Ye Bufan Tang Feixue works

Chapter 1799: You Are Mine Now


Old Hua's illness is indeed strange. He has had a headache for almost three to four months now, and it just won't go away.Almost every famous doctor in the world has been consulted, but there have bee...Chapter 1799: You're Mine Now

"No, I must have been poisoned, otherwise I wouldn't be like this."

Lu Xue Man glared angrily at Ye Bufan once more, "Did you take advantage of the opportunity to treat my illness and poison me It must be like that!"

"Everyone says big breasts, small brains, but you don't have... " Ye Bufan couldn't help himself, and glanced at the full expanse of her chest. This woman was definitely well-endowed.

Lu Xueman only then realized that she was completely naked beneath her anger. She hurriedly took out a set of clothes from her storage ring and put them on.

"Even if you have breasts, they don't mean you have a brain!"

With my skills as a doctor, if I were to poison you, I would first cripple your cultivation base and then do whatever I pleased.

"How could I possibly poison you and then let you recover just to kill me Do you think I'm some kind of idiot"


Lu Xue Man thought for a moment, the other party's words made sense. Even if they coveted her beauty, they wouldn't give her a chance to turn things around.

Then she asked again, "So tell me, what's going on with the poison in me Where did it come from I can't have poisoned myself, can I"

"That's your doing!" Ye Bufan said. "I understand now, this spring poison must be mixed in your fire poison, but it was suppressed by the cold before and didn't react too obviously."

"Wait until I've refined away all the cold energy and fire poison, then it will immediately jump out to cause chaos."

This must be the result of his sudden inspiration, or there's no other explanation.


Lu Xue Man seemed to have suddenly thought of something, her expression changed involuntarily, and her pretty face became extremely embarrassed.

Ye Bufan said, "Did you remember something Is it related to the previous Golden Scale Fire Python"

"Yes... that's right!"

Lu Xue spoke, her face flushed red. "The Jinslin Huo Mang does indeed have obscene properties. It has another name: the Yin Snake. Some cultivators would catch these monsters and refine them into sinister poisons."

At this moment, she understood where the problem lay. The fire poison of the Golden Scale Fire Python contained properties of spring poison as well.

It had always been suppressed and hadn't shown itself, but when Ye Bufan completely eliminated it, it suddenly erupted and became uncontrollable.

Ye Bufan was speechless with anger. If he had known the situation beforehand, he would have been prepared and this wouldn't have happened.

"I asked you before, what's the deal with this monster Why didn't you say anything"

“What am I, a woman, saying this for” Lu Xueman said, “I thought you were just asking about its monster level, who knew you didn’t even know that.”

Indeed, she had not explained the situation before because, as a proud woman, it was difficult for her to admit.

Secondly, considering Ye Bufan's impressive medical skills, one would assume he'd be familiar with common monsters like the Golden Scale Fire Python. However, it turns out he hails from a different world and is completely unfamiliar with this one.

"I'm a doctor, I treat people, I'm not a veterinarian. Why should I understand a monster"

Ye Bufan immediately flew into a rage, “It’s because you didn’t explain the situation clearly that this happened. I saved your life, but you turned against me, took advantage of me, and ruined my reputation.”

"It's all your fault. Now tell me, how are you going to make it up to me"

Actually, half of his anger was put on, after all, this kind of thing doesn't hurt men at all.

If she doesn't show any signs of life, and comes back to her senses, what if she takes me out with a single sword strike

Therefore, in this situation, you must seize the initiative and make the other party feel guilty and indebted to you. Ideally, they should even apologize to you, and then the matter can be dropped.

But what surprised him was that after Lu Xue Man figured it out, her expression changed and she returned to her previous aloof look.

"Okay, I admit it was my fault. I was wrong, but I'll take responsibility for this. From now on, you belong to me!"


Ye Bufan instantly had a black line on his forehead, countless grass mud horses galloping through his mind.

"What the hell is going on When did I ever become responsible for a woman, when did I become hers"

Although it's barely acceptable, at least the other party no longer intends to harm me. Let's just get through this hurdle first.

Once he recovers his cultivation, he can teach this little temptress in a minute how to be a proper woman

Lu Xue Man didn't say anything more. She stretched out her hand, and the bedsheet with a plum blossom mark on it was taken into her storage ring. Then she strode towards the door.

"What are you going to do" Ye Bufan asked subconsciously.

Lu Xue's steps paused, and she said without looking back, "The injury has healed, so of course I'm leaving here."

"You're leaving already Shouldn't you thank me for saving you, and maybe throw a few billion gold coins my way"

Seeing that the opponent had no murderous intent toward him, Ye Bufan's mood relaxed again.

"You all belong to me, why should I give you money"

Lu Xue Man's words were incredibly domineering. After saying them, she strode towards the door.

"Damn it, I'm not only losing money but also my reputation, I can't even get the medical bill back."

Ye Bufan was complaining there, and suddenly saw this woman about to push open the door. He hurriedly jumped up from the ground.

My clothes are all in pieces now, I'm completely naked. If Luo Yuchong outside saw me, I would be so embarrassed!

He hurriedly took out a set of clothes from his storage ring and put it on, then cleaned up the traces of battle in the room.

By the time he finished all of this, Lu Xuemian had already arrived at the door.

"Xue Man, you're finally out! The whole night, your elder sister almost died of worry." Luo Yudie took her hand and looked up and down, then asked, "How is it Are your injuries all healed"

Lu Xue Man said, "Thank you sister for your concern, I'm all better now, and I even broke through the bottleneck. Now I have officially entered the Shen Refining Stage."

"That's great! Little brother really does what he says!"

Luo Yudie was happy for her best friend and then asked, "Where's my little brother Why hasn't he come out yet"

Here it comes!

Ye Bufan walked out of the room.

"Little brother, you don't seem to be doing well. You look very tired!"

After a night of hard work, wouldn't you be tired

Ye Bufan wore an expression of helplessness. He had challenged seven times in a night before, but this time was different. His true qi was depleted, and he hadn't fully recovered yet, so naturally, he looked more tired.

"What, worked all night"

"Luo Yuchie asked in surprise."

Seeing Lu Xue's menacing gaze, Ye Bufan hurriedly explained: "Well, the fire poison of the Jinlin Fire Python is much stronger than expected, and it's particularly troublesome to treat. It took a whole night."

"My qi is completely depleted, so of course I feel exhausted."

“Oh! Little brother, you've worked hard. Sister will definitely thank you properly another day.”

Luo Yudie finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed, her eyes gleaming as she looked at him and said, "Hey, why did your clothes change They didn't seem to be this color yesterday!"earing that his father, who had been in a coma for many days, was about to wake up, Mokushi Gamo felt a surge of joy.Ye Bufan's heart was filled with joy, he had beaten his father into that state, an...