Wang Xuan Mu Qingyue works

Chapter 84 Don't be afraid, niece, your brother-in-law


轉碼失敗!請您使用右上換源切換源站閱讀或者直接前往源網站進行閱讀!The two masters of the True Dharma Realms and the leader of the three blood-red demon bats flew toward the highest sky clouds. In the high altitude of the cloud layers, a battle that shook the four directions erupted.

Both the two sect leaders and the three-headed bat king leader deliberately avoided the lower-ranking demon horde and disciples below.

Because the battle ripples of True Dharma Realm are not something that the Hidden Realm can withstand.

Wang Xuan cast his Dao Eye, peering through the clouds. He saw a giant peony blossom spring up beneath his master's feet, covering an area of a thousand meters. One by one, petals flew out, attacking a blood demon bat.

And the headmaster of Wanjian Sect, facing two opponents alone, wielded his sword with prowess, the sword qi soaring into the sky, its light blindingly bright, making it difficult to look directly at.

At that moment, a swarm of bloodthirsty demon bats flew towards the black behemoth.

Wang Xuan retracted his gaze and with a wave of his hand, sword souls flew out, slashing and killing.

These bloodthirsty bat demons were mostly at the initial and middle stages of the Secret Realm. With each flash of sword light, they were mercilessly slain, turning the sky into a rain of blood. A multitude of bloodthirsty bat demons were cut in half and plummeted down, falling into the sea below.

This is the power of swordsmanship!

Wang Xuan controlled ten flying swords, and the swarms of demonic bats couldn't get within five meters of him.

While Wang Xuan looked towards the room where Lin Miao-yi was, the entire black ship had an array of prohibition magic. The room was shrouded in a barrier formed by a protective enchantment.

Evidently, it was Xiao Xiang Fairy who opened it at some unknown time.

"Is this meant to be my path of martial arts training"

Wang Xuan chuckled softly. His master hadn't activated the entire black ship's protective shield, because doing so would be difficult to withstand the prolonged attacks of the countless demonic bats in the sky.

The second point is that he obviously wants to rely on the demon horde to hone his martial arts foundation.

Combat is the best way to build a foundation.

His martial arts foundation is unstable now, and he needs this method.

"The previous sparring match wasn't a true fight, held back and restrained. Now we can truly let loose."

Without worrying about Lin Miaoyi, with no worries behind him, Wang Xuan smiled and fought against the surrounding demon bats.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of bloodthirsty demon bats were slain by his sword.

With Wang Xuan's current martial arts prowess, he is undoubtedly invincible among his peers.

But suddenly, a bloodthirsty demon bat in the late stage of the secret realm appeared from behind, its eyes glowing red with blood. It opened its mouth and let out a piercing screech.

That sharp screech formed a visible ring of sound waves, like ripples on water spreading across the void and heading towards Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan manipulated the flying sword, shooting it out with a rush, but it was unimpeded as it passed through the sound waves.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly, a golden aura emanated from her body, forming a spherical protective barrier of元 energy.

However, the sound waves passed through the golden barrier and swept towards Wang Xuan.

This is obviously a bloodthirsty vampire bat's innate ability!

Wang Xuan's pupils turned, and a layer of crystal-clear barrier rose from him, blocking the ripples sweeping in from the void.

This time, the ripples of the sonic attack hit the crystalline shield and did not pass through. The ripples were reflected back by the crystalline light shield and shattered, dissipating into the void.

"The blood bat's sonic waves were quite strange, yet how could they compare to the unpredictability of space's power"

Wang Xuan's pupils twirled in his eyes.

The crystal-like energy shield surrounding him resembled a transparent, shimmering curtain, radiating a faint spatial energy.

It was precisely his Ten-zhang Spatial Martial Soul skill being deployed.

Although it is said to be ten zhang in size, it's only that the maximum range is ten zhang. It can shrink the distance.

A space martial artist, within their largest spatial range, is the master of space.

And the kind of sonic attack by the bloodthirsty bat, although it could be passed through the Soul Sword and Yuan Guang, was still within space.

At this time, Wang Xuan was in the crystal-clear spatial dome, which was equivalent to being in a different space layer from the outside void.


Wang Xuen pointed at the bloodthirsty demon bat hidden in the later stage of the secret realm, and two soul swords shot out from its body like lightning.

Suddenly, the powerful demonic bat was slain, letting out a scream as it rained blood before its body plummeted into the sea.

The number of bloodthirsty bats is astonishing, there must be at least thirty thousand of them.

Wang Xuan looked at the swarm of demon bats in the sky, and at the demon bats that kept pouncing around him, fearless and relentless. He fell silent for a moment.


Wang Xuan extended his right hand, with a knowing look in his eyes. He grasped at the void, his palm clenching tightly.

Under this grasp, within the ten-zhang radius around him, a violent tremor occurred, with an eerie sense of distortion.


A strange sight appeared. The ten-meter radius space around them seemed to abruptly shrink and collapse.

The power of the intangible space.

Space martial arts, extraordinary and remarkable.

All the bloodthirsty demon bats within Wang Xuan's ten-zhang radius, at this moment, were entirely shattered. Their bones, flesh, fur, everything within the range was reduced to pieces!

The entire ten-zhang space turned blood red.

Wang Xuan spread out his hands, a large amount of blood gushing down into the sea below.

With this strike, sixty-seven bloodthirsty demon bats were instantly obliterated.

"Success!" Wang Xuan's lips curved into a smile.

Just now, he had a sudden realization and, through groping and exploration, came up with a killing technique of spatial martial arts.

After obtaining a power of spatial laws, Wang Xuan had been comprehending the power of space all along, but he had never made any progress.

And today, he finally developed his own space-killing move!

"Very strong! From now on, we can't call it ten-zhang space."

Wang Xuan couldn't help but marvel at the power of Space Martial Arts. He was very satisfied with his own strike, and even its might surprised him a bit.

In that instant strike, he felt that within his spatial range, any cultivator of equal or lower cultivation could be instantly obliterated.

"A Realm Pagoda." Wang Xuan smiled, giving his spatial Soul Skill a new name.

The vampire bats that were about to attack the Black Ship from afar suddenly stopped their flight, frightened by the strange attack just now.

That scene was too eerie.

Their bloodshot eyes betrayed a flicker of fear towards the unknown. They dared not approach the black ship any longer, but instead surged toward the white jade flying boats.

Demons differ from humans in that their intelligence develops slowly, and they often have a heightened sense of danger.

Wang Xuan stood at the bow of the boat, watching the battle between the demon bats and the disciples of Wanjian Sect.

"There are too many bloodthirsty bats, the disciples of Wanjianzong are in a bad situation."

Wang Xuan looked at the battlefield. He saw that the previous formation of ten-person sword arrays was gone, and the disciples of Wan Jianzong had become individuals fighting for themselves.

That kind of small sword formation was powerful, but it consumed too much spiritual energy. After the disciples of the Wanjian Sect jointly cast a few swords, they inevitably experienced exhaustion of spiritual energy and had to disperse the formation. The attack turned into full-scale defense.


On a massive white jade flying vessel, a tall and slender male disciple was slaying a bloodthirsty demon bat. As his mind relaxed slightly, another demon bat pounced on him from behind.

The lanky male disciple screamed, bitten on the neck by a demon bat. His body trembled like a sieve, blood draining rapidly from him. He struggled for a few moments before falling still.


It's too brutal!

Some disciples of the Wanjian Sect were pounced on by demon bats, drained of their blood. Some disciples were grabbed by demon bats and lifted into the sky, where they were torn apart by the bats. Others had their heads cut off under the swooping black wings of the demon bats.


"Elder, save me!"

"Damn it all, I'll fight to the death!"

"I don't want to die!!"

All sorts of shouts and the battle became chaotic, it seemed that the human side was in disarray.

Compared to the fearless and fearless ferocity of the vampire bats, how could the disciples of Wanjian Sect not be afraid of death They had gone from being confident in slaying the demon guards to becoming cold and fearful.

Seeing one by one of his fellow disciples falling around him, Wu Di's face darkened as he fought alone against ten hidden late-stage demon bats.

It wasn't just him, Zheng Qian and the other disciples who had secretly cultivated to perfection were all fighting with their utmost effort, each gasping for breath.

As for the several elders of the Wan Jian Sect, they were gathered together, cross-legged and meditating, running their inner techniques to heal their wounds.

They were severely wounded by a bloodthirsty demonic bat from the True Dharma Realm while they were at the bottom of the island. Dozens of disciples from the Mountain Sea Realm even perished in the demon bat's lair.

Several elders felt deeply conflicted. What was the sect doing They had lost a lot for just a few yuan stones.


With a single sword strike, Mu Linger repelled the attacking demon bat. Her pretty face turned pale, and her beautiful eyes dimmed slightly. A wave of weakness surged through her heart.

There are simply too many demonic bats, filling the sky. I cannot cut them down nor kill them all.

All around, fellow disciples fell one by one. Mu Ling'er's eyes dimmed as she watched, her movements graceful and swift as she wielded her sword against the incoming demon bats.

She now has the cultivation of the third level of the Secret Vault Realm, her combat power not inferior to many senior brothers and sisters at the fourth level. Her swordsmanship is honed to perfection, but at this moment, she is covered in blood, even the three thousand green silk strands dripping with demon beast blood.

At her feet lay over thirty corpses of demon bats, all slain by her single hand.

Mu Ling'er at this moment, is just like a teenage sword goddess!

Since her sister and brother-in-law disappeared, she has been training diligently, becoming extremely dedicated. She endured countless hardships honing her swordsmanship, never giving up, all for the sake of avenging her sister and brother-in-law.

"Perhaps, I have no walk to the Changbow and Bai clans again." Mu Ling'er thought sadly, watching countless demonic bats flying in the sky.

"Junior brother, be careful!" Mu Ling'er's long sword in her hand suddenly flew out of her grasp, transforming into a white rainbow sword light, striking towards the stern of the boat like a sword defying the heavens.

Su Xiaoshi was desperately defending against the three demon bats in front of him, suddenly a bloodthirsty demon bat pounced on him from behind, and was cut in half by the white rainbow sword light.

With a single strike, the bloodthirsty vampire bat was slain. The long sword remained embedded in the flying ship's deck, trembling slightly, its hilt humming with a sword song.

Several dozen demon bats took advantage of the opportunity to pounce on Mu Ling'er. She, with her failing breath, showed a resolute expression on her pale and pretty face. A strip of blue silk flew out from her sleeve...iu's tears turned into a smile, and as she smiled, she began to cry again. 。In their past lives, they had suffered from poverty. To make money, she had done all sorts of degrading jobs. 。In this life...