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nded not to hear. His peripheral vision inevitably caught sight of the patch of skin between her legs, and his eyes darkened subtly. When he finished applying the medicine, he reached out directly and...Hunting ground

Xiaoyou and Rong Ling were crouching behind a small tree, peeking through the sparse foliage at a rabbit that was hopping around, glancing left and right from time to time. ( This would be their little prey. He already had his bow in hand, and with the other, he reached to his back and gently pulled out an arrow. He was just about to nock the arrow when someone patted him on the shoulder.

His movements stopped abruptly, and instantly, hot air was blown onto his ears.

"Come here yourself!"

The little guy smiled silently, nodded lightly, then looked at Rong Ling and walked away from him.

It seems your " godfather" finally decided to have a go at it himself!

The little fellow thought to himself this way, because before, Rong Ling had always been by his side, guiding him. Now that he felt valued and affirmed, he focused even more on the moving target, determined to hit it with one arrow when the time came.

But Rongling stepped back, partly because of a phone call.

Without a sound, Rong Ling retreated about 100 meters away from the little guy before finally taking out his phone. At the same time, he kept an eye on the little guy.

This is a phone call from City J, reporting on He Ya's involvement. That group of private detectives thought they were conducting a secret operation, but the commotion they caused was enough for Rong Ling to notice. City J is Lin Meng's hometown, and he has always had people stationed there. Moreover, regarding those reports about Lin Meng in the past, there have always been "escaped fish". Therefore, over the years, his actions of buying up and destroying those reports have never stopped. As for those that couldn't be bought, his subordinates naturally had the ability to quietly get their hands on them. On the other hand, this can also be considered a test of his subordinates' skills.

Entering a room unnoticed, locating the target object, and leaving safely is no easy feat. Every year, Shuang Mu's security company conducts various assessments on its internal personnel to select one individual for this mission. It's truly a mutually beneficial arrangement!

People like Rongling naturally create the most value with the least amount of energy, wasting no resources!

"It's been found. Judging from the intercepted radio waves, the person was calling He Ya!"

A fierce glint flashed in Rong Ling's eyes!

"The man continued his report, and after all the reports were in, Rong Ling gave an order. "Keep an eye on that person and let him search. You guys are responsible for destroying whatever he finds!"

The mantis stalks the cicada, while the yellow sparrow waits behind, thus saving them both manpower and resources!

"If that man does anything out of line during this period, tie him up, and his accomplices too. I'll give you further instructions later!"

That seemed to do it, and then the call ended!

He Ya, He Family --

Rong Ling let out a cold snort. If they were truly clueless, he wouldn't give anyone face!


In the afternoon, with Rong Ling, an experienced hunter, leading the way, the young boy had a bountiful harvest. Not counting the chickens and rabbits that fell into the traps he had set beforehand, the little boy managed to hunt two rabbits on his own, which was quite remarkable for his small frame. What's even more amazing is that today the boy had good luck and encountered a large wild boar! This is a rare opportunity. With Rong Ling's help, he finally, sweating profusely, managed to take down the boar, which was even bigger than him!

The deer meat, dubbed the "king of lean meats," is the most delicious. This is definitely not to be missed! The other game was sent straight to the back kitchen of Suwu Manor. Along with it, the chef also helped deal with the deer meat, saving Lin Meng the trouble. And Rong Ling wouldn't let Lin Meng handle such a large and coarse thing. However, before these game were processed, the little guy excitedly took pictures of them. These are all his achievements, oh! He wants to show his mother his valiant war records!

Before Rong Ling and the little ones arrived at the Ruan family, Lin Meng had already prepared everything needed for the barbecue and invited all relevant people. Of course, the Ruan family members were there, as well as Sun Fei, Lu Youdao, Lu's aunt, Feng Tan, Jiang Chengfeng, Jiang's mother, and Miao Qing, Dayang, and other neighbors!

The team is large, and they should be able to take down a wild boar! But just in case, Lin Meng also prepared some easier-to-grill options like dumb eggs, chicken legs, quail, as well as vegetables like eggplant and garlic. This makes the variety quite rich, it should satisfy everyone!

These days, Youyou has been fortunate to have the care of these uncles and aunts, which can also be considered a small gathering hosted by the little one to express gratitude to all the brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts! The fact that Jiang's mother would come with Jiang Chengfeng was quite a surprise to Lin Meng!

Ruan Chengyang felt a tinge of jealousy. He hugged the little boy and hummed, "From now on, when you go hunting, third brother will take you!"

How can Rong Ling always be the center of attention!

Besides, who doesn't know that as long as you treat Youyou well, Lin Meng will be nice to you!

Ruan Chengyang regretted that he hadn't thought of this move earlier!

For his childishness, Lin Meng shook her head and smiled. She was about to go pick up the meat beside the car, but Rong Ling stopped her. ( no pop-up ads) These meats packed in a large plastic container weren't light. For this heavy work, he couldn't bear for her to do it.

Just stand there!

Lin Meng smiled sweetly, and at the same time gave him a glance, saying coquettishly, "I'm not that fragile!"

However, he still stood aside with a smile in his eyes, silently enjoying this masculine kind of care.

Jiang Cheng watched from the side, his eyes flickering. He silently stepped forward to help.

Lin Meng hurried to pull him down to sit. "Brother Jiang, you just sit here for a bit!"

"Don't you treat me like an outsider!"

Lin Meng felt a little embarrassed and didn't try to stop him. After a while, smoke started coming from the grill. Because the meat had all been prepped beforehand with basic seasonings, they just needed to thread it onto skewers. So the women were in charge of skewering the meat, and then everyone held their plates of meat and formed a circle, starting to barbecue.

In the night, the charcoal in the barbecue grill flickered with red light, crackling from time to time. The meat on the grill sizzled and oozed a ghostly glow, emitting a golden sheen. This scene was quite captivating. Anyone passing by would be involuntarily attracted by the aroma and glance at this open-air grilling site. Adults were more reserved, glancing a few times before moving on. However, the most gluttonous children were out of control. Lin Meng couldn't help but chuckle when she looked up unconsciously. Without realizing it, a group of kids had gathered at the entrance of the courtyard. Some didn't even bother to hide their eagerness, sucking their fingers and staring longingly at the barbecue grill, their mouths watering as they sucked and drooled.

Lin Meng had a passionate side to her nature. Seeing this, she stood up and gently invited the children in. She naturally had a knack for getting along with children or animals, creatures that were more instinctual in nature. This was proven during her time in Qing'an Town, so those kids hesitated for a moment before, unable to resist Lin Meng's soft invitation, they took small steps and came in.

This is meat that's been handled by the chefs at Su Wu's Restaurant, and it's still "the king of lean meats," fresh venison. The flavor after roasting is naturally extraordinary. After eating a few skewers, the children let go and opened their jaws wide, devouring them with all their might. A few sweet mouths were stuffing themselves while thanking Lin Meng, then ignoring other people like their older brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts.

This gave Lin Meng an idea. Perhaps, when throwing a party for the little ones, they could add grilling meat as an activity. Letting the children grill their own food would surely spark their interest! Previously, because the child had an accident and was hospitalized, it delayed the party. Now that the child is better, this is back on the agenda!

When everyone had eaten about seven or eight points full, Rong Ling leaned towards Lin Meng's side and earnestly requested, "Take me to wash my hands!"

"Oh." Lin Meng handed the roasted meat in her hand to the little guy, letting him continue roasting it. She then stood up and led Rong Ling towards the washroom. Feng Tan immediately stood up and followed them. Lin Meng glanced at him, tacitly acknowledging that he was also going to the washroom, and continued leading the way.

Originally, both阮承輝 and 阮承揚 were itching to make a move. Seeing that Feng Tan had caught up, they held back. Both of them thought, with Feng Tan as such a big, flashing light bulb, it was unlikely that Rong Ling would do anything out of the ordinary.

But they are completely wrong!

Feng Tan, this already defeated opponent, was not something Rong Ling would hesitate to deal with. As soon as Lin Meng really led him to the restroom, he didn't give it a second thought and directly pulled Lin Meng over, one hand holding her slender waist, the other lifting her chin, and kissed her.

Lin Meng's eyes widened in fright!

This man is crazy!

There are still people behind!

Rong Ling, however, was kissing her recklessly, not at all putting Feng Tan under pressure!

Perhaps he should thank Feng Tan for catching up, having him as cover saved him from having to deal with those nosy demons and goblins! All in all, he didn't have much good will towards those Ruan family members, nor any of the other men who had ulterior motives towards Lin Mengxin.

Feng Tan was taken aback by this scene. Rong Ling was really bold!

His eyes flashed with jealousy, and he angrily stepped forward, intending to pull Rong Ling apart. This man was so brazenly doing this in front of him, did he really think he was dead ! In the previous battle, he had held back, but if he wanted a do-or-die situation, Rong Ling would have a hard time too!

Just as his large hand had just tightened its grip on Rong Ling's shoulder, Rong Ling let go of Lin Meng. He almost looked past Feng Tan and coldly addressed Lin Meng. “Stay away from Jiang Chengfeng!”

Feng relaxed his grip, because he was thinking the same thing!

One humiliation is enough, to have another Jiang Chengfeng walk ahead of him would be like killing him!

Since they have a common enemy, he might as well let Rong Ling off the hook for now and see what Rong Ling and Lin Meng have to say.

Matters at hand were urgent, so he wisely chose to temporarily suppress his anger.

Lin Meng didn't even have time to blush before Rong Ling's inexplicable command left her completely baffled.

"Why!" she frowned.

That man, he's not the same anymore. Stay away from him. Otherwise, be careful, one day he might swallow you whole!

That man, he was already a bit hard to see. Tonight, he looked at Lin Meng's eyes, sometimes burning hot, sometimes gloomy, revealing a strange and eerie strangeness. His intuition told him that the man was in the midst of "change," this uncertain state of unknown future, was the most dangerous.

The head of this groundbreaking national criminal investigation unit is no ordinary person!

Ruthless, poisonous, and spicy. It has all the necessary smoothness but doesn't lack edge, definitely not to be underestimated!

Unknowingly, the woman before him was completely oblivious. That night, she was incredibly intimate with Jiang Chengfeng. The two of them would whisper to each other, and sometimes even roast skewers for one another. It made his heart ache, and frankly, seeing it made him very uncomfortable!

For those damn Ruan family members, for those damn societal expectations of men and women, he couldn't even get close to this little woman tonight. The Ruan family's eyes were like titanium alloy dog eyes, practically glaring at him. Even after he helped them with the forestry project before, I bet those three brats would have barked and chased me away!

What the heck!

This sounds like you're holding back some anger!

Why can't he just hold her in his arms

And, tonight there are quite a few eyesores, with Feng Tan coming and adding another Jiang Chengfeng!

What a day to have such a terrible one!

Lin Meng didn't understand the complicated thoughts in Rong Ling's heart. She shook her head softly and muttered, "No, Big Brother Jiang is very good to me, you're overthinking it!"

“Listen to him!” Feng Tan immediately agreed. He rolled his eyes and added, “Although I really don’t like agreeing with Rong Ling, I have to say this time, I feel the same way he does. You should stay away from Jiang Chengfeng!”

"Ah-Tan!" Lin Meng's brows furrowed even deeper.

After a moment of silence, she grumbled somewhat unhappily. "Well, anyway, Big Brother Jiang is good to me, and he's my brother!"

"Idiot!" Rong Ling chided lightly. "Do you really intend to continue living on in the spirit of Jiang Po Lang!"

Lin Meng was astonished. She suddenly turned her head to look at Rong Ling, "How did he know what she was thinking!"

That's it!

When Rong Ling saw her wide-eyed and adorable expression, he smiled. Some things, this woman needed to experience herself to truly understand. No matter how eloquently others tried to explain it, their words would always seem pale and dry in comparison. Besides, Jiang Po Lang was standing right there, making it impossible for him to simply go around him. Persisting could perhaps create a distance in her heart, so it would be better to remain silent. At most, he would just need to put in a little more effort to strengthen his protection of her! he hit Lin Meng's sore spot right away. This was also the thing she feared most in her heart. If that were true, then she would have no expectations for Rong Ling at all.Regardless, the reasons he ga...