Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 264: Two-Pronged Approach 2


not convenient to let a third party hear.Ripple didn't refuse. She walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling window, gesturing for the other person to speak. Meanwhile, Lion, Gong Fan, and Malu stood thr...The ripples' rejection was crisp, and even OuYang felt helpless. To be rejected...

"Teacher, I really didn't lie to you, operating this mecha requires 3S mental power."

Ouyang waved his hand, indicating that he believed him, and then said:

"I discussed with General Nice and decided to send a small team to the other side of the satellite sphere, then head to the nearest satellite QSWL for help. We originally wanted to borrow your mecha, but it seems now you'll have to participate."

"Teacher, rest assured, I guarantee to complete the task."

Ripples immediately smiled and replied.

"We're leaving tonight. Get ready. I'll let your classmates know where I am, but come with me now to report to the breakout team."


Liàn Yì jumped down, retrieved her mecha, and followed Master Ou Yang into a solitary mecha hangar within the base.

"Ouyang, did you get the mecha"

Shawn finished asking his questions and then saw Du Hongtu following behind Ou Yang.

"How did you summon鴻途"

Sean quickly changed the subject.

I allowed the Hongtu to act alongside you, that mecha only recognizes him. Even if I had borrowed it, no one else could control it.

Ouyang answered Sean's two questions directly.

Sean was taken aback and immediately pulled Ouyang aside, lowering his voice and saying:

"Ouyang, are you serious He's a minor! I admit the boy is talented, but that's in one-on-one fights. On a battlefield, it's not about facing a single opponent."

"Of course I understand, so the previous plan needs to change. You guys should help him break out as much as possible and get him to QSWL star for help. That way, the success rate will be higher."

Ou Yang was also helpless. He originally wanted to lend Lian Yi's mecha to Sean, but Sean's mental power had been damaged on the battlefield, dropping from 3S to 2S. Through these years of cultivation and drug assistance, he had only recovered to 2S, unable to control the fourth-generation mecha at all.

He chose to stay here and protect Hill and the remaining students, which was a difficult decision.

He knew the danger was high, but this wasn't a particularly important satellite. The defense force was limited. If they were besieged, with their current manpower and reserves, they wouldn't be able to hold out until the Blue Star detected something wrong and sent reinforcements.

So he chose a two-pronged approach, on one hand sticking to his position and waiting for reinforcements, on the other hand sending people out to break through and actively seek support.

Choosing Du Hongtu was a helpless decision. It wasn't just because he had the latest fourth-generation mecha, but also because this child was meticulous and calm. These are all characteristics that a warrior needs, and he possesses them all.

Besides, with the daily training and integration of Longtu and Sean's team, he will be able to integrate into the team at the fastest speed and add another layer of security for completing the mission.

After listening to Ou Yang's explanation, Sean could only call Du Hongtu over and begin to instill their squad's strategy and tactics. He hoped they could reach a consensus before nightfall.

In the late afternoon, space pirates launched another attack. The base first engaged them with laser cannons before deploying heavy mechs, who crushed the opposition in their path.

Because Ripples had been gone for so long and hadn't returned, the friends were starting to worry until Teacher Ouyang came back. They learned that Ripples had gone to assist Shawn on another mission, and their worries eased. They then turned their attention to welcoming the mech that was landing.

"Kate, your team's work on rebuilding mechs is very practical. With every battle, the damage rate of mechs is high. You've pulled out a squad dedicated to rebuilding them, maximizing the use of existing mechs."

The mecha repair department stationed here will also send some people, new and old pairing up, to complete this mission. Any problems

"Yes, teacher, we promise to complete the task."

Kate immediately responded, but a chill ran down her spine. Because with everyone at this outpost, there were only three thousand people in total. Including logistics support, medical personnel, and mech maintenance – those who couldn't go to war – the number of combat-ready soldiers was only around two thousand.

Even though everyone has a mecha now, if one is damaged, they have to use a backup mecha. However, these backup mechas are not equipped in a 1:1 ratio, which means the longer they're trapped, the more difficult their situation becomes. That's why Mr. OuYang prepared ahead of time and had them prepare backup mechas.

Kate, weighed down with thoughts, immediately turned to select her team without revealing her inner turmoil. Now that their great opportunity was gone, she needed to steady the others.

On the side, Ou Yang saw Ke Te's methodical arrangements and nodded in satisfaction. He was indeed the leader of Class A, this calmness was something he didn't have at that age.

Two battles in one day, the opponent's offensive was not very fierce. Both sides were mainly probing, everyone knew that there wasn't much time left for them, so both sides were eager to fight.

Ou-yang went to see General Naise and talked with him for a while. Although the general strongly disapproved of letting Du Hongtu participate in the breakout, there was currently no better candidate.

“After interrogation, the sergeant major did betray the base, but he was forced to. His wife, children, and elderly parents were all kidnapped by space pirates, forcing him to follow their orders. He cooperated with them to save his family's lives. Originally, he planned to silently take your students away, but now it has escalated into a battle between the two sides. He regrets what happened, but it is too late.”

"It seems our previous analysis was correct. They've been planning this all along. They kidnapped the family of the garrison commander to threaten him. So, they must know quite a lot about our garrison situation, including troop numbers and equipment."

"Yes, that's the most difficult part. Based on today's battle, I think the pirates haven't deployed all their forces. Even now, their numbers are roughly equal to ours, but they could reinforce at any time. If our reinforcements don't arrive soon, holding this position will be..."

Before Nice could finish her words, OuYang understood what she meant.

"Now we can only hold our ground. Those kids have been mobilized, and we can't lose our momentum."

The soldiers stationed there were handling their tasks in an orderly manner, none of them panicked or flinched, they believed the Empire would not abandon them.

At this time, Lian Yi was already piloting her mech Lei Xi and had circled to the other side of the satellite with Sean's team, ready to leave on a small spaceship.

"Captain, I didn't discover any ambushes. Although there are no signs of anything unusual, I still have a bad feeling about this. You should be careful."

Sean's scout mecha sent back a message.

“Be on guard, don't let yourself be stopped at your doorstep.”

Sean reminded the team in the common channel.

"Yes, Captain!"

Twelve people followed, boarding a small spaceship that silently glided into the starfield after ignition. The ripples of Shen's consciousness were also released simultaneously.

Suddenly, her expression turned serious, and she directly addressed Shawn in the public channel:

"Captain, turn right! There's an ambush there!"ers were consumed by flames the moment the defense shield broke open at the edge of the energy sphere, leaving only ashes behind.It seems like our harvest is quite good this time.Looking at the invade...