Full Moon works

Chapter 630: Topics I Don't Want to Discuss


give a reminder, but the attitude of reminding was a little too aggressive. 。 She said this, Li Mo was anxious, but Qin Jingwen didn't react too much. 。When she saw Li Mo coming into the kitchen, s...Qin Jingyi understands the importance of health better than anyone. She once fell ill for two years, having a deep understanding of health. 。She was also telling herself to do what she could, and she did. 。"Don't worry, sister, I know what I'm doing." 。“Qin Jingyi believes she can achieve all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and work, plus good health.” 。It was almost lunchtime, Qin Jingwen wanted to cook herself, but Qiao Liang disagreed. 。Finally, the family moved their chat to the yard. 。Once they were in the courtyard, everyone dispersed. 。Qiao Liang and Qin Jingyi took their two children to play soccer. 。Joe, Jiang Kai, and Qin Jingwen sat in the pavilion chatting. 。Qin Jingwen actually resisted this kind of chat, fearing that Qiao Yu would bring up Qiao Shunchen. 。But what to be afraid of, what not to face, yet we have to face it. 。"Wynn Wynn, since the child isn't here I wanted to ask you about things between you and Shunchen. " 。Their conversation finally drifted to matters of the heart. 。She seemed to be seeking Qin Jingwen's opinion, but before Qin Jingwen could respond, she continued speaking, afraid that Qin Jingwen would refuse the topic. 。"Shunchen told me yesterday that you and he told the children about your breakup." 。I didn't know about this beforehand, if I had known I would have stopped you. 。"I don't want you to split up. I want you to stay together." 。" Qiao Yu said that this wasn't finished yet, but just as she was catching her breath, Qin Jingwen spoke up. 。" Qiao Yujie, don't worry about our affairs." 。We had already made up our minds about when to tell the child. We tried our best and made every effort, but no matter what we did, we couldn't make it to the end. 。This time, I did something out of line and feel even more sorry for him. 。Breaking up is a release for both of us. 。"Qin Jingwen stated her actions without any guilt, which left Qiao Yu puzzled. 。In Qiao Yu's view, Qin Jingwen was not the kind of person who would flaunt her misdeeds after doing something wrong. 。Her attitude was as if she had done nothing wrong, with not a shred of guilt. 。“But I feel like it was too sudden, too sudden to be real. 。I think you two will be together forever and never break up. 。"There's no feast that lasts forever, let alone us. Our differences are too great; his standards for choosing a wife don't match mine at all. How could we possibly be together for life" 。"

"Give it up, maybe separating isn't such a bad thing. "

Although we both feel sorry for the child, we have no other choice. 。"Qin Jingwen didn't want to be with Qiao Shunchen, she wouldn't listen to anyone who tried to persuade her to go back. " 。This time she's already in a terrible state. If she doesn't achieve any results, she'll lose all faith in life. 。She would complain about the injustice of fate, grumble against the world, and feel she lacked the confidence to move forward. 。"Aren't there some misunderstandings between you two I still can't believe you would do something out of line." 。Don't even mention sensitive matters of the heart, in everyday life you never allow yourself to be careless. 。"If Wenwen has anything she wants to say, please tell your sister and brother-in-law. We will definitely help you get justice." 。Jiang Kai always sees the key to a problem and can always find the most cutting edge of a matter. 。He is truly talented, worthy of Qiao Yu's deep love. 。"Brother-in-law, knowing someone's face but not their heart might be talking about people like me." 。What you see is just a shell, not as good as you say. 。Especially emotionally, no one knows when they will meet someone who moves their heart. 。"I'm the one who met someone I had feelings for at the wrong time and didn't have the courage to seize the moment. " 。I must have been wrong. I have nothing to hide. 。Brother-in-law, Qiao Yujie, thank you for your trust in me. I let you down. 。Qin Jingwen still had a calm expression, showing no guilt at all for what she had done. 。It wasn't that she did it on purpose, it was just an instinctive reaction. She couldn't really fake a look of remorse. 。Qin Jingwen's greatest fear now is that someone will uncover the truth, so she doesn't want to continue this topic. 。"Sis, I'm going to check if dinner in the kitchen is ready. You guys chat first." 。Qin Jingwen made up an excuse and left casually. Although this was Qiao Shunchen's home, the last thing she wanted to talk about was Qiao Shunchen. 。“How could I possibly be wrong How could someone who did something wrong have such a calm attitude” 。 Qiao Yu raised her own doubts. 。I also think there should be other reasons. 。But Wenwen is right about one thing: she and Shunchen will eventually break up. Grandpa is the biggest obstacle, an insurmountable one. 。Since that's the case, Jiang Kai felt it would be beneficial for Qin Jingwen to separate early. 。"Grandpa can live for a few more years, if he's gone, the Qiao family will have no one to interfere with them." 。After persevering for a few years, everything will settle down and there won't be so much gossip. 。Jo Yu only felt pity. She thought that if Qiao Shunchen lost Qin Jingwen, he would become a lifeless puppet again, cold and aloof like before. 。Only Qin Jingwen can change Qiao Shunchen, only Qin Jingwen can make a smile appear on Qiao Shunchen's face, and in this world, only Qin Jingwen is selfless and can forever protect Qiao Shunchen. 。"Grandpa is so healthy, he could live for another ten or eight years. Don't you think it's too much to ask Wenwen to wait like this" 。Who knows what could happen in the next ten years What if Shunchen falls in love with another woman and ends up leaving Wenwen What will Wenwen do then 。"The most important thing is, did Grandpa allow Shunchen to not get married for ten years That's impossible." 。It's possible, Jiang Kai thought. He felt that Qiao Yu was leaning towards Qiao Shunchen now and hadn't fully considered things from Qin Jingwen's perspective. 。The Qiao family is not a family that anyone can control. The Qiao family is not a family where people can live a peaceful life. If you want to marry into the Qiao family, you must be prepared to weather storms and tides. 。To live such days for a lifetime, you'd surely die from exhaustion. 。Joe Yu didn't speak again, and no one could say how many more years Grandpa had left. 。But as long as he is alive, even for the last minute, he will force Qiao Shunchen to get married. 。The next day, those who should go to work went to work, and those who should go to school went to school. 。Today, Qiao Shunchen is out on a business trip and hasn't returned. Qin Jingwen feels unusually relaxed. 。At noon, Qin Jing and Tang Danni made an appointment to visit Song Yiren at the hospital. 。"You're all here again, happy that I have cancer, come to watch the show" 。"

Song Yien was annoyed. Seeing Tang Danni and Qin Jingwen just made her angry, angrier at herself for always remembering things from the past " 。"Don't overthink it, just come and see you" 。If it weren't for the sake of our past friendship, you think we would come to see you 。“Song Yien is indeed a patient, and it's not fake to say she looks pitiful either.” 。But the patient shouldn't speak like that. 。They were so kind to come visit her when she was sick, but she couldn't stand their attitude. 。"What feelings, what past feelings are there anymore" 。I am a dying man, the past has long been forgotten, I can only remember the present. 。What Song Eui-eun least wants to talk about is the past. When she thinks about the past, she becomes soft-hearted, and when she's soft-hearted, she can't carry out her plan. 。“Not talking about the past, just talking about the present” 。How are you feeling these two days Are you cooperating with the doctor's treatment

Qin Jing asked gently, although Song Yien's attitude when speaking was unfriendly, she could accept it. 。"What kind of treatment There's no point in treating late-stage cancer." 。I told the doctor I would refuse treatment and just wait to die. 。Song Yien spoke of death as if it were a glorious sacrifice, as easy as eating and walking. 。This kind of mindset wouldn't belong to someone with late-stage cancer. 。Everyone says that when a person is about to die, their words are wise, but her speech is still full of double meanings and veiled insults. 。 Qin Jingwen was mentally prepared for this situation, but when she really heard her refusal to treatment, she still felt sorry. 。"Why don't you try it" Qin Jingwen tried to persuade, but was met with Song Yien's angry accusations. 。"You weren't being sincere, were you I'm in the late stages now. Once I get on the operating table, I won't be coming down." 。 。"

Song Eien refused any so-called cooperation with doctors for treatment>>> 。How could she possibly cooperate If she actually cooperated, then things would really be over. 。What you're thinking isn't necessarily absolute, there's still a chance. 。Qin Jingwen didn't get angry because of Song Yien's furious rant. She remained calm and spoke in a gentle tone. 。"Chance What chance are you talking about If you can guarantee a 100% chance, then I'll do the surgery." 。"

Song Yien desperately fought against the treatment. It was all a facade, she had to be careful not to make a mistake, and couldn't receive treatment based on her actual condition. " 。And, both the surgery and postoperative treatment require a large sum of money. 。I'm not capable of working right now, so where would I get that much money 。Song Yi'en added this sentence entirely to show her determination to give up treatment, but she didn't expect Qin Jingwen to volunteer herself. 。"I'll pay for all of your medical expenses, no matter how much they cost." 。Qin Jingwen now has some money in hand, so it's no problem to treat Song Yien's illness. 。Even without money, one should not stand idly by at this time. 。She didn't do it for any other reason, and she also knew the chances of surgery were slim. But she still wanted to give Song Yiren as many more days to live as possible. 。Song Yien was not expecting Qin Jingwen to say such words. After hearing them, she was stunned for a moment. 。Is she thinking that Qin Jingwen is truly acting out of kindness, or does she have another ulterior motive 。“Are you crazy You're giving me money Where did you get the money from From Qiao Shunchen A breakup fee Looking at how generous you are, he must have given you a lot, right” 。Song Yien and her mocking words, even those dull eyes looked down upon Qin Jingwen. 。"Song Yien, please don't speak so harshly. Wen Wen is thinking of you, don't judge her with a narrow mind and think too highly of yourself." 。I know what you're thinking, you must think Wenwen has something else up her sleeve. 。"I just want to ask you, with her like this, what else could she possibly plot She can just sit back and reap the benefits. Is it necessary for her to risk herself for you"Tang Danni couldn't stand to hear Song Yin'en's unreasonable accusations anymore, but when she spoke, she tried her best to control her emotions. 。If she were a healthy person, Tang Danni would have had a big fight with her by now, but Song Yiren, looking at her like this, couldn't help but feel pity for her. Her tone naturally softened and she couldn't be sharp. 。“Don’t lecture me here. If a person's heart is wicked, even if I only have one day left, she would still scheme and plot in every way.” 。Don't tell me meaningless things. No matter what you say or how much money you give me, I won't treat you. 。Qin Jingwen, Qiao Shunchen's money is still kept for yourself to use when you are sick. 。This money wasn't easy to earn. 。">rced by the facts to be pressed by Qin Lan. For him, even if life was at its end, he had to explain everything clearly. 。We can't let Qin Lan bear the blame for a lifetime. We can't let Qiao Shunchen...