Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 533: Encountering a Plea for Help


Zhe unconsciously trembled, and then a graceful figure appeared before the three. The next second, Zhang Zhe began to dissipate because his soul power was unstable.Tao Yong's eyes flashed, and he imme...Leia giggled and said:

"Lily, your eyes betray you. Your identity is impossible to conceal."

Ripples spread her hands in a gesture of indifference, then gave Leia a knowing look. The other woman instantly understood and turned to Grey beside her, saying:

"Grey, first go and confirm the whereabouts of the bandits' hideout."

Gray nodded and directly summoned his black flying leopard, walking towards Corlia. After bowing to her, he said:

"Please, Miss Corlia, come with me to investigate the bandit's lair. Rest assured, I will ensure your safety, and I hope your beast companion can help conceal our tracks."

Goliath looked at the tall and handsome Gray, a little embarrassed, but still nodded. She lifted her skirt and climbed onto the back of the flying leopard. Gray followed suit, leaping onto the back of the flying leopard. The flying leopard, receiving the order, flapped its wings, "Whoosh!" and soared into the sky.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the black Flying Leopard was as if being entangled by something, disappearing in circles until it completely vanished from sight.

"Young Master, the Nasi family is a noble family from the Western Continent. Their contracted phantom beasts are relatively weak stealth-type phantom beasts. Because of this, they have become the target of some people. Also, because of their unique contracted phantom beasts, they can always help them escape danger."

I think these so-called bandits are probably after Coralia. Otherwise, her family and guards would have been killed already. Since they didn't catch her, they're keeping her family hostage to lure her out.

Laya immediately gave Ripples, Leia, and Raoul hints.

"Then we have to help her, and it would be best if we could persuade her to join our team."

Raul immediately said that he had already started imagining the future, the scene of Corlia using her stealth skill to help him harvest herbs.

Ripple and Leia exchanged glances, finding Raoul's suggestion agreeable. Although Corlia lacked in physical prowess, her unique skills proved beneficial to them. Both nodded simultaneously, approving Raoul's proposal.

At this moment, a gentle breeze swept past Lian's face, making her black hair flutter. Leah's auburn hair also flew up. In the next second, in the open space in front of several people, Fei Pao and the two people on his back gradually appeared before them.

Golya retracted her beast, Avin, and climbed down from the flying leopard with a pale face. Her steps were unsteady, and Grey couldn't bear to see it. He reached out and steadied her.

"Grey, what's the situation"

The bandits were hiding in a cave surrounded by this forest, Miss Golliah’s family and guards were still alive, but…

Grey paused here, looking at Corlia as if seeking her consent before continuing.

Goliya let out a bitter laugh and took over the conversation:

"They were forced to send me messages, trying to lure me there. Their families didn't want to cooperate and they were beaten as a result. What's even worse is that my fiancé Simon was the one who orchestrated all of this."

Ripple and Leia both tsked after hearing this, such a betrayal from a fiancé was the most hurtful.

What do you want to do

“I will save my family and break off my engagement with Simon.”

Corlia bit her lip and finally said resolutely.

To get engaged to you, it definitely wasn't an ordinary family. If you want to break off the engagement with them, you'll have to tear up your face. To tear up your face, you have to expose their plot and harm to your family. In this way, in the end, you will definitely be the one who suffers.

According to your Nasci family's long-standing tradition, your marriage partner is definitely a family with higher martial arts skills. It can also be regarded as seeking protection in disguise. In this case, tearing up with them would bring no benefit to you or your family.

Leia blinked her light brown eyes and said seriously.

Ripple just listened quietly, without interjecting, because she felt Leah was right.

"I'm such an idiot. I didn't see through his evil intentions and actually told him my travel plans, allowing him to ambush me and my family in advance. Now I don't know what to do! He's already engaged to me, why would he do this"

Gallia's lips were almost bitten through, still unable to understand why the other person would treat her this way. Could everything before her eyes have been an act

Leia shrugged. That's something only the person involved would know, she said, turning to Gray:

"Do we have a chance"

"Those bandits are easy to deal with, the trouble is Simon and his guards, their combat prowess is no less than mine."

Gray speaks the truth.

"In that case, there's no need for us to confront them head-on! Against despicable and shameless people, we should use some special methods."

Ripple said faintly.

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone turned their gaze to her face. She, in turn, looked at Raul.

"Raul, the master alchemist, see if you have any potions that can silently knock out that group of people. Then we can go in for the finishing blow."

Raul listened to the ripple's words and was taken aback for a moment. He then stroked his chin and began to ponder what kind of potion would be suitable.

Leia also understood Ripples' intentions and gave her a thumbs-up.

Golya seemed a bit lost, she hadn't expected things to be handled this way. She was clearly surprised.

Gray didn't object this time, after all, they were outnumbered. There was no need to fight the enemy to the death.

"To lure Coralia into the trap, they're bound to set up warning devices. And with Simon, an insider, inside, we have to ensure Coralia's safety before taking them down. If she's safe, her family is safe."

Well, what's next

Leia asked.

"Miss Golia, please contact your family now and let them know you haven't run far, you've just hidden away. You will find a way to save them, so hold on."

The purpose of this is to let those bandits know that you're still nearby. They won't send anyone to track you because they have hostages and won't leave their current location. They will definitely wait for you to come to them, giving us time to formulate a plan."

Ripple spoke directly.

"Okay, I know what to do!"

Corlia nodded and immediately did it.

She took out a round mirror from her forehead space, bit her finger to draw a drop of blood on the mirror surface, and then wrote and drew on the mirror surface with the bloodstain, sending ripples to convey messages she had deliberately revealed to the other party.

At this time, Raul took out a tube of white potion from his waist space and said to several people:

“This is my specially crafted sleeping agent. Not only can it knock out humans, but it can also put down幻 beasts. This is one of my life-saving tricks. I'm contributing a portion today, so please use it carefully and don't waste it. This stuff is not easy to make, and my supply isn't plentiful.”

No problem!

Liàn yī shì yì lā yè jiē guò hūn mí jì, rán hòu duì yǐ jīng fā wán xiàoxi de gē lì yā shuō dao:

Has anyone replied there yet

"He replied! He also roughly said where they were taken, and said that only this side of the communication mirror was kept, asking me not to contact them frequently for fear of being discovered."

Goliya gritted her teeth and said.w and order.There were a lot of people gathered at Huzi's doorstep, but no one dared to go inside until a patrol arrived. Someone took the lead and went in, following Huzi's direction. They saw two pe...