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or later, they will come over and meet you in person, rather than believing whatever I say. He didn't come today, but he'll definitely come later. He must want to meet you personally. But after meet...Although Mrs. He concealed the pregnancy of her daughter, He Ya, very tightly, when it was announced that Rong Ling and Lin Meng were getting married, she immediately instructed her family not to tell He Ya about it. She also ordered relevant people to keep quiet and try to cut off He Ya's connections with the outside world. However, with today's advanced communication technology, no matter how Mrs. He tried to stop it, He Ya couldn't help but learn about it from her friends.

Immediately, she exploded, rushing in to question Old Madam He. "Grandma, isn't Rong Ling supposed to marry me How could he be marrying Lin Meng!"

Seeing her run so quickly, Old Mrs. He was terrified and immediately signaled Mo Ma, who had been with her for many years, to go over and help He Ya up, while scolding her repeatedly.

"You, you little girl! You're about to be a mother, how can you still be so reckless! Running around like that, what if something happens to the baby! What then!"

To make this child settle comfortably in her womb, she put so much effort into it! Now, the child can't afford even the slightest mistake!

When He Ya heard this, she immediately calmed down. She gently patted her stomach and, following the doctor's instructions, took deep breaths calmly. Then, with Mo's support, she slowly sat on the sofa.

"Grandma, you tell me, what's really going on with Rong Ling!"

Old Mrs. He immediately knew that the matter couldn't be hidden. After thinking for a moment, she quickly advised, "Girl, this way, you go rest first, grandma will go and inquire about it, and in a while, I'll come to your room to find you!"

He Yajiu nodded and was helped back to her room by Mo Sao.

Elder He immediately went to find He Ya's mother, Mrs. He, and told her everything that had happened. Mrs. He was both surprised and delighted. It turned out to be Rong Qikeng's child! This was great news. Rong Qikeng was the current head of the Rong family, with excellent conditions. Wasn't He Ya always dreaming of becoming a mistress of the house This was much better than marrying Rong Ling, who was poor and heavily in debt. However, Rong Qikeng already had a wife! It would be difficult for He Ya to replace Mu Xinfeng's position.

"Mom, we can't let this girl be wronged like this! Being someone else's mistress... if this gets out, it would be so embarrassing!"

"How could you possibly let her be wronged!" Old Madam He wore a stern expression, beckoning Madam He closer. She then whispered something in her ear. Madam He listened, her face showing surprise and a hint of shock. However, slowly, her complexion brightened, and she followed behind Old Madam He to go see He Ya!

He Yaxin, lying in bed, anxiously awaited He Lao Tai's arrival, but what she received was not the news she hoped for. Instead, she learned that the child growing within her was conceived by Rong Qinkeng!

"This is impossible!"

He Ya found it hard to accept this fact and almost rushed over.

"I used Rong Ling's sperm, how could I give birth to a child of Rong Qi!"

Grandma He immediately explained, but He Ya still couldn't accept it. She stared blankly, muttering, "This can't be true, this can't be true, Rong Ling must be lying, he definitely is, he must be lying!"

“This isn't a lie, I've checked this repeatedly. The remaining sperm from Rong Ling in the sperm bank are all gone. This shows that Rong Ling has handled it. Since he said he replaced Rong Qi’s sperm for you, then this is most likely true. To confirm the final result, when the doctor came to do your prenatal checkup the day before yesterday, I had your amniotic fluid tested for paternity. The final result shows that the child is indeed Rong Qi's. Rong Ling actually hit the nail on the head this time, he has actually done you a good deed!”

When Old Mrs. He brought this up, a surge of joy bubbled inside her. On the other end, upon hearing this, He Ya could no longer bear the blow. Her eyes rolled back, and she fainted dead away. Mo's wife, being experienced, immediately stepped forward to pinch He Ya's acupoints, bringing her back to consciousness.

Old Mrs. He looked on, and felt a bit of anger in her heart. She was angry at her granddaughter's stubbornness and ignorance, but then she thought that she was now carrying a child, so she could only suppress her anger and instead put on a pleasant face towards her, lest she harm her, and ultimately harm the child!

This child will be the hope of their family in the future. No matter what, they must be protected!

“You, you girl, how could you be so foolish!” Old Mrs. He sat down beside the bed and took He Ya’s hand, gently patting it. “Grandma doesn’t need to deceive you about Rong Ling’s current situation; you know it yourself in your heart. That Lin Meng followed him and, it is said, even poured all her money into him. Now, she lives day by day in misery. Moreover, a few days ago, Rong Ling’s mother fell ill, and she had to serve her like a maid, attending to her every need. Our He family raised you to be a future noblewoman; how could we let you do such menial labor! You, don’t be so silly anymore!”

Tell me, what do you see in Rong Ling Don't say you're attracted to his looks or abilities, whatever! When it comes to looks, Rong Qi is no slouch either. And as for abilities, Rong Ling is now penniless and incapable of anything! Tell me, what else about him caught your eye What makes you so foolishly rush towards him!

He Ya immediately fell silent, but in her heart, there was anger she couldn't express, and sadness she couldn't describe!

To be honest, Rong Ling isn't worth your worry. Count how many times he plotted against you and our He family in the past. Even this pregnancy of yours was his scheme. It's only because he ended up losing to Rong Qikeng that he failed. Otherwise, think about it, would a man who schemes against you end up marrying you If things went differently, he could just say you were pregnant with Rong Qikeng's child. Then our He family would be thrown into another storm of chaos! And what about Mu Xinfeng stirring the pot Can you handle him!

“Girl, that kind of person like Rong Ling is just a white-eyed wolf! You should forget him as soon as possible and never think about him again for the rest of your life!”

He Yajiu cried again, her heart shattered by the vicious bullying once more!

The moment she thought about how confident and smug she was when she told Mama Rong that the child in her belly was Rong Ling's, a wave of discomfort and shame washed over her. She felt like burying herself alive with embarrassment! No wonder Mama Rong hadn't come looking for her after she left. It turned out that Mama Rong knew all along that the child wasn't Rong Ling's.

I bet Mom is laughing her head off behind the scenes!

Lin Meng must be laughing too!

They are all watching her joke!

Ugh, this is so awful!

She's become a clown again!

Suddenly, she felt a surge of hatred for Rong Ling for treating her this way! For the sake of this child's successful implantation, she had gone through so much. She took countless medications to regulate her body and endured all sorts of machines being inserted into her. She nervously prayed and hoped for success in one go, all while confined within a single house, unable to leave freely!

After all that hardship, she finally became pregnant. Yet she had to endure the various discomforts of pregnancy. But in the end, the child wasn't his!

Hate, I truly hate it!

"I hate him, hate him, hate him..."

Furiously, she reached out and pounded the bed with her fist, her emotions surging. Old Lady He, startled by this, immediately moved closer and hugged her.

"My dear girl, don't get too excited, be careful of yourself, be careful of the child in your belly!"

He Mother was also anxious, following over, and sat on the bed, helping Old Mrs. He hold He Ya together, so that she wouldn't be so agitated.

He Yasha's eyes were bloodshot and red as she cried, yelling. "Child, what child, just get rid of it, get rid of it, it's useless, I'm done, I'm done!"

"How is that no use!" Old Mrs. He scolded angrily, "This child is very useful, I tell you, carrying this child is better than carrying Rong Ling's seed!"

He Ya shook her head desperately, while Old Mrs. He continued to hold her tightly.

"Baby girl, be good, calm down and listen to grandma's analysis. Grandma won't hurt you, this is all for your own good! If we didn't want this child, for you, grandma should have had the child removed from your belly a long time ago. But keeping it means grandma has big plans. You, with this child in your belly, will truly become prosperous, better than Rong Ling and that little fox spirit Lin Meng. Relying on this child, in the future, you can trample under your feet all those who laughed at you and everyone you dislike!"

He Ya's struggling movements stopped. She still stared with wide eyes, her breath still coming in ragged gasps like a wild animal, but she pricked up her ears and seemed ready to listen!

Old Mrs. He felt comforted. After all, she was still a young lady from the He family, even in times of crisis, she remained rational.

"My dear, your persistence with Rong Ling is actually just because he's the head of the family. The position of mistress in the Rong family is indeed tempting, not just for you, but for daughters from other prominent families as well. But Rong Ling's temperament, you've seen it yourself. He has a rebellious streak and always does things differently. What he did to our He family has created a huge rift, and even if you had the chance to marry him, based on his personality, don't expect him to help our He family at all. And he might not even be good to you. Our He family is being suppressed by him right now. If you were wronged under him, we wouldn't be able to stand up for you either. That's why I didn't agree with you marrying Rong Ling before, but you're so stubborn. As your grandmother, I only have one precious granddaughter like you, so I can only try to go along with you!"

But the situation is different now, it's Rong Qikeng's turn to be in charge. He and our family have always had a good relationship. You should be able to see that too. When our family was attacked by Rong Ling, it was Rong Qikeng who reached out to help us. And after he rose to power, his support for our family never stopped. That's why our family, which was wounded by Rong Ling, has recently recovered seven or eight out of ten. Our harmonious relationship with Rong Qikeng is something that Rong Ling can't catch up to, no matter how hard he tries!

And you, my darling granddaughter, think carefully about what you truly desire. Is it Rong Ling, the man who now possesses nothing Or is it the position of mistress of the Rong family that his former status brought you

He Ya didn't say anything.

After waiting for a few minutes, Old Mrs. He smiled and patted He Ya's head.

“If you don't say it, then grandma will answer for you. What you really want is the position of head mistress of the Rong family. You look at Rong Linghao, it's not that he's a good person, but because he sits in that position. Men, actually no matter who they are, as long as they sit in that position, they will look different from others, always more elegant and noble than others! Look at Rong Qikeng now, it's the same. All of a sudden, his whole person is radiant, and his bearing is no less than Rong Linghao's in the past!”

Hearing this, Mother He immediately joined the ranks of those persuading her.

"Yeah, girl, stop being so stubborn. That rascal Rong Ling is no good, you should kick him to the curb! You're lucky too, carrying Rong Qikeng's child. Now things are looking up for you, a life of wealth and luxury awaits! All your friends will be jealous, none of them will compare to you!"

He Ya's heart skipped a beat!

Because of what happened recently, her reputation didn't exactly plummet, but it definitely took a hit. The circle of wealthy young ladies isn't particularly huge, but it's not tiny either. Among her friends in that circle, there were a few who, though they didn't say it outright, subtly mocked her in her presence. And to make matters worse, she learned from some of her closer girlfriends that certain people were saying extremely nasty things about her behind her back!

About this, she always held a grudge in her heart, thinking that one day she would clear her name and trample all these women under her feet, making them only admire her!

So she had to have Rong Ling's wife position, the head matriarch position of the Rong family. She absolutely had to have it. For this, she was willing to do some underhanded things, like getting pregnant using stolen sperm, even if she didn't want a child at all, she had to endure and carry the child!

If she still insists on marrying Rong Ling, and not to mention the slim possibility, just Rong Ling's current state of having nothing...nothing at all...Moreover, the child in her belly is Rong Qi's, she can't possibly marry Rong Ling again!

Róng Ling, that heartless man, completely cut off her way out!

She thought for a moment, then clenched her jaw.

Let's think about Rong Qinkeng again. Although she hasn't interacted much with him, that man is certainly good-looking. After all, he's Rong Ling's brother, and now that he's the head of the family, if she were to leverage her position as his mother and become successful, then...


Deep down, there's a lingering dissatisfaction!

Tolerating him, but she had dreamed of her wedding partner for so many years!

And Rong Qikeng, for her, he was just an ordinary male friend. She couldn't feel anything for him at all right now! Besides, Rong Qikeng already has a wife!

What about his wife at home!

"Huh!" Mother He was taken aback.

Grandma He's eyes lit up with delight. Sure enough, she heard her granddaughter ask.

"Mu Xin Feng, Rong Qichen that's someone who already has a wife. When the time comes, how will Mu Xin Feng handle this She definitely won't be stupid enough to divorce Rong Qichen. The Rong family—"

He Yanu pursed her lips, a hint of mocking resentment in her eyes. "It seems the Rong family doesn't have the concept of divorce from their wives!"

That's why so many women are so obsessed with the position of mistress of the house. Because once you get it, it means that as long as you don't do things like putting a green hat on your husband or because of your own stupidity, causing great damage to the interests of the Rong family, then basically, you can stay in this position for life!

This unwritten rule, whoever set it in the ancestral home of Rong, has been passed down for centuries. People in Kyoto all know about it!

Old Mrs. He, however, gave a faint smile. This smile immediately caused the wrinkles on her face to spread like ripples, but they were definitely not as beautiful as ripples; instead, they were rather frightening.

"In that case, Rong Ling is already gone. Do you have your heart set on vying for the position of Mistress of the Rong household!"

He Ya was unwillingly silent.

"My dear, since you've heard what the old woman said before, and I agree with it as well. It is a wise choice for our family’s daughter to marry Rong Qikeng. Don't be so stubborn! As they say, people fight for a breath of air, and Buddhas compete for an incense stick. Rong Ling has already shown his ruthlessness and lack of affection. He doesn't care about you at all, preferring Lin Meng over you even in this state. Why are you clinging to him like a leech Our daughters from the He family are highly sought after by many. Don’t humiliate yourself! If he doesn’t want you, then don’t bother with him! When you become the mistress of the Rong household, he will regret his actions deeply! You must fight for your pride and show him that you're better than him!"

He Ya was persuaded by her mother and nodded lightly.

Of course, she absolutely has to live well, very well, and then make that man regret it. Regret for not choosing her, regret for losing everything because of this wrong choice, and being pathetic for his whole life!

Gritting her teeth, her eyes began to turn cold.

"Things have come to this, and I have no choice left. Grandma, this time tell me the truth. Can I become the mistress of the Rong family! Mu Xin Feng is standing in my way!"

Old Mrs. He was overjoyed, her rough voice cackling with glee, like a duck.

"It's all in our hands! Mu Xin Feng, it's solvable!"

"What can we do!"

You don't have to worry about this, Grandma will take care of it!

He Yazi furrowed her brows, pondered for a moment, and stubbornly wanted an answer. Because she didn't want anything to be shrouded in mystery anymore. This time, she was determined to take control of everything and never again be led around like a puppet. She wouldn't allow herself to be manipulated or tricked without understanding.

"Grandma, I am the person involved here. What you're doing concerns my whole life. You should tell me!"

Old Mrs. He narrowed her eyes a little.

He Ya stared intently at Old Mrs. He, her expression showing that she was unwilling to back down!

Lao Tai-ta He felt that her granddaughter seemed to have changed, as if she had grown up suddenly, or perhaps become even stronger!

After a moment's thought, Old Madam He finally compromised.

"Otherwise, Grandma won't say much more to you. You are pregnant now, your mind is filled with too many things, which is not good for the baby. Grandma just tells you this: in this world, if a person is gone, things become clean and smooth!"

He Ya's heart skipped a beat. Looking at her grandmother, she felt a mixture of fear and strangeness. This was to let Mu Xin Feng die! But Mu Xin Feng was different from Lin Meng. She didn't have any deep grudges against her or her grandmother. To just let her die like this... always felt a little bit wrong!

He Yaxin's heart skipped a beat, but Old Mrs. He just kept looking at her so kindly. Slowly, He Ya calmed down. This was her own grandmother, who had always been very, very good to her. No matter what her grandmother did, it was for her own good, that's all that mattered!

Indeed, in this world, only when someone dies are they truly clean! She can now enter the Rong family's gates with her head held high!

After thinking for a moment, He Ya let out a low sigh and immediately jumped back into questioning.

"That grandma, how can you make Rong Qikeng accept this child! Are you planning to force him to take responsibility This doesn't seem like a good solution!"

When it comes to getting pregnant with someone else's sperm, Hejia's plan was to wait until she had a child and then claim it as Rongling's. This is because everyone knew that He Ya and Rongling had always been close before, and there were even rumors of an ambiguous relationship. So, if He Ya claimed to be pregnant with Rongling's child, she could force him into silence. However, He Ya suddenly came forward and said she was pregnant with Rongqikeng's child. This move likely intends to use public opinion to pressure him, but it probably won't work!

Grandma He’s eyes flashed with triumph. “Don’t worry, this matter, Grandma had someone take care of it early on. At that time, Rong Qikeng will definitely admit to this child properly!”

"What can we do!"

"Let me tell you about this in a few days. It's not appropriate to discuss it now!"

He Ya frowned again.

"Don't worry, your secret will be safe. We'll make it seem like the child is from you and Rong Qikeng."

He Yaxin felt at ease, that was all that mattered. Otherwise, inexplicably blaming the child on Rong Qikeng would only lead to him reacting by directly eliminating the child!

"Didn't Rong Qikeng know!"

"I don't know. Not many people know about this now, in our family, just us two generations, Mo's wife, and your mother. As for Rong Ling's side, hmph—"

"Elder He's face turned cold. "That scoundrel Rong Ling extorted 5 million from me to keep quiet, and I paid him. Now that he has the money, he will naturally shut his mouth!"

Upon hearing this, He Ya's heart sank even further, filled with disappointment and anger!

That man is truly hateful!

Even with things like this happening, they're still so cruelly sucking the blood out of their victims!

Grandma He and Mother He, both very satisfied with the outcome now, had left. He Ya immediately pulled a sour face, looking as ghastly as a corpse.

Just get those two married That's way too easy on them!

She, He Ya, no longer clung to Rong Ling, but she wouldn't let him, and that Lin Meng, get away with it either!

Want to get married!

She let out a sly, cold laugh.

Don't even think about it!n this matter, Mother Rong was wholeheartedly biased towards her. She spoke some very straightforward words. What she said was quite in line with Lin Meng's thoughts. Listening to this, Lin Meng nodde...