the talking elbow works

48. Liu Dezhu, the person behind the blame


alized that he had said a little too much, so he hurriedly went back to find out: "I also read what other people in the group said. I am not the wearer.""well, I understand," Qingchen nodded in recogn...when the darkness cleared, Qing Dust was still sweating. He glanced out of the window at the night and at his cabin on the road.

has only been away for a second, and I miss that spooky prison a little.

Qing Dust spits the plate out of his mouth, and then glances at the palm of his hand. The gold ball, which should have been left in the world, is still in his own hands.

this is a gratifying discovery, because it means that he has an advantage over others when commuting to and from the inner world.

he glanced down at his arm. The countdown was 168.

it was seven days.

the last return was seven days, and this time it was seven days later. It seems that the span of time travelers on both sides is getting longer and longer. How long will

appear in the future Will you stay there one day and never come back

he doesn't know.

Qingchen smiled. Instead of sleeping, he spread a sheet directly on the floor and continued to train according to the program Ye Wan taught him.

although there is no one to supervise, his spiritual practice is his own.

since it is said to train until 3 o'clock every day, we should continue to stick to it when we return to the world.

he took a deep breath, and with that strange breathing rate, the flame lines on his cheeks bloomed again!

self-discipline is the greatest freedom in both the outer world and the inner world.

and so on, he seems to have forgotten something very important.

after the exercise, I sat on the ground and drank water, allowing my sweat to keep falling.

he opened his phone to find simultaneous interpretation software, and then tried to recall the words of God's empty sound.

A Japanese sentence whispered by the other party has always made Qingchen feel that there should be a lot of information.

is like... If you travel to a place and the local people want to scold you, it must be in a dialect that you don't understand.

according to his recollection, Qingchen repeated word by word in front of the cell phone microphone: "you know, you know, you

but in the translation software, subtitles quickly appeared: "it seems nice to sit quietly like this. The teenager's silence looks really good."

Qingchen was stupefied on the spot. What does the other party mean

what's more, the Shendai family also speaks Putonghua, what's going on with Japanese

is the time walker of the watch world Or does the Shendai family still retain the inheritance of Japanese

but if you are really a time traveler, how do you explain why the other person is so fluent in Mandarin I'm afraid few islanders can speak such fluent Mandarin.

the next morning, Qingchen woke up to see Wechat messages flashing on his mobile phone.

he opened it and saw that it was from Nan Gengchen: "Qingchen!" Do you know how good Liu Dezhu is in our next class "

Qingchen was stunned at that time. He immediately sat up from the bed and said, "what do you mean"

"come to school quickly!" Nan Gengchen said.

Qingchen put on his blue and white school uniform and ran to school. Before going out, he looked in the mirror and found that the sequelae of his fasting had disappeared before he went out.

when he arrived at the school, he saw that the door of the next class was packed, and dozens of students were waiting at the door of Class 4, Grade 2, as if waiting for something.

"here," the small figure of Nan Gengchen raised his tiptoes and stretched out his arms in the crowd, trying to say hello to Qingchen.

Qingchen squeezed over and asked in a low voice, "what happened"

"look at the hot search," Nan Gengchen opened Weibo to show him.

as a result, he was shocked when he saw it.

A man from Sichuan, Jian, went to Los Angeles on business and accidentally became a time traveler, crossing to the No. 18 prison in the world.

it's just that the other person has been recognized as a time traveler and detained in a hidden cell.

traveled for 7 days and was locked up for 7 days.

according to Jane, there are already time walkers in Prison 18 to become important people, and they can even enter and leave the prison freely and let the extraordinary serve them.

Jane hopes to find the time traveler, negotiate or pay for it, hoping that he can be persuaded to let him out in prison 18.

Qingchen froze, but he did not expect that Jian Sheng was so bold that he directly sought help from the media and then found himself to help out of the difficulty.

it seems that the other party has been locked up in a single room for 7 days.

I have to say that Liu Dezhu and Chien Sheng were also unlucky enough. They obviously became time travelers and interwalkers, but they were rigidly imprisoned.

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the lives of other time travelers are rich and colorful, watching holograms in the city and walking through the cyber city. How are they they went to prison somewhere else.

it's better not to cross honestly.

and at this moment, Qingchen suddenly realized why everyone gathered at the door of Liu Dezhu's class.

even if Liu Dezhu hasn't come to school yet, everyone is willing to wait.

in the last return, Liu Dezhu admitted the fact that he had crossed to prison No. 18 because of face-saving, and also told everyone that he had already talked to Li Shutong!

later, when asked by his classmates, Liu Dezhu said nothing with an unfathomable face, meaning: secret, don't ask.

the more you don't talk about it, the more people like to guess.

as a result, many people think that Liu Dezhu will soon be inherited by Li Shutong and become extraordinary.

now after the story of Jian Sheng came out, the students who saw this Weibo hot search immediately thought of Liu Dezhu!

because in everyone's understanding, there is no one else but Liu Dezhu among the time walkers in Prison 18!

when the hot search gradually climbed, some students finally replied under the comments: "my classmate is what he called the time traveler, and he is about to be inherited by Li Shutong!"

originally, the hot search for Jian Sheng was only over 40. As soon as this sentence came out, the hot search crashed into the top 10 within three minutes.

the heat is even rising.

in today's world public opinion, apart from the mysterious figure like he Xiaoxiao, not many people are known to be extraordinary.

and that is Li Shutong, the career path with the highest potential in he Xiao's strategy.

now almost everyone who sees this hot search and comment believes that Liu Dezhu is the mysterious boss mentioned by Jian Sheng.

while everyone was whispering, Liu Dezhu went upstairs with his schoolbag on his back. he had just turned into the corridor and saw the Wuyang man in front of him, his face turned white with fear: "what's the matter"

everyone is helpless, and the Lord doesn't know what's going on yet.

"Don't you watch Hot search if you don't watch Hot search, you also look at your mobile phone," said one classmate.

"there is a man named Jian Sheng who said he had seen you in Prison 18. I hope you can intercede with Li Shutong and let him out of the brig."

Liu Dezhu buzzed his head and was locked up for seven days, so much so that he was so tired after his return that he finally slept in a soft bed and woke up late to ride his bike all the way to school without looking at his cell phone.

he hastened to turn on his cell phone to watch the hot search.

it's just that the more he looked at it, the more he felt wrong. according to Chien Sheng, the mysterious boss had visited each other alone and asked a few questions.

but that person is not himself.

therefore, in addition to himself and Jian Sheng, there is a third time walker in the No. 18 prison, and the other person is the real boss, and he is just a saucepan!

"I really want to beg this boss to let me out with Jian Sheng, okay" Liu Dezhu wept in his heart.

at this time he wants to deny his identity, because the matter is already a big deal.

Liu Dezhu tried to say, "in fact, the person Chien Sheng is talking about is not me, but someone else."

A classmate wondered, "yesterday I asked you if there were any other passers in Prison 18, but you said no."

traversing 7 days, yesterday of the world is already 7 days ago for Liu Dezhu.

Qingchen watched the scene silently, thinking that it would be nice for someone to attract his attention.

but there is no way for these two to stay in the brig for a long time, or let Li Shutong transfer them to other prisons.

at this moment, four news vehicles drove outside the Los Angeles Foreign language School. Reporters got out of the car and rushed to the school.

two security guards at the school gate tried to stop them, but they couldn't stop them at all.

Qingchen immediately pulled Nan Gengchen back to work when he saw this scene. At this time, the most important thing to avoid is to enter the camera.

time travelers look the same in the world on the outside, and they will be remembered if they have been on TV.


there are more at night! Ask for a monthly ticket on the first day of May. I want to be in the top ten!


Thank you for Hu Erniu's great loveliness to become the Silver League of this book, boss atmosphere!

Thank you Baiyin: little Pig Bao should be happy, pay black, big official, cloud with the wind 1212, madness, book friend 20210301106583826684, Hua Bi Last become the leader of this book, thank the boss, the boss atmosphere! The bosses made a fortune in May!gchen knows that he is being targeted, so it should not be too much for him to find a guardian at this is important to know that his uncle Chen Jiazhang was deliberately sabotaged while doing...