error works

> 153


e didn't kiss her softly, he kissed her forcefully! His big hand even pressed down heavily, striking her center. Her body stiffened, she almost jumped up in shock, and panicked, pushing him with her h...Chapter Name: 153

But some things are not what she wants, can be realized!

To the question about bullying, Lin Meng did not nod nor shake his head. [ super many good-looking novels] He didn't press further, only instinctively taking her silence as consent.

She knew that this path wouldn't lead anywhere. But the man was too kind, and she still craved his tenderness. These chaotic days, drifting aimlessly, feeling like a piece of driftwood, it seemed like only by his side could she feel a sense of stability, a feeling of not being so adrift. It seemed that wherever he was, there would be peace and warmth to be found. She -- just wanted to rest for a while, leaning on his embrace, letting herself rest.

It was no more than a moment's breath, and she had to leave. Sometimes, fate is like that; it's not something you can decide, but rather you are pushed along by external forces.

Someone came to the villa, a stranger. He handed her a stack of photos. When she took them, her eyes widened in shock, and her hands began to tremble violently. Her heart pounded with fear, as if it was about to explode. The pictures showed her father, Lin Bao, lying in a pool of blood surrounded by people at what appeared to be a construction site. The photos captured different angles of his horrific state. Then there were pictures of him being carried away by an ambulance covered in blood. Finally, there were pictures of him lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV and receiving oxygen, with his eyes closed tightly as if he might slip into a coma forever!

The stranger who arrived stated in a cold tone, with a voice as if reciting an elegy. "Your father was lucky, he's been given another chance at life and is now in the intensive care unit. But whether he can ultimately live to walk out of the hospital, that depends entirely on what you do!"

Lin Meng's face was pale with fright as she stared at the man.

There was no fluctuation in the expression on his face, it was cold and emotionless, as if he were wearing a mask.

"Someone warned you before, Lin Meng! You broke the rules! Your father's matter, this time is a warning, but if you still persist, then your father will die!"

Something exploded in Lin Meng's mind suddenly. What was coming, always came! But, such a surprise! She didn't expect Rong Sanbo to actually take action! That was murder, killing a living person, he... how could he really have done it!

But the implications of this person before her were clear enough. Her father was still alive, but it was just a warning. Perhaps Uncle Three knew about it too. Of all her relatives, only her father could be considered her weakness.

Rong Sanbo knew how to threaten someone. He didn't kill Lin Bao directly, but instead left him half-dead in the hospital, all just to force Lin Meng away from Rong Ling's side. Rong Ling caused such a commotion, deploying troops to City J, he couldn't possibly be unaware of it. He didn't make a move, he was just planning. This man excelled at striking his enemies when they were most careless, and only after ensuring absolute certainty, did he deliver the fatal blow!

"Come with me!" The man paused, as if giving Lin Meng time to process this bad news, and as if he were subtly enjoying her terror. He seemed to be taking pleasure in reporting the victory to his superior.

"Where to!" Lin Meng stammered, her lips trembling. In that moment of panic, she had forgotten about pretending to be mute, and instinctively blurted out the question.

That person's voice was cold and emotionless, like a machine. "This isn't where you belong, you should be far away from Rong Ling. If you know what's good for you, get up and come with me, I'll send you back to City J!"

There, a show was waiting for her: an assassin, from the Silver Wolf Gang!

Rong Sanbo is a cunning old fox. A person as shrewd as him would know how to seize every favorable condition around him to eliminate those who are in his way. Now that the Silver Wolf Group has been hit hard by Jiang Yichen, the morale within the group is shaken. Many people blame Lin Meng for this big crime. Lin Meng hides well enough, but once she appears on the streets of city J, she could be attacked.

Naturally, to ensure everything went smoothly, Rong Sanbo had already contacted someone from the Silver Wolf group. He provided specific details about Lin Meng's possible arrival time and location in City J. At that time, all it would take to eliminate Lin Meng was to find the right person and have them lie in wait there.

Rong Ling is not with Lin Meng at the moment! He has something important to attend to, and even if he didn't have anything to personally handle today, Rong Sanbo would naturally find an excuse to send him out. It was inevitable that Lin Meng would be taken away today.

Of course, Lin Meng wasn't a fool. She knew that J city was a dangerous place for her right now. If possible, she didn't want to go to J city.

"I don't want to go back to J City, but I will leave this place, this city. You can rest assured, I will stay far away from Rong Ling from now on. But please tell that person, do not lay a finger on my father!"

"You have no right to bargain!" That icy voice held a hint of mockery. "I'm sending you back to J city, it's an order. You cannot refuse, you can only obey!"

Lin Meng's heart ached with despair, feeling suffocated by this overwhelming force, her chest constricted with pain and her spirit crushed.

That man rudely extended his hand. "Come on, I have limited time, and so does your father. Please cooperate!"

Lin Meng lowered her head and looked at her index finger. The Band-Aid stuck on it was still warm from Rong Ling personally putting it on last night. Now, the warmth remained, but the person was gone! The clothes she was wearing were also sent by Rong Ling for her to change into last night. Now, they fit snugly against her body, but the person who brought them had disappeared without even giving her a chance to say goodbye!

A pang of sadness hit her. She hadn't expected this indulgence of tenderness to end so abruptly!

She nodded lightly and walked out, leaving the house where she had stayed for less than three days. The people left outside by Rong Ling could not stop her. That person was probably of a certain status and was not someone that Rong Ling's men could stop.

She boarded the train to city J. She knew full well that what lay ahead could very well be an abyss, yet she had no choice but to go. Because she was being blackmailed. She worried about her father lying in the hospital. This filial piety, even though she had left a letter stating her intention to cut ties with that family, couldn't simply sever the concern that should exist. She also worried about Rong Ling. She didn't know what expression he would have when he found out she had already left!

Angry! Furious! Disappointed!

Does he even know that she was actually taken away by someone from Rong Sanbo's side! What would he do if he knew

She felt foolish, even hoping that Rong Ling would confront his uncle, Rong Sanbo, and make him withdraw his threats against her father and herself! But how formidable was Rong Sanbo He had supported Rong Ling to his current position; there was no way Rong Ling could defeat him! If Rong Ling wanted to maintain his position, he should stay far away from her! All she desired was not to burden Rong Ling. How could she have become so foolish after being touched by his tenderness!

After all, it's impossible!

She and he, are they really going to keep things so strictly separate!

Lost in thought, her heart ached and grew cold. As dusk settled and the car veered onto the highway leading into J city, he let her out. He sped away without a word, just as silent and abrupt as he had been throughout the journey.

Near the highway exit, it's always on the outskirts of the city, a bit secluded and with a desolate kind of quiet. The wind carrying autumn leaves blew in, bringing with it a chill, making Lin Meng shiver.

This place, I reckon there isn't even a bus stop. I'd probably have to walk a long way to find one. If I wanted to take the bus, it might be better to hope for a taxi to pass by and take me directly to the city. Since she was helplessly sent to City J, she might as well sneak a peek at her father to make sure he's out of danger. Then, she'll quietly leave and find another place to hide in a different city, to avoid this storm.

She was unaware that in the shadows a hundred meters away, someone was hiding. A man with a gun. This man was an associate of the Silver Wolf Gang sent by Rong Sanbo. He didn't shoot directly, but was waiting for Rong Sanbo's subordinate to drive the car far away. He needed about ten minutes, so that the man could be cleared of suspicion.

Uncle Rong still values Rong Ling, and he doesn't want to clash with Lin Meng. When Lin Meng is killed by a gunshot, Uncle Rong can claim that he indeed didn't want Lin Meng to drag down Rong Ling, so he forcefully ordered her to leave. He can also say that it was Lin Meng who asked to return to City J, and his men were only responsible for sending Lin Meng away from Rong Ling's side. As for where Lin Meng went, she could choose! In this way, Uncle Rong can attribute Lin Meng's death to her own doing. And the person who killed Lin Meng, coming from the Silver Wolf Group, further washes Uncle Rong of suspicion.

Rong Sanbo's cleverness lies in his use of others to get rid of Lin Meng cleanly, so that Rong Ling wouldn't harbor resentment towards him afterwards!

At this time, Lin Meng was completely unaware of Rong Sanbo's treacherous scheme. She stomped her foot, thinking that standing still wasn't a good idea, so she followed the path towards the city. In the shadows, the man clutched a gun in his pocket and quietly trailed behind her, waiting for the opportune moment to kill Lin Meng!

Tick tock...

Time passes minute by minute!

Death, the countdown has begun!

In the distance, there were two brighter lights that seemed to be moving closer to Lin Meng. They turned out to be a private bus with quite a few people on board. When Lin Meng followed the lights, she felt a little disappointed. It was a bus, not a taxi! Otherwise, she could have flagged it down!

That big car sped past her, its taillights two red flashes, leaving Lin Meng with a feeling of melancholy and an even stronger desire for a taxi!

Abruptly, the large bus came to a halt, stopping so suddenly that Lin Meng could even hear the screeching brakes!

She curiously looked forward, and saw the car door open, with a person jumping down from the bus. The figure looked somewhat familiar, but was also a bit darker, making her unable to recognize it at first.

"Dream!" The person who jumped out of the car shouted loudly, his loud voice clear and full of joy that couldn't be hidden!

It's Jiang Po Lang!

Lin Meng followed closely, his eyes lighting up!


She cried out with delight, and seeing Jiang Po浪 run towards her, she couldn't help but run after him as well, running towards him.

In the distance, the man hiding in the shadows muttered under his breath. He knew he couldn't wait any longer. If he delayed further, he feared he would return empty-handed today. It was dark anyway, and no one could see his face. He disregarded the agreed-upon time and decided to shoot Lin Meng first, then worry about everything else later. The man moved swiftly, drawing his hand from his pocket along with the tightly gripped gun. He steadied himself, raising the weapon with one hand while keeping it steady with the other. His eyes narrowed as he fixed his gaze on Lin Meng. In a flash, he fired a shot.

Because Lin Meng was running, this man couldn't shoot at her head—the target was too small. So, he set his sights on her upper body—a bigger target that he could hit with ease. Once he landed a shot, Lin Meng would be injured and slow down or even stop. Then, he could fire several more shots to finish her off!

Moving, Lin Meng's body was also undulating. The man wasn't a sharpshooter, so the first bullet hit Lin Meng in the lower back. A sudden surge of pain made Lin Meng's steps falter, and with a stumble, she fell to the ground. Jiang Po浪, seeing this, immediately unleashed his basketball player's explosive power and rushed towards her.

"Daydream!" His voice was laced with concern, but he thought she had just tripped.

Following the man with Lin Meng, a low curse came from his lips, and his heart was filled with resentment!

Lin Meng was walking on the main road, while he weaved through the small paths, cautiously following behind. He was positioned lower than Lin Meng at that moment, so Lin Meng suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. He immediately felt a sense of losing his target. It seemed that he had no choice but to climb up from the small path to the main road, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to aim better at Lin Meng. The man acted decisively, immediately taking out a black cloth bag and covering his face, then using his hands and feet to leverage the slope, climbing up to the main road.

Over there, Jiang Po ran quickly to Lin Meng's side and hurriedly helped her up.

"Are you alright Let me help you up!"

He eagerly embraced her.

Lin Meng let out a low moan, feeling a chill run down her spine. Her lower back was numb, yet it also tingled. As soon as Jiang Po Lang supported her, the area felt like it was on fire, as if something hot was flowing from there.


She whispered, her face slightly pale, reaching for the back of her waist. Something sticky immediately clung to her small hand. She pulled back, widening her eyes and staring in shock. In the faint light cast by the rear taillights, she still saw the crimson stain on her palm!

It's blood!

She was stunned!

How could it be blood! Where did the blood come from! How could she suddenly start bleeding! It's pitiful, she's grown so much, though she's seen guns before, she never imagined that a shooting would happen to her one day!

She was stunned, feeling confused and bewildered!

It was Jiang Po-lang who became alert, his heart pounding the instant he saw blood. As someone born into a family of policemen, instinct took over; in that moment, he opened himself up to every sensation and sure enough, he heard faint footsteps. He quickly turned his head and saw someone running towards him!

He had noticed on the bus that there was only Lin Meng on the road, this person's arrival was rather strange! Remembering that Lin Meng had bled, Jiang Po浪 cautiously hugged Lin Meng, pulling her into his arms. Then with a lift of his legs, a turn, and a stomp, relying on his skilled ball-handling ability, in the blink of an eye, he twisted Lin Meng to a new angle, completely enclosing her within his embrace, using his back to charge towards that person.

The man was quick-witted. Seeing this, he thought to himself that this wouldn't do. He hurriedly fired another shot.

The silent pistol, even the bullet shot out was silent, but that bullet hit Jiang Po Lang's back squarely. Jiang Po Lang felt pain all over his body, knowing he had guessed right. He didn't think much, picked up Lin Meng, gritted his teeth, braced against the pain, and ran rapidly towards the main hall. As he ran, he shouted:

"Car, come here quickly!"

Born into a family of police officers, he was endowed with extraordinary adaptability. He thought to himself that it was just one person, and he couldn't estimate how many bullets the person was carrying. But even with a gun, an individual's lethal capability had its limitations. If Dak could retreat in time and get to the large truck, his life would probably be somewhat secure!

The man, seeing Jiang Po浪 run, got anxious and hurriedly fired another shot. This shot hit Jiang Po浪's leg. Jiang Po浪 stumbled, almost falling to the ground.

Lin Meng also finally realized something was wrong, and shouted urgently, "A-Lang!"

struggling to come down.

Jiang Po Lang gritted his teeth, bearing the pain, and whispered in a low voice to Lin Meng: "Be good, don't move!"

Here, limping on his injured leg, bearing the pain, he ran forward at a brisk pace.

The guy behind was fast too. Seeing Jiang Po浪 holding Lin Meng and still able to run so fast, he couldn't help but curse in his heart. Right after, he fired another shot at Jiang Po浪, hitting him in the other leg. Jiang Po浪 fell forward hard, almost dropping Lin Meng to the ground. He gritted his teeth, strained his leg, endured the pain, and at the same time hugged Lin Meng tighter with both hands, continuing to run forward. But the bleeding legs began to slow him down, it was obvious he couldn't run fast anymore!

At this moment, Jiang Po Lang was sweating profusely, putting all his remaining strength into a desperate shout: "Get the car over here quickly!"

He didn't dare say that someone was shooting at him. In a situation where his own life safety was potentially in danger, he couldn't guarantee that the driver wouldn't immediately drive away. He also couldn't guarantee that his teammates wouldn't abandon him and stop the driver from reversing.

Because Jiang Po Lang had a special status, being the son of a deputy department head, the driver, unaware of the situation, started reversing upon hearing his shout.

The gunman, seeing this, became enraged. If he let these two get into the car, it would be over for him! He instantly went mad and fired another shot at Jiang Po Lang, aiming straight for his head. He figured he'd kill this one first, then take care of Lin Meng.

Jiang Po-lang ran with Lin Meng in his arms, employing some tactics. He didn't charge straight ahead recklessly but instead moved in erratic curves. His head subconsciously lowered as well. That bullet narrowly grazed his ear. The whooshing sound sent chills down his spine!

The gunman, seeing him still stubbornly running, finally let out a string of curses! He was anxious, his hands shaky, and he fired another shot at Jiang Po Lang's back. This shot seemed to be fatal, a thick stream of blood gushing towards Jiang Po Lang's throat. Jiang Po Lang couldn't hold it in, blood seeping from between his tightly clenched teeth, staining his lips red.

Lin Meng was scared!

Scared the driver!

The basketball team on the bus was shocked!

All the people in the car saw the person who was about to catch up with Jiang Po浪 at this time. The man had a black cloth bag on his head, obviously to conceal his identity, and he was obviously not a good person. What was even more frightening was that the man was holding a gun in his hand!


That's a gun!

One shot could kill!

Everyone's face turned pale. The driver's hand shook, and with a stomp of his foot, the bus came to a sudden halt. But not a single person rushed out to help Jiang Po Lang.

Guns, those are deadly weapons! This isn't a joke!

Some people's faces broke out in a cold sweat!

Jiang Po浪 felt a surge of despair. He was almost to the back of the car, just a little bit further and he could get on. But then the car just stopped. He listened, the footsteps behind him were very close now, probably only a few meters away. That person was still so determined. Jiang Po浪 guessed that the person had bullets left!

He never expected that there were still bullets left in the man's magazine. If he had an ordinary pistol, it wouldn't be a big deal; he probably only had one or two bullets left. But if he was using a modified gun, who knew how many bullets were left He couldn't just sit back and wait!

This car is a piece of junk!

He's got to get that gun back. That's the most important thing!

Only in this way can we bring a glimmer of life to Mengmeng!

He had made his decision, so when he felt the man almost behind him, he suddenly dropped Lin Meng. He gritted his teeth and endured the immense pain from his body, ignoring it all as he swung a punch backward with all his might. At the same time, he twisted his body with difficulty, directing that punch towards the man.

That man didn't expect Jiang Po浪 to have been hit by so many bullets and still be so tenacious. This sudden punch caught him completely off guard, landing squarely on his shoulder. In an instant, Jiang Po浪 gritted his teeth, using the last of his strength, and charged at the man like a fierce tiger.

He was skilled in martial arts to begin with, and he also practiced basketball diligently. Although he was hit by multiple bullets at this moment, he still had that kind of bull-like strength. In the end, he managed to throw the person to the ground and pressed her down firmly. On this side, he coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, while his hand was delayed. He hurriedly wanted to snatch the pistol from the person's hand.

At this moment, the man also felt a surge of ferocity. He knew that he absolutely couldn't let go of the gun, or he might end up being killed here. Since it was either him dying or her dying, the evil thoughts in his heart surged, and regardless of whether this was the last bullet or if he could even kill Lin Meng in the end, he quickly turned his wrist and pulled the trigger, firing a shot at Jiang Po浪's chest!

Jiang Po浪's body trembled, his hand falling limply in mid-air. His heart pounded rapidly, a deafening rhythm even he could feel. A trickle of blood welled up from his chest. Seizing the opportunity, the man pushed Jiang Po浪's weakened frame aside and, gritting his teeth, scrambled to his feet. He was out of bullets, but always carried a small knife. With that knife, if he could steady himself, he could sever Lin Meng's neck in an instant.

That man hurriedly shoved the gun into his pocket, his other hand scrambling for a knife. As he took a step with his left foot, Jiang Po Lang grabbed him tightly with his right arm.

The angry outburst. "Damn it, let me go!"

This kid, what has he been eating He's still got energy like this, he's a freak!

That man angrily kicked the head of Jiang Po-lang with his foot.

Jiang Po-lang, with his dwindling strength, clung to his legs, gritting his teeth and bearing the pain. He struggled to turn his head towards Lin Meng, weakly growling at her, "Get in the car... quickly... get in the car..."

He glared at her, his eyes losing their luster, yet unable to conceal his concern for her!

Lin Meng shook her head, panicked, but still relying on instinct, ignoring the constant bleeding from her wound, gritted her teeth and ran towards the man with the knife.

"Mengmeng! Please!" Jiang Po浪 roared in a hoarse whisper, his voice filled with anguish. Everything he had done was simply to ensure her safety.

Lin Meng's face was as pale as death, her eyes bloodshot, and she hissed in a low voice, "If I'm going to die, then let's die together! I'm not afraid!"

To let her go like this, abandoning Jiang Po Lang, is absolutely out of the question!

Jiang Po Lang seeing that he could not persuade Lin Meng, felt a mix of urgency, sadness and movedness in his heart. He knew he was running out of time, his breathing became labored, and darkness began to flash before his eyes. This was not a good sign. But the man had a knife in his hand, what if he came and... ended Lin Meng

He couldn't even imagine it!

Gritting his teeth, he almost bit his own lips to bleed. With a terrifying low growl, he grabbed the man's right leg with both arms and yanked him down with all his might, throwing him onto the ground. Lin Meng followed closely behind, quickly kicking the man with his foot while shouting urgently, "Alang, you go!"

Jiang Po Lang's eyes suddenly welled up with tears. He knew his own situation better than anyone. He whispered back, "Meng Meng... I... can't... You go... please... His target... is you..."

Lin Meng's attacks on the man suddenly stopped. She turned her head to look at Jiang Po-lang in astonishment, her face pale, tears streaming down her cheeks. There was a hurried sound of footsteps coming from upstairs. Some members of the basketball team had come down. They saw that the man had put away his gun but pulled out a knife. They guessed that he probably ran out of bullets. Besides, even a weak woman wasn't afraid to be harmed and walked towards the assailant, while they, stronger men, just stood on the car - it was too embarrassing!

The man with the knife also heard the footsteps and panicked. He never expected that killing a girl would become so troublesome. No, he had to escape quickly. Otherwise, if he was caught, he was dead!

Thinking fast, he suddenly pulled out the gun he had already put away, pointed it at Jiang Po's head, and shouted: "Don't move! Whoever dares to move, I'll blow this kid's brains out!"

Lin Meng's leg, which she had kicked out with all her might, froze!

Even a few boys who had just gotten off the bus and only taken two steps also froze there.

That person didn't dare to fight, he suddenly jumped up from the ground, at the same time his left leg exerted force, and kicked Jiang Po-lang fiercely. His right leg followed suit, taking advantage of the opportunity to pull himself out from under Jiang Po-lang's arm. As soon as his legs were free, he immediately climbed up from the ground, gathering all his strength, and darted out like a mad dog.

Lin Meng was so anxious that she wanted to chase after him, vaguely feeling that she had probably been tricked.


Jiang Po Lang stopped her, his voice weak.

She can't get away!

"Alang!" She rushed to his side and knelt down, tears streaming down her face as she saw so much blood.

"Don't speak, I'm going to call an ambulance, an ambulance..."

Turning her head, she cried out to the boys running towards them. "Any of you have a phone Please, help me call an ambulance, please..."

At once, a voice spoke up, saying that they had already called 110 and an ambulance.

Several young boys surrounded Jiang Po-lang in a hurry, their faces etched with worry. They talked excitedly and comforted him, "The ambulance is coming soon, you have to hold on..."

Jiang Po Lang's lips began to turn blue, he trembled his lip, and weakly hummed: "Meng Meng..."

The powerless hand lay on the ground, its pale fingers trembling there, unable to lift. He desperately wanted to grasp her.

"Hmm." Lin Meng cried, clutching Jiang Po's hand tightly, her mouth mumbling in a flurry. "A-Lang... A-Lang..."

"Dreams... have... wounds... to bandage her... bandage... quickly... quickly..."

He shifted his gaze, his eyes darting around aimlessly at the other players. This was when they noticed that Lin Meng had also been injured and one of them quickly returned to the car to get the first-aid kit. These basketball players were used to getting bumps and bruises, so they always kept a first-aid kit on hand.

"Let's get Ah Lang into the car first..." Lin Meng cried urgently, "Waiting for the ambulance is too slow. Let's take him there ourselves. We can just meet up with the ambulance on the way..."

She looked at him, the situation was clearly bad, the blood was almost flowing everywhere.

She was afraid... She was so afraid...

Several young men also felt this way, and they hurriedly reached out to lift Jiang Po Lang into the car.

Jiang Po waved his head with difficulty, his lips trembling slightly. His listless eyes stared intently at Lin Meng.


"Hmm." Lin Meng hastily grabbed Jiang Po浪's hand, crying like a heartbroken person. "Don't speak, don't speak..."

As soon as he spoke, a large mouthful of blood poured from the corner of his mouth. She was terrified just looking at him!

Don't let him speak.

She hurriedly reached out with her hand to wipe the blood from Jiang Po Lang's mouth, her small hand trembling violently, also icy cold.

His lips were touched by her small hand, and a touch of warmth flowed into his heart. Jiang Po Lang smiled warmly.

"Dream… to… live well… live…"

Lin Meng was shedding tears profusely. She didn't like the way he looked now, as if he were saying his last words.

"Alang... Alang..." She panicked, not knowing what to do!

"Yes... I agree... "

His fingers twitched nervously. She gripped his hand tightly, nodding frantically as she choked out, "I promise... I promise you... Alan, you'll be fine, you definitely will be. Let's get in the car, get in the car..."

Over there, a few young guys reached out to pull Jiang Po-lang.


"Ai!" Lin Meng's former classmate, Ma Hou, choked back a sob and replied.


After saying all that, Jiang Po Lang was already gasping for breath!

The monkey eagerly agreed!

Jiang Po Lang dropped his eyes wearily, his breath shallow. He knew deep down he couldn't hold on any longer. But before he left, he still wanted to firmly tell her his heart's desire, just to tell her!


With the last bit of his strength, he used his index finger to gently touch Lin Meng's hand. It was such a pity that he couldn't hold her hand with his index finger and give her a lifetime of happiness. But, being able to protect her peace at this moment, he was satisfied!

Lin Meng's heart skipped a beat, tears streaming down her face like yellow beans, she stammered helplessly, "I know... I know it all..."

Jiang Po's heart relaxed, a faint smile curving at her lips. She hooked her thumb around the nameless finger of her small hand, but helplessly loosened it. Her eyelids followed suit, slowly drooping until they were completely closed!

Only a faint smile remained on his face.

"Alang!" Lin Meng screamed, quickly clutching Jiang Po's hand. Her hand trembled as she hurriedly reached towards his nostrils, barely feeling any breath at all.

"Ah Lang, don't scare me, don't scare me..."

Lin Meng went crazy and grabbed Jiang Po's hand tightly, scaring him so much that tears and snot flowed together, crying hysterically.

"Don't scare me... Don't scare me..."

The few young guys next to him were also stunned. One of them hurriedly reached out, probing his neck and said in a hushed voice, "His pulse is weak, the situation isn't good..."

One person panicked and, without saying a word, immediately scooped up Jiang Polang and hurried toward the main cabin. Lin Meng stumbled after him.

As soon as they got in the car, the driver's face changed. He slammed on the gas pedal and quickly sped away in the bus.

Lin Meng knelt beside Jiang Po's side, clutching his hand, crying and mumbling hysterically: "A-Lang... don't scare me... don't scare me... I'm with you, you must hold on, I'm with you... with you... don't scare me... I'm with you... you must hold on..."

When the ambulance arrived, Jiang Po's body was already cold and his face was pale without any blood. However, no one on the ambulance dared to say that Jiang Po had died for fear of stimulating Lin Meng! At the same time, they also had a glimmer of hope that Jiang Po could still be saved by medical means in the end!

Jiang Po-lang was quickly transferred to an ambulance and given emergency medical treatment. An electrocardiogram was attached, and electric shock treatment was administered, but there was still no response whatsoever. The flat line on the EKG, so merciless and glaring, was a cruel reminder of his passing.

“Sorry!” The moment the paramedics said that, Lin Meng snapped. She collapsed, crying hysterically with wide, bulging eyes. “Lies! You’re all lying! A-Lang is fine, he’s alright! He’s fine! Please save him! Give him a blood transfusion! He lost a lot of blood…”

The paramedics came and pinned her down, but when they tried to give her a blood transfusion, she started thrashing around like crazy.

“Leave me alone, I’m fine. Give the blood to Alan, please save him, hurry! Save him, save him… I can’t live without him, please save him! I beg you, save him! I know he's not dead, he's not dead… Save him! Save him!”

The paramedics were at a loss, pleading with Lin Meng to stop. She was bleeding herself! She should be receiving immediate medical attention. But Lin Meng, in a fit of madness, clung tightly to Jiang Po Lang, refusing to let anyone near her. She stubbornly insisted that the paramedics treat Jiang Po Lang instead!

One male paramedic, exasperated, tightened his grip and with a forced hand chop, struck Lin Meng.

Lin Meng's eyes went dark, her head slowly drooping. With tears welling up in her eyes, she leaned against Jiang Po Lang's chest!

This world, shrouded in darkness!

First published by XiaoXiang Academy.

When he was wheeled out of the operating room, Jiang Yancheng looked at Lin Meng's eyes and wished he could tear her apart.

He had received the message and rushed over, only to be confronted with the icy corpse of his own son. Five bullet wounds riddled his body, two of them fatal. He understood his son's skill; it was impossible for him to die so easily. The training he had received wasn't just for show. Moreover, no one had a grudge against his son Jiang Yancheng. Even if they did, they wouldn't dare to oppose him. Upon further investigation, his suspicions were confirmed: his son had died protecting Lin Meng.

Today is the day that SiZhong's basketball team returned from playing in Lingshi. All the team members sat in a large bus brought by the school. Just as they exited the highway, Jiang Po Lang’s sharp eyes spotted someone who looked very much like Lin Meng. He quickly asked the driver to stop. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed Lin Meng. Jiang Po Lang excitedly jumped out of the car. His teammates gave him ambiguous smiles and didn't stop him. They didn't even bother to get off the bus and act as "light bulbs." They simply stood on the bus, cheering Jiang Po Lang on, hoping he would eventually pull Lin Meng onto the bus so they could tease him!

Who could have imagined that something like this would happen later!

It was clear that the gunman had come for Lin Meng; it was clear that Jiang PoLang had been beaten to death trying to save Lin Meng!

Jiang Yichen hated this girl, more than ever before!

Every single person in Old Jiang's family is a treasure, not one can be missing!

Jiang Po Lang's death was like having a piece of his heart ripped out!

That kind of heart-wrenching, bloodcurdling pain must have a way to vent!

Following the surgery cart, he went into a solitary ward with Lin Meng. Since something happened to Lin Meng and she couldn't contact her family, all the expenses were currently covered by the basketball team members. When Jiang Yichen arrived, he learned the truth of the matter and decided to arrange a private room for Lin Meng. He didn't want her to share a large ward with other patients; he wanted this girl dead, and he would avenge his son.

Haha, what do you mean liking me!

Before the youngest son passed away, his last words were that he liked this girl!

Since he loved her so much, to the point of not even caring about his own life for her sake, then fine. He would kill this girl and send her down below to be with his son. His own son had done so much for her, it was only fair that she go down there to keep him company!ou are our hero!""But...sniffle..." Bingbing started to cry. "But Uncle Rong doesn't like me anymore, sniffle. He doesn't want to see me again. I might not be able to find him again, sniffle... Mom......