error works

Three hundred sixty-one


r, Rong Sanbo's warning echoed in her ears constantly. For him, for her family, she shouldn't cling to him anymore!Watching him pull back the curtains and slip out of the room, she sniffed, her eyes d...Rong Sanbo strode in with a steady gait, his bearing as imposing as a mountain. As he raised his hand slightly, the four guards in military attire accompanying him instinctively stopped and stood at the entrance.

Rong Fei Wu immediately greeted him. "Third Brother, you're here!"

Whether it's the head of the household openly or secretly, Rong San and Rong Fei Wu are both heads of the Rong family. The two are from the same lineage of the Rong family and have a connection with each other, but sometimes they are like water from different wells that do not interfere with each other. It all depends on who is more powerful, and whoever is stronger can suppress the other.

And now, Rong San is still the head of the Dark Family. While Rong Fei Wu has retired for a long time. Therefore, in terms of momentum, Rong San can completely overwhelm Rong Fei Wu. Besides, in the entire family ranking, Rong San ranks third, while Rong Fei Wu ranks fifth. Rong San is ahead of Rong Fei Wu! In terms of age, Rong Fei Wu also has to respect Rong San.

Rong Sanbo simply nodded lightly, passing by Rong Feiwu and also Du Caiyi, whose heart felt awkward but still had to call him "Fifth Brother"!

He sank into the sofa, silent but emanating an aura of unspoken authority. The air around him crackled with the cold, calculated energy honed over years in the military. It pressed down on you, a tangible weight settling on your chest, making even breathing feel labored and restrained.

Just like that, Rong Sanbo sat there for a full four or five minutes. It was during this time that Rong Feiwu kept his face tense, and Du Caiyi was on edge, her mind racing, when Rong Sanbo finally spoke.

It seems you've watched the video!

Because it was fixed on the large screen in the living room, you could still see the last scene. Du Caiyi's smile was truly unrestrained, she didn't care about her lady image at all, with her chin high and a big tooth exposed, not to mention the inner gums and even her tongue seemed faintly visible!

This is outrageous!

Feng Fei nodded, knowing what Rong San was about to say, and immediately replied. "I've already told Cai Yi!"

This is some degree of cover for Du Caiyi, and Du Caiyi felt a little smug in her heart. After all, they were husband and wife for nearly forty years. At critical moments, Rong Feiwu would definitely protect her. Besides, she had just said so much, there's no way it wouldn't move Rong Feiwu!

"Oh! What do you mean!" Rong Sanbo only slightly raised his tone, but it sent a chill down people's spines.

Du Caiyi frowned and bit her lip involuntarily, her fingers twitching nervously. Rong Feiwu felt a little awkward. This was a matter between him and Du Caiyi, no need to explain it in detail to others! What was wrong with Rong San today How could he ask such an impolite question!

Looking at Rong San's eager face, Rong Feiwu could only advise. "Third Brother, don't ask any more questions. Anyway, this matter is settled!"

"Is that it!" Rong Sanbo expressed strong doubt!

Du Caiyi seethed in anger. Rong San was always the most protective of Rong Ling, and he had come over now. He must have been influenced by what Rong Ling said to him. Did he really think she was so easy to bully!

She's not clueless! She knows what she's doing.

"Of course, it can't end like this!"

Rong Feiwu immediately flew into a rage. "Shut up!"

Good Samaritan as he was, trying to shield her from harm, this woman just wouldn't quit and kept charging forward!

"It seems you have quite a grudge, after all!" Rong Sanbo looked at Du Caiyi with dark eyes.

Du Caiyi straightened her spine, leaned her head forward slightly, and replied coldly, ignoring Rong Feiwu's harsh shout, "Of course!"

"The main person hasn't complained yet, you rushed up first. What are you complaining about"

Before Du Caixin could speak, Rong Feiwu immediately interrupted and scolded harshly, "Shut up! Be quiet!"

Didn't you see Rong San was prepared This woman!

Reaching out, Rong Fei Wu grabbed Du Caiyi's arm, gripping it tightly with a hint of both suggestion and threat. "Your clothes are dirty," he said to her, "Go back inside and change. This has nothing to do with you anymore; I need to talk to San Ge privately!"

Du Caiyi is furious today. She's been holding onto this anger for a while and finally managed to vent some of it to Rong Fei Wu, but it didn't do much good. Rong Fei Wu is still protecting that woman. Now, here comes Rong San, protecting the woman's son!

That's too much!

"How could I possibly not be resentful! My own house was occupied by someone else, and when I went to get it back, I became the unreasonable one. In the end, I was threatened with a gun and had to flee in shame. Could you tell me, how could I not be resentful!"

"Du Caiyi, back to your room!" Rong Feiwu got up and pulled Du Caiyi.

Du Caiyi immediately reached out and slapped Yi Xi's arm, saying, "There's nothing I'm ashamed of, so there's no need to go back to the room. Third Brother is rushing to seek justice for Rong Ling, and as the most important person involved, how can I not be here! Third Brother, am I right"

Du Caiyi looked provocatively at Rong Sanbo.


Rong Sanbo didn't need to be polite with her. With his status and position, basically everyone would show him respect. Therefore, he was straightforward. "Yes, I'm here to seek justice for Rong Ling. Fifth sister-in-law, the resentment you mentioned seems insignificant compared to Rong Ling's. Your family has done too many outrageous things. If I stay silent, you will think I am a mute!"


"What do you mean, what have we done too much Done over the top!" Du Caiyi glared at Rong San.

"Feng Sanmian looked at them with a cold and solemn expression. He said in a heavy voice, “Take back everything that belongs to Rong Ling. This is something our family has never seen before. Even those small families who are not well-respected wouldn't dare do this. Yet, you did it. You've disgraced yourselves! You are shameless!"

"Third Brother!" Rong Fei Wu was not fond of hearing that.

Du Caiyi angrily retorted, "He owes our Rong family money, using his belongings to settle the debt. How can we still feel sorry for him! He's the one who lost out, and over all these years of extravagance, there's more than just these things we've recovered!"

"What a silly woman!"

“What did you say!” Du Caiyi’s chest rose suddenly, and her eyes seemed like they could pop out of their sockets. “Third Brother, don’t act like you’re superior just because you’re a few years older than me! Insulting people like this! I'm not stupid, everyone has seen how I've been for the past few decades. I don't want to hear that again!”

"Yes, you are stupid, it's obvious to everyone. The faces of the younger generation of the Rong family have been basically beaten up by your family! Their hearts have also been chilled by your family! Don't say I'm bullying you, humph, if you weren't my third brother's sister-in-law, you should be sitting in jail right now instead of being here! If anyone else had bullied my nephew, I would have made them suffer a miserable death!"

Du Caiyi instantly tensed up, naturally understanding the threat and seriousness in Rong Sanbo's words. He was a man of power, and doing what he said was as easy as turning his hand over! But she was the former head matriarch, naturally not someone to be trifled with!

"Third brother, don't be like this, we are all Rong family!"

"At this moment, I remembered that everyone here is from the Rong family. When you and your son were killing ruthlessly, why didn't you think about how Rong Ling was also a member of the Rong family!"

He is not anymore, he said it himself. Once he steps out that door, Rong Family's matters have nothing to do with him.

"There's no connection, but this bloodline can't be broken! He's my favorite nephew, and that will never change! Whoever bullies him is making an enemy of Rong San!"

Like a rolling thunder, the words passed by, making both Du Caiyi and Rong Feiwu's hearts tighten. For this period of time, Rong Sanyi had been too quiet, so they had almost ignored him. But now that he was making a move, it seemed like he couldn't hold on any longer!

"You went to bully his family! As his uncle, I have to stand up for him!"

Feng Fei's face instantly lost all color. He was Rong Ling's father! How could he allow someone else to get ahead of him Wasn't this slapping him in the face!

For a moment, Rong Fei's heart was filled with both bitterness and resentment!

"Now, come with me and apologize to Rong Ling and the others. Then, you are not allowed to interfere in Rong Ling's affairs anymore!"

"Absolutely not!" Du Caiyi screamed. "If an apology is needed, it must be from Rong Ling to me! I'm the one being bullied!"

"My judgment tells me that you are the one who should apologize!" said Rong Sanbo, his expression cold and his voice booming.

"This is a reckless judgment, Third Brother. Even if you favor Rong Ling the most, you have no right to control me. Do your own thing in the shadows, and we'll handle things on our side openly. You can't interfere!"

"Shut up!" Rong Fei roared. Now, both he and she had stepped back, but Rong San was still in that position. She was saying "Don't interfere" to someone. Be careful, if Rong San gets angry, her son will be the one who suffers!

Du Caiyi ignored him and continued, "This is a family matter, Third Uncle. I know you love your nephew, but, to be frank, you've reached too far with this!"

"Du Caiyi!" Rong Fei roared. "Is that how you speak! Are you crazy today Apologize to Third Brother at once!"

"Don't even think about it!" Rong Sanbo stood up, letting out a laugh. It was a forced smile that didn't reach his eyes, sending chills down your spine.

"I can't possibly accept your apology as my daughter-in-law. Unexpectedly, in these few years since she stepped down, her temperament has actually improved, truly admirable!"

Du Caoyi let out a hum. "That's just my temper. I don't bother people, and people don't bother me!"

Then you don't want to go, do you

"Kill me, and I won't go!"

"Alright, then let's hold a clan meeting. We'll have a thorough judgment on what happened today and everything that's transpired these past few days."

"Third brother!" Rong Feiwu looked disapproving.

Du Caiyi gritted her teeth, her face full of stubbornness, but only she knew the turmoil in her heart! Her son had just ascended to power, his roots were shallow. How could he possibly stand against Rong San, who had been firmly in place for so many years! Rong San's words could probably top her son's three or four sentences. If a full clan meeting was really held, besides losing face greatly, it would not be beneficial to her son's future work!

The newly appointed CEO needs positive coverage and favorable press to win over the hearts and minds of people!

Then, Rong Feiwu began to persuade Du Caiyi to apologize. Du Caiyi gritted her teeth and looked at Rong Sanshu who stood there, looking at him with a deep sense of guilt. She was unwilling, but she still said in a low voice, "Sorry, Fifth Brother, what I just said was a bit too much!"

"I won't accept this!" Rong San stared at her deeply, rejecting her without any mercy.

Du Caiyi was instantly furious!

In her entire life, she has apologized to people only a handful of times! To be so forgiving after three transgressions is too much!

"Third Brother, I've already apologized, what else do you want!" Her voice rose again.

"Rong Fei was starting to feel a headache coming on. "Du Caiyi, why don't you just keep quiet!"

Du Caiyi was flushed with shame. Her own husband had embarrassed her so publicly.

Rongsans heart held its own calculations as he presented two options. "You now have a choice, either apologize to Rongling and the others, or... you can wait for a clan-wide meeting to be convened. Which path do you choose!"

"I wouldn't take any of the roads!" Du Caiyi clenched her fists. "As for that house, I won't pursue it anymore. Let's just say I pity that family. But an apology Absolutely not. Especially, don't even think about me apologizing to that bitch Zhu Xiaodan!"

Before he could finish speaking, with a loud "slap," a gust of wind brought a slap that landed squarely on Du Caiyi's face. Du Caiyi stared dumbfounded at the man who had slapped him, seeing no remorse on his face, only lingering anger in his eyes. He instantly went mad!

“Zhu Xiaodan is a despicable person, through and through,” she said provocatively, looking at Rong Feiwu. Her mouth was like a laser gun, spitting out words incessantly. “Despicable, despicable, she’s the most despicable person, seducing other people's husbands, destroying other people's families, and giving birth to a despicable son. Despicable, despicable, that whole family is despicable.”

"Slap --"

Another slap came from Rong Fei Wu. He knew Du Caiyi was deliberately provoking him, but he could still fight on!

She has no right to say that about his little pig!

"Here, bring the mistress back to her room!"

Du Caiyi immediately went mad again, bursting out!

"Feng Wujian, you protect her, you even still protect her. I said she was a slut, didn't I I just said it once, and you beat me up. Feng Wujian, you heartless bastard, you protect her, and you-- "

Du Caiyi looked at Rong Sanbo with resentment. "You're also protecting him, haha, you all protect her, good, good, good, that woman is really capable, she's amazing, making all of you men, one after another, protect her!"

A servant hurried over to pull her away, but she slapped him across the face. "Get out of my way! This doesn't concern you!"

The servant covered his face, blushing red and ears burning, hanging his head low and bowing his body as much as possible to appear emotionless.

She was being disrespectful and inappropriate at this moment. With outsiders present, she dared to vent her anger on the servants. It truly shamed our family for others to see.

"Come on, let's go back to the room!" he reached out and personally pulled Du Caiyi. But as a crazy woman, her strength was always inexplicably great, and Du Caiyi soon broke free from Rong Feiwu.

“Enough! I’ve had enough!” she roared. “An apology Absolutely not. Hmph, if you want to hold a full clan meeting, then go ahead. My son is the head of the family now, Rong San. Could I possibly be afraid of you! Besides, Rong Wu, if you don't mind being shamed, if you don’t care about your affair with that woman becoming public knowledge and having everyone talking about it, ruining your reputation so much that even younger generations will mock you, then agree! But――”

She let out a strange, cackling laugh. "Rong Wu, don't you see that Rong San is very protective of Zhu Xiaodan Rong Ling isn't his biological son, yet he protects him even more than his own flesh and blood. How could there be no credit to Zhu Xiaodan in this One man lost his wife early, the other has a son but no husband, tsk tsk..."

Rong Sanbo suddenly shouted, "Come here!"

The four soldiers at the gate immediately rushed in, standing guard and staring intently at Rong Sanbo.

"Take her and arrest her!"

"Dare you!" Du Caiyi exclaimed.

Rong Fei was also angry, angry at this woman. To even dare to say such things! But she was his wife after all, and he couldn't just abandon her!

"Third Brother, she was just momentarily confused!"

Rong Sanbo didn't even look at him, instead he stared directly at Du Caiyi, his sharp eyes like venomous snakes, radiating a chilling coldness after being provoked.

"Du Caiyi, I arrest you for the crime of falsely accusing military leaders!"

As soon as the words were spoken, well-trained soldiers immediately stepped forward and subdued Du Caiyi with one swift move!

Rong Fei's face darkened instantly, and anger emanated from his body. "Third Brother, you're one of us, don't be so ruthless!"

His wife lost face, and he will take care of it himself. What's the big deal if they get him back

Rongsanshan snorted coldly and sarcastically said, "Since you can't control your own wife, I might as well give you a lesson!"

"Take it!" he roared, Rong Sanbo took a step forward.

Rong Fei Wu immediately dashed over and stretched out his arm to block. "Third Brother, don't do this, you're making it difficult for me!"

"The way you treat Rong Ling only makes things more difficult for me!"

That makes so much sense!

He is here today, to avenge his grandson, Rong Ling, whose father isn't truly his son!

“An apology is a must. Everything owed to Rong Ling has to be returned, not one penny less. I'm not dead yet, and these people dare to make things so difficult for me!”

Rong Fei Wu held his breath, a burning sensation in his chest.

"Third Brother, Rong Ling is my son. Don't interfere with my family affairs!"

Du Caoyi's words had more or less influenced him. He now felt a little resentful of Rong San for protecting Rong Ling so much, or... was he protecting the woman behind Rong Ling!

Just thinking about it makes me agitated!

"Let her go!" Rong Feiwu commanded.

It's a pity, those soldiers only listen to one superior. Rong Fei Wu's words are useless!

Rong Sanbo looked deeply at Rong Feiwu, shaking his head.

You’ve done plenty of foolish things in your life, but they can all be overlooked. There’s only one thing, however, that you will surely regret for the rest of your life: pushing Rong Ling away!

Even if Rong Ling wanted to leave, wouldn't he have thought of it if it weren't for Rong Fei Wu and the others acting so chillingly If it weren't for the encouragement from Rong Fei Wu and others, how could he have so easily said goodbye to the Rong family


With a deep, heavy sigh, Rong Sanbo forcefully pushed away Rong Fei Wu who stood in his way, then strode away with long, powerful steps!

Du Caiyi immediately felt that the situation was serious and urgently called out to Rong Fei Wu for help. "Fifth Brother!"

At the same time, tears welled up in their eyes.

Rong Feiwu stood up again.


This man, you can't take him away!


He was in Rong's main house, located slightly inward from the center. From here, how many pairs of eyes would see Du Caiyi's figure. Believe it or not, within an hour, this matter could spread throughout Rong's family!

"Third Brother, tell them to let her go. She is my wife, I will handle this myself!"

"Lord Rong, spare no words. "I must take this man away!"

That soldier dragged Du Caiyi away, quite a distance. Looking at him, in less than a minute, he would be out the door. Rong Feiwu had a grim expression and was about to think about whether he should directly confront them inside when Rong Qikeng rushed back. Seeing his mother struggling to be dragged out by a soldier, he was instantly enraged!

"Let her go!"

The gleam in the corner of his eye landed on Rong San's figure, and he became even more furious, turning to question him.

What is going on!

"Your mother said something that dishonors military dignity. This is something a soldier of steel absolutely cannot tolerate, so she should be punished accordingly!"

"What did my mom say!"

"Well, we'll see if she has the face to say such shameless words again!"

Having said that, a chilling gaze instantly fell upon Du Caiyi.

Du Caiyi shrunk into a ball, not daring to look at Rong Sanbo. Let her say it again, she really didn't have the guts! She was really scared, these people who had served in the army, they were all hooligans, especially those generals who brought out these hooligans, they were even more lawless and domineering. Once someone got rough with them, no one could stop them. To be dragged out like this by Rong Sanbo's men, Du Caiyi hadn't even thought about it in her entire life!

Did she insult him! For the honor of a soldier!

Haha, she knew in her heart that this was just Rong San's way of venting anger for Rong Ling!

Now, what can she do Except for showing weakness, she has no other way out.

"I was just momentarily confused, everyone makes mistakes. Third brother, after so many years of being relatives, please let me go!"

"Soldier, I won't accept such a fake apology! When you make a mistake, you must accept punishment. That's the ironclad rule!"

Rong San continued to stride forward, while Du Caiyi's face was ashen. Her lips trembled uncontrollably. She was so scared that she didn't know what to do. To walk out like this would be a disgrace to her family, so she immediately turned to her son for help. "Xiao Keng, please persuade your Uncle San!"

Rong Qikeng has always disliked Rong Sanbo. He feels resentful towards anyone who is kind to Rong Ling, and Rong Sanbo is his primary target. Moreover, this is Rong Qikeng's home. For Rong Sanbo to say he will take people away and just do so is too audacious!

"Uncle Three, let your people release my mother! Even if Mother said hurtful things, you shouldn't treat her like this!"

"Who do you think you are! Don't you dare order me around!"

Rong Qi suddenly felt his face burning. What, did he even need to explain himself so clearly!


Highly recommend my friend's modern urban novel: "Occupy My New Wife",

It looks great, with strong pet and abuse elements. It's currently featured on the homepage. If you like it, add it to your favorites! ^_^

After so many years of marriage, this was the first time he had asked for her. Dim lights, tearing pain, undulating bodies, intertwined tenderness.

The domineering and rough possessiveness, her heart was floating in the dim light, her life from tonight on would truly be entangled with this him.was soft, with a childlike plea that made it impossible to refuse!Cui Liu likes these two boys, at a glance like this, there's no reason not to nod. However, Leng Ku, who is ruthless and has his own p...