Ye Bufan Tang Feixue works

Chapter 1432: You're Just Jealous of Me


aggadocio, brazenly lying...Kim Young-kwon used almost every derogatory term he could think of and said, “Ignorant child, you don't know anything about medicine.”Do you know what the Five Declines of...Ye Bufan said calmly: "I'm not mistaken, this is a Chinese medicine hall opened by Chinese people. For Chinese people, it's free. For US citizens, it's $100. You can choose whether to see a doctor or not completely voluntarily."

The man in glasses shouted, "You... you're just jealous of me! Jealous that I can become a U.S. citizen!"

"Jealous of me" Ye Bufan sneered, "Sorry, you're mistaken. There's nothing about you that I would envy."

As a Chinese citizen, I am proud and have never thought about becoming an American citizen, nor do I envy you in the slightest.

The man with glasses, flushed with anger, shouted: "America is the greatest country in the world, you're just jealous of me!"

"The greatest country" Ye Bufan shook his head. "If that's the case, why don't you go to the hospital in the greatest country for treatment Why come all the way to our TCM clinic"


The man in glasses opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have already gone to the hospital, but Western medicine is not good at treating facial droop and slanted eyes caused by this kind of stroke. The treatment time is long, the effect is not good, and most importantly, the cost is particularly high."

Ye Bufan, having said this, turned his head to look at Alice: "About how much would it cost to treat this condition there"

Alice said, "In our Western medical theory system, this condition of a crooked mouth and slanted eyes is believed to be caused by a viral infection of the facial nerve, leading to nerve swelling. The treatment takes a relatively long time and the cost is also relatively high, ranging from $20,000 to $50,000."

Ye Bufan gave the man with glasses a playful look. "Your stroke-induced squint and crooked smile, it's nothing here. Just a few acupuncture needles will fix you right up, total cost $200."

Of course, I think with your special talents going to the US, traditional Chinese medicine might not be suitable for you. You should choose the most advanced medical system in the world and spend a little more money, don't you think


The man in glasses was speechless again, just as Ye Bufan said, he had just come out of the hospital. The medical expenses there were frighteningly high, so he came to the TCM clinic.

"I don't want to hear all that. I just know that medicine has no borders. I am the patient and you are the doctor, so you should treat me equally, not discriminate."

"Treat all patients equally, medical skills have no borders" Ye Bufan looked at him with piercing eyes and said, "You've been in the US for so many years, you must know..."

How much do the prices of Western medicine here differ from those in mainland China

Have you ever reflected to relevant departments in M country about the concept that medical skills transcend national borders and advocated for a unified price for pharmaceuticals on both sides

Of course I know you didn't do that, instead you're proud of being a citizen of M country and being able to buy cheap medicine.

He shook his head and said, "I'm too lazy to waste my time with you. Pay for the doctor if you want to see a doctor, otherwise get out."

Some people are just like that. They think it's reasonable for hospitals in the US to charge $50,000, but they think $200 at a Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic is too expensive and would rather have you treat them for free.


The man with glasses swallowed nervously and said, "Kid, you can actually discriminate. For real Americans, just charge them a bit more."

"But I'm Chinese! We are all descendants of Yan Huang, you should treat me for free."

Ye Bufan had originally wanted to leave, but upon hearing this, he stopped in his tracks.

"Are you from China"

The man with glasses said confidently, "That's right, even though I joined m country's nationality, I am still yellow-skinned and black-eyed, and I am still a Chinese person."

At this moment, Ye Bufan's eyes instantly became sharp.

You were indeed a Chinese citizen, enjoying the benefits of China and receiving access to the best education resources that China has to offer. In the end, China cultivated you into an outstanding talent.

"You are utterly ungrateful and unappreciative, turning your back on us to join another nationality, and you even take pride in it! You dare to call yourself a citizen of China"

The man in glasses was taken aback for a moment, then said confidently: "Narrow-minded! You don't understand anything! Although I joined the nationality of M country, I truly still love my country."

When you joined the country, did you swear allegiance under their flag What was the oath Let me refresh your memory.

‘I completely renounce all allegiance and fidelity to any former foreign prince, sovereign, state, or nation, I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all enemies, both at home and abroad...”

After that, he fixed his piercing gaze on the man with glasses: “You’re a top student from university. What does this oath represent Do you need me to explain it to you”

From the moment you swore your oath, you have renounced your citizenship and loyalty to China. If war breaks out between the two countries, you will without hesitation take up arms against your homeland, against your former countrymen, against the land that gave you birth.

Is this what you call patriotism

If you insist on saying that, then we Chinese have a very apt term for you: traitorous lackey!


The man with glasses' face turned the color of liver. He wanted to turn around and leave, but thinking of the expensive medical bills at the hospital, he swallowed his pride and stayed.

"Isn't it just 200 yuan Why all the talk Just treat my illness quickly."

He said, pulling out two hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and slapping them on the table.

Ye Bufan shook his head, he was too lazy to deal with such people. Now more and more of these refined egotists were appearing, consuming a huge amount of national resources and then ending up serving others.

The most crucial thing is that they are confident and self-righteous.

Cao Xinghua brought the man with glasses to the side. This simple stroke was nothing for these TCM masters; after twenty minutes of acupuncture, all his senses returned to normal.

The man in glasses walked up to the mirror and took a look. He found that he had completely returned to normal, with no gratitude whatsoever. Instead, he glared at Ye Bufan with venomous eyes before leaving the clinic.

"My God, what was this person thinking"

Alice exclaimed indignantly, “I just don’t get it. He had a serious illness that would have cost tens of thousands of dollars at the hospital, and here it was cured in an instant for only $200. Why isn't he happy Shouldn't he at least say thank you”

"Ignore him, people like that don't know what gratitude means."

Ye Bufan helplessly shook his head. Someone who could betray their own motherland, the country that gave birth to them, wouldn't possibly be grateful to a doctor!

In their eyes, everything they receive is deserved, while the fees you charge are unjustified.

Alice, speaking entirely from a doctor's perspective, exclaimed excitedly, "Dear teacher, Traditional Chinese Medicine is truly amazing! It completely cured his facial paralysis so quickly."

Then more patients trickled in. A middle-aged white man in his forties walked in, his face contorted in pain.

He first inquired about the price and ended up paying $100 for the consultation fee before entering the clinic.

At this moment, he was the only patient in the room. His gaze swept around before finally landing on Ye Bufan.

Due to cultural differences, there isn't a concept here where older TCM practitioners are more valuable. Instead, he feels that being too old might make someone less credible.e care of him. From now on, Su Caiwei is yours, and Taiping Medical Hall is mine.""Rest assured, you've done a great job this time. This young master won't treat you badly."Zhang Jiafu burst into a f...