<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 1,155: The Majestic Dharma Blade


all feel that some students, especially those led by the five members of the Youth Genius List, were deliberately isolating them. 。Since that day, when he and Gu Yue decided to use the spirit-infused...After Sima Jinchi's Zhanlong Saber clashed with Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Spear, their power surged forward at an astonishing rate, advancing by leaps and bounds. 。He's making progress every day, but his Zhanyong Sword and Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Spear seem to be getting more and more in sync. 。Facing the Dragon Slashing Saber, a terrifying blade imbued with the power of a dragon, Tang Wulin remained unfazed. His eyes suddenly blazed bright, and a thunderous roar erupted from his mouth. 。"Roar!" A gigantic golden dragon head appeared with a fierce roar, as if he himself had transformed into a golden dragon. The force of the golden dragon's roar and its majesty merged together in an instant, causing the hundred-meter blade glow to shrink by half. 。Immediately following, a golden ray shot across the sky, swift like a startled rainbow, agile like a dragon dancing in lightning. 。In an instant, hundreds of brilliant golden lights merged into one. The pitch-black blade retracted inwards, clashing fiercely with the golden spearlight. 。A sharp, crisp "ding" 。The deafening dragon roar unleashed a powerful energy storm across the martial arts arena. 。The thousand-pointing fingers had long since been perfectly applied by Tang Wulin. As early as the end of the Star Dou Arena, Tang Wulin had already grasped a hint of the realm of Gun Soul. 。Accompanied by the powerful individuals of the Great War Abyss plane, under the empowerment of Douluo Continent's dimensional power, he already possessed a Gun Soul. This enabled him to create the King's Path and wager everything on his two divine techniques. 。After several months of sparring with Aru Heng and Sima Jin Chi, his marksmanship had become as profound as ever, his gun soul solidified. 。 He could wield it with ease, as if it were an extension of himself. While his aura wasn't as terrifying as when Old Tang had first taught him, capable of piercing through the very fabric of reality, it was still undoubtedly a true manifestation of mastery. 。A golden light pierced through, stabbing into the black blade's glow. The Zhàn Lóng Dao buzzed incessantly, and the massive black dragon that had merged with its body was directly shaken by the thousand-man soul spear, threatening to separate from the Zhàn Lóng Dao. 。At that moment, suddenly, the black dragon's blood-red eyes turned golden, and the aura of the Dragon Slaying Sword changed instantly. 。The artifact, which had once reeked of blood and malice, suddenly became tranquil. The previous malice dissipated instantly, replaced by an indescribable sense of supreme majesty. 。Tang Wulin and Sima Jinchi both shuddered, Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Spear let out a loud, joyous buzzing sound, truly transforming into a golden dragon that swirled around the suspended Dragon Slayer blade. 。And the surface of the Zhulong Blade, all the light suddenly dissipated, transforming into a piercing golden ray that shot straight up into the sky. 。The blade grew larger once more, and a strange sight appeared before Tang Wulin and Sima Jinchi. 。It was a gigantic dragon, radiating with an aura of nine colors. Its immense pressure made both Tang Wulin and Sima Jinchi feel suffocated. 。 Sima Jinchi nearly instantly knelt on the ground, while Tang Wulin remained standing there. Besides the immense pressure, he also felt an indescribable sense of kinship. 。With my horn, I shall become the blade of justice. 。 。The Dragon Slayer's blade, complete today! Let us offer heaven and earth as tribute, and cleave open the heavens and earth!"A colossal nine-colored dragon suddenly shrank, transforming into a figure clad in a robe of nine colors, their features obscured. The golden giant blade landed in his palm, then slashed abruptly toward the sky. 。A golden beam shot into the sky, in an instant, the sky split in two, one half was filled with the sun, moon, and stars, the other half was dark and lifeless. 。In an instant, countless dragon roars echoed throughout the heavens and earth, as if thousands of gigantic dragons were reverently worshipping. 。"Dragon Horn becomes a knife, the source of law! Ten thousand dragons submit!" "Dragon God, you are too arrogant! To slay Heaven is to break the divine realm, isn't it" A sharp voice suddenly rose from all directions 。Then, a patch of emerald light appeared in the void, not far from the nine-colored figure. 。The voice was shrill, grating on the ears unpleasantly. 。"This is a matter for my Dragon Clan. What business is it of yours" The Dragon God said coldly. 。The emerald glow chuckled, "Although you are the Dragon Clan's master, you are also the Divine Realm's venerated beast." 。You created a divine artifact, with dragon horns that can regrow. There are many after you in the divine realm, but wanting to leave the divine realm is impossible The Divine Council sent me here to warn you to restrain yourself. 。" The dragon god let out a hearty laugh, "I am the master of all beasts, the king of divine beasts. What are you, that you dare point fingers at me" 。Any instructions the council may have, all the divine kings will naturally discuss with me. It's not your turn, you little upstart, to be shouting in front of me. 。"If you do not leave, I shall sacrifice your blood to my divine blade!" "Bold words, Dragon God. Do not regret them." 。I come as a representative of the Divine Council. > 。When did the Heavenly Council dispatch these divine decrees to me Which time wasn't a personal communication between the Divine King and myself 。The Gods and my divine beasts have always lived in harmony. What makes you, a mere night demon, think you can provoke us here 。"Roll!" The dragon god roared, and the dark green light seemed to have encountered something terrifyingly powerful. In an instant, it transformed into a streak of green light and vanished. 。The Dragon God raised his golden giant sword, “All evil, all falsehoods, all disloyalty shall be cut down!” 。The nine-colored figure suddenly grew larger, seeming to stretch from heaven to earth. The golden giant sword in its hand was radiant with light, transforming into endless splendor. 。Tang Wulin was shocked, looking at this scene. There was no doubt that this was a secret of the Dragon Clan, and even more so, a glimpse of the scene when the Dragon Slaying Saber was forged. 。When that nine-colored figure finally supported the heavens and earth, Tang Wulin suddenly discovered that he could see the other's eyes. 。The dragon god's eyes were crystal clear, without a speck of impurity. They contained nine-colored divine light, encompassing all things. 。

Amazing! So powerful!

The Dragon God seemed to glance at him meaningfully. All the light and shadow suddenly shattered, completely merging into that golden giant sword.

Just then, Sima Jinchi, who had been prostrate in submission, suddenly raised his body and let out a long, earth-shattering roar. 。Rays of golden light suddenly burst from within him, their brilliant radiance shattering through his skin and seven orifices. In this instant, his entire body seemed to disintegrate. 。The skin constantly sheds, clothes turning into a fine powder. 。Only a body, completely rendered in burnished gold, remained. 。In the next instant, a golden light flashed, and he shot up into the air. 。In mid-air, the dragon god's figure disappeared, and the scene of tens of thousands of dragons bowing in worship vanished. 。All that remained was the golden figure soaring into the sky, merging with the enormous golden dragon-slaying blade. 。The entire martial arts arena was suddenly bathed in a golden light, as if a golden sun had appeared out of nowhere. 。And under that golden light, Tang Wulin could clearly feel that there seemed to be something more inside his body. 。The Golden Dragon Spear vibrated ceaselessly, emitting a humming sound like the mournful cries of sorrow and the jubilant cheers of joy. 。Complex emotions also colored Tang Wulin's mood. 。

He suddenly had a realization. The war between the Dragon God leading the divine beasts and the gods of the celestial realm, back then, probably wasn't as simple as he thought.

It is possible that some unknown things have happened. 。Otherwise, why would divine beasts go against the entire celestial realm To the point that the lineage of divine beasts was completely wiped out in the end 。How much is hidden within this Arhu Heng had long since gone blind, what he saw was not the same as Tang Wulin saw. He did not see the moment when the Dragon God appeared, he only saw after Tang Wulin and Sima Jinchi collided, that dazzling golden light exploded, the Zhanlong Sword enlarged in mid-air, and then Sima Jinchi's body was blasted out by the golden light, transforming into a golden figure ascending to heaven, merging with the Zhanlong Sword as one. 。There is no doubt that this is a sign of a breakthrough. 。But he had never heard of a soul master encountering such a situation during their breakthrough. 。It feels like Sima Jinchi sacrificed himself to make the Dragon Slayer Knife complete. 。Welcome everyone to join our Tangmen WeChat platform. Joining is very simple, on WeChat, click the plus sign in the upper right corner, add friends, search for the public account, the one with V certification is ours 。 420/11,531,920 。acted the attention of all of them. 。"When will I be full eating this" Tang Wulin looked at the high table in front of him with a worried expression. 。On a high stool, there was a plate of appetizer...