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ce, doesn't this cost tens of thousands a day!"Lin Meng shrugged. "These are none of my concern; someone else is responsible for them."Since everything was arranged by Rong Ling, Lin Meng thought she...Rong Sibo's voice, devoid of any emotion, rose from the podium.

“Today, I called everyone here to address a case within our clan. It concerns my third brother, Rong San, and his recent inspection by the disciplinary department. There have been rumors circulating that Rong San was apprehended because Rong Ling reported evidence against him. Some of you present likely believe this to be true. Today, I am here to clarify the situation and clear Rong Ling’s name!”

It wouldn't surprise many to see Rong Ling sitting here so openly right now, his kingly aura still evident. This says it all.

"Let's go one by one."

Saying that, Rong Si pulled out a piece of paper from a file folder and placed it under the projector. Immediately, a confession letter appeared on the big screen. The huge signature and the red fingerprints were exceptionally clear, causing those below to either be startled or look solemn.

"Four brought the man who had signed the confession in front. He was in charge of questioning, and the other party answered, recreating part of the truth. This was definitely much faster than when Four had interrogated him before. At this point, the young master of the Rong family was well-behaved, without hesitation, he told everything he knew."

After the man finished his account, he was taken off the stage. Immediately, a buzz of discussion arose below, tinged with disbelief. Those who had been completely misled by Rong Qikeng felt how could Rong Qikeng be so bold and reckless As the head of the Rong family, how could he do such a thing! What was his purpose! Back then, when they drove Rong Ling out and let him take over, they were all so supportive of him. With this support, he shouldn't have done this! Moreover, what he did harmed the interests of the entire Rong family. The Rong family had never wronged him; they fed and clothed him well, treating him far better than others, and finally, they put him in this position. Besides, all the uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc., in the clan had watched him grow up and were very kind to him. He was truly heartless to do such a thing!

This is simply a white wolf, he really deserves to be killed by one knife! What a treacherous betrayer!

Many people are furious!

As members of the Rong family, we all have a strong sense of family honor and responsibility. We always remember that no matter how much you struggle outside, or even if you fight to the death with others, you absolutely cannot harm your own people. We must never betray our own interests.

This is essentially the educational philosophy that Rong family members receive from birth. Everyone has it ingrained in their bones. Because this concept has been emphasized repeatedly, the Rong family has weathered storms for centuries and remained steadfast, thriving to this day.

Within the Rong family, there is competition because competition drives progress. It's a jungle out there – anything that wants to be strong needs competitiveness. However, this competition must be healthy, not malicious suppression or plotting against others.Think of it like the competition between the heads of the household. Everyone starts with the same resources: five million given to them to develop independently. During this time, a special team will monitor their actions and the use of the funds. After two years, all competing heads return to showcase their achievements. Whoever achieves the most earns the highest percentage score.Then comes a vote by the family's influential members – another percentage score. Finally, there's the approval rating from the current two heads of the household (one public and one secret), also converted into a percentage. Ultimately, whoever has the highest overall percentage claims the position of head of the household.

Basically, for many important positions in the Rong family, they choose their people based on a way that balances humanity and fairness. They focus more on how well this person performs outside the family and competes with others. When dealing with outsiders, you can use all your strength, even to the point of killing, and they won't interfere, adopting the survival rules of a wolf pack. They absolutely do not allow someone to scheme against another competitor within the clan to suppress them.

This is a disgraceful act!

Because, if you have the ability, you should go out and fight. Intrigue and backstabbing within your own ranks is the most despicable thing!

But getting along between people inevitably involves bumps and bruises. Since the Rong family is deeply rooted with so many people, friction is unavoidable. It's bound to happen that someone steps on someone else's foot or slaps someone, but those are just minor skirmishes. When seen, sometimes it's pretended not to be seen; if things escalate too much, the Discipline Hall inevitably intervenes, resulting in those "minor punishments and warnings." Because of these constraints, the Rong family has been relatively harmonious for almost twenty years. During this period, there haven't been any major incidents violating discipline.

Today, Dung is out of line!

No, this is not out of line, he made a grave mistake, absolutely unforgivable!

As the head of the family, he failed to fulfill his duty as a patriarch and lead the entire clan's business to prosperity. Instead, because of his personal gain, he put the family business in danger. This is a major dereliction of duty, and at the annual meeting, he will be criticized, condemned, and possibly have his position revoked; what's even worse is that he dared to plot against his own people, including Rong Jia's most reliable support within the country – Rong Jia's secret master!

This is unforgivable. According to the old tribal customs, someone like this should be whipped and then banished from the clan!

Witnessing familiar members of the Rong family, one by one, being brought up to confess their crimes was heartbreaking. Among them were those who had been highly regarded within the clan, seen as promising young men capable of great things. Some had even reached important positions within the military. Seeing these young people fall to this point filled everyone with sorrow. They had been blinded by greed, their hearts hardened by avarice. But the most hateful of them all was undoubtedly Rong Qikeng. These young men dared to do such things because they were seduced and tempted by Rong Qikeng, the head of the family. Otherwise, without the head's promise, who would be foolish enough to act in this manner

Rong Qi-keng, you've caused a lot of harm!

I, a well-behaved and good son, have been corrupted by you! You, who are still in your position of power, haven't matured yet. If you grow any further, you will harm countless people and ruin countless family legacies!

The several uncles and elder generations present, all with faces that were quite unsightly.

The biggest beneficiary of this coup d'état, and the one chosen by Rong Qikeng to replace Rong Sanbo as the head of the dark forces in the future, is General Rong Feiyuan. Because of his important position and the current tense international situation and the confusing situation in the South China Sea, he has been living in the military recently and rarely returns home. He is therefore unable to attend this meeting.

This is barely escaping for now, not having to face the same humiliation as Rong Qikeng currently is, accepting so much contempt and blame from so many people.

In this air-conditioned, temperature-controlled conference room, Rong Qi already had beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. His usually handsome face was now pale and ashen, almost like a drowned man pulled out of the water. It gave people an unsettling feeling just looking at him.

In this process of uncovering the evidence, Rong Qikeng essentially lost the power of language. Because with irrefutable evidence, whatever he said was pointless and could even lead to more mistakes. He maintained the last shred of pride as a homeowner, standing tall, but inside, he was crumbling.

He knew he was done for!

"Now, this matter has been proven to have nothing to do with Rong Ling. It was all due to Rong Qikeng's instructions. Because his actions were too vicious and the consequences were too serious, I think Rong Qikeng has already lost his qualifications as the head of the family!"

Rung four finally uttered these words.

This is the sentence given to Rong Qi Keng!

Yong Qi Keng finally couldn't hold it in any longer. His face twisted heavily, and his tall figure trembled slightly, like autumn leaves about to fall in a cold wind.

But, no one pitied him.

He's playing a dangerous game doing this, and he should be prepared to face the consequences.

Rong Si showed no sympathy for Rong Qi, his emotionless gaze only glanced at him for a moment before quickly shifting away, as if he were just an insignificant passerby. He then briefly glanced at the people seated below, quickly taking in their expressions, finally fixing his gaze entirely on Rong Ling. It seemed, his words were meant solely for Rong Ling.

Rong Ling sneered in her heart, "Old geezer," and stood up.

Now that everything has been explained, I have nothing more to do here. I'll be taking my leave!

He certainly wasn't going to stay and get involved in the mess with the Rong family. He didn't want to take on this headache at this time, working hard for nothing. Rong Si Bo made such a big show of support, standing up for him in front of so many people, giving him face, and then dropping such heavy hints. He must have had some ulterior motive. This Rong family patriarch has been through decades of chaos, each one as cunning as an old fox. Besides, the way others looked at him with hopeful eyes, he would not be swayed by them. He had said it before, once he left, he wouldn't be coming back!

You are also a member of the Rong family, come and listen.

Rong Qiubo took the lead in speaking, trying to persuade them to stay.

Feng Ling's footsteps didn't stop, he only coldly and distantly threw out a sentence --


Make a quick exit!

None dare to resist!

No one dares to stop!

Full of domineering presence!

Rong Qi sighed inwardly.

A dragon diving into the sea, where could shallows possibly contain it Good night!

Many people's eyes, a little dimmed, held an indescribable disappointment and loss.


Ps: Highly recommend my friend's work "Entangled", a modern urban fiction piece, ranked on the Xiao Xiang subscription list. It's a must-read!

He and she, every night entwined, yet there was only the physical union, no promise of love; she bore his child, gave him her heart, wanting to be his wife, to love him for life, but he said, she wasn't worthy!orld...In his mind, thoughts were racing like wild horses unleashed, when a deep, resonant melody suddenly filled the air. This jarring intrusion into the stillness startled him, causing him to flinch...