Full Moon works

Chapter 1243: You Shouldn't Come Back


beautiful encounter even after forty years, and also a crystallization of love witnessed by her and Qin Lan. 。When Qiao Liang is alone, he always thinks about how to make things perfect and how to pr...After leaving the CEO's office, Su Qin took her bag and went straight to the underground parking lot, where she met Chen Shu who had just returned from outside. 。Chen Shu's first reaction upon seeing Su Qin was to frown, the disgust in his eyes unconcealable. 。They looked at each other. Seeing that Chen Shu didn't intend to greet her, Su Qin was too lazy to speak either. 。So they just pretended they hadn't met and went their separate ways. 。"Su Qin..."The two were about to pass each other when Chen Shu called out to Su Qin. 。"You shouldn't be at Joe's, you shouldn't come back to work" 。"Chen said that he had endured this for a long time, but he couldn't bear it anymore and had to speak up. " 。"Mr. Qiao told me to come back, others have no right to comment on whether I should or shouldn't..." 。" Seeing Chen Shu's attitude wasn't good, Su Qin didn't have a good tone either. 。"You should not have forgotten what happened before. Even if Joe asked you to come back, you shouldn't have appeared and disturbed the lives of the President and Director Qin." 。No matter what kind of tone Su Qin was using, Chen Shu still had to say what he needed to say. 。He worries that Su Qin's appearance will make the relationship between Qiao Shunchen and Qin Jingwen worse. 。And her sudden return, even they didn't know about it. Who can guarantee that Su Qin doesn't have some ulterior motives 。"I came back to work. I put all my thoughts into work, how could it possibly affect Qin Jingwen" 。"Chen Shu, you're treating me like a problem. You've overthought this." 。"I have something else to do, see you later." 。Su Qin didn't give Chen Shu any time to continue, and directly strode away. 。The opportunity was given to her by Qiao Shunchen, and Qiao Shunchen must have his reasons for doing so. So Su Qin didn't think there was anything wrong with her coming back, and it had nothing to do with anyone else. 。Chen Shu helplessly watched Su Qin leave before going upstairs. 。As soon as I stepped out of the elevator on the 30th floor, Sun Xu and Du Peng pulled me towards the CEO's office. 。"What's wrong What happened"Their sudden actions made Chen Shu worried that something had happened. 。"The three of us went to find President Joe and told him about Su Qin." 。"Sun Xu kept walking and answering Chen Shu's questions. He didn't even stop to catch his breath, eager to talk with General Joe as soon as possible. " 。"I thought something major had happened, let go of me, I'm going there too" 。Chen Shu broke free from the two people's grasp, then walked quickly while narrating what had just happened with Su Qin. 。"It's pointless talking to this kind of person, you're just wasting saliva." 。" Du Peng said disdainfully, the result Chen Shu encountered was something anyone could have predicted. " 。Su Qin had finally come across such an opportunity. She was mentally prepared before coming, and no matter what anyone said, she wouldn't leave on her own. 。"It's completely useless and just makes me angry." 。As Chen Shu spoke, Sun Xu had already begun knocking on the door of the CEO's office. 。Hearing the assent, the three people pushed open the door and went in. 。“Joe, " 。" Joe 。"

" Joe, " 。Three people greeted each other, all looking very serious. 。 Qiao Shunchen was looking at files by his desk and only realized when he heard the greeting that three people had come in together. 。He raised his eyes, furrowed his brow and looked at the few people. If he remembered correctly, none of the three had work to report together. 。Then the three of them came together, there were things they resonated with each other about. 。"How did you all come together" Qiao Shunchen's voice, not cold, asked the few people. 。"Mr. Qiao, we have something to say." 。First to respond was Sun Xu. 。 "Just say it" 。“ Joe Shunchen slowed down his tone. 。"When Su Qin came back to work, we all objected. This person is dangerous and will affect the harmony between you and General Qin." 。" The answer is still Sun Xu. 。He had to rush his answer, because when Joe got angry, the first one to respond always took the blame. 。This matter was his proposal, and he is responsible for it. 。"I thought it was nothing, there wouldn't be any problems." 。"Su Qin guaranteed that she would reform herself, and General Qin wouldn't have any other thoughts either." 。" Go to work. 。 Qiao Shunchen guessed it was this matter. In order to avoid making Sun Xu and the others suspicious, he deliberately slowed down his attitude and tone. 。But the moment his voice fell and he lowered his head to look at the documents, the pair of eyes that had just been relatively gentle were now glazed over with frost. 。He was right, Sun Xu and the others must have known everything. 。For the greater good, and to keep Qin Jingwen and the others in the dark. 。Now it seems that everything he did to conceal it from them was the most correct choice, otherwise nothing could have succeeded. 。Mr. Qiao, Su Qin is a person of two faces and cannot be trusted. 。"Mr. Qiao, it's better to let Su Qin leave." 。Chen Shu and Du Peng couldn't help but speak up either. 。They wouldn't believe that Su Qin could reform, they wouldn't believe she could be kind and let go of her selfish thoughts. 。Although they don't know what reason Joe always gives Su Qin to come back, they hope Qiao Shunchen can think twice and not let Su Qin affect his relationship with Director Qin. 。“You're worrying too much, nothing will happen” 。"Okay, I'll observe for a while. If she has any bad thoughts again, I'll kick her out immediately." 。Joe Shunchen still endured and didn't get angry, not letting them see his true thoughts. 。But he absolutely cannot let Su Qin leave, Su Qin leaving would affect his plan. 。"President Qiao..." Du Peng wanted to continue persuading, but before he could even speak, Qiao Shunchen interrupted him. 。By the way, Du Peng, I almost forgot something. 。Something happened in M country, you have to go there personally, I don't trust anyone else with this. 。Joe Shunchen made a decisive decision, he had to get rid of Du Peng, Chen Shu, and Sun Xu, otherwise he would have several more stumbling blocks. 。Mr. Qiao, I've only been back for a few days and haven't had a proper vacation yet 。"

This task came a bit suddenly, Du Peng was somewhat reluctant

" 。They agreed that they wouldn't go out during this time, so that if anything happened, they wouldn't be too far away to help. 。But that's how it ended, they couldn't fulfill the promises they had made. 。"First, cancel your vacation. I'm only comfortable with you personally handling this mission." 。When you come back, we'll give you a few extra days of vacation to compensate you. 。Joe Shun-chen endured these few people being about to recognize his internal injury. 。From Du Peng's attitude, you can tell that the three of them don't want to leave. They must be because of Qin Jingwen's matter. 。In the past, whenever Qiao Shunchen gave Du Peng a command, no matter where he was or whether he was on vacation, Du Peng would unquestioningly accept it. 。This stark contrast couldn't help but make one wonder 。"I understand, I will handle things as soon as possible." 。Du Peng couldn't refuse and could only take on this mission. 。"I'll consider Su Qin's matter, you all go out, I have to work." 。"

Qiao Shunchen spoke up to drive people away, only when they left could he hold back his anger >>> 。The three people left obediently, not finding anything amiss. They felt more at ease than before they had come. 。Yet the moment the three of them shut the door, Qiao Shunchen's anger boiled over. 。He pounded forcefully on the desk. 。He hated everything before him, even suspecting that Sun Xu and the others had been bought by Qin Jingwen. 。However, he also knew that Sun Xu and the others were people he had cultivated himself and who were loyal to him. It was impossible for them to associate with Qin Jingwen. 。The more he thought like this, the more Qiao Shunchen felt that Qin Jingwen was terrifying. 。She used what sinister tricks to get Sun Xu and the others to help her, and how much effort did she put into buying off his confidants 。Qin Jingwen has paid a heavy price, Qiao Shunchen has enough ability to make her lose everything. 。After Su Qin came back in the afternoon, she brought back the detailed information about the car accident. The so-called detailed information was just what Qin Jingwen already knew. 。"What's going on Why is there only information about them three" Joe Shunchen asked Su Qin coldly. 。The data is incomplete, which makes this amnesiac look fragmented. 。Above is very simple, only the information of Qin army husband and wife and Wang Ting three people. 。He is also a survivor of this car accident, he should have his complete information, and Qin Jingyi's information as well. 。But why is there nothing 。"Mr. Qiao, I only found these, as for why the information is incomplete, I'm not sure." 。Back then, Qin Lan and I reached a settlement agreement, but there's no clear record of it on the surface. 。"But I can be certain you should have received compensation that hasn't been given to you " 。"

Su Qin gave a very serious answer. As for what was going on, she had no ability to ask about it either. " 。"Didn't I get compensated for my part"Joe Shunchen vaguely affirmed. 。That sounds like Sun Xu might have also told him, but the memory isn't very clear. 。Yes, I haven't compensated you. 。Now you can make a claim for compensation, and given the length of time you've been without it, you are fully justified in raising the amount. 。" That sounded a bit forced, Su Qin realized, because she was certain the party liable for compensation was Qin Jingwen. 。 “You don't need to worry about this, I'll handle it myself.” 。"Which lawyer was in charge of this case back then" Joe Shun-chen continued to ask silently. 。"There should be two lawyers, lawyer x should be responsible for Wang Ting's compensation part. This lawyer was the one you arranged at the time." 。There is also a post-event intervention, responsible for the compensation part of your claim, I think it's XX Lawyer. 。Su Qin knew this, because she had met both lawyers back then. She was more familiar with the first one, and the second lawyer only asked her about compensation. 。"Lawyer XX, is there this person as well"Joe Shunchen remembered the previous lawyer, but he had no recollection of this Lawyer XX. He tried hard to recall him, but couldn't. 。Now he realized he had forgotten far too many things. 。There's someone who handles all your affairs. 。But when I came to work, I didn't see this lawyer. 。Su Qin answered truthfully. 。"Try to find him and ask him what's going on." 。Qiao Shunchen must figure out, he must know if the car accident was Qin Jingwen's plan. 。After Su Qin left, Qiao Shunchen was still seriously looking at that simple document. 。Looking and looking, Qiao Shunchen's thoughts drifted back to the day of the car accident. 。In the blink of an eye, he lost consciousness in the car accident. When he woke up, he was lying in a hospital bed. His sister told him that the other party in the accident was Qin Jun and that Xiao Wang had been killed in the crash. 。Later on, it was my grandfather who forced me to find a surrogate. 。And also, the daughter of a Qin army soldier came to the door of the ward to plead for mercy. 。"Mr. Qiao, the daughter of General Qin wants to see you, she's outside the ward now." 。The temporary assistant reported 。"The daughter of the Qin army Isn't she also injured, how come she's here to plead for mercy" 。 "It's the other daughter, the one studying abroad who rushed back. 。What do you see

Temporary help interprets... 。"If it weren't for Qin Lan, I wouldn't even show up." 。” doesn't he consider his responsibilities before speaking like that 。Okay, I'm not going to say anymore. 。You rest and I'll go out right away. 。Jiō Shunchen didn't know how he had angered Qin Jingwen...