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ite and tender calves. She was fashionable, beautiful, and charming, making Rong Ling's eyes light up slightly.This girl, with her natural beauty, seems to make anything she wears look particularly st...Lin Meng is very optimistic about the furniture market, which can be seen from the housing tension among Chinese people. Basically, every time a new house is bought, corresponding furniture needs to be purchased, which is an opportunity. Guangda has always been doing this, and it can be said to be his strong point. If that's all there was to it, Lin Meng wouldn't have much to say, after all, anyone in this business knows the profitability. What she wants to do is definitely different!

Inspiration came to her one day while she was riding the bus!

It was a light drizzle that day. She sat on the bus, looking out the window, and noticed people sheltering under bus stops from the rain, and others scurrying into residential buildings. But nowadays, houses mostly abandoned their eaves, so there were fewer places to take shelter from the rain! She pondered in her mind how to expand her business further. Suddenly, an idea struck her!

She wants to have furniture delivered to her apartment complex, just like the government's program of sending televisions to rural areas. Chinese people are busy, working hard from morning till night for a living. Most of the time, they don't even have holidays off. This means there is very little time to buy furniture. Furniture represents the face of a home after all. Ordinary people must think carefully and compare prices from three different stores before buying. So if there was a program that delivered furniture directly to their homes at a price lower than the market price, then they would definitely buy more! After all, Chinese people are inherently thrifty. When the quality is roughly the same, everyone wants to buy the cheaper option!

However, everyone here is not a fool. If you engage in a price war, I will too. Moreover, domestic businessmen are best at imitation. If you bring furniture into the community, I can do the same. Therefore, the business model of bringing furniture into communities requires speed and swiftness. It needs to shock people at the first opportunity and strike while competitors are still catching up. This way, you can gain a significant lead over your rivals!

Actually, this is both a price war and a time war!

After Lin Meng returned, she didn't rest much. She gave the gifts to the little ones and let them play on their own. On her side, she quickly discussed with Ruan Chengyi, Li Yuan, and Ruan Chengyang!

Originally, with her temperament, she wouldn't have been so impatient. This plan could be delayed for a few more days, waiting for Ruan Chenghui to return from the forestry work. But after being deeply moved by Rong Ling's actions, she thought that if she could secure her own freedom sooner, it would also be an explanation to that man, and a way to live up to him. She couldn't just have that man making an effort while she remained stagnant!

When Lin Meng laid out her plan, Ruan Chengyi was astonished! It was a bold idea! At the same time, he had to admit that in business, Lin Meng did have some talent. Or perhaps she had a certain kind of intuition, just like when she first took over Sen Gong, it could bring surprises and profits. This kind of talent was actually quite rare!

This is a woman like a treasure!

Lin Meng didn't care how Ruan Chengyi felt, she just continued to elaborate on her ideas. How to gain a time advantage, how to make consumers recognize the Guangda brand, and how to capture the consumer market to the greatest extent. The most crucial point, she felt, was advertising, a kind of almost overwhelming advertising campaign!

Contemporary management science has fully proven the huge role a good advertisement plays in business operations! This can also be seen from the flourishing of the advertising industry. If you want to create an overwhelming amount of advertising, it will inevitably cost a fortune. Therefore, when considering the face value, paying such a huge amount for advertising and then engaging in price wars, wouldn't it be a losing proposition

If that were all, Lin Meng wouldn't have mentioned it. She brought it up because she thought of a good plan!

In fact, many apartment complexes have some vacant spaces that can be fully utilized. This was the inspiration she got on a rainy day --

They could completely set up facilities similar to bus stop advertisements for the community free of charge, making it convenient for property management to post notices on them to disseminate information. I believe that property management would be very welcome to such a free service. In addition, those advertising boards could also serve as a cover from the rain, which would also be convenient for pedestrians.

However, as a businessman is profit-driven and aiming to maximize this side, it's impossible for them to provide free services. The exchange condition for building such facilities for free would inevitably be that the property management company provides them with a period of free advertising service and allows Guangda to enter the community to conduct promotional activities for a certain period of time. Moreover, Guangda can also take small measures on the facilities, engraving their brand name on the advertising board, stating that this advertisement is "sponsored free of charge by Guangda Real Estate." Thus, as long as the sign remains standing, it will serve as free advertising for Guangda continuously!

This is a project that can bring long-term returns! That alone can make many bosses excited!

The billboard is placed at the entrance and exit of the residential area, ensuring that all incoming and outgoing residents will see the advertisement. At first, people may not pay much attention, but day after day, with constant exposure, the brand "Guangda" will inevitably be unconsciously imprinted in their minds. This psychological suggestion effect is similar to advertisements posted in subway stations. They may seem unnoticed, but in reality, they have already been ingrained in everyone's minds!

Such a plan is simply exciting! Ruan Chengyi immediately understood the importance of this plan, and at the same time, the confidentiality of this plan became very important! That's also why Lin Meng would discuss this matter at home instead of convening company personnel for a joint discussion!

"If this really works out, Lin Meng, you'll be a well-deserved hero!"

Ruan Chengyi's usually cold and composed face broke into a delighted flush. His eyes darted back and forth, as if he had seen mountains of gold.

Li Yuan also understood why, at the beginning, Lin Meng proposed buying a new factory and acquiring a collection station as her own raw material base. And during this period, she had been keeping a close eye on the company's home design, keeping the workers working non-stop on furniture production lines!

As it turns out, she already had this plan!

She was able to hide this deeply and hold it in until now, just to speak up. From this perspective, she is already a successful businesswoman!

Li Yuan's eyes also glistened with admiration!

As for Ruan Chengyang, he has poured all his energy into his studies. He has already decided to become a doctor, so he won't be involved in the company's business affairs too much. He will only listen and supervise. Needless to say, as long as Lin Meng's plan is reasonable, even if it's not profitable, Ruan Chengyang will be the first to support it!

"Big brother, this matter, must do a good job of confidentiality!" He directly pointed out the key to this plan!

Ruan Chengyi nodded in agreement. This meant he, the company CEO, needed to have the ability to identify and employ people well. He had to find a trustworthy person who could see this project through from start to finish. This was actually a test for Ruan Chengyi! As a CEO for a considerable amount of time, he had recently been personally recruiting new employees. Now, it was time to test the results of his efforts!

This project's success or failure, in reality, is not it just a test for Lin Meng to give Ruan Chengyi and Ruan Chenghui!

After the meeting,阮承毅 went back to his room but couldn't sleep. The lights in his room stayed on all night and never dimmed. When he went downstairs in the morning, there were obvious dark circles under his eyes, but he looked good and was very energetic. After quickly eating breakfast that林夢 had personally made, he thanked her and grabbed立苑's hand, rushing to the company!

After all, Lin Meng had only been personally in charge of the company's operations for a relatively short time, and ultimately, the company still needed to be jointly managed by Ruan Chengyi and Ruan Chenghui. Therefore, she didn't want to get too involved. (..tw無彈窗廣告) Now, her role was simply to come up with ideas. As for the specific implementation measures, it was up to the Ruan brothers!

She also has other things to deal with, such as her father, Lin Bao!

>>>It's urgent that Lin Bao be transferred to a nursing home with excellent service. Lin Bao may have his flaws, but he is her father and provided for her upbringing. His care for her may not compare to the care given to Lin Dong and Lin Zi, but that shouldn't be an excuse for Lin Meng to neglect him from now on. The most hurtful thing he did was sell her to Rong Ling, but by a twist of fate, it led her to form a bond with him. Right and wrong have become blurred as a result!


Now that he's in this state, if she has the ability to take care of him, then naturally she will do everything she can to fulfill her duty as a daughter!

She asked Miao Qing for help, asking her to contact a nursing home. This was not difficult for Miao Qing. Entering a nursing home is just a matter of money, it's very easy to get in. But if you want excellent service, then you have to go further, which is also a simple matter for Miao Qing. She has served the Rong family for many years and was favored by Rong Ling. She followed him for several years. This person, his excellence naturally goes without saying.

Soon, in just a morning, Miao Qing had finished everything that needed to be done. After both parties had settled a lunch together, Lin Meng and Miao Qing went to Chunfeng Nursing Home together to pick up Lin Bao. Mrs. Lin Jin Sai Mei naturally followed excitedly. When they arrived at Lu Duo Nursing Home, Jin Sai Mei looked up and saw the trees forming a forest, red brick and green tile buildings resembling those in paintings, appearing far and near before her eyes. She was instantly stunned, her mouth agape. Her somewhat cloudy eyes darted left and right, seemingly not enough to take it all in!

Because Lin Bao had made prior arrangements, he checked in very quickly. Some necessities were also replenished by Lin Meng that afternoon. That evening, Lin Meng and others dined with the dean, vice-dean, and several doctors and nurses from Lùdū Hospital. This effectively ensured that in Lùdū, no one would dare to neglect Lin Bao.

Lin Bao is also very fond of this new environment, which can be seen from his frequent silly smiles. And occasionally, he excitedly shouts like a child, which also shows that he is happy now!

Lin Meng felt relieved! Having arranged everything, she could only hope that Lin Bao would get better one day. All she could do was visit him from time to time.

This day, she really wore Lin Meng out. When she got on the car back to the Ruan family, she was so tired that she didn't even want to move, her whole body felt like it had gone numb.

There, Jin Sai Mei could no longer contain her excitement and hurriedly took out her phone to call Lin Zi.

"Zi Zi ah, my dear, Meng Meng that girl is quite something now, she got your dad arranged into a nursing home called Lu Du. I took a look, this nursing home is really impressive, very special!"

Lin Zi was also taken aback. Because she had personally handled Lin Bao's admission to the nursing home, she had a general idea about the nursing home in City B. That place was a veterans' nursing home, and most of those who entered there were veterans. You never knew, while you were strolling around inside, you might even meet someone with stars on their shoulders, or you might encounter former provincial governors, former mayors' secretaries, and so on! Those living there were all either very rich or very powerful!

Lin Zi immediately became excited, her heart beating much faster. If she could run towards that direction for a long time, who knows what kind of romantic encounters she might have Perhaps she would soar to great heights and transform into a phoenix! In that way, she wouldn't have to work so hard anymore!

As soon as this thought crossed Lin Zi's mind, her eyes lit up. She could be sure that from now on, even if she was "busy", she would definitely frequent Ludu often!

"Mom, that place is very prestigious. Only wealthy and influential people go there. You can't act around like you did at the Spring Breeze Sanatorium!" Lin Zi added emphasis to her voice. Just like how your mother and the people at the sanatorium used to play mahjong and cards, getting upset and complaining loudly—that can't happen again! Otherwise, it would be embarrassing!"

Now, Golden Sai Mei could only rely on Lin Zi. She said this, Golden Sai Mei naturally agreed. Although her standards had dropped over the years, she wasn't a fool after all. She still had a big picture view.

“Gigi, you wouldn't believe it! I actually had dinner with the director today. There were so many people there, all seeming to be important figures in this sanatorium,” Jin Saime exclaimed excitedly, radiating pride. Nowadays, she had become rather common, just like ordinary people, feeling honored simply for sharing a table with someone of high standing.

Lin Zi listened, her heart sinking a little. If... if her brother hadn't gone astray, and their father's construction company had developed normally, she would now be a wealthy young lady, and her mother would have befriended noblewomen. Who would speak to her in such a tone!

Fate is so cruel!

She was once above Lin Meng, but now, Lin Meng has reached a height she can't even fathom!

This is so unfair!

Lin Zi suddenly bit her lips, which had become chapped recently because of staying up late. The lips immediately turned a faint shade of red with bloodstains. A faint metallic smell surged into her mouth. She tasted this rust-like flavor and could only clench her fists tightly at her side.

"Oh..." Jin Sai Mei suddenly lost her excitement and sighed. "Zizi, all my mother wants now is for you to be well. Back then, I never imagined that one day, we'd be surpassed by Mengmeng, but here we are..."

Jin Sai Mei Dun sighed, and continued, "Mother only hopes that you can have half the happiness of Lin Meng in the future!"

Lin Zi swallowed a mouthful of blood, raised her lips, and a fierce glint flashed between her brows.

"Mom, don't worry, there will be that day! And it won't just be ordinary, I'm sure I'll be happier than her!"

She's now married to a geezer who's half-buried, how many years of happiness can she have! Once that old man kicks the bucket, she'll be left with nothing but their orphaned children. What will they even be able to do then! Even though she's drop-dead gorgeous, which diamond king would ever marry a widow!

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Lin was somewhat pleased.

"That's the spirit! Sigh, I never would have guessed that girl had such good luck back then. Now look at her, tsk tsk, she gets whatever she wants!"

Lin Zi didn't like listening and immediately denied, "Mom, what about fate, don't believe it. In this world, there aren't many lucky people, it's just about whether you earn or not!"

Jin Sai Mei sensed Lin Zi's displeasure in her tone, and she didn't want to force her daughter. She just smiled and agreed. "Yes, yes, you're right. Mom will wait for you to win an actress award and then marry into a wealthy family, even better than Meng Meng!"

Lin Zi smiled dazedly and murmured softly, "Yes, there will be such a day."

As if persuading oneself, yet as if feeling melancholy!

"By the way, Zizi!" Jin Sai Mei suddenly changed the subject, urging. "You said, should you tell your brother about transferring your dad to another hospital Look at your brother's side, he owes so many debts, dragging it on like this isn't a solution. If Mengmeng could help, your brother wouldn't have to be hiding all the time!"

“Mom!” Lin Zi’s voice suddenly became sharp. “Don't be stupid! It's me who's taking care of you now, not your brother! For your brother's sake, you should take care of me first! If he finds out about Mengmeng, things will get really messy. He'll demand a lot, and Mengmeng might get angry, and even Dad won’t want to get involved. Things with Dad have just been settled, don’t rush things so much. As for your brother, I need to make sure my situation is taken care of first!”

In Jin Sai Mei's traditional concept, sons are still considered more valuable than daughters. After all, the notion of "raising a son for old age" is still deeply rooted in rural areas!

"But what!" Lin Zi retorted directly, her voice laced with anger. "You know what kind of person my brother is. He's a hopeless mess now, good for nothing. Don't let him drag you down and ruin everything for me. Our family will depend on me to support them in the future!"

Kim Sai opened her mouth, but could only manage a weak "yes". Lin Zi was still somewhat angry, so she didn't say anything more, coldly hanging up the phone.

Now that she has finally found hope, she absolutely won't allow anyone to destroy it!

...Xioxiang Academy first release...

Lin Meng knew the little guy was a bit mischievous, but she always believed he was relatively self-disciplined and sensible, so she was sure he wouldn't bully others or intentionally cause big trouble for anyone. But she never expected that one day, she would be called to kindergarten by the teacher, because the little guy had started a fight, and it wasn't just with one person, nor was it just the little guy fighting many people alone, but a -- gang fight, a gang war initiated by the little guy!

She didn't know, originally the little guy already had such great ability, became a small leader, could call so many people, and fight against the upper grades!

At that moment, she didn't know whether to feel more proud or more troubled!

No matter what, she needs to get to kindergarten as soon as possible to find out the truth!

She didn't get angry immediately because that would be very irrational. Children fight, there's always a reason. It's a failure and hurtful to the child to hastily blame them without understanding the truth of the situation.

"Youyou, tell Mommy why did you hit someone!"

Lin Meng looked at the little guy with several scratches on his face, her heart ached. But right now, she could only grit her teeth and sternly ask him first.

The little guy pursed his lips, a cold and unyielding expression on his face. He had learned seven or eight points of Rong Ling's demeanor. He kept his mouth shut and refused to speak. Instead of looking guilty, he raised his chin and stared at Lin Meng, but his eyes skimmed past her face and looked to the side, never meeting her gaze.

The little one is being stubborn!

Lin Meng had a headache because this was really difficult! At least, it wasn't likely that he could get anything useful out of the little guy's mouth with so many people around.

She turned her head and looked at Mr. Fang.

"Mr. Fang, do you know some reasons!"

A flicker of embarrassment crossed Fang's face. She hesitated for a while before offering a brief explanation. "It's probably because of some recent reports... uh... you... you should have seen them too... This... children, they speak without filter and sometimes say things carelessly..."

At this point, Teacher Fang stopped talking further!

Lin Meng was taken aback, a bad feeling suddenly flashed in her mind!

On one side, a parent finally couldn't help but speak up. "Ms. Lin, I think you should really pay attention to the influence parents have on their children! Even for the sake of your child, you should seriously correct your own behavior!"

With her words reaching this point, Lin Meng could still not understand!

Her heart skipped a beat, and suddenly she didn't know how to react!creams were loud enough to pierce Li Lanqiu’s ears, making them hurt a bit. Then, as if the phone had been snatched away by the child, clear shouts from the child came through the receiver."Sleep now,...