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Chapter 722 Dad, I don't want to let go of Huo Xi, I lo


r quickly followed in and apologized: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Huo, I didn't know any better."Ho Shaoting sat on the sofa.He lowered his head and lit a cigarette, taking slow drags. His deep-set eyes remain...In a starkly white hospital room.

Ho Xi lay quietly, her body covered in small wounds that ached terribly... It had been 24 hours and she was still unconscious. The doctor examined her and said there was no serious damage.

Ho Xi had a dream.

She dreamed that in the study, little Huo Xi was sitting in her father's arms, Huo Shaoting was looking at the structural drawings of a building, and little Huo Xi curiously asked this and that.

Later she found out that it was a commercial building complex developed by the West Asia Group, which also included 4 residential apartment buildings.

This is a fire hydrant.

Ho-xi, this building is different from the others, there's a safety well on the top floor...

Little Huo Xi asked puzzledly, "Why, Daddy"

The young Ho Shaoting reached out to touch the little girl's head.

Because I want to give these buildings as dowries for Huo Xi, those who live here will definitely be little princesses like Huo Xi. When they encounter danger, they can hide in this well, which is fireproof, waterproof, and bulletproof.

Little Ho understood: "I understand, Dad. It's like hide-and-seek, safe inside."

Ho Shao-ting smiled: "Our Huo Xi is truly intelligent."


West Asia Group, dowry given by his father, a safe well he can hide in... Zhang Chongguang's place to raise women.


"I went inside! Daddy..."

Dad, the one living inside isn't a princess.

That place became Zhang Chongguang's place to keep women.

Ho Xi's forehead was covered in sweat. She didn't want to wake up, but a faint voice from afar kept calling her: "Mama... Mama..."

It's endless...


Ho-xi opened his eyes and suddenly sat up.

Seeing her wake up, Wen Man immediately came over, tears still in the corners of her eyes: "Ho Xi, you're finally awake! Your father and I were so worried!"

Ho Xi was held in her embrace, her nose souring: "Mom, I'm fine!"

Wen Man didn't speak, just kept hugging her tightly.

At this moment, Huo Shaoting walked in. Huo Xi watched him from across Wen Man's shoulder. She recalled the dream and her childhood, trembling lips called out: "Dad."

Huo Shao-ting strode forward, enveloping his wife and daughter in a tight embrace.

When a person reaches this age, they can't withstand such blows. What's more, Huo Xi is his first and most beloved child. He simply couldn't bear to think what would happen if Huo Xi and Mian Mian had an accident, what would he do, and what would Wen Man do

Now, Ho Shaoting can only be grateful, grateful that Heaven has blessed him.

The building where the incident happened, the very top floor where Song Yun lived, and Huo Xi had seen the structure of that building... after all these years, Huo Xi actually remembered it.

Ho Xi's voice tightened: "Where's Mianmian!"

At that time, she was hiding in the safety well with Mianmian. Mianmian was held in her arms, and should be alright.

She asked, and both Huo Shaoting and Wen Man remained silent for a moment.

Huo Xi's heart sank. She grabbed Huo Shaoting's arm and urgently asked, "Dad, where's Mianmian!"

Ho Shaoting knew he couldn't hide it from her.

He spoke softly, his expression in that instant making him look ten years older. "Mianmian is in the next ward," he said, "but there was an explosion... Mianmian's hearing in one ear is damaged, and it might not be able to recover."

Ho Xi was dumbfounded.

She threw back the covers and got out of bed, not even bothering to put on her shoes. The pain in her body combined with her muscles being stiff from lack of use meant she almost fell as soon as she stood up. She stumbled all the way.

Ho Xi pushed open the door to Vi's ward next door.

She saw, she saw Mianmian sitting on the hospital bed, lost and bewildered. She wore a white shirt with blue stripes, and there were still traces of soot from the fire on her young face. Her big eyes were filled with fear.

She heard, with a trembling voice, ask Zhang Chongguang beside her: "Daddy, will my ear never be able to hear again!"

She saw Zhang Chongguang embrace the tiny, trembling body.

Huo Xi's body was also trembling.

Why, why Zhang Chongguang was the one who committed the crime, but in the end, it was Mianmian...Mianmian is only 10 years old! She has such a high talent for piano. She said she wanted to be the world's best pianist and the pride of the Chinese people.

Now Mianmian's one ear can't hear.

The door in Ho Xi's hand creaked open, swinging with a gentle sway.

Zhang Chongguang looked at her, their eyes met. Huo Xi didn't look back at him; her gaze was fixed on Mianmian... Mianmian also saw her and with tears in her eyes, called out like a little kitten: "Mama!"

Ho Xi trembled his lips and slowly walked over.

He gently nestled into her arms.

The little girl was trembling in her arms, she was scared, she was afraid of dying but even more afraid of going deaf.

Huo Xi held her tightly, his voice soft and suppressed: "It's alright, MIANMIAN. Mommy is here! Mommy is here."

wailed bitterly.

Only they knew how dangerous and desperate the situation was. If it hadn't been for Ho Xi opening that window and leading Mian Mian into the small well at the last moment, they would have had nothing left.

Zhang Chongguang came over, he wanted to hug Huo Xi, but Huo Xi spoke softly.

"Don't come here... Zhang Chongguang, don't come any closer!"

Zhang Chongguang's Adam's apple twitched: "Hoxie, no matter what, I should take care of you and Mianmian."

Once upon a time, Ho Xi would always put on a show for the children.

She is very protective of her father's image.

But at this moment she was filled with hatred, her teeth gritted as she coldly asked, "Zhang Chongguang, are you worthy of being a father I told you that Song Yun was dangerous and asked you to handle her properly. What happened One Song Yun, one of your mistresses outside, almost cost Mianmian her life. Are you worthy of being a father When you were fooling around with Song Yun in that apartment, did you ever think for a single second that you were a father Zhang Chongguang, you're not even as good as a beast or an animal!"

Zhang Chongguang's face was pale, he had no way to refute.

Ho Xi hugged Mian Mian tightly, she wanted to take Mian Mian away, but her body was too weak... She actually collapsed straight.

"Hoxi... Hoxi..."

"Mommy! Mommy!"


In the ward, Huo Xi remained in a coma. The doctor said she was exhausted and her energy had almost been depleted.

Xia Zhangrui had been keeping vigil by his mother's bedside. He was half-reclined on the edge of the bed, his handsome face taut with worry. Since the accident, he hadn't spoken a word to Zhang Chongguang.

Mianmian leaned against Wenman's embrace.

Zhang Chongguang drew 500 milliliters of blood from Huo Xi. At this time, he stood pale in the ward.

If time could rewind, he would gladly give his life to win back Huo Xi.

But there are no ifs in this world.

Ho Shao-ting called Zhang Chongguang out. It had been 36 hours since the incident, and this was his first time speaking to Zhang Chongguang. In the cramped smoking room of the hospital, Ho Shao-ting got straight to the point: "Where's that woman"

After Song Yun's arson, the perpetrator was never caught.

Huo Shaoting knew it was Zhang Chongguang's doing. He had been suppressing his anger for a long time and now it finally exploded. He suppressed his voice and asked, "Are you still protecting her Zhang Chongguang, I may be old but that doesn't mean my patience is better! I'm giving you two hours to hand her over, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"tell you... Didn't something happen in Beicheng yesterday That case hasn't been solved yet, and last night there were three more! And they said it was the same person who did it!"Wen Man was taken aba...