Full Moon works

Chapter 139: No Money, Just People


why they can't be together..." 。"What reason Couldn't it be that Dad knows" Joe Liang hadn't finished his words before he thought of this possibility. 。Let's think about the conversation between Qin...Wearing a black hat, the brim pulled low, and a black mask covering his entire face. 。Black clothes and pants, with a dagger in his hand. 。In short, the whole person is ghostly dark, and all you can see are a pair of evil eyes. 。Qin Jingwen looked around again, she was indeed lying on a bed. There was nothing around her, but she was sure this wasn't a bedroom, it was more like a dilapidated office. 。“Hmm…” Qin Jingwen wanted to speak, even if she died, she had to know why she died. 。 。The man in black sat down beside Qin Jingwen. With a forceful yank, he pulled her up and then removed the thing that was blocking her mouth. 。Qin Jingwen's lips finally regained their freedom and she began to breathe heavily. 。Then... "Who are you What do you want Do you want money"Qin Jingwen asked, panting and her heart still trembling. 。"Who I am doesn't matter, and I don't want money either" 。What I want is you as a person. 。The man spoke wickedly, his eyes on Qin Jingwen burning with a lustful desire. 。However, upon hearing this voice again, Qin Jingwen was certain that she knew this person. 。Looking at his physique, Qin Jingwen thought he was the one she had in mind. However, he shouldn't be in City B. Why did he come back Was it to seek revenge on her

“I have nothing, you want me, I'm not worthy” 。How about I give you some money, how much do you want 。Although it sounds like someone Qin Jingwen can't make a rash move. 。Although she didn't have money, she believed that money could solve everything. 。 。"Hmph... Even the wild woman Qiao Shunchen keeps outside speaks so boldly. Whatever amount she wants, she'll get it. It's all Qiao Shunchen's money anyway." 。"Speaking of which, this man bent down, pinched Qin Jingwen's chin with his hand, and brought his whole face close to hers. " 。Then the evil mouth opened 。Let me tell you, I don't want money, just you. I want to taste what Qiao Shunchen's woman tastes like. 。The man, after speaking, pounced directly on Qin Jingwen, pinning her down with his entire body. The dagger in his hand was also thrown aside… 。Joe Shunchen was still presiding over the meeting, although he was a bit bothered by something unknown, he still tried his best to focus on work. 。I want to end this quickly, I want to go home and see my children and Qin Jingwen. 。Just as he was working hard, Sun Xu suddenly pushed open the conference room door and walked in. 。 Qiao Shunchen's face darkened instantly, but seeing Sun Xu's serious expression, he didn't pursue it further. 。Sun Xu quickly walked to Qiao Shunchen's side and whispered in his ear. 。Tang Danni called and said she couldn't get in touch with General Qin, and she wanted to speak to you. 。Joe Shun-chen immediately frowned, and his face turned a shade of gloom. 。He snatched the phone directly from Sun Xu's hand and called Tang Danni. 。"What's going on" 。

Worriedness is undeniable in the voice.

"Winwin said she gave Song Yiren her bank card, but it hasn't come back yet." 。I called her, but her phone was turned off. 。

Ban Yue said that her phone was fully charged before she left, so it wouldn't be possible to get in touch.

I'm worried, what if…” “Don’t worry, I’ll find her right now.” 。Joe Shunchen didn't want to hear what Tang Danni was about to say. He feared it might be the truth, so he decisively cut her off. 。Although he said it would be fine, he couldn't feel at ease deep down. 。Because the person she saw was Song Yiren, that heartless and crazy woman. 。Joe Shun-chen hung up the phone. The meeting couldn't continue and was directly adjourned. 。Then, he returned to the CEO's office with three assistants. 。 Qiao Shunchen called Qin Jingwen, just like Tang Danni said, the phone was turned off. At this time, he dialed another number again. 。The phone connected… Qin Jingwen was pinned down by the man, terrified to her core. Her hands were bound, but she still struggled with all her might. 。"You son of a bitch, let me go!" 。。Qin Jingwen's hands were tied in front of her. Even though they both exerted force, it still hindered the man. The man was getting impatient. He straddled Qin Jingwen, directly controlling her hands and lifting them above her head with one hand while the other began to tear at her clothes. 。"WBD, let me go! You're not a human being, you'll be punished for this!" 。Qin Jingwen cried out in terror, wishing desperately that someone would come to her rescue. She couldn't let herself be violated like this. 。She valued chastity above all else, and absolutely could not endure such humiliation. 。She was struggling with all her might, but it was no use. 。"Let me go, you know this is illegal You will be punished by law." 。Qin Jingwen was still struggling to resist. 。"Shut up, I'll shove your mouth shut if you speak again" 。Obey me well and serve me comfortably, then you'll be safe and sound. Otherwise, I'll send you to see the King of Hell. 。The man threatened Qin Jingwen loudly, and the more she resisted, the more his desire to conquer her grew. 。That would be more stimulating and rewarding for him. 。“Kill me, I'd rather die than obey you” 。"You bastard..." Qin Jingwen's voice had just fallen when the phone hidden in her pants pocket rang. 。The man immediately stopped and started searching his phone. 。I found the phone very easily. It was still ringing, so I picked it up and took a look. 。"Mr. Joe, even the Heavenly King can't save you at this point. You're my meat, and I have to eat you." 。" The man growled menacingly as he pinned Qin Jingwen's hands together, then tossed her aside... Qiao Shunchen's phone went unanswered. When he called again, it was switched off. This completely threw him off balance. " 。“Something's wrong, something must have happened” 。 At this moment, he suddenly remembered the location software that Qin Jingwen had installed on his phone a few days ago. He hurriedly took out his phone and operated it according to the method Qin Jingwen had given him. 。In a short while, Qin Jingwen's position was accurately locked 。"The suburbs" Seeing Qin Jingwen's location, Qiao Shunchen was almost going to collapse. She couldn't have gone to the suburbs for no reason; she must have been kidnapped. 。Then he remembered Qin Jingwen asking him to look after Ban Yue a few days ago. Could it be that she already knew he would encounter trouble “Sun Xu, immediately find out what this place is. Chen Shu, get me a helicopter ready. Du Peng, have all the bodyguards assemble and wait on standby at the rooftop.” 。Joe Shunchen decisively gave the order, and then Chen Shu and Du Peng went to prepare, while Sun Xu also found Qin Jingwen's location in the shortest time. 。"Joe is a derelict factory, Qin's position should be a three-story office." 。This has a floor plan, our plane can land directly on the roof of the third floor. 。"

"Let's go now!" 。Joe Shunchen is now on the verge of collapse. Every second he delays seeing Qin Jingwen increases her chances of being hurt. 。He had to see Qin Jingwen as soon as possible, he must save her. 。Qin Jingwen's phone rang, and she thought she finally had a chance, but when she saw the man throw his phone away, her hopes were dashed again. 。 "You… you WBD, give me back my phone…” Qin Jingwen roared in a hoarse voice, but the man seemed to enjoy it, a satisfied gleam in his eyes. 。"I want to see how far you'll go, I find I like you better this way." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。" What the man said was lewd, evil, and Qin Jing felt sick just hearing it. " 。As soon as the man's voice fell, he once again rushed towards Qin Jingwen. However, what he didn't expect was that Qin Jingwen met him with a fierce kick. 。This kick landed squarely on the man's groin, causing him to roll off the bed in agony and scream incessantly. 。“You bitch…… Don’t you want to live anymore……” The man was in so much pain that he couldn’t even speak a complete sentence. This was Qin Jingwen's chance. She quickly got up from the bed and, while the man was howling in agony, she kicked him hard in the groin again. 。This time, the man was completely defeated. He couldn't even let out a whimper. 。Qin Jingwen hurriedly climbed onto the bed and found the dagger, then fixed it with her two feet, sliding her hands back and forth on top of it. 。It's a good thing the hands were tied with that transparent tape, two pulls and the tape broke, Qin Jingwen's hands were free again. 。Just then, three men suddenly burst in. Qin Jingwen recognized them as the same people from the taxi. 。She was threatened again, and this time by three men, whom she couldn't possibly handle. 。Qin Jing, in a moment of urgency, quickly thought up a plan. She grasped the dagger in her hand and hid herself in the corner of the bed. 。"Let me go, let me leave" 。Qin Jingwen brandished her knife, threatening several men. 。However, since many men have seen this sort of thing too often, they are not afraid at all. 。One of them crouched down and helped up the man lying on the ground. 。"You're such a loser, can't even handle a woman. Let me help you out, bro." 。" One man said jokingly, “I’ve never seen such a foolish man before. He was subdued by a woman.” 。The moment the man was helped up, his hat fell off, revealing everything above his nose. Qin Jingwen was even more certain of this man's identity, but she couldn't expose him, or else her life would be truly in danger. 。"No need for you, let me take a look. I'll be fine after a few minutes." 。"

The man said boastfully, but he was still in a lot of pain. He didn't know if his lower body would be usable anymore, but Qin Jingwen could only be his, he absolutely couldn't give her to anyone else

Thus the man sat by the window, glaring at Qin Jingwen, while the other three stood around her bed. 。Four people surrounded Qin Jingwen, trapping her like a cage. 。"Big bro, don't say that. This little girl is actually quite attractive. I can feel my heart beating faster just looking at her." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。The man speaking was the driver, he looked at Qin Jing with a lascivious face. 。“Well, that's pretty good. ” 。"The person called Big Brother nodded in agreement and said, 。Not only pleasing to the eye, but simply like a fairy. 。In today's society, women with such natural beauty are so rare. 。Un-made up and still this beautiful… Big brother… I also want to taste it. 。The third man had already drawn the curtains, but he hadn't mentioned during the task assignment if they could participate. 。"Be quiet, and stop thinking about useless things." 。The man who had been kicked seemed to be much better, and even his voice grew louder. 。"You go first, finish your task and then we'll come." 。"It won't affect you, what do you think"

One of the unconvinced saidfollow Wenwen's lead in everything she does. Why do you want to treat her with hatred 。Two children also came out to protect their mother because they couldn't bear it any longer. 。"If you have someth...