Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 273: Complete Defeat


e didn't pay much attention to them.Finally arriving at room 602, Wu Lianyi immediately lifted the footstool and grabbed the solitary key in her hand. She then quickly opened the door, slipped inside,...A massive pirate starship was hit by a red beam cannon, exploded, and began a rapid descent, instantly drawing the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

"Master, our reinforcements have arrived! The pirates are starting to retreat!"

Ian's voice was slightly excited.

How long until the reinforcements arrive

"According to the calculations, it will take another half an hour!"

"The reinforcements must have discovered something was wrong and launched a long-range attack to intimidate the pirates."

Liàn Yī narrowed her eyes and said.

"Yes, Master!"

"Ian, using their channel, inform all pirates to evacuate, saying that Imperial reinforcements have arrived!"

"Master, the message has been sent!"

As expected, as the spaceship crashed into the base, crushing a row of buildings, the pirates' mechs scrambled off the battlefield, desperately flying towards the other ship still hanging in the air. If that one was destroyed too, they probably wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

"Prepare to fire, take down as many mechs as you can!"

The ripples of the divine consciousness stirred, activating a concealed beam cannon on the mecha's shoulder. It began a point-blank attack. Kate and her team mirrored this tactic, spreading out and engaging in precise fire. They were all performing at their peak.

The mech troopers stationed here also began to organize a counterattack. Reinforcements have arrived, and they are now confident.

This reinforcement team was sent from the ZDWL planet. They met Sean's group halfway, when Sean hadn't yet reached the third moon. After connecting, they quickly rushed back, which is why they appeared so timely.

After the scout mecha discovered that the pirates had breached the defense shield, Sean anxiously urged the officer in charge of this reinforcement, fearing that by the time they arrived, it would be too late.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely arrive in time. Let's try out our newly equipped long-range beam cannon first. Give those space pirates a taste of it and show them they can't be so arrogant!"

Sergeant Ryan said, unfazed.

The following shot accurately brought down the pirate's spaceship. As everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they once again increased their speed, completing what was supposed to be a half-hour journey in less than twenty minutes.

The pirates' ship has already left, they wouldn't stay to be surrounded by the main force. Some pirates who went too deep into the base haven't returned to the ship yet. At this time, they can only chase after the ship, hoping to board it.

The ripple-manipulating mech leaped into the starry sky, gripping the Ray Sword and pouring a massive amount of spiritual energy into it. Then, with a light swing, purple lightning pierced through a trailing pirate mech. The lightning force then spread rapidly from that mech to the surroundings. Any mech covered by the lightning force paused for a moment, as if held back.

Come down!

With a flick of his wrist, Lei Yao's sword left Lian Ri's grasp and plunged towards the base below. It was snagged by the electric net formed by the Star Thief mech and dragged down with force!

At least one-third of the pirates who hadn't boarded the spaceship were forcefully pulled back by Ripples' move. When they hit the ground, their mechs were still crackling with lightning.

"What are you standing there for Go and finish them off, capture the space pirates!"

Ripples spoke in the public channel.

The companions hadn't quite recovered from the ripple's group attack when they heard its voice again. They immediately, instinctively obeyed.

The ground troops' mechs didn't need a ripple alert; they'd already charged in, finishing off the remaining pirates and roughly tearing open the mech cockpits to drag the pilots out.

At this time, the reinforcements arrived. Captain Shawn and his team jumped out first, their eyes landing on the nearly destroyed base. Seeing such devastation, Shawn was enraged and immediately barked orders to his team:

"Let's save people first!"

"Yes, Captain!"

They immediately rushed to the damaged garrison mechs and began rescue operations.

Ripple was also gathering with Mr. OuYang and his companions at this time. After counting the people, they were six short. Immediately, they dispersed in pairs to search for their missing friends.

"Hongtu, let me out! I can help too!"

When Hill got the support he needed, his heart finally relaxed.

"I know you're worried about everyone, but it's best if you don't show your face until the battlefield is clear. I can't guarantee that these downed pirates won't pose a threat to you."

Ripple's soft words soothed.

"Honkai, come here! I found Barbara! She's in bad shape!"

Annie's voice, laced with urgency, came through the communication channel.

"I'll be there right away!"

The ripples quickly ran towards the coordinates Anne had given.

Upon arrival, I just happened to see my classmates carefully carrying Barbara out of a wrecked mech suit.

Barbara has fallen into a coma, her face pale, blood trickling from the corners of her lips. Her battle suit is also stained with blood.

The ripples kept Hill inside the mech, until she finally leaped out of Lei Xi and ran to Barbara's side.

Barbara is a Black girl who is very shy whenever she speaks, but her eyes always sparkle. She is a hard-working girl and one of the few ordinary students without any background. She was able to enter Class A through her own efforts.

"Barbara! Barbara!"

Anne whispered his name in his ear.

"What can we do The base is destroyed like this, and I don't even know if the medical bay will still work!"

Anne said anxiously.

"I'm temporarily stemming her bleeding, Annie, go see if the reinforcements' ships have a medical bay, we need to get Barbara there!"

"I have contacted them, and they told me to take the injured person directly there!"

Mr. OuYang just ended his call and said directly.

At this time, the Ripple's divine consciousness had invaded Barbara's skin, checking the bleeding points. It immediately discovered that the little girl's internal organs were ruptured, and her abdomen was filled with blood. This kind of injury in the previous dimension would have been undoubtedly fatal, but the interstellar era's treatment chamber could bring people back to life.

So ripples held the other person's wrist, inputting spiritual energy to temporarily seal the bleeding point inside their body, then letting Master OuYang take them away for healing.

After meeting with General Nays, Ryan had his men begin clearing the battlefield, tending to the wounded, and rebuilding their defenses. He told them that more reinforcements were on their way.

After a night of hard work, the base had finally regained some order. The defense shield was back online and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Ripples held a piece of Linghui, absorbing it to replenish the power in her dantian. After the dantian was full, she put away the Linghui. Ian couldn't wait to say:

"Master, I have discovered that the pirates launched a strong attack today because they confirmed Hill was still on the ZJWL planet, and it was the personnel stationed there who leaked Hill's whereabouts."

"Where did the message come from"

"Master, do you remember that red mecha you destroyed I used her onboard communication channel to bypass the Star Pirates' firewall and infiltrate their private network. I downloaded the data from her database, which contained information about Hill. The communication time was exactly when you arrived with reinforcements."轉碼失敗!請您使用右上換源切換源站閱讀或者直接前往源網站進行閱讀!