Full Moon works

Chapter 761 Learning to Make Dumplings


back against the other person's strength with all their might. The other person's strength suddenly vanished, and Qin Jingwen slammed the door shut with a tremendous bang. 。Since Qin Jingwen couldn't...Qiao Shunchen's phone had the most advanced unlocking features, but he still used the most primitive numerical password, only because it could be used for Qin Jingwen's birthday. 。At this moment, Qin Jingwen's heart was struck once again, the taste it produced she couldn't tell if it was bitter or sweet, sour or astringent. 。His phone uses her birthday. Was it intentional showmanship or... She couldn't believe it. No matter whose birthday he used, it had nothing to do with her. 。Qin Jingwen unlocked her screen and then had the sales associate help her operate it. 。The refund and return operations were completed quickly, and then the sales assistant left. 。Qin Jingwen returned Qiao Shunchen's phone and then found her own. 。I transferred the money for this set of clothes to you, please receive it. 。"Qin Jingwen kept talking and operating, leaving only this set that she still had to return the money to Qiao Shunchen. " 。What she insists on must be upheld, and she absolutely cannot take a single penny from Qiao Shunchen. 。"A set of clothes...""I'll go change, you guys get ready too, after we change we'll go to the supermarket" 。Qin Jingwen didn't give Qiao Shunchen a chance to object. If this topic continued, Qin Jingwen believed that the pleasant atmosphere of today would come to an end. 。It was raining outside, but it didn't stop them from going to the supermarket. 。 。Chiao Tzu-hsuan also wanted to try, but his father kept pushing his sister and he was afraid that his mother would get tired, so he stayed with his mother and helped her. 。However, Qin Jingwen saw through the child's thoughts. Without asking Qiao Zixuan's opinion, she picked him up and placed him in the shopping cart. 。"Mom, you'll get tired." 。"

Qiao Zixuan was touched by his mother's sudden action. He didn't say anything, but his mother knew what he was thinking. In this world, only his mother could see through his heart." 。"Not tired, for a mother this is a kind of happiness " 。When you grow up, Mom won't even have a chance to push you in a stroller anymore. And it's not the same feeling as it is now. 。"Son, just sit down. Mom will push you to chase Dad and Half Moon." 。" She didn't complain about being tired, even though she was. As she said, this kind of tiredness was also a happiness 。When you can be there, be there. When you can give, give. 。Don't wait, don't delay. 。Because children grow up in the blink of an eye, you'll regret not sharing many things with them later. 。Such regrets can never be found again. 。Qin Jingwen's words deeply touched Qiao Zixuan. Other children might not be able to feel the love expressed in their mother's words, but he understood 。He reached out his arms and hugged his mother's neck, whispering softly in her ear. 。"Mom, no matter where you go, no matter what you do in the future, I will follow you and be with you. " 。

A child with a mother is a true child, while a child without a mother faces hardship and exhaustion.

So for the rest of my life, I will never leave you. 。For Qiao Zixuan, Mom is too precious. 。As everyone knows, pandas are national treasures. And to Qiao Zixuan, his mother is also a one-of-a-kind treasure. 。 Qiao Zixuan's words made Qin Jing's eyes turn red. If this wasn't a supermarket, if Qiao Shunchen wasn't in front of her, she might have cried a lot. 。But at this time, even if she owed the child a thousand debts, she could only hold back her tears in front of her. 。"Okay, Mom promised you " 。No matter where Mom goes, no matter how she lives, she won't let you leave me. We're going to be together for life. 。Qin Jingwen assured the child that she would not let the child worry about uncertain factors. 。Children's hearts are inherently fragile, especially Qiao Zixuan's. He even went through a period of illness. 。From a young age, he experienced darkness that others hadn't. After finally returning to his mother's side, he would be more dependent on her than any other child and crave her embrace more than any other. 。The child's words pierced her heart like a knife. She had thought she could leave the child with her grandfather and run away by herself. 。But now it seems she was wrong, children will always be with her, even if her living standards are not as good as Joe's family, the children will still want to be with him. 。What they ask for is not material love, but a mother's love that no one else can replace. 。A family is shopping at the supermarket, playing and buying things along the way. Two children are happily excited. 。Seeing the child happy, Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen were also happy. 。They bought all the ingredients and tools needed for making dumplings, and then went back to the hotel together. 。After a short rest, the family began to prepare dumplings again. 。Making dumplings was easy for Qin Jingwen, but for Qiao Shunchen, it was several times harder than managing a company. 。"This…" "How do you make this" Qiao Shunchen was just about to open his mouth to ask Qin Jingwen for advice, but Yue Ban spoke first, asking how the dumplings were made. 。

"Half a month, don't worry first>>> 。First, watch carefully how your mom makes dumplings, then try to follow her steps. 。There are four people in this house, and three of them are looking around frantically. It made Qin Jingwen want to laugh. 。"Mom, then please slow down" 。It's been half a month, but I still don't understand. 。"Okay, Mom, slow down." 。Look, first put the dumpling wrapper on your left hand, then your right hand...Qin Jingwen began patiently and meticulously explaining to Half Moon and Qiao Zixuan. Of course, the most attentive listener was Qiao Shunchen. 。For over thirty years, he had never thought about making dumplings, nor had he ever considered learning how. 。But today he really wanted to learn, wanting to make dumplings with Qin Jingwen and work together to finish this meal. 。Seeing the children's faces covered in flour, watching Qin Jing patiently and earnestly teach them with a smile, watching the happy four-person family together, Qiao Shunchen's heart was warmed. 。This kind of atmosphere should have existed a long time ago, but he ruined everything and made everyone feel disappointed. 。Will Qin Jingwen forgive him Will Qin Jingwen return to his side Will Qin Jingwen still give him the chance to protect her Qiao Shunchen thought about it while he learned. At this time, Qiao Zixuan suddenly sighed and then put down the dumpling wrappers that had been empty in his hand. 。"I'm not going to study anymore, it's too difficult. " 。I think making dumplings is much harder than researching a software program. 。Mom, Dad, you work hard, I'll just wait quietly to eat. 。""

Qiao Zixuan gave up, he couldn't control the cooperation of the dumpling filling and the dumpling skin, so he could only wait to eat >>> 。"Big brother, you're so silly! Look at mine!" 。“

Ban Yue laughed at Qiao Zixuan, holding the dumplings she had just made in her hand, and showing off in front of Qiao Zixuan. 。Although the dumpling filling is messy, inside and out, although the dumplings look shapeless when wrapped, and some even have exposed filling, half moon managed to wrap them up. The dumpling skin and filling are now perfectly combined. 。"It's too ugly, how can I eat this" 。Joe Hsu looked at the half-moon-shaped dumplings and couldn't help but smile, muttering to himself. 。"Half Moon, look at the dumplings your mother made, and then look at the dumplings you made. 。How do I describe it, ah, your dumplings look like a disaster scene. 。Joe Hsu was even more convinced by his own description and couldn't help but burst into laughter. 。"Mom, look at your brother " 。He can't even make dumplings himself, and he still deliberately badmouths me. 。"

Half-moon seemed to be pleading its innocence, but in its hands it was already preparing the flour. As soon as its voice fell, the flour was flung toward Qiao Zixuan in a large area.

" 。"Hahaha…" This time, it was Ban Yue who burst into laughter. Her laughter felt like victory, tinged with a hint of smugness. 。But seeing her brother in such a state, her happiness was genuine. 。However, Han Yue's smile only lasted for half a month before being countered by Qiao Zi Xuan. 。 Qiao Zixuan not only fought back against Half Moon, but also sprinkled flour on his father and mother respectively. 。“Brother, you’re so bad……”“Xuan Xuan, you are really bad…”Just like that, the family of four forgot about the dumplings they were wrapping and started to make a ruckus, starting their happy and joyful flour battle...The two children were having a blast. This was the first time the whole family played so crazily together, the first time they were all carefree and happy together 。"Alright, stop playing now, if we keep messing around, we'll run out of flour and won't be able to make dumplings anymore." 。After playing for a while, Qin Jingwen opened her mouth to call a stop. 。Whether it's happiness or joy, life is like that 。If you start something, it should have an end. Enjoy the process and that's OK, be content with that. 。"Let's keep learning how to make dumplings with Mom!" Joe Shunchen also agreed with Qin Jingwen 。Since the misunderstanding about Qin Jingwen happened, he hasn't been this happy. 。Every day is dull and depressing, even irritable. 。Today I finally had some fun with my child and found the happiness I used to have. 。This also filled Joe Shunchen with hope for his and Qin Jingwen's future. 。This is his motivation, this is his aspiration, this is the most important thing in his life. 。"Alright, let's continue making dumplings." 。Although the two children were still eager to play, they also knew when to stop. 。They patted the flour off their hands and began to learn how to wrap dumplings from their mother. 。"Mommy, did my brother and I inherit Dad's genes That's why we are so stupid and can't learn anything." 。midly left. 。Although it didn't have the effect she expected, she believed Jo Shun-chen would definitely keep this in mind. 。Yè Wén left, Qió Shunchen's face changed drastically, and he immediately cl...