Time flies. works

Chapter Twenty-Three: Madness


lear on the surface.He looked at the thick stack of silver bills in front of him and reached out to take them."Lord Shen is a man of action, and if I were to decline, it would be rather petty of me. N...At this moment, Mo Zhin's expression had returned to its usual state.

Shen Changqing didn't speak.

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Because he knew the other party still had something else to say.

This time, coming to Xiaochushan Mountain, everything that happened surprised Shen Changqing.

Mo Zijin's current state.

It seems to be developing in a good direction.

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The premise is.

The other party will no longer be as out of control as before.

"Things are fine as long as they're under control, but it's a whole different story if they get out of hand."

As for Shen Changqing's thoughts, Mo Zijin didn't care. He turned around and looked at him with a calm expression.

"Would Brother Shen be willing to hear me tell some stories"

Please tell me more.

Chen Changqing nodded.

Mo Zijin paced to the middle of the hall, looking up at the hanging paintings and calligraphy, his voice slowly echoing.

I was born into a butcher's family. Though not from a wealthy background, we had some savings. From a young age, I loved reading and dreamed of passing the imperial examinations one day, achieving fame and honor, bringing glory to my ancestors.

And at that time, it was a chaotic world of demons and monsters, where human life was as cheap as grass. One moment of carelessness could lead to being swallowed by a demon.

A scholar cultivates a noble and righteous spirit, fearless of demons and evildoers. This is another reason why I read.

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In that era.

Evil spirits wreak havoc, leaving ordinary people with no room to survive.

From the words, Shen Changqing could also hear the despair of ordinary people facing demons.

“Unfortunately, I was not born to be a scholar. After years of hard study in the cold window, I failed the exams repeatedly. My father then hoped that I would give up studying and take up martial arts or become a doctor, but I couldn't do either.”

Mo Zijin's face was calm, his eyes filled with memories.

"If it’s just that I amount to nothing, well, that's not terrible. At worst, I can inherit my family's butcher shop and make a living, so as not to fall into utter misery. However, still the same saying, if everything goes smoothly, then that's good."

But if there were demons and calamities, for ordinary people, it would be a disaster of unprecedented scale.

"That year, I remember it was probably the 132nd year of the Qin Dynasty—"

Mo Zijin's eyes held a distant look, his thoughts already far away.

His complexion.

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In the flickering light of the candles, his face seemed to shift between light and shadow.


The First Qin Dynasty, year 132!

Shen Changqing, remembering what he had seen in the library, couldn't help but chime in when he heard the other person speak.

In the 132nd year of the Qin Dynasty, demons and monsters wreaked havoc in Guangyuan Prefecture.

"Well, in the 132nd year of the Qin Dynasty, demons wreaked havoc on Guangyuan Prefecture. That year, the originally peaceful Guangyuan Prefecture plunged into utter chaos, with death everywhere."

A hint of fear flashed across Mo Zhin's face, as if he had been transported back to that very same moment.

Shen Changqing softly said, "When going out, there is nothing to be seen, only white bones covering the plain!"

"Indeed, venturing out reveals nothing but a desolate expanse of bleached bones!" Mo Zijin chuckled wryly. "Brother Shen, your literary talent is truly impressive, painting such a vivid picture."

"Demons and evils wreak havoc, even the imperial court's full force couldn't completely alleviate it. We ordinary people are swept along with the tide, fleeing our hometowns, wanting to leave Guangyuan Prefecture and seek refuge elsewhere. But before we could leave Guangyuan Prefecture, we encountered a demonic ambush!"

"That was the first and last time I saw demons. Among the hundreds of people, there were strangers, acquaintances, and my parents, all perished at the hands of the demons. Their bodies were drained of blood, like ancient mummies."

I should have died at the mouth of demons, but my father, before he died, sacrificed himself to feed the demons, allowing me to escape.

Mo Zijin's eyes were vacant, and he spoke softly to himself, recounting his experiences.

He at this moment.

When talking about demons, one's face shows fear and hatred.

At this time.

The other party was not a terrifying disaster, but rather an ordinary, powerless commoner. They would feel resentment and fear towards demons and evil spirits.

“At that time, there was only one thought in my mind: to escape, to flee this hellhole. I didn't even dare to think of revenge because I was afraid, terrified. Demons seemed to me like invincible beings.”

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However, I am but a scholar unarmed and barefoot. Where could I possibly flee to

Mo ZiJin let out a self-deprecating smile.

“Not long after, because so many people died, there was an outbreak of plague in Guangyuan Prefecture. I, unfortunately, contracted the plague as well. Just as I was about to leave Guangyuan Prefecture, I was stopped by officials from the court. In their words, those infected with the plague were not allowed to leave Guangyuan Prefecture.”

Later, like all the others infected with the plague, I was driven back and the gates were sealed. All those who had contracted the plague were forbidden to leave the city walls, for outside the city lay a vast army of imperial troops. Anyone who dared to flee would be shot by arrows.

It's hard to imagine, we venerated the esteemed court, yet in the end, they became the executioners who slaughtered us.

When Mo Zijin spoke, his expression was twisted, and the hatred in his eyes was even greater than when he spoke of demons.

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He hates it.

Hate the demon who slaughtered his own parents, and hate the court that acted as executioners.

Upon hearing this.

Shen Changqing fell silent.

There was no way he could refute the other party's words.

If I were Mozi Jin, at that time, I would also develop a deep hatred for the court.

At this time, Mo Zijin paused, he turned his head to look at Shen Changqing.

"If it were you, Brother Shen, in my position, would you hate the court"


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Shen Changqing answered without hesitation.

...got the answer.

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Mo Zi-jin smiled: "Brother Shen, it seems we are kindred spirits. Indeed, in such times, who wouldn't hate the court"

“The city gates were sealed, and no one was able to leave. There was also no food in the city. Some people starved to death and even resorted to eating corpses on the ground. At all times, people died either from the plague or starvation. It was a true human hell.”

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I don't want to die, I want to live.

To survive, I forced down anything edible and inedible, clinging to the faint hope that the imperial court would find a cure for the plague and save us.


"No, nothing. No one cares about our lives or deaths. The city is filled with white bones, and the living are merely struggling within its walls. Cannibalism is commonplace. I'm just an ordinary person. I can't save others, nor can I save myself."

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Though I died from the plague, I was unwilling to accept it, yet fate had its way.

But, I hate, hate the savagery of demons, hate the cruelty of the imperial court. Perhaps Brother Shen would say that isolating the plague is to prevent more commoners from being infected and dying.

"However, I am not a saint. I cannot be so selfless. I cannot sacrifice my own life for others. I thought that when I died with hatred in my heart, everything would disappear completely."

Mo Zijin paused here.

Yet Shen Changqing was listening intently.

He knew that next, Mo Zijin was going to talk about how he became a disaster.

> How are natural disasters formed.

To be honest, Shen Changqing was also very curious.

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Mozi Jin said: "After death, there is no consciousness. But I don't know when it started, I began to hear many mournful and unwilling wails in the depths of my being, just like the sounds made by those who desperately died in the city."

I heard the wailing of my parents, and also the screams of others.

At that moment, I suddenly understood. They were unwilling to die just like that. Gradually, those who refused to die transformed into a force that pulled me back from the void and allowed me to be reborn in Xiaochushan Mountain.

"When I was born, perhaps due to severe energy depletion or other reasons, the memories in my mind faded severely. Many things were completely gone and could not be recalled at all. It wasn't until later, as time passed, that my memories slowly began to recover."

Speaking of which.

Chen Changqing already understood how natural disasters were formed.


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This is the resentment that all beings cannot bear.

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According to what he knew, every time a natural disaster occurred, it was preceded by a major calamity, followed by the death of a large number of people, and then the appearance of the natural disaster.

>And combining it with what Mo Zijin said.

Then it becomes clear.

The occurrence of natural disasters is due to the unwillingness in the hearts of those who died in the disaster. These resentments intertwined, giving birth to natural disasters.

Perhaps the Mo Zijin before us is not as simple as just Mo Zijin. There's a possibility that within him lies the combination of many souls.

> I later understood that my survival wasn't due to good luck, but because they chose me. They hated this corrupt world, the brutality of demons, the indifference of the court, and all forms of injustice. They refused to simply perish like this.

So, they gave me all their strength, hoping I could build a world without any demons, any disasters, and no injustice!

Mo Zijin's expression was somewhat insane.

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In his view, his rebirth was a mission-driven one.

That is to create a brand new world, a world without demons, without all calamities, and without any injustice.

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Hearing this.

Seeing the other person's frenzied expression, Shen Changqing felt a sudden jolt in his heart.

“Brother Mo—”

“Brother Shen, I can guess your purpose for coming here. Outside Qiushi Mountain, there have always been imperial guards stationed there. Since you were able to come here, I believe you are also an imperial person. A while ago, demons came here and tried to persuade and entice me.”

But I would never consort with demons, so all the demons who came here were killed by me. As for the court trying to win me over, that is also wishful thinking.

As Shen, representing the imperial court, has arrived, I shouldn't hesitate at all. After all, in our eyes, be it demons or the imperial court, they are all of the same ilk, not deserving of pity even in death.e breath, Tianzong's millions of miles would turn to ashes.It’s not just about Tiān Zōng.Even neighboring sects would have to be eradicated.Therefore.At this moment, looking at the incoming Divine Kin...