Full Moon works

Chapter 329: Tang Danni's Family Dinner


Tang Danni brought Chu Yang to the tombstones of Qin Jingwen's parents. 。“This is Wenwen’s parents” 。Upon hearing Tao Chen's words, Song Xinzhe also curiously peered over. The scene before his eyes was indeed heartwarming. 。"Right, I feel the same way too." 。It's really a pity that they are not together. 。" Tao Chen, I told you, I've been rooting for them since the beginning. I truly hope they end up together " 。"See, see, that's perfect match, isn't it" 。This might be the most perfect red thread woven by Yue Lao himself. 。" Song Xinzhe couldn't help but admire 。"Yes, the Moon God tied these two together with a red string. Maybe He tied a lot of knots to make her beautiful, or else how could their relationship be so complicated" 。"I'm optimistic about them too, but what good is our optimism if the people involved aren't worried" 。"Is this what they mean by 'the emperor isn't in a hurry, but the eunuchs are'" The two big men started gossiping back and forth, but their stances were aligned, and they both firmly believed that the red string Moon God had tied was with a beautiful… 。After Qin Jingwen entered, she went straight to the kitchen. Seeing the two men standing there dumbfounded, she found it rather strange. 。"What are you doing, why haven't you started cooking yet" 。Joe said that Chu Yang and Xue Yao would be up in a moment. 。"

"Take a look at the painting" 。"

"Enjoy the scenery" 。Two people spoke in unison, although the wording differed slightly, the meaning was the same. 。"Crazy, you guys keep looking at the paintings, I'm going to cook." 。Qin Jingwen looked utterly bewildered, but she didn't have time to play word games with these two men. 。Tang Danni's house is downstairs. 。Xue Yao arrived first, but she waited downstairs for Chu Yang. 。To pull off a good act, you need at least two people to go on stage. 。Chu Yang felt rushed, found a parking spot and parked the car, then he found Xue Yao 。Two people walked together toward Tang Danni's apartment building. 。Xue Yao walked silently, not saying a word. Chu Yang wanted to speak several times but felt the opportunity wasn't right and remained silent as well. 。Suddenly, Xue Yao stopped and turned her side to look at Chu Yang. Then, she politely spoke. 。"There's something I need to ask you, today drinking is probably unavoidable. If I drink too much, could you please drive me home" 。"

A bad mood can be solved by drinking, but Qin Jingwen doesn't let her drink. She also wants to get drunk once. " 。 “Don't be so polite, I feel strange when you speak to me like this.” 。And Chu Yang's heart wasn't feeling good either. 。"We were strangers to begin with, so it's not rude." 。Don't worry, when it's time to act, I won't be so polite. 。" Xue Yao didn't feel that there was anything wrong, although speaking this way would make her heart ache, but this is the basic etiquette of communicating with strangers. 。"Xue Yao, just because we broke up doesn't mean we have to be this distant." 。"Can we be friends" Chu Yang really couldn't accept the word "stranger." He still owed Xue Yao a favor and wanted to make amends. How could a stranger accept his amends 。Chu Yang's request left Xue Yao speechless. She didn't want to be friends with someone who had deceived her; she might be tricked again. But looking into Chu Yang's overly sincere eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse him. 。Faced with this dilemma, her only option was silence. 。

For a moment

"Go on, they're waiting impatiently." 。In the end, Xue Yao didn't give an answer. Her heart was in turmoil, aching so much that she had lost the ability to think clearly. 。Chu Yang had thought it might be this way, although he was disappointed, he didn't intend to give up. 。I don't intend to give up on the friendship, and I won't let Xue Yao keep hurting like this. 。Xue Yao and Chu Yang were the last to arrive, by the time they went upstairs the table was already set and waiting for them to wash their hands before the meal. 。"Excuse us for being late, we'll have to drink a penalty shot." 。" Xue Yao had returned to her former innocent and carefree personality, unrestrained. No one could tell they had broken up." 。 “At least you know your own limits. I wasn't planning on letting you go today anyway.” 。Qin Jingwen cooperated with Xue Yao 。"Chu Yang, I say how it is, tonight this wine must be drunk!" 。" Xue Yao took the initiative to communicate with Chu Yang and also hinted that he help her find a driver. " 。"Xue Yao said on the way here that you would definitely make her drink today" 。“ Chu Yang's face was full of warmth, but his eyes didn't have the same natural look as before. 。Qin Jingwen was puzzled but didn't think much of it. 。"Well done, you're clever. Today everyone except Dani has to drink." 。First, let's make it clear that Danny's house doesn't have that many guest rooms. If you need a ride, get one early. 。“Qin Jingwen was agitated with anger, trying to get her own heart excited and not always suppressing it. She didn't want to always focus all her attention on Qiao Shunchen.” 。Joe Shunchen's arrival was indeed a surprise to her, but seeing that Joe Shunchen wasn't frowning or looking cold, she was still very happy. 。It's great that everyone is getting together today to celebrate the Lunar New Year in advance. For Qin Jingwen, being able to spend the new year with Qiao Shunchen is all she could ask for. 。Everyone sat down, and the wine they drank was good wine brought by Qiao Shunchen, the kind that ordinary people couldn't get. 。Xue Yao was very excited, drinking and charging into battle like she was fearless, always at the forefront. 。She just hoped to get drunk as quickly as possible, so she could forget the pain this man had caused her. 。

Qin Jingwen let herself go today, knowing that she had drunk too much and was rambling in front of Qiao Shunchen. She also knew that drinking too much would lead to some "accidents".

So she told Tang Danni before drinking that she must reserve a room for herself, so that accidents could be avoided, and she could drink with peace of mind.

Compared to women, today's men are pathetic. 。Tang Dani still has about ten days left until her due date, and she could give birth at any time. 。So Song Xinzhe needs to be prepared at all times in case he can't drink. 。Chu Yang had no mood to drink. Watching Xue Yao use alcohol to numb herself, he felt especially guilty and a pang of heartache. 。Joe Shun-Chen drank a little because he was afraid of getting a headache after drinking too much. 。Tao Chen was probably the only man there who was still enthusiastic, but his energy couldn't compare to the two women on the verge of a breakdown. 。"You lot are almost there, look at yourselves, you're more man than a man, don't you want to get married" 。"Tao Chen cracked a joke, and only he could speak a few words for men." 。"If you don't get married, I'll remarry you. You said that when you were forty, if neither of us was married, we would get married." 。" Qin Jingwen couldn't help but laugh after she finished speaking. 。Because this statement was never their promise at all. 。I never said that, I never promised you that 。"Did Tao Chen ever say it or remember it, even if he did, he wouldn't dare admit it in front of Qiao Shunchen." 。If one were to admit it, those sharp eyes of Qiao Shunchen could kill him. 。"Wenwen, you've had too much to drink," this sentence was said by two celebrities. 。Xue Yao exposed Qin Jingwen's 。"You're on the wrong side, you're on my side, how are you helping him" 。Qin Jingwen smiled, her cheeks dimpling playfully. Qiao Shunchen couldn't take his eyes off her. 。"He just said I can't get married, and if he's right I want to make a pact with him when we're both forty years old anyway." 。" This is just for fun, nothing else. 。She didn't blame Qin Jingwen for anything that happened between her and Chu Yang. 。Because she could see that Qin Jingwen's every thought was on Qiao Shunchen, Chu Yang was already in the past in her heart. 。If she were to blame Qin Jingwen for this, Xue Yao felt that she would be an impolite woman. 。"Wow, didn't know you had this hidden agenda. " 。But don't worry, Chu Yang is waiting to marry you home. How could you possibly not get married 。Let's talk, my best friend. Can I have Tao Chen 。Qin Jingwen laughed until her stomach hurt. The more unrestrained and open they were, the closer their hearts became. 。She is growing increasingly fond of Xue Yao, to the point where she can barely control her feelings. 。"Come on, you guys, don't you consider my feelings as a pregnant woman who can't drink Don't you know how impatient I am watching your glasses" Tang Danyi also joined in, her voice falling as she lowered her head to gently stroke her belly. 。"Baby, come out soon, Mommy is so anxious she's starting to drink." 。" Don't worry, I'll stay with you the whole month after you give birth and drink with you. I'll make sure you have a good time. " 。" Xue Yao said in a bad-tempered way, and couldn't help laughing after she finished speaking. " 。"Are you such a bad person Does your boyfriend know You better be careful marrying a woman like Chu Yang." 。“

Tang Danni couldn't help but laugh, everyone was so happy together rarely like this

Looking at Qin Jing's carefree and warm smile, her mood was also very excited. 。He doesn't have to be careful, I won't marry him. I will wait for Tao Chen until I am forty. 。After finishing his words, Xue Yao picked up her cup and took another big gulp. 。She wants to marry someone who loves her. She can temporarily help Chu Yang act, but she can't live in someone else's love forever. 。She treated everything with a carefree attitude, but love was the only thing she couldn't compromise on. 。So even if I never get married, I wouldn't marry a man like Chu Yang, who has other women in his heart. 。A joke brought laughter from everyone, even a slight curve appeared at the corner of Qiao Shunchen's mouth who had been silent all along. 。Only Chu Yang couldn't smile. Only he knew in his heart that Xue Yao wasn't joking, nor was it just angry words. 。What she said about not marrying him was serious. 。Perhaps it was because her mood was better today, or maybe the wine was just too delicious and mellow, Qin Jingwen had had quite a bit but she was still very clear-headed. 。On the contrary, Xue Yao got drunk very quickly. 。When drunk, Xue Yao wouldn't admit to being tipsy, still insisting that... 。Chu Yang couldn't help but speak up and persuade Xue Yao. 。“Don’t drink anymore, you’ll have a headache tomorrow.” 。"It's okay, I don't have to work, even if I have a headache it doesn't affect anything. " 。

Wynn, you shouldn't drink anymore. You have to go to work tomorrow.

Chu Yang's concern didn't sound like it was directed at Xue Yao. He was expressing his worry for Qin Jingwen in a roundabout way. 。Although Qin Jingwen had experienced too many hardships, Xue Yao envied her at this time because she was loved by the two best men. 。As for me, compared to Qin Jingwen, I find it especially ironic. 。The sincerity you put in is instantly turned into a tool by others. 。Well... It's alright, at least it still has some value. 。Xue Yao comforted herself in her heart, there's no man who loves a woman, she can only love herself. 。Qin Jingwen turned her head to smile at Xue Yao. 。"I know how to drink, and I also know that drinking too much gives me a headache. 。So, I took all the work for tomorrow morning and finished it today..." "Ah... You'll have a rest tomorrow morning then..." 。Or are you the smart one 。Let's all raise a toast to our General Qin for his wisdom and the collective brilliance. Of course, pregnant women can have some cold plain rice water. 。Xue Yao suggested something, and everyone cooperated. Although they didn't clink glasses, those who were able contributed more. 。Qin Jingwen continued to comfort... 。There are two possibilities, each standing at fifty percent. 。