Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 759: Powerful Support


him to give up on me as soon as possible, calling me a worthless good-for-nothing.After Ian analyzed these things for me, I began to suspect the housekeeper. In secret, I used a tube of my father's hi..."I've opened up the entire warehouse, and with the previous explosion, the people coming to help will definitely find it. Brother Yuan can probably guess that we did this, let's get out of here! It's getting colder and colder, I can barely take it."

Ripples rubbed her gloved hands together and said to Zhao Jia.

"Okay, you got it. I'm kind of frozen stiff right now."

Zhao Jiaye speaks her mind.

"Tsk, you don't know how that boss Xu really hogs the space. That building even has heating! If I wasn't afraid of people from support getting the wrong idea, I wouldn't want to come out at all!"

The ripples mused to themselves.

"Really Is it still heated now"

"That's an upscale residential area with individual heating systems. They must have stockpiled coal, otherwise they wouldn't be this cheap."

As they slid back and forth, chatting away, their bodies loosened up. It wasn't so stiff anymore, but that bone-chilling cold wind kept cutting through them.

Turning back to Yuan Chongming, who was seeking support on the other side, he accepted Lian Yi's suggestion. After all, if it were a black evil force, they might not be able to send anyone over. But if it was a discovered food storehouse, the stationed soldiers and police would definitely take action. Because now, food is the most important thing.

Things were indeed as Yuan Chongming had guessed. When he arrived at the temporary gathering point, the atmosphere was heavy with oppression. Because there was little porridge and many monks, everyone could only manage to survive without starving. Furthermore, due to limited space, conflicts broke out daily, and the military police responsible for maintaining order were also exhausted, as they too were among those who were not getting enough food.

Looking at the stern-faced police officers, Yuan Chongming felt a sense of unease. However, he still went to find the temporary person in charge and told them his leads.

Is the situation true

"It's true, they came to rob our apartment complex residents of their food. My friends and I took them down, and after interrogating them, we found out that place was their secret hideout, filled with lots of food."

Yuan Chongming said sincerely.

To gain their trust, he also produced his own retirement certificate and Zhao Jia's work permit.

“We are acting in self-defense. My friend has gone ahead to scout out the enemy's supply depot so that I can lead you directly there.”

The man, known as Captain Song, took a look at their IDs and seemed to believe them more. Mainly because they were all part of the same system, and Zhao Jia had her work ID which guaranteed that these people were trustworthy at least.

"I'll have someone go with you. You lead the way, okay"

Captain Song asked.

"No problem, but I suggest you bring weapons. The people guarding the granary over there aren't nice."

Yuan Chongming still reminded.

Song Da's eyes flashed, he nodded, and drew out one hundred men, dividing them into four squads, to go to the place Yuan Chongming had indicated.

Seeing Song the Captain’s impressive display, Yuan Chongming wished he could fly over immediately. He rallied his men and rushed towards the bend of the mountain path.

Along the way, everyone only stopped for a brief, simple lunch before continuing on. Everyone participating was young and famished. They were reportedly headed to occupy a grain storehouse, their eyes gleaming with greed. They wasted little time.

In the afternoon, the group saw the ripple's masterpiece. The ice that had been blown apart had frozen again, but this time the thick layer of ice encased cars and people. After bumping heads with the four squad leaders, Yuan Chongming calmly said:

"Cough, this should be my companion's doing. They must have found these people going to report and were intercepted."

He was so sure because he saw the clue Zhao Jia left on the ice.

The four squad leaders looked at each other, sensing that Yuan Chongming's friend was no ordinary person. This was clearly the mark of an explosion, and they had struck quickly, accurately, and decisively.

How much farther is the journey

"We'll speed up, we should be there before sunset."

Yuan Chongming calculated for a moment and then said.

"Okay, I'll keep moving forward!"

More than a hundred people continued to move forward. Those hiding in the shadows watched the fully armed police officers, their eyes flickering, unsure of what they were doing. Some of the bolder ones, after fully arming themselves, stayed far behind the group, hoping to get lucky and find something.

As Yuan Chongming and his party hurried along, arriving at the foot of Half-Mountain Bay, they had barely grasped the situation when two cars filled with people drove out from the main entrance. Just as they were pondering what this group was up to, a deafening explosion cut short their thoughts.

Looking at this familiar operation, Yuan Chongming twitched the corner of his mouth. He could guess with his toes that this dynamite must have been provided by Ripple.

"Several captains, we should strike while the iron is hot. My friends should have left marks. All gathered here are outlaws, and their weapons were acquired during the attack on the police station."

Yuan Chongming said directly.

The four squad leaders were here for the food. Seeing this situation, what else was there to hesitate about Three squads charged head-on while the fourth squad went to block the back door. Not a single bag of grain could be allowed to escape.

Because the ripples traveled fast enough, they just missed encountering the fourth squad, otherwise there might have been a conflict between them.

A mob is a mob, it can't compare to professional military and police. Half an hour of fighting ended with a hundred people controlling the entire hillside. Especially after they took the elevator to the top floor and saw the rather bloody scene, they were all taken aback.

The only unharmed young man, after being woken up, was still panicked, just kept backing away. When asked what happened, he just said that a female demon killed Boss Xu.

Yuan Chongming's eyes shifted, and he knew instantly who the other party was talking about. This way of killing, he had only seen Lián Yī use it.

"Reporting, Captain. We found their warehouse. It's in the underground parking garage of this building and it's all been opened up. There are people at the entrance to the storage room, one is dead, and the others are unconscious."

Someone immediately reported it.

"Have someone count them."

The captain immediately said.

"Captain, all of us are hungry. Could we get some food first to tide us over"

The young man said in a low voice.

It wasn't bad, but as soon as they mentioned the captain, his stomach started growling. They were really only carrying half a day's worth of rations this time. If they couldn't find the supply depot here, they would have to go back hungry. Thankfully, the informant was reliable and they actually found it, although it cost them a few bullets.

"Okay, first make sure everyone's strength is preserved. Those surrendered outlaws should be imprisoned, and later sent to do hard labor."

The captain waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Captain!"

The young man grinned and conveyed the message. Everyone cheered quietly, then dispersed to their positions. At this moment, another soldier came to report, but his face was grim.

"What's wrong"

"Captain, we found many more women in this building. They were all captured and some are mentally unstable because of the forced..."

"These animals!"

The captain muttered a curse and then led his men to deal with the aftermath.ow tainted by evil spirits, sooner or later everyone in your household will become a sacrifice."A ripple's speech will not be silenced until it has created a stir."What Impossible! Bin'er is still bre...