Momo works

Chapter 101: Soul Control


nk has opened is not the criterion for judging the level of practice, but how many small weekly cycles there are in the body.if you open the same number of monks, you may not necessarily have the same...hearing what Lu Ye said, Yu Daiwei thought for a moment, then turned her head and said, "Don't go into this room. Whenever he shows up, you must follow him. You must stay with him!"

"Yes." Dao XIII is still responding stupidly.

"stay well!" Yu Daiwei gave him a sarcastic look and turned towards the secret exit. It seemed that she really wanted to leave.

Lu Ye steps to keep up.

Yu Daiwei naturally knew what he meant and didn't stop her.

A moment later, the secret exit was opened, and Yu Daiwei flashed out and disappeared. After she disappeared, the secret exit quickly closed.

Lu Ye turned to look at Tao 13, who followed him, and silently calculated how likely he would be to kill him if he used the Dragon Throne.

although he doesn't know how many layers Shenhai is, he can be sure that he must be weaker than Yu Daiwei.

but after looking at each other's sturdy body, Lu Ye still gave up her mind.

it is too difficult for him to fight such a divine sea, and even if he really gets away with it, killing Dao 13 will not help his plan to escape from the place. He is still trapped in such a secret place after all.

but when the Lord is gone and Yu Daiwei is gone, there is only one Dao 13 who doesn't look very smart.

the opportunity that I have been waiting for has finally come!

before Yu Daiwei had been in this unknown secret place, it was inconvenient for Lu Ye to do many things, but how could he accept his fate During the days when

was captured, he didn't do nothing. He had a clear plan on how to get out of the place.

I thought the plan could not be implemented in a short time, but I didn't want the opportunity to come so soon.

walked all the way back to his cabin, followed closely, just as Yu Daiwei ordered, inseparable.

Lu Ye tried to communicate with him, but Dao 13 didn't respond, so he just gave up.

in the wooden cabin, Lu Ye Pan sat, immersed in his mind, watching the talent tree.

in the past few days, he urged the power of the talent tree to engulf the flint accumulated in his hands, and a large number of leaves were ignited above the tree.

most of the leaves do not carry psionic tattoos, as is the case with Rao, which also gives Lu Ye two tattoos.

Lu Ye has not explored what these two new psionic tattoos are, mainly because he has expectations in his heart. He wants to stimulate a few more psionic tattoos and try to see if he can get the one he has in mind.

but now that the flint has been exhausted and Yu Daiwei is gone, naturally she can't wait any longer.

there is a faint feeling that the more you want something, the less you can get it.

under the immersion of the mind, the complicated lines on the leaves were suddenly magnified in the field of vision, and then a large amount of information poured into my mind.

fortunately, now that his mind is born, he has a great resistance to such a mental shock, but he feels a slight pain in his mind and it will be all right.

A lot of information exploded in my heart, and Lu Ye slowly understood the mystery of the new tattoo.

branching together in the same breath.

is really not the spirit tattoo I expected.

understand it carefully, and the land leaves move slightly.

strictly speaking, this psionic tattoo is somewhat similar to Caifeng Shuangfei. It is both used to borrow strength.

but it seems to be more applicable than Caifeng Shuangfei.

Caifeng Shuangfei only acts on two people, so that they can borrow all the details of each other's flesh.

Tongqi Lianzhi is also borrowed, but it is not limited to two people. All people within the scope of the tattoo can borrow from each other. As for the effect of borrowing, Lu Ye has not tried, so it is difficult to infer.

by comparison, the two tattoos have their own advantages and disadvantages, and Tongqi branches are more suitable for formation.

it is very difficult for different monks to form a formation. Everyone's breath, temperament and temperament are all resistance to formation.

only those monks who get along with each other day and night, have no adverse relationship, or who have cooperated with each other for a long time, will have the opportunity to form a formation. The formation is 10%, and the breath of the monks is closely linked, and they can often exert far more power than the individual.

so at this point, connecting with Qi is not just a matter of strength, but a combination of the forces of different monks, so that monks can exert their power beyond themselves.

this is a good psionic tattoo, but it is of little use to Lu Ye's current situation.

check for another psychic tattoo.

controlling the soul.

this is a divine pattern that must be driven by the mind!

Lu Ye suddenly thought of another magic grain, charm, and there was obviously a lot of commonality between the two.

in the secret realm of Tianyuan City, by virtue of the charm pattern, he controlled a Zerg team, killed in all directions, won a lot of meritorious service, and exchanged a lot of soul washing water.

but the effect of the enchantment pattern is more like demagogue. under the effect of the pattern, the mentally retarded Zerg will obey his orders.

by contrast, the role of soul control is more thorough.

that is the absolute control of the spirit!

one is bewitching and deceiving, and the other is controlling slavery, which is naturally different.

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this tattoo.

Lu Ye's eyes slowly brightened, stood up and pushed open the door of the cabin.

Road 13 stands outside like a wooden stake, its stout body looks baggy, but it contains astonishing explosive power.

"head up." Lu Ye told him.

Road 13 seems like I didn't hear it.

Lu Ye had no choice but to quietly surge her mind and urge her to control the spirit lines in front of Tao 13.

after these several contacts, Lu Ye obviously has a great defect in the intelligence of Road 13. He is really strong, but he is not very smart.

so Lu Ye wants to try to see if he can exercise the spirit pattern on Tao 13. If he succeeds, he can easily control Tao 13.

wouldn't it be beautiful to let him open the entrance to the secret world and leave by himself

under the surging of divine thoughts, Lu Ye could obviously feel the great resistance in front of him, which seemed to be a barrier invisible to the naked eye.

that's the spirit defense of Tao 13!

although this guy is not smart, in the final analysis, he is a divine sea, and the soul defense is not so easy to break through.

on the contrary, Lu Ye's brain buzzed for a moment, giving birth to the feeling that he had bumped his head against the iron wall and felt dizzy for a moment.

this is also a contest between gods and spirits, but it is obviously better than Tao 13!

shook his head, Lu Ye's field of vision slowly recovered, and saw Dao Thirteen looking up at himself, eyebrows locked tightly, as if a little angry.

Lu Ye left him alone, calmed down a little, and once again urged to control the soul tattoo.

with a bang, the feeling of banging his head against the iron wall came again, and Lu Ye's figure staggered, and the reaction was even greater than before.

finally recovered, Lu Ye some dry mouth, and nausea want to vomit, which is obviously a sign of mental exhaustion.

simply urged to control the spirit of the spirit pattern is not such a big reaction, but failed to break through the spirit defense of Tao 13, Lu Ye himself was subjected to a lot of counter-attack.

quickly took out the soul wash and swallowed a drop, and then recovered.

looking up, I saw that Dao Thirteen was even angrier. His fists were clenched, his knuckles were clenched, his eyes were glaring like bronze bells, his nostrils were hot, and he was about to hit someone.

Lu Ye had a jump in the corner of his eye, and he couldn't help feeling guilty and feeling as if he was bullying an honest man.

was ruthless and showed the spirit pattern to Tao 13 for the third time.

as the saying goes, there are only three things. If it doesn't work this time, it will be completely hopeless. Lu Ye is also psychologically prepared for this. Although he gave birth to the mind by chance and gave birth to the soul body, it is not a genuine divine sea after all.

on the level of the real lake, his spirit is powerful, but it is nothing to the real god sea, and it is very difficult to break through the defense of the spirit of Tao 13.

another violent sense of impact came, Lu Ye was dizzy again, and in his field of vision, he seemed to have a fist magnified rapidly, and then plopped to the ground, unconscious.

also do not know how long, Lu Ye leisurely wake up, thanks to swallowing a drop of soul washing water, not too much uncomfortable feeling, but in the divine pool, the power of the mind is consumed a lot.

he slowly got up from the ground and shook his head, feeling vaguely abnormal. He raised his hand to wipe his mouth and nose, and his hands were covered with blood.

memories before the coma surged up, and he looked up and said angrily, "do you beat me"

before the spirit concussion, he vaguely saw a fist rapidly enlarged in the field of vision, but now he has just realized that he has been hammered by Tao XIII!

Dao Thirteen bowed his head and remained motionless. Although he was not smart, he knew that what he had just done was wrong, mainly because he could not help it for a moment and the instinctive reaction of his body.

Lu Ye was even angrier: "your master asked you to spy on me. Who told you to beat me"

when he said so, he was kicked in the chest chamber of Dao XIII.

Road 13 slightly shake, calm, but Lu Ye's expression changes, slowly put down the kick out of the big foot, visible to the naked eye, slightly trembling below the calf.

this guy's physical body is really like copper cast iron cast in general. He has nothing to do with this kick, but Lu Ye's feet are a little numb.

Dao Thirteen was kicked and his sturdy body shrank. He was already bent, but now he looks more and more bent, with an air of having done something wrong.

"there is no next time!" Lu Ye glared at him, closed the door, squatted down and rubbed his cramped legs.

it is confirmed that soul control is of no use to Tao 13!

at the very least, it is useless before one's own spirit strength surpasses Tao 13. There is no way to break through the spirit defense of Tao 13. How can we control him

in the cabin, Lu Ye recovered for a while, prompting the shadow tattoo.

less inclined, a shadow formed by the condensation of his own spiritual power and the strength of qi and blood, and he cast Bian Tielian in front of the shadow.

the roots of the talent tree poke into the shadows, and the shadows gradually condense, and soon a separate body that is no different from the Noumenon appears.ities. There was already a long queue outside the recruitment offices, and it was obvious that they were all coming to join the monks of the two worlds. Some of these people were native monks who fled...