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Chapter 539: Conspiracy 26


The fact that Lord Shangshu came here to look for her means that this time, Du Gucheng is truly serious. Otherwise, Lord Shangshu wouldn't have brought out the Empress. It's a pity though, bringing ou..."Dugu City, Xiaoli is injured."

Only then did Dugu Cheng realize that Xiaoli's foot injury was serious. No wonder she had been silent all this time. He crouched down, Feng Lingxi looked at the long gash on her calf, his gaze went outwards, his eyes filled with worry.

On this path, there's probably blood. If the men in black find it, following the trail of blood, they might come here and they wouldn't be safe either.

"Don't worry about that now, I'll give her medicine."

Feng Ling quickly walked to the entrance of the cave and, looking at the weeds beside her, pulled a large handful, crushed them and applied them to Xiaoli's wound, then tore down her skirt hem to bandage her injury.

"Xier, wait for me here, I'm going out to collect firewood."

"Be careful."

Feng Lingxi cautioned, seeing Dugu City go out. Looking at Xiaoli who was almost unconscious, Xiaoli's wounds were clearly cut by a sharp blade. Could she have been injured during the carriage incident

All the way, Xiao Li didn't say a word. Feng Ling Xi felt very guilty and felt sorry for her.

Dugu City picked up some firewood and came back, he also brought back a wild rabbit. Feng Lingxi immediately helped to build a fire and roasted the rabbit.

"Xi'er, quickly roast your clothes. I'll go outside to gather some firewood. It's too cold." Without fire, they would freeze, especially since they were soaked and Xiao Li was injured. They couldn't be careless.

I'll go and see if there are any herbs outside the cave. Xiaoli might have a fever tonight.

Dugu Cheng glanced at the sky outside and was very uneasy.

"What kind of herbs do you want me to find for you It's too dangerous outside, and you're too weak to get cold."

"My Lord, My Lady."

Xiao Li opened her eyes, weakly tugged at Feng Ling Xi's sleeve, her pale face, lips moved slightly, "There are pills for fever and stopping bleeding here."

Wind Lingxi, overjoyed, took out a bag of medicine bottles from Xiao Li's arms. Looking at the words on them, Wind Lingxi patted Xiao Li's head, "Now I feel relieved."

獨孤城 saw there was medicine, and went outside the cave to gather firewood. He didn't show any airs of a prince at all. This was nothing new for Du Gucheng.

As Ruifengling said, Xiaoli really had a fever that night. Ruifengling fed her medicine and took turns watching over her with Dugu City. Outside, heavy snow was falling, and inside the cave, the three of them huddled around the bonfire to keep warm.

Fortunately, the men in black didn't pursue them. However, the weather outside was bitterly cold, and even when it got daylight, this mountain path would be very difficult to traverse. Xiao Li's leg was still injured, making things incredibly hard.

When the first rays of dawn touched the sky, Feng Ling Xi woke up and saw Dugu Cheng sitting by the entrance of the cave. The fire pit was already crackling with roasted pheasant and rabbit. Feng Ling Xi knew that Dugu Cheng had gone out to find food for them and probably hadn't even closed his eyes.

"The snow has stopped."

Feng Lingxi looked at the thick snow outside. "Wanting to go out, it's probably not that easy."

"I've looked over it. We need to go out, and that means crossing several mountains at the very least. At a normal pace, it would take us half a day just to get through them. Little Li can't walk, so we might not be able to leave until nightfall."

Feng Lingxi walked on the snow, a blanket of white. The thick snow covered the mountains, making one wonder how heavy the snowfall must have been last night.

Feng Lingxi shivered, the cold was biting, probably just like this.

"My Queen, you should leave now."

Xiao Li woke up to hear the Princess and Prince talking about her. She glanced at her wound, "My injury will only burden you both, please go back first. When my injury heals, I can return on my own."

"What nonsense."

Feng Lingxi coldly scoffed, "Since we came together, we should go back together."

In her heart, Xiao Li was more than just her maid. After all that had happened, in her heart, Xiao Li's status had long surpassed that of master and servant.

Xiao Li looked at her leg wound, biting her lip. She stood up, but the pain made her sweat cold.

"Don't push yourself, we can just stay here a few more days until your injuries heal. Then we can leave."

Feng Lingxi looked at Dugu City, "Or you go back first and bring people to pick us up later."

Dugu Cheng glanced at them, "Xiao Li's fever just subsided, and with such a thick snowfall outside, it wouldn't be easy to go out. Let's stay here for two days before heading back."

獨孤城 sat by the bonfire, “Eat something. I’ll go out and find some firewood later. Persist for two days, and the people tracking at night should arrive.”

Wind Ling Xi hearing Dugu City mention Ye Su, hurriedly asked, "Can he find us"


Dugu Cheng stared ahead. Fortunately, the heavy snow had stopped. Otherwise, they would even have trouble staying warm.

"Xier, this king will go outside to find some firewood. You and Xiaoli stay in the cave and don't wander around."

"Be careful."

Feng Lingxi urged him, watching his departing figure, her eyes filled with worry.

"My lady, this servant has let you down this time."

Feng Lingxi turned and sat beside her, "What do you mean dragging us down They're not coming for you."

Feng Ling Xi tore off a chicken leg and gave it to her, "Xiao Li, when did you get hurt Was it during the carriage ride"

Xiao Li responded, "This servant didn't pay much attention. I just didn't expect the Princess and the Prince to pull this servant down."

"I'm so sorry, I was too hasty and didn't think things through. Those men in black came at us aggressively, I was afraid they would capture us."

Feng Lingxi pulled a chicken leg and started gnawing on it. At that time, the situation was too dangerous, she hadn't noticed Xiao Li was injured. Now that they had stopped, thinking back, she felt that they didn't seem like people from the Yao Clan.

"Xiao Li, do you think these black-clothed men are like those chasing after the Yao Clan"

"I don't think so. Even if the Yao Clan was pursuing this as a mission, they wouldn't go to such extremes to kill Your Highness. Besides, you are the heir to the Saint Lord of the Yao Clan. Even though you haven't conceived yet, you are still the Sacred Maiden of the Yao Clan. The rules of the Yao Clan aren't about killing you."

"I think so too. In that case, who sent these men in black remains a mystery."

Feng Ling Xi ate but had no taste. "After Du Gu Yu appeared, things around us became increasingly unclear. Being attacked like this is truly suffocating. Du Gu Yu's people said they would protect us and leave first, but the number of pursuers behind us doubled. These people from Du Gu Yu are useless, they can't possibly kill all the black-clothed men!"

Xiao Li looked at the queen's suspicious eyes, her brow furrowed. "Your Highness means these men in black were sent by the Third Prince"

"It's possible, or maybe it was someone else. There are so many people who want me dead, I don't even know who sent them."

Feng Lingxi pounded her own knee, feeling a bit of soreness. It seemed that her current physical condition was lacking.

"If it's someone from the Yao tribe, then there must be something wrong within the Yao tribe itself. If it's someone else, I, the slave girl, think it's most likely someone sent by the Empress."

"Feng Yu Xi shouldn't have such ability yet, right"

She remembered the last time, when the treatment on a rainy and windy evening had noticeably worsened. Could it be that someone behind her was secretly causing trouble

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(This book's URL: www.rzlib.net/b/94/94762)ost poisoned by him. Master dislikes being disturbed by outsiders and fears he will disappoint Your Majesty."Du Gu Yan narrowed her eyes and looked at Feng Ling Xi, "Princess Yao Hua, I have something...