Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 21 A Bad Feeling


ut the treasure map.Now that the people are gone, they can proceed with the next step."Xiao Shu, all the surviving bandits are tied up and handed over to those people. We'd better find their hideout a..."If you join the Black Hawk Special Forces, your abilities will be impossible to conceal, and the missions are high risk. Have you thought this through"

Wu Lianyi pointed straight to the crux of the matter and said.

"Having thought it over, I'd rather act with you than wait here anxiously for your news. Plus, my abilities can help us avoid risks."

"Now that the apocalypse is here, I can't stay hiding behind others forever. My little brother and I went out for ten days, and I feel like he's completely transformed. I don't want to become a burden on him."

Sun Yi said very frankly.

For the siblings who mutually watch out for each other, Wu Lianyi expresses admiration. She appreciates that they have someone to care about and that this motivates them to act with greater integrity. She nods in satisfaction, finalizing the matter.

When Sun Wang was woken up by hunger, he got out of bed. It was already the third morning. He hurriedly ate a bowl of noodles his sister had made with love and went to look for Ying Yi.

The rest of the process went smoothly. Three days later, the three of them packed their belongings and moved into the Black Hawk Special Forces dormitory. Wu Lianyi and Sun Yi shared a room, while Sun Wang had a room next door.

They all had their call signs: Wu Lianyi was Purple Eagle, Sun Yi was Pupil Eagle, and Sun Wang was Flying Eagle. The three of them trained with the special forces unit at the training ground for three days before setting off on their mission.

During this period, Wu Lianyi also learned the method of absorbing crystal core power and told it directly to Sun Wang. After the two raised their abilities to level 2, they told Captain Eagle Wing the method.

“I didn't tell you before, first because I didn't know if there were any side effects from doing this, and second because I knew the military was also researching the function of the core. So I thought it would be best to verify its safety before reporting back to you.”

Sun Yi said generously.

Sun Yi is now the team's human predictive instrument. Because of her existence, the team has avoided many ambushes and even eliminated several violent groups. Sun Yi's position has risen quickly, and everyone is now willing to take missions with her.

"I see. Some people have absorbed the power of the crystal cores before, but the effects weren't obvious. I didn't expect you to reach level two so quickly."

Yingyi was quite calm about this. After all, this kind of thing came from the brains of zombies. Naturally, it would be used with more caution, especially them. They wouldn't use it before receiving precise orders.

"No more, I and Sister Lianyi absorbed all the nuclei we collected during these two months of missions, just leveled up. There are probably over a thousand! Sister Lianyi said, quantity changes cause qualitative changes, even a mosquito is meat!"

Sun Wang's originally fair complexion had turned a bronze hue due to constantly taking on missions, giving him a hint of masculinity. Now, facing the Eagle Wing, he was not as cautious as before.

"Okay, I understand! I'll report this to the top."

Once Sun's siblings left, he immediately went to see the captain. This was good news, as it could quickly boost the combat squad's strength and reduce casualties.

As the difficulty of the missions increased, they also suffered casualties. Although psychics were immune to level-zero zombies and unharmed even if injured, if they encountered a level-one zombie, they would also become zombies. Moreover, after a psychic became a zombie, it was even harder to deal with. At that time, their guns would be pointed at their former comrades, which was the most heartbreaking thing for them.

Over time, Tier 1 zombies have emerged. They are faster than ordinary people and have become tougher, capable only of being killed by a headshot or spinal damage. Otherwise, they will be very troublesome.

They now have the upper hand because they possess superior weaponry, but in the long run, it will be them who suffer losses. After all, their bullets will eventually run out.

Since the usage of nuclear cores has been determined, the military side took on the mission and obtained nuclear cores through legitimate means, becoming the first beneficiaries. As a result, the number of Level 1 ability users has also increased.

And the survivors, after completing the wall reinforcement, didn't want to just sit around and wait. Upon learning that they could exchange nuclei for food and drink, they also began organizing scavenging squads that followed behind the main force, picking up leftovers and clearing the battlefield. Sometimes, they were even lucky enough to find supplies.

The entire survivor base sprang to life, with young and middle-aged people all joining the zombie extermination effort. They understood that the world was different now; to survive, they had to adapt quickly, otherwise they would be the ones left behind.

Three months into the apocalypse, Sun Yi had a heart-stopping feeling. Even staying in the safe zone didn't make it any better. This wasn't a good sign at all. She directly told Wu Lianyi about her feelings.

Wu Lianyi then understood that it was because of the impending rainstorm, plants would also mutate.

Although it is September now, it is still summer in the north. Lush vegetation can be seen everywhere. Although many have been destroyed after the apocalypse, there are still some tenacious survivors.

"Lately, you shouldn't take any missions. Convert all the rewards from previous missions into nuclei and first enhance your abilities. This way, your perception will be clearer, and I can also report to the captain."

Wu Lianyi spoke directly.

"Okay, I understand!"

Sun Yi also knew that it was only a vague feeling, with no specific direction, and it was really hard to prevent.

Wu Lianyi went straight to find Captain Eagle Wing. The other party was studying a map, his brows furrowed tightly.

"Captain, if there are no urgent missions recently, it's best to keep all the team members at base."

Wu Lianyi stated bluntly.

"Reason." Let me know if you have other text you'd like me to translate!

"Sun Yi felt unwell, but she didn't know the specific direction. I had her exchange her nucleus to upgrade her ability level and see if she could sense more accurately."

Eaglewing's pupils constricted after hearing this. Since Sun Yi joined the Black Eagle Squad, he had never made a mistake. This time, Ziyue personally came to say it, it certainly wasn't just to say hello, it must be to make him take it seriously.

I'm studying the map. There's a military airfield fifty kilometers outside our base, with a stockpile of ammunition and fighter jets. Our superiors ordered us to bring back this military equipment, and they even assigned our squad a spatial ability user.

Eaglewing frowned, he said.

When are we leaving

The original plan was that in two days, I would be researching the route.

Eaglewing didn't mince words. He stated it directly.

"Just to be safe, it's best we wait until Sun gets promoted before we set off."

"Within three days, if she hadn't been promoted within three days, we would also have to leave."

Because this is an order, there's no room for discussion.

Okay, I got it!

Wu Lianyi went straight back to the dormitory and saw Sun Yi already sitting cross-legged on the bed, holding a crystal core in her hand and beginning to absorb the power within it. There was also a small pile of white crystal cores on the bed.

Wu Lianyi didn't disturb and also took out a level-one crystal core to start absorbing it.

Three days later, Sun Yi hadn't leveled up. She was still absorbing the crystal nucleus, and Wu Lianyi could only let Sun Wang stay behind to take care of Sun Yi. She, along with the Eagle Wing Squad, set off for the military airfield.

Sun Wang was extremely unwilling, but he also knew that his elder sister needed someone to guard her while she absorbed the core and advanced. In case of an emergency, there was no one more suitable than him., using her Death Threads and dual blades to slaughter another dozen or so monsters. She only escaped when the third floor finally collapsed.Although there were at least fifty monsters remaining, the...