<<Tang Jia San works

No matter who she is, I love her


e had a vague feeling that if he could meditate and cultivate here, the effect would be much better than in the dormitory. He had already verified this when he was at his home in Aolei City. And compa...Blood Nine said angrily: "What are you afraid of However, when the time comes, I really can't show mercy to you.

Then, we'll still fight in the virtual realm, so as to prevent things from getting out of hand. 。" As a member of the Blood God Camp, this former Blood Nine possessed unwavering combat spirit. Instead of being disheartened by Tang Wulin's increased strength, it fueled his competitive fire even further. " 。"Good 。Tang Wulin nodded in agreement. 。After leaving the Blood God Camp, I rushed to the rest area. 。Far away, Tang Wulin saw Long Yuxue. She was sitting in the corner of a coffee shop, holding a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. 。To his surprise, Long Yuxue wasn't wearing her military uniform today. 。She was wearing a high-necked white sweater and her long hair was tied up in a ponytail behind her head, giving her a fresh and casual look. 。From the side, one could see her beautiful features. Her long eyelashes fluttered gently. 。Compared to her of old, she has lost some of her spirit but gained a touch more grace. 。Tang Wulin quickly walked to her face and sat down. 。Long Yu Xue put on a light touch of makeup, making her look even more beautiful. 。"Here" "Well, here." 。"What's wrong" Tang Wulin asked. 。"What would you like to drink" Long Yuxue asked, but her words were evasive, and her eyes flickered slightly. 。Tang Wulin asked the waiter for a black coffee. He had never liked drinking milk since he was a child, so he didn't like to add anything else to his coffee either. 。Soon, a cup of fragrant coffee was served before him. 。While some were curious about Long Yuxue's obviously unusual mood today, Tang Wulin didn't press further. He took a sip of the richly aromatic coffee, its warm, slightly bitter scent spreading throughout his body, soothing his nerves. 。"Wulin, Jiang May said, he said that you already have a girlfriend Is it true" Long Yuxue suddenly raised her head and looked at Tang Wulin directly. 。Tang Wulin was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Look, I'm so handsome, isn't it normal to have a girlfriend What's the matter"Yes! He is so excellent, isn't it normal to have a girlfriend Long Yuxue knew that in the army, almost every female officer who had seen him had a good impression of him, and there were quite a few who had wishful thinking. 。The only reason is that he is very low-key and rarely appears in the resting area or before them, which hasn't given them more opportunities to interact. 。"Do you like her very much What is she like" Long Yuxue asked. 。Tang Wulin lightly nodded, "Yeah! I really like her" 。What kind of person is she To be honest, I don't know either. 。When I first met her, she always took the initiative to get close to me. At that time, I didn't understand why. 。Gradually, this closeness became a habit. We were classmates, practicing together every day, and we could see each other every day. 。Over time, feelings gradually began to develop. 。"One day, for some reason, she suddenly started distancing herself from me. 。I don't understand why this is. 。But whenever important moments came, she would always appear before me, even risking her life to protect me. 。"Back then we were all still young, I didn't know what kind of feeling this was." 。But I know, in my life, I can't live without her anymore. 。She had already, unconsciously, become the most important part of my life, inseparable. 。"We've been through so many hardships together, we've separated, I couldn't find her. " 。When I faced life and death, she returned to my side again, shielding me with her body. 。She is complicated, I can't see clearly, so I don't know what kind of person she is. But I do know one thing, she loves me, and I love her. That's enough. 。No matter who she is, I love her. 。No matter who she is, I love her. 。Nine simple words, spoken softly by Tang Wulin, seemed to be brimming with earth-shattering love. 。Although Long Yuxue still held a sliver of hope in her heart, at this moment, her pretty face turned as pale as death. 。Tang Wulin seemed to not see it, taking a sip of coffee, "I like everything about her, I just want to become stronger, so that I can better protect her in the future, instead of letting her protect me. " 。"Yu Xue, are you listening to me" "Ah! Yes..." 。Long Yuxue nodded with some difficulty. 。Long Yuxue shook her head vigorously, then stood up, "No, no, it's nothing." 。I suddenly remembered that there are still some things to deal with at the Special Operations Unit, I'll go first. 。After she finished speaking, she dashed away as if fleeing. 。Tang Wulin didn't look at her leaving figure, he just silently lowered his head and drank the black coffee in his hand. 。"Damn it! How could you do this to her" Suddenly, a big hand grabbed his collar and yanked him up from the chair. 。Looking at Jiang Wuyue, who was tall and imposing before him, yet furious like a raging lion, Tang Wulin's gaze was unusually clear. 。It's because I don't want her to get hurt in the future that I have to tell her the truth. 。I can't influence who she likes, but I at least have to tell her who I like. 。You don't understand the saying, "It's better to endure a short pain than a long one," do you Do you still want to try and matchmake us

Jiang Wu Yue sat there dumbfounded, instinctively letting go of Tang Wulin's hand. He slumped down in the seat where Long Yu Xue had been sitting earlier, burying his head in his hands and mumbling, "She likes you, I know that..." 。Even if I told her you already have a girlfriend, she would still like you. 。Tang Wulin sighed, “That's why I want her to understand that it's impossible for us! It's better to suffer a short pain than a long one.” 。“ Sorry, I just got carried away. It’s just that, I can't stand to see her in pain. ” 。"Do you really think there's no chance at all between you two"

Tang Wulin picked up his coffee cup. "Every person's heart, is like a cup, its capacity is finite after all" 。And my cup, was already full. 。It can't hold even a single drop anymore. 。“What’s with all the flowery language Just say no if that’s what you mean!” Jiang Wuyue said, her voice laced with annoyance. Tang Wulin rolled his eyes. “Come on, this is your chance to show yourself. Don't waste time here with me! Yuxue is a good girl, give it your best shot.” 。"

Jiang Wu Yue hesitated, "Should I go after him Is that okay"

Tang Wu Lin said speechless, "If you go after him, there's a sliver of a chance, if you don't, there's none at all. Whether you go or not is up to you."

"You seem to know a lot about this," Jiang Wu Yi said, looking at him with hesitation. "Have you had many girlfriends before" Tang Wulin's body stiffened. "Well, I do have a girlfriend already..." 。This is a talent, and it has nothing to do with how many girlfriends you've had. 。"Alright, I'll go!" Watching Jiang Wu Yue stand up as if he were going to his execution and stride away. 。Tang Wulin couldn't help but smile wryly. With his current abilities, trying to catch up to Long Yuxue wouldn't be an easy feat at all. 。After finishing his cup of coffee, Tang Wulin's heart gradually calmed down. In fact, before he came today, he had a premonition that Long Yu Xue was going to tell him something. He had already made up his mind in his heart that he couldn't delay any longer. It's better to get it over with than to suffer for a long time. It's better to be clear. 。At this moment, he felt much lighter in his heart, with fewer worries. 。He stood up, stretched his muscles, paid the karma points for the coffee, and walked out of the rest area. 。Instead of returning to the dormitory, he strode towards the highest point of the Blood God Legion's camp. 。The biting wind, whipped up by the extreme cold and mountain winds, felt like ice knives against the skin. An ordinary person would be frozen solid in just a few moments. 。And Tang Wulin felt only a refreshing coolness in this icy world, inexplicably comfortable. 。Please give me your monthly tickets and recommendations. 。

420/9488431esterday's punch.Tang Wulin gritted his teeth, the stubbornness in his heart refusing to give up.At that moment, a sudden searing pain in his shoulder erupted like fire through his body. A wave of int...