Full Moon works

Chapter Sixty-Two: Father's Old Friend


ince losing her parents, she has become the head of the household and has to be good at everything. 。My aunt has asthma, and cooking fumes make her uncomfortable. 。As long as Qin Jingwen is around,...Qiao Shunchen's words made Qin Jingwen nervous, so she quickly opened her mouth to explain.

"Yesterday was an accident, and it won't happen again." 。Joe's got a deal with Jianxuan. I got him through a trade. 。Since I want to have my child around me, I am confident that I can take good care of him. 。If one day I can't take care of Xuanxuan anymore, I will absolutely never let him go back to Song Yiren. 。Qin Jingwen knows best how vicious Song Yien is. She used a hypothetical scenario to imply to Qiao Shunchen that Song Yien was an ordinary cruel person, but she didn't know if Qiao Shunchen would ponder her words deeply. 。"Can't take care of Xuan Xuan Want to quit your job or have you set a new goal Or are you looking for a father for Half Moon so that you can no longer take care of Xuan Xuan""Qin Jingwen, if you have such thoughts, then our deal is off right now. I will give you my audio software at the highest price, and I absolutely cannot allow Xuan Xuan to be harmed by you." 。"No, I don't have that kind of thought. I'm just assuming, I wouldn't abandon Xuanxuan." 。“

Qin Jingwen hurriedly explained, always confident Qin Jingwen whenever she mentioned Qiao Zixuan would become flustered ” 。Her eyes held the panic of losing Qiao Zixuan, and the extraordinary love for him. Qiao Shunchen saw it all. 。Jiao Shunchen had always suspected that Qin Jingwen was close to Qiao Zixuan in order to get closer to him, but no matter what, he could see that Qin Jingwen's kindness towards Qiao Zixuan was genuine. 。Song Yi'en accompanied Qiao Zixuan for four whole years, and in her eyes, she couldn't see maternal love. Qin Jing, on the other hand, spent only a few months with Qiao Zixuan, but their relationship deepened to that of mother and son. 。"Okay, I'm giving you one more chance" 。If I have to let Chu Yang take the kids again next time, I will without hesitation bring Xuanxuan back. 。" 喬順辰冷酷地說,但這一次他確定這又一次妥協的是自己 " 。Although Qiao Shunchen compromised, and Qin Jingwen breathed a sigh of relief, there was still anger in Qin Jingwen's eyes when she looked at Qiao Shunchen. 。She wanted to curse him, call him a heartless animal. 。She wanted to slap him awake, to make him see what kind of vicious and despicable person Song Yiren was. 。She endured all of this, telling herself that other people's affairs were none of her concern. It didn't matter what kind of person Qiao Zixuan's wife was; she only needed to take care of Qiao Zixuan well. 。"Why are you staring at me like that Dissatisfied with my decision" Joe Shunchen suddenly approached Qin Jingwen evilly. 。"No, I am satisfied. In the future, if you don't threaten me, I will be even more grateful." 。Qin Jingwen dared not raise her eyes to meet Qiao Shunchen's gaze. His ink-colored deep eyes held a magic that was irresistible, and Qin Jingwen feared that if she looked into them, she would lose the rhythm of her heartbeat. 。She glanced to the side and then tried to step away, but she was stopped once again by Qiao Shunchen. 。"From now on, you don't have to go through all the trouble of hiding from me. If I don't want to see you, you sitting in front of me will be like air to me." 。"

Joe Shuncheng forced his voice to be a few degrees colder. Every time Qin Jingwen stood before him, every time he was close to her, Joe Shuncheng had an uncontrollable desire, and so was the case now

The desire to hold her in my arms swelled rapidly, and the urge to soothe her anger spread quickly. 。But he couldn't do whatever he wanted, because in the end, the ultimate sacrifice could only be Qin Jingwen. 。Joe Shunchen's words made Qin Jingwen's pretty eyebrows furrow, a sour feeling rising in her heart. 。"Okay, thank you for treating me like air." 。Qin Jingwen didn't know why she felt a surge of anger. This time, she didn't avoid Qiao Shunchen, but directly pushed him away with force, taking large strides with her slender legs and leaving. 。Isn't it just air What's so great about air When there's plenty of air, no one can restrain it. 。Qin Jingwen used her lunch break to meet with an old friend of her father's, who was also Qin Jingwen's last creditor. 。Originally, Qin Jingwen wanted to sell the voice software in her calculator app to pay off her last debt. However, she ended up using it on Qiao Zixuan instead. 。Then there was the medical probe software that she had planned to sell to Tang Danni's company, which she couldn't sell for now. After Qin Jingwen formally signed the contract with Qiao, she wanted to donate this software to Qiao as the cornerstone of her new job. 。Neither of these could be turned into money, so she had no choice but to invite the creditor out to discuss a compromise and delay it for a while. 。In a Chinese restaurant 。"Uncle Lu, it's been four years and I still haven't been able to repay your father's debt. I'm ashamed to see you." 。" Qin Jingwen shamefully apologized to the man in front of her who was like a father. " 。The man known as Uncle was Qin Jingwen's father's best friend and a business partner when the company was first founded. 。Qin Jingwen only knew that in the few months before bankruptcy, her uncle withdrew his company shares. 。"Your father is gone, and I don't blame him " 。As long as you have the heart. 。"Aiya, Wenwen, you're back. It's always best to come home no matter where you go, right Have Aunt and Jingyi also returned" This was Uncle Lu Zhiming asking kindly. 。"Well, home is still best" 。Auntie and Jingyi haven't decided yet. 。Lu Zhiming's words were the warmest Qin Jingwen had heard since she came back. 。"If we could all come back, it would be great to have everyone together for support." 。“How is Jing Yi doing Is she all better now” 。Okay 。This year's college entrance exam, if it hadn't been delayed for two years, I would have already gone to university. 。Aunt is also pretty good. 。"How is your uncle's place now How is Aunt" 。"It's alright, since your dad passed away, me and your aunt opened a small barbecue shop. It's been four years and the business is doing pretty well." 。“ Lu Zhiming had a calm expression on his face. Qin Jingwen grew up under his watch, like his own child. So, for all these years, even though life was difficult, he never pressured Qin Jingwen to give him money” 。"I'm sorry, Uncle. It's our family that has caused you trouble." 。If I had paid back the money sooner, my uncle wouldn't have to suffer. 。" I'm so sorry," Qin Jingwen said apologetically, pausing for a moment before continuing, her face full of embarrassment. 。"Uncle, I came to you today to talk about money." 。I thought that once Jing Yi turned eighteen, she could sell the property under her name and pay back Uncle. But Jing Yi might come back here to attend university, and our family wouldn't have a place to live. 。So I owe Uncle money, please give me some more time to repay it. 。" It's fine, I'm not in a hurry to use " 。Although it's not as easy to make money now and life is harder, Uncle and Aunt live a more fulfilling life. 。Your uncle has a house and insurance, and he doesn't need money urgently. So you don't have to worry for now. 。Lu Zhiming readily agreed. 。Back then, Qin Jun Company went bankrupt and owed a huge sum of money. Qin Jingwen paid it off bit by bit on her own. He believes that Qin Jingwen can keep her promise. 。Qin Jingwen didn't expect Lu Zhiming to trust her so much. The feeling of being trusted is like a good medicine, making her more diligent and hardworking. 。"Thank you, uncle! Thank you so much! I will make money as soon as possible and pay you back early!" 。Qin Jingwen broke into a smile, her face unable to hide her touched. 。Lu Zhiming also smiled amiably, looking at Qin Jingwen who was still striving with all her might. He felt more reassured than ever. 。After a moment, Qin Jingwen continued to ask: 。Uncle, four years ago I didn't quite understand what happened to our family. I hadn't heard that Dad had an economic crisis, how did he suddenly go bankrupt Qin Jingwen had always wanted to figure out what happened that year, but her aunt didn't know either, and Jingyi didn't know anything about it. 。All she could ask was Lu Zhiming. 。When Lu Zhiming heard Qin Jingwen's question, he visibly sank. 。He let out a helpless sigh before speaking. 。"Actually, the economic crisis has been around for a while, it's just that your dad wouldn't listen to advice and insisted on continuing to invest" 。At that time, the company was struggling financially. I mean, there was no future. We should clean up the company before we lost all our money. 。But your father disagrees and insists on cooperating with Qiao. 。Then we parted ways because we had a disagreement. 。" " Qiao shi" Qin Jingwen frowned in puzzlement. 。"Yes, it's the job you have now at Qiao Shi..." 。At that time, Joe Xiang was unexpectedly in a coma, and Joe Shunchen was abroad. The power of the Qiao family was held by Joe Shunchen's second uncle. 。Lu Zhiming stopped there, continued speaking but didn't mention Qiao's family anymore. 。"After I split with your dad, I didn't get a single cent." 。Later, I even lent all my savings to your father. I hoped he could revive the company, but it still couldn't withstand the economic downturn. 。"

Remembering the Qin family's tragic downfall four years ago, Lu Zhiming shook his head in sympathy. He still refused to believe that his lifelong friend had left so tragically. " 。Qin Jingwen was still puzzled. With her father's abilities, even if the company wasn't doing well and even if the economic tide hadn't been a buffer, it wouldn't be possible to owe so much foreign debt. 。"Uncle, then how did my family's company go bankrupt" 。"This... this I'm not too sure about either. After we split up, I didn't get involved in the company anymore." 。"Lu Zhiming spoke with reservation, saying that some things were useless to say out loud, and some things, once said, could not be taken back." 。People have already left., the remaining people still need to live well, let alone the Qiao family's current strength is so extraordinary that no one can shake it. 。"Child, let the past be in the past." 。You should live a good life with your aunt and Jingyi. Your aunt has suffered all her life, and your younger sister is still young. Only you can make sacrifices to bring happiness to both of them. 。Uncle believes you can hold up this family and give your aunt and Jing Yi a happy life. 。Lu Zhiming continued to persuade him. 。“Well, I’ll do it, Uncle.” 。I will make Jiejie and Auntie happy. 。"

Qin Jingwen nodded in agreement, but she still didn't understand her father's company affairs. " 。Ever since Qin Jingwen was warned by Qiao Shunchen, she never stayed late for work no matter what. 。If you need to work overtime, make sure to let Qiao Shunchen know and ask him to accompany you to pick up the child. 。Qin Jing Wen Ning would rather give up her job than give up taking care of Xuan Xuan. 。Qin Jingwen drove to the kindergarten, and many parents were already waiting there. 。Qin Jingwen sat in the car and didn't get out. She kept staring at the entrance of the kindergarten. 。Suddenly, the car door was opened and Song Yiren sat in the passenger seat. 。"What are you doing here" Qin Jingwen asked softly, her eyes filled with worry. 。"Nothing much, just checking how you've been doing these days Has Qiao Shunchen been bothering you again"Song Yiren wore a smug expression, clearly here to provoke. 。"I'm not coming" 。Qin Jing said calmly, knowing full well that Song Yi'en was here to provoke and show off. But she wasn't interested in playing games with her. 。"Disappointed Lonely No matter, I can still find a way to get him back by my side." 。" Song Yi'en raised the corner of her mouth and said wickedly, her eyes full of contempt. 。o something. 。After giving the order, Qiao Shunchen couldn't calm down. He kept pacing back and forth in his office. 。Just like that, about half an hour later, the private investigator's phone call c...