps seeing her was squeezed out time. 。“I’ve been looking into that, but unfortunately, there are no leads as of yet.” 。"I'm also confused as to why there isn't even a trace. Could it be that you misremembered the time"

Chi Chuan's voice was filled with apology. For such a simple traffic accident, he, the Chief of Police, couldn't even find any trace. 。

Even Qin Jingwen probably wouldn't believe it if you told her.

"No, I couldn't possibly be wrong about the time." 。If no trace is found, it's highly probable that all the investigation data has been lost. 。Qin Jingwen analyzed the situation herself, and at this time she also came to Chi Chuan's office desk. 。But there’s something I don’t understand. Why didn’t the other victim contact me all these years, even though he knew I was supposed to compensate him Why can't I get in touch with him by phone 。This was something Qin Jingwen had thought about for many years but hadn't figured out. Now it seemed even more confusing than before. 。 “Who in your family was responsible for handling this matter back then Who from the deceased's side offered compensation” Chi Chuan needed to know some specifics in order to help Qin Jingwen analyze, and he also felt that this matter was very special. At least, he had never heard of a victim who didn't receive compensation>>> 。At first, I was the one handling the noodles, but I never actually met the other party. They always had their lawyer handle things. 。Later, the compensation for the deceased required signatures from both parties, and that's when my aunt went. 。Auntie said that the person who came was the deceased's lover. 。"That is to say, I never actually met the real victim." 。" Qin Jingwen thought about it and felt at a loss. How could things be so complicated She had missed everything by chance. 。Even meeting with the families of the deceased back then, now another victim can be found. 。"What about the agreement we signed back then It should have the name of the deceased's loved one on it." 。Chikawa continued to help in the search for clues, believing it was impossible that there wouldn't be even a single trace. 。This is what infuriates me the most, just after I brought the agreement home, my upstairs neighbor leaked water and ruined some of my documents, including that very agreement. 。Qin Jingwen was speechless. Things just happened so coincidentally, and there were no clues to be found at all. 。Otherwise, she wouldn't have been searching so hard for so many years. 。"What can we do then Could your aunt remember what the deceased lover looked like If she could, bring her over and have the Technical Department create a portrait to identify him." 。“This was Chi Chuan’s last resort. Qin Jingwen's experiences were indeed convoluted, so convoluted that he couldn't believe everything had happened to one person.” 。"I'll have to ask my aunt about that, and I'll have to wait for her to come back to be sure." 。Chi Chuan's last resort, here with Qin Jingwen, was already the best solution. 。After all these years, this is the only thing she still cares about. 。She just wants to return the compensation, and she just wants to thoroughly understand this matter, so that the past pain can also pass. 。

"It's too late... Forget it." 。When my aunt comes back, I'll contact you. 。Qin Jingwen wanted to ask about the progress of Song Wei's death investigation, but she was afraid that Chi Chuan had limited time, so she didn't ask. 。Okay, that's it. 。Don't worry too much, I will continue to look for the file for you. As soon as I have any news, I will definitely notify you immediately. 。Chi Chuan has always been very attentive to Qin Jingwen's affairs. He tries his best to help her within the bounds of his principles. 。Qin Jingwen is only thirty years old, but she has experienced more than someone who is sixty. 。He tried his best to help her, even if it was just a little bit less difficult, he was willing to do it. 。Qin Jingwen had been thinking about the accident, even at night when she went to bed with the lights off. 。 Just after turning off the lights, Qiao Shunchen knew Qin Jingwen couldn't possibly fall asleep so quickly. 。"No, how could you say I have something on my mind"Qin Jingwen denied it. She said they had agreed to solve their own problems and not interfere with each other, she didn't want to bring her worries to Qiao Shunchen. 。"Her emotions weren't high-spirited. Even when playing with the child, she seemed absentminded." 。If there's anything you need, just tell me and I'll help you solve it. 。Joe Shun-chen's intuition told him Qin Jingwen must have encountered something, but he wasn't sure if it was a big deal or a small one. 。Then Qin Jingwen was silent for a moment. She thought again, maybe Qiao Shunchen could help her find the victim who had been hit by the car. 。Maybe think about it this way, he intentionally concealed things from her, and she also has the ability to solve problems on her own. 。"Nothing much, just really tired today." 。 just waiting for Su Qin to ask him 。But she said she knew you and told me right in front of me that you weren't good. 。Su Qin continued to ask, but she was unprepared, and her words were full of hole...