<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 1325: The Head of the Tang Sect Remains


e Linghai Realm can even support a Soul Master in continuing their cultivation to the sixth or even seventh Heaven Realm. It is an essential path for powerful Soul Masters.Silence. Everyone was in a s...As the Tang Sect's vehicles gradually entered the main street and headed towards the stadium, Tang Wulin realized that the traffic congestion was significantly worse today compared to yesterday. 。The flow of people on the street had visibly increased, especially when their vehicles appeared. Immediately, a large crowd gathered around them, as if everyone wanted to get a closer look and see for themselves the true face of this head of the Tang Sect. 。Among them, the number of women was significantly higher, and some held banners with his name on them. 。Tang Wulin also saw some strange banners, such as: "The Tang Sect belongs to Star Luo", "The Tang Sect master has left behind" 。When he saw such a banner, a warmth welled up in his heart, and he felt even more touched by the cuteness of the people of the Stellar Emperor's Nation. 。Compared to the Douluo Federation's rejection of the Tang Sect, here, it feels more like home. 。When will it be possible for the Federal Alliance to achieve such a state Then, even if the Tang Sect were to rebuild and become glorious again. 。That day will surely come. 。Smiling, Shrek said to the Sect Master beside him, "Sect Master, you seem very popular! Yesterday it was a battle in armor, but today, I'm afraid you'll be even more popular." 。"

Tang Wulin couldn't help but smile wryly, "Today's battle, I have no guarantee of victory. If I lose, I don't know if their attitude will change." 。"Don't put so much pressure on yourself," Xiao Mian Dou Luo smiled and said. 。Yesterday's victory stunned many. 。If one were to win every day, I'm afraid even Your Majesty would find it hard to sit still. 。With yesterday's performance, you've proven at least that you're the Empire's best mech pilot. Isn't that enough for someone your age You've already protected Tangmen's honor. 。Let go and give it your all. I think, from now on, you can already try to enjoy this Five Gods' Tournament. 。I understand your situation. You mainly hope to improve yourself through this training, and I think that's very correct. 。Since that's the case, we shouldn't focus too much on winning or losing. It's enough to give our best and continuously improve ourselves under the pressure brought by our opponents. 。" "Hmm" 。Tang Wulin nodded, his heart calmed a few points by Douluo's words. 。Enjoy the game, enjoy this peak showdown of the Five Gods' duel. 。Perhaps, after the Five Gods' Decision, this will be another transformation for me. 。With an official vehicle leading the way, we finally arrived at the Imperial Stadium. 。The moment Tang Wulin stepped off the carriage, screams, cheers, and some dismissive jeers rose and fell in a cacophony. 。But at least, he's gained some heat. 。Tang Wulin didn't walk directly into the stadium, but instead turned around and faced the crowd gathered around him, those who didn't know if they had tickets but all came to see him with a slight bow. "Thank you for your attention" 。“ A simple and peaceful sentence, yet it instantly silenced the noise in the room. Almost everyone felt that the voice seemed to echo deep within their minds. ” 。That feeling was very strange, making them feel as if their souls suddenly calmed down, and their brains were washed by warm water, an indescribable sense of constraint. 。Whether it's excitement or irritability, at this moment I only feel a sense of calmness, an unprecedented feeling of comfort spreading throughout my body. 。Their eyes unconsciously focused on Tang Wulin, gazing at his handsome features and listening to the echo of his previous words in their minds. For a moment, the way everyone looked at him subtly shifted. 。This is just a small application of mental power, but for ordinary people, it has the effect of cleansing the mind. It can make their body and mind healthier, especially for those with anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder, it will have very good effects. 。Tang Wulin infused his spirit power into the sound waves as he uttered these words, simply to give something back to the audience present. 。Whether people like him or hate him, it doesn't matter. 。Everyone has their own different stance, but Tang Wulin is more willing to believe in the inherent goodness of humanity. 。After bowing once more, he then walked towards the gymnasium. 。Only then did the people, who had just calmed down, begin to react. 。"What just happened I think I heard the Tang Sect Master speaking to me. Why is his voice so nice, it felt like my heart softened all of a sudden." 。He's so handsome! Even handsomer than on TV. 。His voice is so good, I think... I'm falling for him. 。" Where's the bull Where's that guy who just sold me the tickets I accept your price, give me the tickets. " 。Hurry up. 。"I'm not selling. I want to watch Tang Menzhu's competition myself." 。Hearing his voice felt so good. How could I possibly make money off of such amazing game tickets 。Sorry everyone, I'm going to go check it out. 。If I miss this competition, I believe it will make me regret it for the rest of my life. 。"

I shouldn't have scolded him just now. The head of the Tang Sect only came to be friendly with our Star Luo. This Five God's Decision is just a friendly sparring match. " 。Regardless of who ultimately won, we could all see a great match. 。" Old Zhang, you didn't say it that way before. " 。When we were drinking yesterday, you were still furious. You said that as a great nation like ours, how could we possibly lose to a mere sect 。"Have I said that before I don't remember." 。I don't know why, but after just seeing the Head of Tang Sect a moment ago, all my previous displeasure towards him seemed to vanish. My heart is now filled with tranquility. 。" Didn't you hear the head of the Tang Sect's voice too We're so far away, why can we hear it so clearly It sounded like his voice was echoing right in my ear just now. " 。"What a wonderful feeling!" "This is what true strength is all about. Only those with immense power can achieve such feats." 。The changes caused by Tang Wulin's greeting were quickly spread, and the crowd who came here today just to see him, after the incident, obviously exaggerated the effect of Tang Wulin's thanks. 。Many people even claimed to be Chen Ke's cure, and for a time, it was the talk of the town. 。Entering the rest room, Tang Wulin's heart also gradually calmed down. His thoughts shifted as he silently went over his battle plan for today once more in his mind. 。He was fully prepared. With his physical condition, yesterday's mech battle wasn't enough to put any strain on him at all. Today, he is still in peak condition. 。Half an hour before the game, the stadium was packed. 。The lively scene inside the hall surprised even Emperor Taitianling of the Empire as he stepped onto the platform. 。Such a scene is generally only seen at the final matches of major events held in the empire. 。It seems like yesterday's exciting match left a deep impression on the audience!The Dean of Monster Academy, Mercy, was the one who walked onto the stage with him. The dean's expression was calm and showed no noticeable changes in emotion. 。"Teacher, in today's competition, how many points do you think Tang Wulin has of winning" Dai Tianling asked En Ci. 。Yesterday, he also asked the same question. At that time, En Ci's answer was 30%, but in the end, it was Tang Wulin who won. This really slapped Extreme Douluo in the face, making him lose face. 。Kindness smiled faintly, "Today In my opinion, he has at most a 20% chance." 。Souls and mechs are different. At least on the surface, mechs are equal, and yesterday his mech had a certain advantage. The mech built from Soul Forging metal actually outperformed the Despair Reaper during the battle in terms of quality. 。Why does someone come to show off their SSR pulls every day I can't even get one! Why am I so unlucky Where is my accumulated good karma from writing for thirteen and a half years! Everyone, download it at lw.0708., or search "Dragon King Legend Mobile Game Official Website". You can also download it in the WeChat public account "Tang Jia San Shao". 。 .

420/15746854f sanctity. 。Each sacred rune was engraved on the battle armor, making it appear heavier than its usual form. The patterns were also more elaborate and exquisite. 。A pair of wings were completely cov...