Full Moon works

Chapter 256 Always By Your Side


needle in my leg again, so I can keep playing games and time will pass faster. " 。Qin Jingwen's tone was light and casual, as if everything had just vanished like smoke. 。While others are phone obs...Qin Jingwen knew that at this time, she needed someone to accompany her the most, and needed someone to feel sorry for her.

She also hoped that this person was Qiao Shunchen, but the Qiao Shunchen she needed was genuine, not companionship without any emotion. 。"Go back, there are nurses for that." 。"

Qin Jingwen repeated. 。"You're sick, how can I eat I'm waiting for you to eat together." 。Joe Shun-Chen knew he was unwittingly putting pressure on Qin Jingwen, and he also knew that leaving at this time would be beneficial for both of them to forget about each other. 。But he really couldn't bear to leave Qin Jingwen, he truly couldn't bear to let her face the pain alone. 。


Qin Jingwen still wanted to continue talking to Qiao Shunchen, but at this moment the pain came again. She gritted her teeth and swallowed the words she hadn't spoken yet

"It hurts again, doesn't it" Joe Shunchen hurriedly reached out and took Qin Jingwen's hand. The force coming from her hand told him just how much she was hurting. 。 Qiao Shunchen placed his other hand on Qin Jingwen's right abdomen, beginning to rub it. 。"Bear with it, it'll be alright in a bit." 。Joe Shun-chen's voice was low and soft, but couldn't hide his worry. 。If he could, he would take on the torment Qin Jingwen was suffering. 。Qin Jingwen was indeed enduring, even though she couldn't help herself, all she could do was bear it. 。This feeling is indescribable, it feels like I'm going to die. 。However, the worst side of her, the one she least wanted to be seen by, was Qiao Shunchen. 。His tender words instantly made Qin Jingwen's heart ache in her right abdomen. 。It feels like he's genuinely concerned for her, but she also tells herself not to be swayed, and not to believe a single word he says. 。 "I'm fine, I can take it" 。Qin Jingwen told Qiao Shunchen, and was also encouraging herself. 。No one cared about her, including life and death. No matter what problems arose, even if she was about to close her eyes and leave this world immediately, she could only bear it alone. 。Although Joe Shunchen was by her side at this moment, she felt lonely and helpless, a sense of isolation unlike anything she had ever experienced. 。"Wen Wen, if it hurts, cry it out. Crying can help relieve... 。 Qiao Shunchen was so scared that he almost died. He couldn't bear to see Qin Jingwen enduring the pain. 。"Cry…" Qin Jingwen wanted to say that crying wasn't her character, but who knew as soon as she said a word she couldn't help but cry. 。Did Qiao Shunchen's words cast a spell Why did they make her tears flow, why did they cause her strong heart to crumble 。The previous moment I told myself to be strong, but this very moment, I have completely crumbled. 。 。I wanted Qin Jingwen to cry, thinking that if she cried, her heart wouldn't feel so desolate. 。But when Qin Jingwen's tears flowed, Qiao Shunchen could only feel more heartache, yet he didn't know how to comfort her. 。 Qiao Shunchen had nothing to say, he could only bow his head and hold Qin Jingwen in his arms. 。"It's fine, it will be over soon." 。With gentle soothing and a soft voice, Qiao Shunchen could only do so much. 。Qin Jingwen didn't speak, she just kept crying, but Qiao Shunchen's soothing words she heard clearly. 。At this moment, she felt no emotion, only a deeper hatred for Qiao Shunchen. She hated that he constantly swayed her heart, hated that he promised things he couldn't deliver. 。Qin Jingwen cried for a while like that, and the pain finally passed. 。She first withdrew her hand from Qiao Shunchen's grasp and then pushed him away. 。"It's okay, it doesn't hurt that much anymore." 。"You've sweated a lot, let me get you some water." 。Seeing Qin Jingwen's complexion improve, Qiao Shunchen also felt a little relieved. 。"I'm not thirsty, but could you lend me your phone Mine's at Dani's." 。After the pain subsided, Qin Jingwen also regained her composure. There was one thing she absolutely had to arrange. 。Joe Shunchen obediently gave his phone to Qin Jingwen. 。Qin Jingwen took the phone and called Tang Danni. 。"Dani, please call Aunt [Aunt's name] and tell her I'm staying at your place tonight." 。Don't tell my aunts about me being sick, they would worry. 。I'm afraid Auntie will worry, I'm afraid Jing Yi will worry, and I'm also afraid the two children will worry. 。All she could think about at that time was other people, not herself. 。"Well, I'll do that right away. " 。How are you Are you feeling any better 。"Much better, don't worry." 。Qin Jingwen hung up the phone, handed it to Qiao Shunchen, but inadvertently saw that Qiao Shunchen's lock screen was a photo of her and her child. 。She wanted to say something, to make Qiao Shunchen change the child's... 。But she didn't say anything, pretending she hadn't seen it, pretending she had overthought things. 。"You go back too, I'm really fine." 。I'm always bothering you, I feel so embarrassed. 。"Qin Jingwen's words were said with no strength. " 。Leave me alone, pretend I don't exist. I'm not going back. 。For Qin Jingwen's insistence and her apology, Qiao Shunchen was not patient enough to listen. 。They shouldn't be this polite. Even among ordinary friends, you wouldn't leave a patient alone like this. 。Qin Jingwen saw that she couldn't persuade Qiao Shunchen, so she could only remain silent. 。Perhaps she was just too exhausted from the ordeal, worn out by the pain, or maybe it was the medication, but Qin Jingwen fell asleep after a short while. 。However, Qin Jingwen in her sleep still frowned occasionally, perhaps the pain was still with her, just to a lesser degree than before. 。Joe Shunchen has been by Qin Jingwen's side the whole time, sitting by her bedside holding her hand, feeling heartbroken for everything she's going through. 。This woman, he can't let go of her for his entire life, but there's no way to have her. 。This woman is the guilt of his life, yet he can't make amends. 。He couldn't come to her aid because she was busy, he couldn't help but feel tenderness for her illness without reservation, and in the end, it was him who made her the most pitiful woman in the world. 。Qin Jingwen woke up from the pain, though it wasn't as intense as before, it was still nagging and torturous. 。Looking at the sky outside the ward, which was pitch black, and looking at the familiar man lying beside the bed, Qin Jingwen's heart felt indescribable. 。She wanted to reach out and touch the man's thick, dark hair, but she found her hand held in his. 。Feeling the warmth of his big hand, Qin Jingwen felt that was enough, that was her happiness. 。Whatever their past relationship was, she had possessed him. Having two children who carried his blood in their veins was enough. 。Qin Jingwen collected herself, slowly withdrawing her hand. She knew this would wake Qiao Shunchen, and even though she knew it, she had to stop this beautiful scene. 。"You woke up"喬舜辰 suddenly awoke, and then worriedly asked 。"Still hurting""It's okay, no more pain." 。"What time is it now" Qin Jingwen shook her head while answering. 。The voice was indeed rather high-pitched. 。"No pain, no gain" 。"

Joe Shun-chen looked at the time.

"It's 1 a.m." 。"It's so late, you should head home soon." 。I'm fine now. I was discharged from the hospital this morning and went home. 。Qin Jingwen didn't expect it to be so late, nor did she expect Qiao Shunchen to accompany her for so long. 。"There's no way this is nothing. Song Xinzhe said your kind of pain lasts for two days." 。Don't go home. Your aunt and children will worry if you do. 。Joe Shunchen didn't mean to leave at all, he couldn't bear to leave Qin Jingwen alone in the hospital this late. 。"It's not too painful, I can bear it. You go back, you still have to work tomorrow." 。“I'm sorry to have kept you waiting,” Qin Jingwen said apologetically, but before she could finish her sentence, Qiao Shunchen interrupted her in a low voice. 。"Winwin, since we are friends, it's normal for me to stay here and look after you. Unless you don't consider me a friend." 。" Qiao Shunchen said coldly, with no other meaning than not wanting Qin Jingwen to continue driving him away. " 。"I..." Qin Jingwen momentarily didn't know what to say. 。No matter if the man in front of me was Chu Yang or Tao Chen, she would say this. 。But Qiao Shunchen's words left her speechless. 。If she continues to let him stay, it's because she cares about him. 。Then please take care of it. 。"Have you eaten dinner" Qin Jingwen felt helpless. Even though she felt heartbroken watching him leave, she couldn't bear to stop him any longer. 。"Didn't eat " 。"I'm hungry, want to get some food and eat together" 。Qin Jingwen wasn't hungry, and she felt nauseous so she couldn't eat, but she didn't want Qiao Shunchen to go hungry because of her. 。Joe Shunchen looked down at the time. Not many restaurants were open at this hour, and it would be difficult to find something suitable for Qin Jingwen. 。 Qiao Shunchen pondered for a moment, said nothing and directly scooped Qin Jingwen up in his arms, leaving her flustered. 。"What are you doing" "Taking you out for a meal." 。"Joe Shunchen answered Qin Jingwen with a few words, his steps were large but incredibly steady. 。"Where should we eat We can just order takeout." 。Qin Jingwen was still dumbfounded. She hadn't expected her own suggestion to cause such a stir in Qiao Shunchen. 。Joe Shunchen didn't answer Qin Jingwen anymore, but went straight to the parking lot and found his car. He put Qin Jingwen in the co-driver's seat. 。Joe Shunchen was very thoughtful, he went to the back and brought a blanket back to cover Qin Jing, and also adjusted the seat to a comfortable position. 。Joe Shun-chen fastened his seatbelt and helped Qin Jingwen fasten hers. 。"Where are we going, should we go back to the ward" 。Qin Jingwen was still unable to fathom Qiao Shuncheng's thoughts. 。"You can sleep for a while, there's no dinner in the ward. " 。"Joe Shun-chen spoke deeply, his mysterious aura made Qin Jingwen even more nervous. 。Qin Jingwen knew she couldn't go against Qiao Shunchen, so she could only quietly follow him. 。Qin Jingwen wanted to look at the route and roughly know where Qiao Shunchen was going, but who knew that as soon as the car drove out, she fell asleep again. 。When Qin Jingwen woke up again, she was awakened by Qiao Shunchen. She opened her eyes in a daze and looked at the familiar yet strange environment before her, realizing that this was Qiao Shunchen's mountaintop villa, and she was lying on the sofa in the living room. 。"Come on, I made you some porridge. Eat a bit and then keep sleeping." 。" You made the porridge" 。"Yes, I won't cook a full meal, but congee is fine." 。" Qiao Shunchen seemed to be saying it proudly. 。He lifted the blanket covering Qin Jingwen, reaching out to pull Qin Jingwen 。“I came myself, I'm not that delicate” 。Qin Jingwen got up and followed Qiao Shunchen to the dining table. 。"Thank you for your help." 。Looking at the steaming millet porridge, Qin Jing felt more touched, but she couldn't show it. 。"Don't be so polite with me, friends shouldn't be so distant." 。 “an live for half a year without any problems, but if your mindset is bad, at most two months. 。Such an answer undoubtedly made Qin Jingwen even more desperate. 。She couldn't help but her eyes welled...