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Lin Meng still had a slight awkwardness, not seriously digesting this kind of change!What does this man mean! Who just randomly acknowledges someone as their godfather! And he didn't even tell her!She...As the expert put it, as the anesthetic wore off, the child gradually regained consciousness. However, he was listless and pale, looking quite sick. His complexion remained pallid, lacking any vibrancy, as if he were afflicted with a serious illness.


Lin Meng noticed as soon as the little boy opened his eyes and cried out with joy.

The little boy blinked, his mouth pouted slightly, and called out in a tiny voice, "Mommy..."

Her tone was soft, almost lifeless, a far cry from her usual sprightliness.

"Youyou..." Lin Meng softly called out the little one's name, gently stroking their small face with one hand. "Mommy is here, Mommy is here..."

"Mommy, hug me—"

The little guy struggled, trying to get into Lin Meng's arms. Although he was a bit of a big ghost for his size, he was still just a child. The feeling of being unable to breathe just now, his heart clenching tightly, the feeling that he was about to die... it was awful, too frightening. Even thinking about it now, he was still a little scared. Seeing his mommy, he instinctively wanted to seek comfort in her arms.

Lin Meng gently pressed the little one down. "Mommy's coming!"

She took off her shoes, and in full view of everyone, without a care, she slightly lifted the blanket and got into bed. Then, with utmost gentleness, she held the little one in her arms.

"Hold on tight!" the little guy softly requested, looking up at Xiaoba with pleading eyes. He gazed intently at Lin Meng.

Lin Meng's heart ached terribly. As he wished, she held the little one tightly in her arms!

By this time, she already knew that the little one was scared. This incident must have left a shadow on him.

It's her fault!

She lowered her brows, a faint trace of sadness flickering in her eyes. But when her alluring eyelashes rose again, there was not a shred of negativity left in her gaze. She smiled, the light in her eyes swirling gently, warm and brilliant.

"Baby Youyou, be good, don't be afraid. Mommy will always be with you. Wherever you go, Mommy will follow you. Mommy will never abandon Youyou!"

The implication here is that if he were to meet with misfortune, she would definitely follow him. Wherever he went, hell or heaven, she would accompany him. No matter what, she wouldn't let this little treasure of a son journey alone.

Rong Ling frowned, his pale lips pressed tightly together in a thin line. He had thought about this before, this little woman's obsession with the child wasn't a good thing!

>The thought flashed through his mind: I should let her give birth to another.

The little guy was comforted by Lin Meng, a glimmer of joy appeared on his face, and he softly hummed in response. The little guy looked a bit better.

"Yoyo, are you feeling unwell now!"

The little guy shook his head. It was obvious that compared to before, he was still a bit quieter.

"Weren't you scared back then!"

The little guy's soft body froze instantly, but slowly, he relaxed his body and shook his head.

"Yoyo, have you forgotten what you promised Mommy!" That night, he had promised her not to keep anything from her!

The little boy bit his lip, this time nodding honestly and humming softly. "Scared—"

He seemed to feel a blush of shame creep onto his cheeks as he spoke. His head tilted, and with a slight movement, he burrowed deeper into Lin Meng’s embrace.

Lin Meng smiled softly and gently patted the little guy, just like when he was born, coaxing him to sleep.

"Youyou, don't be afraid, Mommy is here, Mommy is here..."

After coaxing him repeatedly, the little boy's tension eased a bit. Lin Meng gently continued to soothe him. "Yoyo, at that time, you just had an illness. That illness made you feel uncomfortable, but it was just an illness, nothing major. You found Dr. Uncle to treat it, and everything was fine. Look, aren't you doing well now! Isn't it not so uncomfortable anymore!"

Lin Meng was slowly dispelling the shadows in the little guy's heart.

The little guy nodded. Lin Meng then smiled and kissed the little guy's forehead.

"My little Yuyu, you're the bravest. You definitely won't be defeated by a little illness, right!"

The little guy hesitated for a moment, then nodded again.

Lin Meng sighed inwardly, knowing that some things couldn't be accomplished overnight. She couldn't rush the process of restoring the little one to their former self.

"Come, Youyou, meet the doctor grandpa who saved you this time. You should thank grandpa, he worked very hard to save you."

The little boy followed where Lin Meng pointed, and saw the familiar old man. A smile curved up on his lips. This time when he spoke, his voice wasn't so weak, it carried a bit of life to it.

"Thank you, grandpa!"

The old expert let out an "ah" and added a few more words. He had been a pediatrician for many years, so he was very experienced at comforting children. After a series of coaxing, teasing, and encouraging words, the little guy's spirits were even better, giggling from time to time.

This gave everyone a slight sense of relief.

Experiences that almost led to death are hard for even adults to shake off in the short term. The way this kid is acting now is already very optimistic!

Next, the visitors who came to see the little guy were in waves. Naturally, there was joy and sorrow for the little guy's safe escape. Those who were truly happy were naturally those who loved the little guy with all their hearts. Those who were worried were naturally those who saw the little guy as an obstacle.

"Still not sure who did it!"

Rong Man brought Xiao Mumu to visit the little fellow. Her arrival, in fact, represented Rong San Bo. Rong San Bo's identity is extraordinary; if he were to make a move, needless to say, it would immediately attract the attention of not only the Rong clan but also other prominent families. Such massive attention would definitely not be beneficial for the current situation of the little fellow!

When Rong Man asked this, she was actually speaking on behalf of Rong Sanbo.

"Almost there!" Rong Ling responded coldly. "I'll handle this myself!"

It means, hands off!

If he can't even handle his own son's affairs, then all these years of his life have been for nothing!

Rong Man's eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything more. ( However, after visiting the little guy and before leaving, she quietly instructed Rong Ling in a low voice, "Everything, be careful first. The family is a bit chaotic now, you must not be too hasty, and do something that will make people catch your tail!"

This is a reminder!

Rong Ling heard this, her eyes were cold.

As for Xiaoyou's matter, Rong Ling had given a death order, vowing to spare no expense and utilize all his resources. So, under the operation of multiple powerful forces, the incident of Xiaoyou being poisoned quickly surfaced. The ultimate mastermind behind it all pointed directly at -- Zhuo Yiy.

Zuo Yiyi is now protected layer by layer by the old master Rong and lives in a luxurious bedroom. She doesn't go out, so this kind of thing definitely wasn't done by her personally. However, she has a group of good relatives who are willing to plan for her. Her cousin, who can hold the position of deputy director of the Municipal Commerce Bureau, is certainly not a merciful person. To dare to attack the young one, there must be his idea behind this.

The little one was poisoned from eating a few pieces of chocolate. The chocolate came from a classmate at the same kindergarten, and they usually get along well. The little one loves to eat chocolate but never covets snacks in other people's hands. When offered snacks by other children, the little one would refuse if possible, otherwise, they would either share them with the other child or take them home for Lin Meng to eat.

The child who brought chocolate for the little one insisted on watching him finish it himself that day. It was homemade chocolate from his house, and the child often brought similar chocolates to kindergarten. The little one didn't expect anything from this child, plus yesterday they had a fight, and this child got involved in the scuffle, helping him out. So, the little one gave him face at the time, smiling and taking it all and finishing it. That's how he got poisoned!

Running his fingers over the chocolate, he discovered that the child was indeed oblivious. His insistence on watching the little boy eat it stemmed from his mother's instructions and warnings: this chocolate was for Lin Chengyou, and he wasn't allowed to touch it even once. If the child disobeyed his mother and was found out later, he would never have snacks again. This was a disaster for any child; not only were they plagued by cravings for snacks, but being seen without any treats by other children was also incredibly embarrassing.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes! Comparisons exist even among children! Children also have a certain amount of pride!

The chocolate was made by the little boy's mother. The investigation led them to her, and they discovered that her husband was in a serious predicament recently. His husband runs a food production company, and recently, there have been quality issues with the company's products, leading to several consumers being hospitalized. This matter has been reported to the consumer association by several consumers, and the Administration for Industry & Commerce has also begun sending people down to investigate.

Generally, if there is a quality and safety issue with common food products, in this country, it's just a matter of spending money to resolve the issue. However, her husband was unfortunately more unlucky. Among the consumers, a young child died in the hospital a few days ago. So the nature of the situation became much more serious. The child's parents naturally refused to let it go. Since the implementation of family planning, basically in towns and cities, families are only allowed one child. If someone's child suddenly dies, then that family's parents will inevitably seek revenge.

If this case is investigated thoroughly, her husband will inevitably face legal charges and imprisonment. Of course, if her husband is willing to spend some money bribing officials and find a scapegoat to take the blame, that's also possible. Such things happen quite often in this country. It's just that her husband was unlucky, and he got caught by the cousin of the deputy director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau who Zhu YiyI knows well.

That elder brother spoke up, saying that he could help the woman's husband get out of this mess, but there was one condition, and it was the only condition. That woman had to do whatever he told her to do. If she refused, well, her husband wouldn't have to run around anymore; he would be going to jail for sure; he would have to pay that huge fine; their family would be ruined!

The woman couldn't refuse, even though she vaguely knew she was harming a life. But because her cousin had assured her that as long as the woman insisted she was unaware, no one could do anything to her! Food poisoning was common these days; as long as she was careful, she probably wouldn't get caught.

Women are perhaps always a little more naive. Knowing that this was wrong, the woman still foolishly believed her cousin's words. She didn't know how dangerous the thing he had given her was. If she ate it, even the strongest man would fall! She didn't know that she had already become a pawn in her cousin's game, used up and discarded. He wouldn't care about her life or death! No matter how much she refused to admit it, what use was there Rong Ling's men weren't fools, they naturally had hundreds of ways to make her confess the truth!

At this point, one can't help but lament the foolishness of this woman!

Throughout the entire poisoning ordeal, from beginning to end, that cousin of hers had expertly kept himself out of it. Even the poison itself was placed at her doorstep by someone else, and it was she who opened the door to retrieve it. After being forced to confess, she broke down in tears, claiming she had been coerced and begging the interrogators for mercy. She tried to bring that cousin into the spotlight, but without any witnesses, her flimsy testimony was too pale to truly harm him!

Thus it is evident that the cousin's intentions are indeed very deep!

But he's far too overestimating himself! Since he was able to crush his competitors and sit in this position, since he could come up with such a vicious idea, not putting the judicial system in his eyes at all, then he should know that while he's disregarding the law, others can too!

If Rong Ling wants to deal with this person, would he still follow legal procedures!

He is just a deputy director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, so what Does that mean Rongling doesn't dare to touch him!

No need to say more, that big cousin was quickly brought over by Rong Ling's subordinates. At first, the man pretended to be clueless, even under torture, he gritted his teeth and refused to admit it, instead arrogantly threatening.

"Rong Ling, I know it's you, it was you who had them arrest me here. I tell you, if you don't let me go back, then tomorrow morning, you can expect to be besieged by the media and visited by the police! I am a deputy director, I am a national cadre, you dare to use corporal punishment against a national cadre, you are truly lawless. You guys—"

He looked at the interrogators and still had an arrogant attitude. "You better tell Rong Ling this, or else, hehe..."

He chuckled coldly and added, "I've already made preparations. Once my friend can't find me tonight, they will attack. Then, Rong Ling will have a taste of his own medicine!"

This is a smart person!

But he was so smart that he ended up being outsmarted!

If he claims that he didn't instruct Youyou to be poisoned, what was the point of him leaving a backup plan! He mentioned being prepared for Rong Ling from the start, but why

He's acting guilty as charged! Even Rong Ling's subordinates didn't want to waste their energy on such a stubborn, low-life. They continued to investigate, sifting through his recent communications, travel history, and every action he took. Finally, unable to withstand the intense scrutiny from so many people, the source of the poison was uncovered!

That came from a lab assistant at the Chemical Engineering Department of a certain university. The Chemical Engineering Department has always had a lot of heavy metals. That lab assistant was related to the big cousin, so when the big cousin asked for it, the lab assistant just gave it.

Facing irrefutable evidence, that elder cousin still shamelessly denied everything. In short, he refused to admit anything at all. This shows that the kind of person who can reach his position in government must have a face thicker than a city wall!


What else can be said to such a person!

Anyway, since he definitely did it, why does he have to confess himself!

Rong Ling came over personally and beat him half to death.

Facing Rong Ling, that cousin's arrogance immediately subsided. People like him are good at bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Facing Rong Ling, who has held a high position for a long time and exudes an aura of nobility without saying a word, he subconsciously felt inferior. Moreover, he wasn't stupid; just because he didn't admit it didn't mean Rong Ling didn't know what he had done. So, after being beaten, he could only grunt in pain, protecting his face with his hand, and not daring to beg for mercy.

When the frenzied and vicious Lung finally stopped his mad assault, his cousin lay on the ground covered in blood, still as a dead dog. Grimacing in pain, he thought this was it, that things would just end like this and he would be free. After all, he believed he could still threaten Lung, that taking this beating, given his status, was a kind of repayment for his debts!

I have to say, this person's self-image is way too good! They're so full of themselves!

He's hurt Rong Ling's son! How could this be so simple and easy to resolve!

Rong Ling stomped on his face with one foot, grinding it mercilessly with her hard leather boots. She sneered with a bloodthirsty and cruel voice: "Want me to let you go!"

He seemed to have seen through his intentions. Eldest Brother's heart tightened. Because Rong Ling’s tone carried absolutely no warmth at all!

Rong Ling let out a cold snort, raised her leg, and kicked his face with a swift motion. As he cried out in pain, all she uttered was icy mockery, devoid of any warmth.

"Want to be my brother-in-law! Want to have your sister marry me! Want her to be the mistress of the Rong family Do you have the fate for that Does your sister have the fate for that!" Rong Lingji sneered with all his might. "I can tell you clearly, the child in your sister's belly won't last a few days!"

He would even fight with his father at home to get the result! This matter bothered him! really unpresentable!"There's still!" she said with a wink, persisting nonetheless."Where!" he asked.She didn't speak.He looked at her for a while, then as if granting her a pardon, he loosened the t...