the talking elbow works

304. Teacher and Master (request monthly ticket)


tter how Qinghua far, no one has come to apply for membership in the seven groups.Qinghua glanced at it. It had been a full 24 hours since the whiteboard was removed.he glanced at the remainin...not long after the old man's orders.

Li's most powerful secret place suddenly changed his previous silent attitude and replied to the complaints made by those students' parents one by one: Li's students, as the family foundation of the future, should resolutely obey the school arrangement and learn cultural knowledge, while not forgetting the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty.

the approval is a pile of high-sounding words, and the parents stared for a long time, but there are only two words in the hundreds of words: obedience.

this is very strange, obviously silence is enough, why also specifically express a state.

this is because you are worried about what people are messing with, so emphasize it again!

what on earth is the origin of that teaching can you even ask the Privy Office to give him a special reply for endorsement!

now, everyone wants to make a fuss again, that is, they do not listen to the reply from the secret office, which is a very serious matter in Li Shi.

for example, if a woman with or without an official goes to make trouble again, her man will be punished in succession.

on the broken bridge by Dragon Lake, Qingchen asked curiously, "how many orthodox methods of spiritual practice exist in the world"

the old man said calmly, "there are as many ways of spiritual practice in the world as crucian carp crossing the river, but there are no more than five orthodox inheritance, and now you have this one in your hand."

"so little" Qingchen was astonished.

"so I have one more thing to discuss with you," the old man said. "not only are these people from Li School coming to learn, but there are also some young people who have experienced Li's experience to learn."

Qingchen raised his eyebrows: "you didn't say this before, and I haven't tested it with my own eyes. How can I know whether they are qualified or not"

the old man said, "Don't worry, the young man who can put Lee in an important place will not be a dude." In addition, if you are worried that they do not recognize you, or that they will pose a threat to you in the future, I can ask them to worship you as a teacher and formally serve tea and kowtow. "

now the celebrating dust is really surprised.

the teacher is only respected by others, but this is the true core position of kneeling down with tea.

Li's attention is paid to the order of the young and the elder. Master is the master and cannot be disobeyed.

if we meet on the battlefield in the future, these people who once worshipped him as a teacher will also have to back off.

this is the foundation of Li's own order. If the order is out of order, Li will be in disorder.

moreover, young people who can be singled out by the old man to learn orthodox spiritual practice will probably play an important role in Li's family in the future.

Qingchen asked calmly, "do you know what impact this will have"

the old man smiled and said, "the young people I chose were all beaten to death on the battlefield. With the Confederate Civil War approaching, the Shendai and Kagoshima have already deployed troops in the north. If Li's young people can follow a path of practice without sequelae, they will have a better chance of survival on the battlefield. Although modern warfare no longer depends on individual force, and personal force does not change anything, if the physical quality becomes stronger, the self-healing ability will also increase. It's better to try than to let it go. "

therefore, the most fundamental goal of the elderly is to hope that Lee's future mainstay will not all die on the battlefield.

"I thought you wanted them to live forever," Qingchen said.

"that's the law of nature," the old man smiled. "so you said yes"

Qingchen thought about it and said, "you gave me all the methods of spiritual practice, and they officially worship me as a teacher. What do I have to disagree with" The most fundamental reason for

is that the method of spiritual practice is indeed given away by others.

in fact, the old man has already guessed that there will be a similar language in the watch world, and the traveler can translate it slowly at any time, and he doesn't have to find himself.

Qingchen suddenly realized that old people are actually investing.

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like Hu Xiaoniu's father's investment, they have all realized that the connection between the outer and inner worlds may bring new changes to both worlds.

so these really smart people should choose the best person from the time walkers to support and map an uncertain future.

A real investment may not be able to see a return on every investment, but an inadvertent move may sometimes lead to a shade.

however, this wave is a real super addition to Qingchen!

the third generation of young people call him Master and Li Shutong the seventh uncle. In the future, he can discuss his own ideas with Li Shutong.

and so on, the old man this wave of super generation, there is no other purpose.

"by the way, pops, what do you usually play when you go out through the secret passage" Qingchen blinked his eyes and was curious.

the old man was stupefied for a moment: "did you find the secret passage so quickly"

"I also found seven car keys and a wall of guns." There are also gaudy clothes, "Qingchen said." by the way, there are seven mobile phones. Do you usually use seven identities I wonder what identities you use. "

at this time, the old man lifted the fishing rod with a shake of his wrist. He took off the dragon fish and handed it to Qingchen: "take it and roll."

"all right," Qingchen feels a little unfinished.



when he returned to the Akiba courtyard, Qingchen cut off a thick branch of a camphor tree around the yard and carved a sign for himself with wood. There are only two words on the

sign: "Thank you."

in the evening, Li Ke comes to cook and do sundries after school.

by the way, I gave Qingchen the recliner where he lay every day and carefully wiped it.

at this time, because lactic acid has begun to accumulate in Li Ke's body after excessive exercise, he is a little uncomfortable when he walks, and only feels that his legs no longer belong to him.

even so, Li Ke insisted on getting all the chores done. During the

period, several other servants came to deliver melons and fruits.

said it was a gift of melons and fruits, but the servants had been secretly looking at Li Ke's busy figure, as if they wanted to find out something.

this is the case with a large mansion, full of dedicated people everywhere.

wait until those people are gone.

"are you tired" Qingchen lay in a chair, waiting for the 14-year-old in the kitchen to cook.

"Mr. Hui is a little tired, but he can still hold on," Li Ke said. "I know. I just want to get through a week."

"well," Qingchen replied ambiguously, "are there any questions you want to ask me"

"Sir," Li Ke thought for a moment and asked, "this is what I think about during the day. Classes in this world exist naturally, and where there is civilization, there will be classes. Such being the case, why should we put down our classes to be humble to the lower class this will cause them to lose their awe. Human nature is easy to change, so it is better to be in awe of you than to let people recognize your conduct. "

"Why are you thinking about this" Qingchen asked patiently.

"because what you teach is different from what I see, most people in the world are doing things as I said, and it really works," Li Ke said. "moreover, today I tried to be polite to the servants, but they were scared and thought they had done something wrong, as if they had been tortured, and it didn't seem to help them."

Qingchen smiled: "to let you respect other people's personality is to make you perfect your own personality." Just like when you meet a beggar on the street, can you really help him by giving him a dollar I can't. But that dollar is not for him, but for yourself. Think about it. After you gave it to him, did you have some peace of mind " even if he joined the daytime group, he kept his posture very low. On weekdays, he did not run to the daytime villa and became a head of the security department with a down-to-earth and peace o...