Full Moon works

Chapter 758: There is a Kind of Pain That Doesn't Need


l went through after a long time, but no one answered. Chu Yang felt a bit nervous; he was afraid Xue Yao was deliberately ignoring his calls. 。But Chu Yang still insisted and played it a second time...Joe Shun-chen was squatting down to pick up the instant noodles, and when he stood up, he saw Qin Jingwen standing right there

"My voice was too loud, did it bother you I'll be more careful." 。" Qiao Shunchen threw the picked-up ramen directly into the trash can, and then turned off the boiling water. " 。"Haven't you had dinner" Qin Jingwen didn't pay attention to Qiao Shunchen's words, but asked her own concerned question. 。 “No, I’ve been in a meeting.” 。After the meeting ended, I hurried back and didn't have time for dinner. 。“Joe Shun-chen replied softly. After he and Qin Jingwen separated from the company, he had been dealing with emergencies and didn’t have time to eat dinner at all.” 。After the matter was settled, the employees invited him out for a meal, but he declined, thinking of his child and Qin Jingwen, and returned to the hotel directly. 。Actually, his stomach had been growling for a while. He'd been enduring it, afraid of disturbing Qin Jingwen and the child's rest. 。But sitting there handling business, I really couldn't stand it. 。Wanting to cook some instant noodles, but clumsily making so much noise, I still woke Qin Jingwen up. 。"Go to sleep, I can do without eating." 。To let Qin Jingwen sleep well, Qiao Shunchen decided not to eat instant noodles. 。"Go ahead and get busy, I'll make you something to eat." 。Qin Jingwen said and then turned the stove that Qiao Shunchen had just turned off back on. 。Then she went to the refrigerator to look for ingredients and didn't plan on cooking instant noodles for Joe Shunchen. 。In the refrigerator, Qin Jingwen found a frozen dumpling that Qiao Shunchen liked and placed it on the table. 。While waiting for the water to boil, she went back to the fridge and found some cooked food and some vegetables. 。Go back to the stove and put the dumplings into the water. While the dumplings are cooking, cut up the side dishes. 。In a short while, the dumplings were also ready. The cooked food was placed on plates, and a refreshing cold dish was also made. 。While Qin Jingwen was doing all this, Qiao Shunchen stood aside and watched. 。The taste in my heart is both sweet and sour. 。The sweetest thing is still being able to eat Qin Jingwen's cooking, though it's simple, her thoughtfulness is irreplaceable by anyone else. 。It's been a long time since I've felt this way. The feeling is so sour. 。Had he not been careless, had he not been impulsive for a moment, he would have such treatment every day. 。 "Come on, eat quickly. The dumplings will get cold if you don't." 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and wanted to go to sleep, but she was suddenly and unexpectedly hugged by Qiao Shunchen in her arms. 。"You..." "Wenwen, thank you, thank you for still being willing to cook for me." 。Joe Shunchen was somewhat agitated, his voice though soft, trembled. 。At this time, his pain wasn't just in his heart, even his nose couldn't help but produce a sour and astringent sensation. 。This hug made Qin Jingwen both surprised and nervous. She pushed against Qiao Shunchen wanting to speak, but she couldn't move him, nor could she bring herself to say anything. 。"I'm sorry, Wenwen. I was really wrong." 。I'm so sorry, I can't live without you. 。Although Qiao Shunchen tried to control his emotions, his trembling voice and body betrayed him. 。Qin Jingwen clearly felt his emotional changes, and she also felt him holding her hands tightening. 。Qin Jingwen didn't know what was wrong with her. She knew this man wasn't hers and this embrace wasn't hers, but she enjoyed it very much. 。She felt like this wasn't her, that she actually thought Qiao Shunchen's apology was sincere. He truly realized his mistake and understood the harm he had caused to others. 。However, as a sardonic smirk curled her lips, her awareness sharpened instantly. 。"Let go of me first. If you don't, I'm going back to school." 。Qin Jingwen's cold words did indeed have an effect, Qiao Shunchen almost immediately let go of Qin Jingwen. 。"I'm sorry 。Joe Shunchen took a step back, and Qin Jingwen only then noticed that his eyes were red. Her heart ached like a knife as she wanted to hug him and comfort him. 。But she was still rational, unable to bear seeing his red-rimmed eyes. Qin Jingwen left just... 。She took a step away, and after only a few paces, she heard the sound of the refrigerator opening. 。Turning back for a glance, Qiao Shunchen surprisingly pulled out a can of beer. 。She hesitated for no more than a second before heading back to stop it. 。"How come you're still drinking" 。"

Qin Jingwen snatched the beer from Qiao Shunchen's hand as she spoke. At this time, she was only concerned about Qiao Shunchen and worried that he had a headache, forgetting that she was meddling in other people's business >>> 。 "Too tired, less drinking can have a good sleep" 。" "Never mind, I won't drink it " 。Joe Shunchen obediently walked to the dining table and sat down, starting to eat dumplings voraciously. 。The dumplings are frozen, he never used to eat them. 。But today what he ate was especially fragrant and felt very special. 。...because all these dumplings and appetizers were prepared by Qin Jingwen... 。Qin Jingwen stood there with a beer in her hand, watching Qiao Shunchen wolf down his food. Thinking about his words earlier, "Too tired, drink less so I can sleep well," her heart was touched again, softened once more. 。She sat across from Joe Shunchen with a beer in hand, then opened it. 。She picked up a cup from the table and poured some water into it. She placed the cup in front of Joe Shun-chen. 。Have a drink. 。Qin Jingwen saw Qiao Shunchen's tired appearance and felt sorry for him. She thought that drinking a little less should be fine, and it could also help him relieve his sleepiness. 。“Okay, I’ll have some ” 。For Qin Jingwen to bring the wine to him, and for her to change her mind and let him drink, Qiao Shunchen was taken aback. 。She came back to stop him from drinking. Qiao Shunchen's heart was warmed by this, as this action proved that she still cared about him. 。Then she poured him another glass of wine, which proved even more that she still cared for him and couldn't bear to see him unable to sleep. 。Anyway, all his harvest this evening turned out to be beyond his expectation. She stayed to accompany her child to bed and prepared dinner for him. 。delicious dumplings, refreshing appetizers, and also worrying about him drinking hurting his body, but not wanting him to fall asleep with fatigue 。Although the performance seemed contradictory to his current situation, Qiao Shunchen was deeply moved and surprisingly delighted. 。 “You should have some too” 。Jo Shun-chen placed a cup in front of Qin Jingwen, but he didn't pour her any wine, afraid she might want more and immediately get up and leave. 。He didn't dare to say another word, fearing he would ruin the rare atmosphere at this moment. 。For so many days she had been avoiding him, this was the only time she sat down and calmly chatted, the only time she looked at him straight in the eye. 。Qin Jingwen lowered her head to look at the wine glass Qiao Shunchen handed over, and then she shook the beer in her hand. She somehow poured it into the cup herself. 。If she doesn't finish the rest of the wine, Qiao Shunchen is very likely to drink too much and get a headache. 。He had a headache, and she was watching him. 。Under such circumstances, I had no choice but to lend a hand. In the end, it was unavoidable that the two people came into physical contact. 。So Qin Jingwen avoided this situation from happening, she decided to drink all of the alcohol. 。This excuse is a bit lame, but it's better than having no excuse at all to make her feel more comfortable. 。Watching Qin Jingwen pour him a drink, Qiao Shunchen felt another surge of excitement, but he dared not show it, not daring to let himself even smile. 。He left in a hurry that morning, thinking Qin Jingwen must have been disappointed and would definitely complain to him. 。Because of his own guess, he was distracted and worried all day about it. 。I just came back, still being careful, afraid Qin Jingwen “dislikes him”. The imagination and reality are worlds apart, he couldn't help but be excited. 。"Wen Wen, it's been ages since we last had a drink together." 。Let's have a sip together. 。Joseph Chan not only had a soft voice, but he was also always very careful. 。At this time, he was also inquiring of Qin Jingwen, if there was any change in her attitude, he would immediately stop 。"Have a sip" 。“

Qin Jingwen finally spoke, then raised her cup in a gesture before taking a sip of wine

At this time, Qiao Shunchen, at this time's way of getting along, is still not stressful for Qin Jingwen. 。As long as Qiao Shunchen doesn't mention feelings or the past, she can feel a little more at ease. 。It's just that this mode of interaction gives her a feeling of emptiness and distance. 。rom Qin Jingwen's encouragement, it came from Qin Jingwen's words, "The happiest thing in the world is to call out 'Mom and Dad' and have someone answer." 。He wanted to try such happiness, even if it...