Full Moon works

Chapter 1294: Don't Make It Difficult for Us


und her beloved treasure after losing it. 。"When I find the current homeowner, I'll tell them that we can't just barge in without their permission. After all, it's not our home." 。Qin Jingwen unders...Although Qin Jingwen only said three words, Qiao Shunchen also heard his nasal voice. Past experience told him that Qin Jingwen was sick again. 。But he insisted on speaking to Qin Jingwen in a cold voice that would make her burn with fever. 。Okay, I'll go right now. 。Qin Jingwen hung up the phone and rushed downstairs, not even bothering to put on a coat. 。Qin Jingwen pushed open the door of the compartment and realized it was raining outside. 。But when they went back to get the umbrella, Qiao Shunchen would definitely find fault with her handwriting and surely take the opportunity to ridicule her. 。And Joe Shun-chen's car must have an umbrella. In a while, he won't let the child get rained on. 。Thinking this way, Qin Jingwen ran towards the car position in the rain. 。"Do you have an umbrella Can I borrow it" Qin Jingwen pulled open the car door and said eagerly, she didn't want to waste Qiao Shunchen's time, she just wanted to take the umbrella and leave with the two children. 。But before she could finish speaking, Qiao Shunchen's sudden roar thundered down upon Qin Jingwen. 。"Get on the car" 。Then, in a voice that resonated like never before, Qiao Shunchen commanded. His tone was chillingly indifferent, especially on this rainy night. 。Qin Jingwen was stunned, but Qiao Shunchen ordered again. 。"Did you hear it when you got in the car" 。Joe Shunchen roared so furiously and was so anxious because of Qin Jingwen 。It's raining outside, and this stupid woman didn't even bother to wear a coat, let alone bring an umbrella. 。Most importantly, the raindrops were increasing in speed rapidly at this moment. It was estimated that within a minute, Qin Jingwen would become drenched. 。"Dad, you scared me" 。"

Half Moon said in a small voice, and indeed was taken aback by her father's reaction.

While Ban Yue was speaking, Qin Jingwen had already sat in the passenger seat and closed the car door. 。Just as Qin Jingwen closed the car door, heavy rain poured down. It was an exaggeration to call it a downpour. 。"I'm sorry, baby. Daddy didn't mean to " 。Outside it's raining but Mama Heart can't hear so she speaks that loudly, Dad will surely notice. 。"

Qiao Shunchen's tone softened, and he only had warmth when communicating with his child. " 。How did you guys come today, have you had dinner Qin Jingwen wiped the rainwater off her head with one hand while asking the two children. 。Joe Shunchen's attitude just now made her heart cold, but it was her problem, and Joe Shunchen had nothing to do with it. 。If she had no feelings for Joe Shunchen, if she could completely give up on Joe Shunchen, then nothing Joe Shunchen said would be able to affect her heart. 。Qin Jingwen wiped away the raindrops, Qiao Shunchen watched with a flustered heart, but his eyes were filled with resentment. 。It's not the kind of hatred between a mother and Qin Lan, but Qin Jingwen's resentment that she wouldn't take care of herself. 。Just as Qiao Shunchen unconsciously reached out to hand Qin Jingwen a tissue, Qiao Zixuan had already taken the tissue and stood up to help his mother wipe 。"Mom, you'll get sick like this" 。"Why didn't you wear a coat or bring an umbrella" Joe Hsueh's tone couldn't hide his concern for his mother. 。The moment mom got in the car, he was waiting. Waiting for dad to wipe the raindrops off mom's face. 。But no, Dad didn't react immediately. 。Since father no longer cares for mother, he can only be the male lead. 。Mother didn't know it was raining outside, nor did she expect it to be so cold. 。If only I knew… Ah… Achoo 。Before Qin Jing could finish her gentle words, she couldn't help but sneeze. 。"Mom, are you already getting a cold Why does your voice sound so stuffy" 。This time it was Ban Yue who was careful. Mom sneezed and her voice sounded like she had a cold. 。"It's fine, it's fine" 。As Qin Jingwen turned back to talk to Ban Yue, her peripheral vision caught a glimpse of Qiao Shunchen's face. 。 。With a face of disgust, full of boredom 。Qin Jingwen didn't know at first why. But the next moment, Qiao Shunchen looked her up and down, and she realized the reason why Qiao Shunchen disliked her so much. 。"Sorry, did I get your car dirty" 。"Could I borrow your umbrella for a moment I'll take them with me right away." 。" Since she had realized this, she couldn't be annoying here, so Qin Jingwen quickly opened her mouth and borrowed an umbrella. 。Who would have thought Qiao Shunchen would coldly utter such a sentence 。There was no umbrella in the car. 。"


Qin Jingwen, feeling very embarrassed, listened to Qiao Shunchen's cold voice and didn't know what to do. " 。Then I’ll go get my umbrella and wait for me a while to pick them up. 。Qin Jingwen was helpless. Looking at Qiao Shunchen's face, which was wrinkled together, her heart couldn't bear it any longer. 。Compared to Qiao Shunchen's face, she would rather get rained on, she would rather catch a cold. 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking, opened the car door and got out. Qiao Shunchen was about to speak, but at this moment Qiao Zixuan beat him to it. 。“Mommy, the rain outside is too heavy, let’s get in the car.” “Let's not go upstairs, we can just chat here.” 。Mom, get in the car! 。Joe Hsu felt sorry for his mother, and his voice became loud and urgent. 。Such heavy rain can soak you through in an instant. If Mom, who already has a bit of a cold, gets drenched, she'll probably get seriously ill. 。Qin Jingwen didn't know how to choose, but she got back in the car. 。"Mommy, here's your towel" 。This time, it was Ban Yue who brought warmth. She found a towel from behind her seat and handed it to Qin Jing. 。"Thank you, baby" 。Qin Jingwen took the towel, but then put it on the workbench and didn't wipe off the rainwater. 。 Qiao Shunchen was already fed up with having his seat wet. If he got his towel dirty, Qin Jingwen might start making sarcastic remarks. 。Still the same thing, I'd rather be uncomfortable myself than give him a chance to make fun of me. 。"What did you have for dinner tonight Have you finished your homework"Qin Jingwen casually chatted with the child, finding any topic she could. 。Just as Ban Yue was about to answer her mother, Qiao Shunchen’s cold and angry voice suddenly interrupted Ban Yue. 。Wipe the rainwater away 。He ordered her while grabbing a towel and throwing it over Qin Jingwen's chest. 。“Mommy, let me help you wipe” 。Seeing that the mood wasn't good, Ban Yue quickly stood up and took the towel from her mother's chest to wipe away the rainwater. 。Seeing this scene, Qiao Shunchen's heart finally let go a little, and he was not so worried. 。Coldness on his lips would make others uncomfortable, but only Qiao Shunchen knew that at this time, he was simply worried about Qin Jingwen. He just couldn't bear to see her looking so disheveled. 。I'm more worried about her health, worried that she caught a cold from the rain and it will get worse. 。Qin Jingwen's speech had a heavy nasal tone, her complexion was poor. The moment Qin Jingwen opened the car door, Qiao Shunchen noticed it. 。When I find out, I feel heartbroken. When I find out, I worry. 。Because he couldn't control his pity for Qin Jingwen, he hated himself, which made his entire face contort. 。

"Daddy, can I give you a little piece of advice"

While Ban Yue was helping her mother wipe the rainwater off something, Qiao Zi Xuan wanted to have a few words with his father. 。"Yes, go ahead." 。In dealing with children, Qiao Shunchen's tone was still warm. 。He oscillated between these two attitudes, leaving him exhausted. 。"Daddy, can you please speak to Mommy more gently" 。Even if you broke up, it doesn't mean there's no connection at all. At least I and my sister are here. Can you get along like friends Please don't put me and my sister in a difficult position. 。Your attitude towards your mother is like that of an enemy, as if your mother had done something unforgivable. 。Joe Hsu gave his father a lesson, very seriously and eagerly. 。He didn't understand what had happened between his parents, nor did he know the real reason for their separation this time. But his father's attitude toward his mother puzzled him, making him disagree with his father. 。 Qiao Shunchen was speechless for a moment. He couldn't let the child know about his affairs, nor could he let the child know about the hatred between him and Qin Jingwen. 。He didn't want to hurt Qin Jingwen in front of the child, but sometimes he really couldn't control himself and couldn't master this degree. 。"Dad, do you have other people you like Did Mom influence you" "If it were...""No, don't think about it." 。You don't understand about what your parents are doing. You'll know when you grow up. 。"From now on, I will definitely be more gentle with my mom. " 。“

Seeing Qiao Zixuan start to wildly speculate, Qiao Shunchen quickly stopped him >>> 。He also realized that his coldness towards Qin Jingwen in front of the children actually hurt not only Qin Jingwen, but also the two children who were extremely protective and loved their mother dearly. 。 Joe Shunchen's words were just a way to placate the child, and when the child was around, he tried his best not to get angry with Qin Jingwen. 。But when the child is not around, he and Qin Jingwen are still enemies. 。Qin Jingwen also knew this well. She was very clear that Qiao Shunchen's promise to the child was only made in front of the child 。As the child said, she did something unforgivable. 。Although she doesn't know to this day what unforgivable thing she did. 。"Dad said he'd keep his word, and I believe him. 。" Qiao Zixuan didn't fully believe that his father could do it, so he used this sentence to restrain his father and remind him. " 。"Keep your word" 。Joe Shunchen had to assure him, lest Joe Zixuan keep pestering him with this issue. 。"Mom, the raindrops are all gone" 。"

Half-Moon said, throwing the towel behind her.

" Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate! 。 "Mom, didn't you have dinner Why is your stomach growling" This was something Ban Yue had wanted to ask for half a month. 。While helping her mother wipe the rain off, she could hear her mother's stomach growling. But her father and brother were talking, which distracted her somewhat. 。"Ah, I haven't eaten 。Mom goes on a diet and doesn't eat dinner at night. 。“

Qin Jingwen answered the child in this way, and this answer is also the easiest for the child to accept

" 。But this answer Qiao Zixuan did not accept. In his view, his mother had already become too thin and couldn't lose weight anymore. 。"Daddy, you didn't eat dinner either. My sister and I are hungry too. Let's go get some snacks with Mom." 。Instead of directly refuting his mother, Joe Hsu proposed having a meal together. 。"Okay, let's go have dinner together." 。Jo Shun-chen had just agreed to be more patient with his child and happened to use this opportunity to take Qin Jingwen out for a meal. 。He could go hungry, but Qin Jingwen was already ill. If she went hungry, she probably wouldn't be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning. 。Although she was careful and wiped the rainwater off her body and head promptly, Qin Jingwen still caught a cold the next day. 。But a cold was just a minor inconvenience for her. She still had to go to work and earn money. 。After all, with the current economic situation not as favorable as before, she can only rely on her own efforts to obtain the 80 million in compensation. 。At noon, Qin Jingwen had no appetite for lunch and wanted to lie down on the sofa in the office for a rest. 。But as soon as Qin Jingwen lay down, Jiang Kai called to invite her out for lunch. 。This lunch Qin Jingwen couldn't refuse, even though she wasn't feeling well and had no appetite. 。

Let me know if you'd like to translate something else!ew that Tang Danni was joking. " 。Without Qin Jingwen's forgiveness, he didn't dare to speak carelessly. 。Qin Jingwen seemed a little embarrassed, although she was the best friend. But she had clarifi...