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still hard to conceal. He asked, "Who was that girl just now"Xi Lan rolled her eyes and snorted dismissively. "What, you taken with her"Feng Tan smiled and didn't deny it.Xilan rolled her eyes again,...Even though this man had changed in some ways, she would never mistake him. For four years, she would always remember the boy who died for her, and then she would remember him—the man before her. Sadness and guilt would always uncontrollably creep into her heart.

Compared to four years ago, he didn't smile as much. There was a hint of coldness in his expression. The warmth that used to radiate from him was now mixed with an undeniable aura of authority, making him seem distant. But in her eyes, this man was still the same familiar face, so familiar that she called out to him without a moment's hesitation.

"Big Brother Jiang..." with choked sobs.

Jiang Chengfeng held her slender waist tighter, his grip intensifying. Just like him, in his eyes, she was more mature and more beautiful than four years ago. It wasn't the flamboyant beauty of a blooming flower, but a kind that left one with a sudden jolt to the heart, an unforgettable, deeply etched impression. Like a fleeting night orchid, it appeared briefly in the darkness, yet lingered far longer than the ephemeral bloom of an orchid.

Among the crowd, when I saw her, I couldn't forget her easily. Not to mention, he had once been so close to her!

Grasping her, he couldn't let go.

He doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, nor fate, but now he can't help but wonder if it is destiny!

He had just returned from a six-month international police training program abroad. His boss gave him a week off, and the first thing he wanted to do was get a full checkup. So, he came here, and that's when he met her.

A day earlier, a day later, perhaps that's how it was missed. As if by coincidence, they met again, she bumped into him head-on.

She came to the door herself!

Even though he had undergone four years of training, becoming increasingly calm and composed, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at this moment.

"What are you doing here!" His tone was as if he and she had never been apart for four years, no estrangement, only that unpretentious intimacy.

Looking at this familiar face and hearing the still-familiar, caring voice, she felt as if she had found her family. She had always admired him, seeing him as an older brother figure. Jiang Po Lang died because of her, so she felt obligated to carry on his legacy, to live in his place and take on everything he shouldered.

Jiang Cheng is like a big brother to her, even more so than her actual older brother, Lin Dong. He's intelligent, capable, kind, and good to his younger siblings. In her eyes, he's the most excellent brother imaginable. Every girl who doesn't have a brother craves someone like him!

"I have a cold..."

She answered, sobbing and laughing at the same time. She didn't struggle anymore, instead reaching out to hug him, pressing her face against his, and whispering softly, "I'm so happy to see you, I'm so happy..."

Her initiative caused his body to stiffen slightly, but it was only for a moment. He immediately regained his composure, softening his body, his large hand naturally finding its way to the back of her head. A silent smile curved his lips, and even his hawk-like eyes, usually so sharp and piercing, softened ever so slightly.

“Stop crying, you’re so grown up now. Crying like a child is going to get you laughed at…” He coaxed softly, with a faint smile. His voice, which had just been slightly cold, was now softer and lower, like aged wine, with a richness that only comes with time.

Her ears turned red, a blush crept onto her cheeks. Reaching out, she wiped her face and retorted with a choked voice: "Isn't this because I'm just so happy to see you!"

She gazed up at him with her large, dark eyes, which had just been moistened by tears. It was breathtakingly beautiful. His heart couldn't help but be moved by her.

"Alright!" He couldn't help reaching out, using the excuse of wiping away her tears to gently feel the skin that was like solidified jelly. After a slight ripple in his heart and mind, he scoffed at himself inwardly, thinking to himself when had he become such a lecher

"Go see a doctor first!"

She had a blush on her cheeks and beads of sweat on her forehead. Her lips were bright red, but they looked dry. It was clear something wasn't right.

She hummed in agreement, her face beaming with joy.

He supported her, not giving her a chance to refuse. His dominance made her stick out her tongue and struggle slightly before she gave up. There was no use resisting anyway; her legs were weak and she felt utterly drained!

With his help, seeing a doctor became much easier. He took care of everything from finding a doctor to diagnosis, payment, and picking up medicine, all through the back door. Lin Meng dreamed, embarrassedly chuckled softly, seeing other patients queuing patiently, he felt embarrassed and avoided their gazes, for which, almost half of his head was buried in his chest. Jiang Chengfeng saw this, and on his usually cold face, a warm spring-like smile bloomed instantly, as gentle as it was four years ago. But this look had been unseen by many for over four years.

For over four years, he completed the transition from judge to police officer. He originally attended a military academy, but this man was particularly good at putting on a show, always appearing refined and cultured to the public. However, deep down, he was the most rebellious of them all. At that time, his father was a policeman, enjoying smooth sailing in his career. He also studied law in school, so after graduation, he became a judge, thinking: "With one policeman and one judge in the family, they could basically dominate the world, catching all those cunning criminals."

It is said that there are unforeseen winds and clouds in the sky, and good fortune and misfortune can befall people at any moment. The death of his younger brother, Jiang Po Lang, dealt him a heavy blow. He realized that what Chairman Mao said, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun," was absolutely true! Being a scholar is just too slow and inefficient, always fiddling with legal articles – such a girly man! So, he finally found his way back to the right path and became a policeman.

During his time at the military academy, he was always top of his class. This was a natural progression from his background in the judicial system, leading to rapid advancement. Furthermore, this man had the cunning of a fox deep within him, excelling in strategy and calculation. Years spent immersed in the court department gave him a keen understanding of how to deal with different criminals and which methods would be most effective. For example, for the same incident occurring to different people, the judge's sentencing wouldn't be the same due to subtle differences. He understood this deeply, so for heinous criminals, he would always target their weaknesses; while for those who committed unintentional offenses, he would try his best to minimize the severity of the case. Being a formally trained graduate from a prestigious school and possessing both intelligence and a thirst for knowledge, his record in combating crime soared over the past four years, quickly earning him titles like "Master Detective" and "Criminal Slayer."

For him, few people are unconvinced. Aside from the frequent praise from his superiors, he is also deeply resented by officials but beloved by the common people, who believe that he is fair in his investigations and compassionate. Just the banners of appreciation sent by the common people over the past four years have nearly filled half his office!

Now, he is the chief of the serious crimes unit in a large city and has full authority to combat criminals across regions and provinces. For example, if Chief Jiang was feeling good one day, he went on a trip with some friends to enjoy the mountains and water. However, some reckless individuals tried to commit crimes along their route. It wouldn't do for Chief Jiang to just stand by, so he stepped in and apprehended them all. Wherever they were, the local police department had to cooperate fully with his investigation. He practically stuck his hand into every district's front door, and the chiefs of those departments had to greet him with smiles!

People like him, calling him a "criminal killer," is really apt. Even corrupt officials would tremble in his presence, afraid that their ill-gotten gains wouldn't be enough to protect them from being stripped bare and thrown into jail.

As the saying goes, "The bigger the tree, the more wind it attracts." This man was loved by his people but also attracted many envious eyes. He had faced numerous obstacles from those who sought to bring him down, even some high-ranking officials whose interests were threatened who secretly worked against him. But he remained strong and resilient, like a reed bending in the wind. When pushed down, he would silently gather strength and persevere, only to rise again and overcome his adversaries, exposing the cunning of those little men and powerful officials alike.

Seeing this, everyone knew things were about to get serious. This man was a troublemaker; whoever messed with him would suffer bad luck. Those who could avoid him should do so immediately. Those who couldn't would have to just keep their heads down and be careful.

Furthermore, his father is politically well-connected and has now become the Deputy Minister of Public Security. The position of Minister is essentially already reserved for him, and very few dare to cause him trouble anymore. Additionally, a certain high-ranking official from the military district has an excellent relationship with the Jiang family, and there are rumors that this veteran leader is very optimistic about Jiang Chengfeng and strongly supports him. Thus, even fewer people would be foolish enough to provoke him.

He is also outstanding, with a strong will, perseverance, and diligence. It is because of these qualities that he has achieved such remarkable success today.

Lin Meng, with an IV drip and a smile, listened quietly as Jiang Chengfeng recounted his experiences over the past four years. Her heart was filled with genuine joy for him and growing admiration. This man was truly extraordinary; no matter which path he chose, he would inevitably be able to shake things up and command respect.

He was just a little surprised. He had seemed so gentle and polite before, and yet he ended up becoming a police officer, even the head of the serious crime unit! That means he often has to deal with the worst of criminals!

In the winter, even though the spacious quiet room had heating, it wasn't particularly warm. Jiang Chengfeng gently held the drip tube with her palms, warming the liquid in her hands so that when it flowed into her body, it wouldn't irritate her blood vessels.

His thoughtfulness was still so silent and unobtrusive. She lowered her eyes, looking at him, her heart feeling warm inside.

"Do you know why I became a police officer!"

She slightly raised her head.

Jiang, riding the wind, bumped her with his shoulder and winked, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Lin Meng was taken aback. She had never seen Jiang Cheng like this before, so at ease with the wind. But then again, she thought to herself, it wasn't surprising. After all, four years had passed, and everything changed.

She shook her head honestly. In her heart, she actually had a certain guess, and because of this, she felt a sour ache, but she didn't have the courage to speak first.

Jiang Cheng laughed, a smug, arrogant grin splitting his face.

"Only when you become a policeman can you legally hit people. If I don't like someone, I hit them; if I don't like someone, I arrest them. See, how cool is that!"

After working as a police officer for a long time, no matter how upright a person is, they will inevitably pick up some of the characteristics of a scoundrel. This is because you mainly deal with gangsters and hooligans. If you don't learn their ways, it will be difficult to control them or gain access to their inner circle and get to the bottom of a case.

But Jiang Chengfeng's ruffian air doesn't feel repulsive at all, instead, it gives one a feeling of chivalrous boldness. It's a unique charm, exclusive to him!

Lin Meng let out a giggle and laughed.

Her smile was like a flower, and at the same time, it went deep into his heart, making him feel a thrill all over!

He narrowed his eyes, his sharp gaze became more profound, and the faint smile at the corner of his mouth also seemed to carry a deeper meaning.

"Meng Meng, from now on, I'll protect you. If anyone dares to bully you, just come to me, I'll back you up and see which one of them dares to cause you trouble!"

The final growl was laced with threat. This was the man's truest promise, and now, he had the power to be so brazen and reckless in his words!

Before he died, his younger brother entrusted her to him. Four years ago, he wasn't good enough, making her endure a large pregnancy while hiding all over the place. Four years later, he would absolutely not betray his brother's trust. He would take care of his brother's share, and love this woman well!

Lin Meng softly responded with an "mm," her heart filled with emotion. Because of a cold, her nose was slightly congested, so when she spoke, her voice was soft and tender, like a coquettish whisper.

This woman's allure lies in the fact that even when she doesn't mean to, she captivates. With her husband away and an aging one at that, how can anyone not worry with three young and energetic sons running around the house! Jiang Chengfeng has already made a decision - upon his return, he will thoroughly investigate this Ruan family. If anything is amiss, he will have to take action.

Both of them fell silent for a while. After enduring for some time, Lin Meng gritted her teeth and, raising her head, asked him.

"Jiang Ge, A Lang…"

As soon as the name was mentioned, she paused, her eyes filled with worry as she watched his expression change. Seeing no sign of hatred on his face, she let out a small sigh of relief.

"Did they move A Lang's grave!"

Jiang Chengfeng nodded slightly, his heart filled with a mixture of bitterness, frustration, and resentment, but he kept it hidden behind a calm facade. There were certain things the Jiang family would definitely do, they were just waiting for the most opportune moment.

Lin Mengchang sighed deeply, a hint of melancholy tinged with reminiscence on his face. "When I first returned to the country, I went to J city intending to pay my respects properly. But when I arrived at the cemetery, according to my memories, I went to where Ah Lang was buried. However, the tombstone displayed someone else's name and a different photo. My memory held firm that it was that very spot; I couldn't be mistaken. Yet, I was afraid of remembering wrong. I back and forth along the 216th layer countless times, but none of them were his. Afterward, I inquired with the gravedigger, who simply said since there was no record of this person, they must have been moved by their relatives. I thought, surely there should be some records. After much persuasion and effort, I finally convinced the gravedigger to check thoroughly, but the result remained the same: no such person found. At that moment, my heart felt hollow. After all these years, now even a personal visit to pay respects was impossible; I couldn't personally tell him I was back, either. I had let him see Youyou…"

At this, her voice dropped low. Her countenance also drooped slightly, and tears, silently, fell from her eyes onto her knees.

Whenever she thinks of that sunny boy, her heart aches with pain!

Jiang Chengfeng closed his eyes bitterly and took over her words: “Not long after my father was transferred to City B, he found someone to move A Lang’s grave. He was the youngest son in our family, and in fact, he was also the most loved by the family. My parents doted on him too. After he left, my parents didn't want to be too far from him, so after coming here, my mother made the decision to have A Lang follow us. Now, his ashes are buried in the backyard of our house, surrounded by flowers, it’s very beautiful. My mother goes to see him every day and talks to him, so he wouldn't feel lonely. Heh…”

He gave a bitter smile. "My parents said that even when we get old and pass away, we should still stay by his side so he wouldn't be lonely. If there is an afterlife, I hope we can still be family!"

Tears welled up in Lin Meng's eyes, flowing with some urgency.

She didn't speak, she just listened quietly. Even her crying was silent.

At this time, no language could express her feelings.

Jian Chengfeng silently inhaled deeply, lifting his head slightly to force back the tears that had welled up in his reddened eyes. After calming his emotions, he vigorously wiped his face, leaving behind any lingering sadness. He smiled and once again became the nonchalant Jiang Dazhu, unmoved by external influences.

"Do you want to go pay your respects"

Lin Meng immediately nodded, of course she thought so.

"Give me a moment, I'll arrange it for you!"

He said, give him some time!

Lin Meng wasn't stupid, naturally she could hear the difficulty he was expressing in his words.

When she saw that the gravedigger couldn't find any clues, she returned to the two hundred and sixteen steps. She sat before the grave where Jiang Po浪 was supposed to be buried for a long time. The cold wind blowing from the graveyard made her understand some things.

It must have been Jiang Yichen who wiped the record clean. It's so thorough, he must be protecting her. She killed his son, needless to say, that man who was already quite strict would definitely hate her to death. That's why even during the memorial service, he wouldn't allow her to appear.

She originally understood the pain of "sending a black hair to a white hair". Now that she has become a mother, putting herself in their shoes, anyone who harms Youyou, she would definitely hate that person and wish that person would disappear from her face forever. After returning to J City, she didn't go to see Jiang Yichen. Firstly, she didn't want to make things awkward, and secondly, after so many years, that couple might have finally had their emotional wounds heal a little. She, the "mortal enemy", shouldn't appear in front of them and reopen their scars. What she wanted to find was Jiang Chengfeng. If it were him, she felt she could talk to him properly and achieve her goal. But she was limited in ability and couldn't find him. Perhaps the whereabouts of such high-ranking officials in the public security department were classified

I didn't expect to run into you today. It's such a coincidence.

"Brother Jiang, don't push yourself too hard!" Lin Meng reached out and gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes. When she looked up, she tried her best to curl her lips into a smile and pointed at her chest.

You know, he lives in my heart. Whether or not we worship him, it doesn't really matter!

Even if it's not possible, she still hopes to see A-Lang again.

She has always been considerate of others, so saying this was just to avoid causing trouble for Jiang Chengfeng. In her life, she owed the Jiang family the most, so she really didn't want to cause them any more trouble.

Jiang Cheng smiled, a hint of tenderness flashing across his face.

"Don't worry, it's not a must. Alang definitely wants to see you too!"

Lin Meng smiled dreamily, a clear face flashing through her mind. Her eyes flickered with you, you can't just bully people because you have some skills... Just be nicer! They... oh, no, we are the underdogs, you shouldn't be so cruel to us!"Well, this little girl has even formed a unite...