Full Moon works

Chapter 804: Can Surgery Be Used as a Treatment?


ber about your time with Shunchen You didn't spend very long together before you started finding excuses to go abroad, leaving for four years at a time and never coming back. " 。It has always been Shu..."When to leave hasn't been decided, and I don't know when things will end." 。I won't be joining them this time, let's talk next time if there's a chance. 。Qin Jingwen did not tell him the specific time she was leaving, nor did she accept Qiao Shunchen's invitation to dinner. 。...so that he wouldn't be disturbed by Qiao Shunchen when he left... 。"What about last night's events..." "Look how excellent the two children are, those parents are envious to death" 。Qin Jingwen cut Qiao Shunchen off very directly. 。She's just like that, she doesn't dwell on past events. As long as she remembers what she said and keeps her word, that's all that matters. 。"Warm warm..." "I can't see very well here, I'm going to the other side to take a look" 。Joe Shunchen was unwilling to give up, wanting to explain what happened last night. However, Qin Jingwen decisively kept her distance from him. 。Today is Monday, Tao Chen and Song Yien made an appointment to go to the hospital for a check-up. 。Following Song Eon's request, they took their previous medical records to a different hospital. 。Why does she always switch hospitals Song Eien just hopes this hospital can give different test results. 。Although she knew the chances were slim, she held onto a glimmer of hope. 。After checking for the whole morning and based on the reports from the previous two checkups, the doctor finally reached a conclusion. 。"The results from both hospitals leave no doubt, it is indeed advanced cancer." 。The doctor's answer was undoubtedly another death sentence for Song Yiren. Any hope Song Yiren had was completely extinguished. 。"Doctor, can I have surgery" Song Yiren showed her anxiety and fear. 。"I... I suppose it's possible, but..."The doctor couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. The words that followed would be a devastating blow to his patient, a cruel and ultimate truth. 。"Doctor, just tell me straight, I can take it and I'm mentally prepared " 。Song Yiren knew why the doctor hesitated. She knew everything there was to know, what else could be unacceptable 。The doctor hesitated, glancing up to look at Tao Chen standing behind Song Yien. 。"Doctor, just tell me, she knows her own illness better than anyone else." 。There's no way Tao Chen could lie to Song Yi En at this point. 。Then, I'll just say... 。Surgery and chemotherapy are both options, depending on the patient's own wishes. 。But you have already spread over a large area, and surgery to remove just one part will be completely ineffective. 。And during the chemotherapy process, if your body feels unwell, you definitely won't be able to hold on. 。"That is to say, surgery carries a very high risk, and the time you have left may be shorter than with conservative treatment." 。You could even end up having to undergo surgery. 。The doctor said the situation wasn't the worst it could be, he was truly afraid the patient wouldn't be able to handle it. 。"My opinion is still conservative treatment, I understand your condition." 。Your nerves that perceive pain are not sensitive, and that's a good thing. 。Since you're not obviously suffering, you don't struggle as much as others and can extend your time a little longer. 。"Let's go with conservative treatment. Just think it through, look at things from a positive perspective, and keep an optimistic attitude. This way, your life will be longer." 。The advice given by this doctor is consistent with that of the other two hospitals. 。Song Yiren had completely lost hope, meaning she could only wait to die. 。Song Yiren didn't know how she got out of the hospital, or how she got home. Now lying in her own bed, she still couldn't escape the fear of death. 。She was about to die, this was how her life ended, such a terrible end. 。She hadn't even reached thirty yet, and she had already lived a full life. 。She still had a lot of things unfinished, hadn't even settled the score with Qin Jingwen, so she just left like that Wasn't that giving Qin Jingwen an easy win 。What should she do What could she possibly do This morning had been tough enough, after saying goodbye to Qin Jingwen and the two children, she drove straight to her own company. 。After making sure everything was clear, Qin Jingwen hurried to the police station, missing lunchtime in the process. 。“This program has been hacked and will take some time ” 。" Qin Jingwen operated while talking, glanced at the time and realized she still had time, so she seriously devoted herself to her work again. " 。It's just that I didn't have lunch, my stomach started protesting and grumbling. 。"Haven't you had your lunch"Officer Li asked Qin Jingwen while standing beside her. 。"No time to eat now, let's have dinner together tonight." 。"Qin Jingwen made sure she could bear it " 。"Aren't you leaving tonight Do you have time for dinner" Officer Li knew Qin Jingwen's destination and what time her flight was at night. 。"Then let's see when I can finish this operation. If it's finished early, I can go to the dining hall for dinner and then head straight to the airport." 。If it wastes my time, I'll only be able to eat dinner on the plane tonight. 。Qin Jingwen had calculated the time long ago, but during this process of detoxification, she didn't know what unknown things she might encounter, so she couldn't determine the time. 。Then I won't speak to you anymore, you better make the most of your time and operate. 。Officer Li closed his mouth and stopped bothering Qin Jingwen. 。On the contrary, this virus wasn't as complex as Qin Jingwen had imagined. Before their meal, Qin Jingwen had already solved it. 。"I can have dinner now, it's been a long time since I've had food from the cafeteria, I really miss it" 。Qin Jingwen completed a task, and during the process, she was particularly quiet without Qiao Shunchen's appearance, which made her feel much more relaxed. 。"Don't go to the dining hall for dinner, I've had someone bring your meal to your office. I have something to tell you." 。"After Officer Li finished speaking, he directly asked someone to prepare dinner for them at the cafeteria. Then, he and Qin Jingwen went together to Qin Jingwen's office. " 。Qin Jingwen's office 。"Are you going to tell me about Song Wei" 。Given Qin Jingwen's intelligence and perceptiveness, she couldn't possibly have failed to guess what Officer Li was trying to say. 。Yes, but there's still no news from Song Wei. 。I want to say that Song Eon's recent unusual behavior 。"She waited until the nanny went out to make a phone call. Before dialing, she carefully searched the room for eavesdroppers." 。This indicates that she already knows we installed the cameras, just hasn't found them yet. 。Even though she didn't find anything, she still wasn't convinced so she went outside. 。There are no cameras outside, but we found some videos of her outside from an angle in the house. 。Of course, we couldn't hear the sound. We only saw her use the nanny's phone to make a quick call in a hurry. However, we didn't monitor the nanny's phone, so we don't know what she said on the call. 。Officer Li recounted what happened that day. 。"Who did that phone call go to" Qin Jingwen felt that this was something very simple to find out. 。" Qiao Bin 。Officer Li answered without hesitation. 。"It's Qiao Bin again What exactly is going on between them" Qin Jingwen frowned, her expression puzzled. 。She didn't know Qiao Bin, only that Qiao Shunchen and Qiao Yu had a bad relationship. As for his relationship with Song Yiren, Qin Jingwen was even more unclear. 。"We don't know about that either. We investigated Joe Bin when he went to visit Song Yien at the prison, but we didn't find anything suspicious." 。Now Qiao Bin has appeared again, and Song Yien's phone calls to him are still being made secretly. Since they are secret calls, it proves that the content is something that shouldn't be known by others. 。" But we also checked Qiao Bin's call records, and besides this one, they had no call discipline. 。Officer Li gave a general account of the situation, but Qin Jingwen was even more confused after hearing it. 。"Then let's investigate Joe Bin deeply." 。Qin Jingwen just put forward her own opinion, whether it will work or not still needs to be determined by Officer Li. 。"We're not daring to investigate too deeply at the moment, for fear of scaring the snake." 。As soon as Officer Li finished speaking, his colleagues brought in lunch. 。"Officer Qin, let's eat first and chat while we eat. Otherwise, you won't have time." 。The two people sat down and discussed while eating. 。Then, you don't have to worry about anything else. 。Could you possibly figure out a way to install a hidden camera outside Song E-eun's home as well 。Then she would have absolutely no secrets left, and we wouldn't miss any information. 。Officer Li knew that saying anything to Qin Jingwen now would be useless. After all, she was going out to study. 。As long as she helps put the surveillance cameras in place. 。"I could, but I'm too busy today." 。Qin Jingwen stopped eating and began thinking of a way. 。"That way, Officer Li, I'll have Tao Chen figure out a way to get Song Yiren out, and also get the nanny away. " 。Then you let our colleagues in to install it. 。Qin Jingwen felt this was the fastest way. If she waited for her to come back, it would take a very long time. 。Some important information was also lost during this period. 。"Alright, let me know when you're in contact with Tao Chen. I'm ready here." 。The two of them had settled things. They ate dinner quietly, and Qin Jingwen's time was up. 。"Officer Li…" Qin Jingwen was just about to speak and ask Officer Li for a favor when Chi Chuan pushed the door open and walked in. 。"Director 。Chief 。" Officer Li and Qin Jingwen both opened their mouths to greet 。"Haven't left yet"Chi Chuan asked Qin Jingwen, pushing the door open and wanting to see if she had left. 。"I was just about to have Officer Li take me there, and you came in." 。That's when Qin Jingwen had the chance to tell Li Officer what she needed. 。But before Officer Li could react, Chikawa had already answered. 。"I'm on my way out anyway, so I'll take you." 。"Well then, I'll leave it to you, Chief." 。"Qin Jingwen smiled, it didn't matter who sent her, as long as she didn't have to drive herself there. " 。She didn't want to give Qiao Shunchen any more opportunities to drive her around. 。On the way to the airport, Chikawa's car drove very steadily, and there was light and soothing music playing in the car. This kind of music didn't seem suitable for discussing business. 。"Was I scary last night"Qin Jingwen didn't talk about business, but instead brought up the fact that she had cried last night. She felt it was necessary to explain to Chi Chuan. 。"Could a seasoned veteran like me be scared Of course, accidents can happen." 。I never thought someone as strong as you would cry. 。Zhi Chuan also wanted to know why Qin Jingwen was crying, but he couldn't bring himself to ask about other people's privacy. 。"It's embarrassing, isn't it But I'm a woman, and even strong women have their breaking points. Don't you think of me as a man" 。Facing Qi Chang's tears, Qin Jingwen felt it was somewhat presumptuous. 。But if a woman is even denied the right to cry, what is she even called a woman 。A big beauty, even if her eyes were blind she couldn't be considered a man. 。My eyes aren't blind yet, I can see clearly. 。" Chi Chuan joked, so Qin Jingwen wouldn't be embarrassed about what happened last night. " 。"Thank you for the compliment. I am indeed a woman, but I wouldn't dare to accept the title of a great beauty." 。"Last night I had something happen that was really upsetting and I just don't know where to release it. " 。To be honest, it's your fault. If you hadn't lent me your shoulder to cry on, I could have held on. 。"on, he wanted to know why she went to the police station and why she was always with Officer Li.” 。Qin Jingwen is no longer his woman and has nothing to do with him. 。He knew he shouldn't make a fuss...