the talking elbow works

211. Digging holes for the candidates


he five princesses thought,""they added the taboo queen, making the previously uncontrollable orc legion controllable. If we had got the queen earlier, I'm afraid the giants would have disappeared fro...Qingchen doesn't know what the task of shadow battles was in the past. He just thinks it's not normal that all candidates suddenly want to go to City 18.

according to the information he knows, the entire Qingshi bloodline is scattered in nine cities, and the factions fight against each other and rarely gather together.

only when family meetings are held every four years, all the people will gather in City 10. The political center of the Union.

however, in any case, this piece of information is very important to Qingchen.

he has to rely on himself for the rest of the shadow battle.

and this chat group may provide him with a lot of useful information in the future.

at present, Li Si, a time walker, should also be a character who can connect with Kyung-shih, otherwise he would not have paid so much attention to the shadow struggle.

Li Si asked in the chat group: "does the candidate gathering in City 18 have something to do with Li" Why "

Don't you know that Don Li is dying. The Mid-levels Manor in District 1 has been under martial law three times in the past two months, and now a medical team has been stationed at the manor. Judging from various signs, Lee will usher in a period of chaos. "

Chuang Wang continued: "when the power of this kind of consortium is transferred, there will always be all kinds of problems. Qingshi has nine dragons to seize it, and so does Lee." Now the person who is most likely to take over Li's family should be Li's big room, but I believe that the rest of Li's family will not wait for his death. "

"Why does the Ching's shadow candidate join the fun in Lee's business" Li Si is still puzzled.

"Qingshi Shadow is most famous for all kinds of shadowy methods," explains Chuang Wang. "do you think this shadowy way is to go to the street and slap people with a brick Of course not. The so-called shadowy light means that spies infiltrate and work together, and it can be said that all foreign affairs are under the control of the shadow. Therefore, I suspect that the second round of Ching's mission may have something to do with the change of power of the Lee family, perhaps to ask them to secretly choose a member of the Li family to support it. In this way, Li has changed hands, and the next generation of Ching's shadow can also maintain a close relationship with Li. Haha, I'm just saying, you can also listen to it. "

Qingchen mused, and the conjecture of Chuang Wang seemed to be quite similar.

at this time, he took his cell phone from Nan Gengchen and sent the message to the group.

A duckling: "I heard that the first round of the Shadow War is that everyone must successfully get a taboo" Is that so "

the intruder replied happily: "this duckling brother is very well-informed, yes, exactly." Before Qinghuai entered the taboo place of 002, it was also because the mission had to get a taboo called tricky snake,-003. "

Qingchen typed slowly and said, "that is to say, every shadow candidate must have a taboo. If we rob them, can we get their taboos" Otherwise, how can we work together every taboo has an extremely powerful effect, which is the capital for the world to settle down. "

Nan Gengchen knows the identity of Qingchen Shadow candidate. When he saw the news of Qingdufa, he immediately called an expert!

Brother Dust is not trying to rob taboos. He obviously wants to arouse other people's desire to compete for taboos, and then level out some shadow battles for themselves!

this is the purpose of Dust suddenly intervening in the chat.

Last opening pit demon stamp holder.

this time open your mouth to rip off shadow candidates.

Qingchen is either ripping people off or on the road. Nan Gengchen is in awe. Maybe only this kind of person is more suitable to survive in a harsh environment.

the chat group suddenly quieted down, and everyone seemed to be mulling over the taboos.

while Qingchen was thinking about how to control the chat topic next, Chuang Wang suddenly helped: "Hey hey, about the proposal of the duckling brother, it is not impossible for me to think about it carefully." At least two pieces of information I can provide is that this time the shadow candidates go to City 18, at least three of them have no roots in City 18. "

"moreover, the problem is that they naturally have to kill each other when they participate in the shadow battle, and we time walkers can naturally sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, friendly reminder that there are said to be two taboos on a shadow candidate."

these two words undoubtedly pushed up the emotions of everyone in the group.


at present, there are only more than 300 known taboos, most of which are still missing. Ching's shadow candidates can rely on Ching's strong intelligence ability to find some lost folk taboos, but time walkers do not have such great skills.

so, snatching, would be a shortcut.

Shadow struggle is a road of struggle, and is it not a competitive relationship between time travelers

in the final analysis, it's just a shadow battle with more people, and it's no less tragic than the Kyung-shih shadow war.

moreover, many people have already experienced the weirdness of taboos, such as devil stamps, which are equally mysterious despite their lack of powerful combat aids.

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this kind of thing has an irresistible attraction for time walkers who are new to mysticism.

Qingchen sent a message: "but I think it's better to be on the safe side. It's better for us to join hands."

however, he saw Lu in the group send a message saying, "there is no need to work together. Let's do it according to our abilities."

Qingchen breathed a sigh of relief that someone could take the bait. As for what he didn't join hands with, it was impossible for him to join hands with these strangers.

as long as you can make some enemies for other shadow candidates.

when he looked up, he found Li Tongyi and Nan Gengchen scrambling to stare at themselves.

"Brother Qingchen, you are so mean," said the little girl.

Qingchen keenly discovered a detail, and Li Tongyi said he was too bad.

if he is an outsider, those who do not know the identity of his shadow candidate will think that he covets taboos at most when he sees this chat transcript, and only those who know his identity will know that he is going to drive the wolf and swallow the tiger!

Qing Dust looked thoughtfully at Li Tongyi, only to see the little girl suddenly cover her mouth: "Ah, the details are exposed."

"when did you confirm my identity Through what clues " Qingchen said curiously.

Li Tongzhu cleverly said: "there is no need to pass any clues, ah, so many things have happened that even some people on the Internet have speculated whether there is a boss behind Liu Dezhu." I was thinking, if there must be someone behind these things in silent control, it must be you, and only brother Qingchen has this ability. So, I was sure of your identity a long time ago, and Brother Qingchen is the best! "

Qingchen was stunned, and many people were looking for clues to try to dig out his true identity, but Li Tongyi judged his identity directly with unconditional trust and worship.

however, Qingchen said to him, "Xiao Nan, now that you two have exposed your identities to each other, you will be partners in the inner world in the future. Try to help each other. If there is anything difficult to decide, you can ask Xiao Tongyi more."

Nan Gengchen is listening to something more and more wrong.

Qingchen looked at Li Tongyi: "the old man of Li, is the situation really bad"

"well," Li Tongli nodded, "I went to see him three days ago, and he was in good spirits at that time, but I heard from the servant of Mid-levels Manor that he was in a coma and was finally rescued. These days, there have been people in and out of the Mid-levels Manor, and the Lee members of the Federal Army have also been summoned individually. Grandpa Li should be arranging for his death. The servant said that he was still holding his breath, but that the matter had not yet been dealt with. "

"who is Li's most likely to take over power now" Qingchen asked.

"I can only sit in on the internal meetings and sit in the corner without observing everyone's facial expressions and details," Li Tongyi said. "at present, the most domineering person at the meeting is the big room, and it seems that victory is at hand. But I don't think it's that simple. The biting dog doesn't bark. My old housekeeper said that if the city is not peaceful, a lot of people will die next. "

Qingchen nodded. The owners of consortia in the world are no different from emperors. How many rivers and mountains in history can be changed peacefully

so, the old housekeeper is right, a lot of people will die next in city 18.

there are many people in the world who think that Ching's shadow battle is a cruel and stupid process.

after all, the shadow battle, once in a decade, always sacrifices several outstanding members of the younger generation in the family, so the system looks like a stab in itself.

but after a careful understanding of these consortia, Qingchen suddenly realized that the Shadow War is actually a very smart system, because it takes a very long process to complete the transition of power before the most extreme circumstances break out.

when the previous owner abdicated, the shadow was already in power, and no one could argue with him about anything.

moreover, the Shadow War system has chosen the toughest, smartest and strongest successor for the family.

even if the candidate is kind at first, it's hard to stay kind after this journey.

this system is cruel to candidates, but it benefits the family.

what a behemoth like the consortium needs is not kindness but ferocity and wisdom to stand in the Union for so long.

it was not until then that Qingchen looked at the time on his arm.

the countdown is 46:00:00.

it's 2: 00 in the morning, that is to say, there are only two days to go before the return.

"Xiao Tongli, go back to bed. You have to go to school tomorrow," Qingchen said, sending Li Tongyi to the second floor.

before entering the house, the little girl looked at him eagerly: "when Grandma and Grandpa go back to Zhengcheng, can I stay with my mother there for a few days"

"Yes," Qing Dust doted on a smile: "go back quickly."

at this moment, everyone needs to have a good rest and refresh themselves, because they are about to go to the inner world again to face the wind and rain of City 18.


thanks to the two students who have become the new alliance of this book, the misty rain is as quiet as a picture and the chime has fish. The boss is atmospheric, and the boss is making a fortune!an artificial intelligence gossip to such an extent" I don't want to ask this, and I don't care about Jiang Xiaotang! I know Jiang Xiaotang is very unusual today, and I know very well that she must ha...